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Tesla microfilm letters

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  • Great thanks to everyone involved in this Tesla letter project!

    It is an astounding revelation to see what obstacles were dropped in Tesla's way as he tried to realize his goal of providing every human with free energy. Obstacles placed with no motive other than greed. It is amazing to see, in these letters, how shamelessly he was screwed over by liars and thieves. I firmly believe that there is justice in this universe, and the villains who abused Tesla will really not enjoy their karma when it falls upon them.

    There is much of historical importance in these letters.

    Last edited by CANGAS; 03-25-2016, 12:48 PM.


    • Originally posted by CANGAS View Post
      Great thanks to everyone involved in this Tesla letter project!

      It is an astounding revelation to see what obstacles were dropped in Tesla's way as he tried to realize his goal of providing every human with free energy. Obstacles placed with no motive other than greed. It is amazing to see, in these letters, how shamelessly he was screwed over by liars and thieves. I firmly believe that there is justice in this universe, and the villains who abused Tesla will really not enjoy their karma when it falls upon them.

      There is much of historical importance in these letters.

      What I don't understand here is: If you understand the importance and the immense value of this project, why not participate and just post this silly post?
      Don't get me wrong, the things you say here aren't silly in themselves, it is the combination with your non-contributing that makes it silly. It is SO EASY to make a contribution in this thread, and yet almost no one does.



      • Hi cangas,

        Thanks for the moral support. Since I started transcription of the correspondence, I've learn a lot about Mr. Tesla and I do hope others will benefit from it.

        There is a lot still left to be done; transcription of most of the hand written letters, formatting not completed (that's Ernst contribution) and then corrections and finally proofreading of everything done.

        I hope a few join in before the conclusion of the work, as everyone will benefit from at least the search option now possible, .

        Hi ernst,

        I guess you are very busy with your other projects, hang in there as you can only benefit from that work. I'm on the Easter break now and will resume work on the archive by the end of next week.

        I received my hive Friday and got to get everything ready for my new hobby. The snow is almost all gone and it is getting a little warmer so that means the bee nucleus will arrive early and I have to be done with the preparations.

        So take care and good luck,

        Last edited by Michelinho; 03-26-2016, 09:09 PM. Reason: corrections


        • Originally posted by Ernst View Post
          What I don't understand here is: If you understand the importance and the immense value of this project, why not participate and just post this silly post?
          Don't get me wrong, the things you say here aren't silly in themselves, it is the combination with your non-contributing that makes it silly. It is SO EASY to make a contribution in this thread, and yet almost no one does.


          Dear Ernst, if it gives you any solace, I reveal to you that I have read a number of your posts re other subjects in other threads, and been much impressed by the silliness you have managed to pack into them. It is obvious that there is more than ONE thing that you do not understand.

          Rest assured that I have been earnestly working toward the goal of eventually providing free energy to all of humanity for about 25 years now, with only limited failure. That is, my failure rate has NOT been 100% though it is important for now for me to be non-specific and passive about it all. And if I want to speak of including initial lackadaisical effort, beginning about 45 years now.

          When there is time for counting, when the game is done, perhaps I will compare my efforts and accomplishments with yours and we and many others will see who really is the silly one.

          Your admiringand loving friend
          Last edited by CANGAS; 03-28-2016, 11:02 AM.


          • Originally posted by Michelinho View Post
            Hi cangas,

            Thanks for the moral support. Since I started transcription of the correspondence, I've learn a lot about Mr. Tesla and I do hope others will benefit from it.

            There is a lot still left to be done; transcription of most of the hand written letters, formatting not completed (that's Ernst contribution) and then corrections and finally proofreading of everything done.

            I hope a few join in before the conclusion of the work, as everyone will benefit from at least the search option now possible, .

            Hi ernst,

            I guess you are very busy with your other projects, hang in there as you can only benefit from that work. I'm on the Easter break now and will resume work on the archive by the end of next week.

            I received my hive Friday and got to get everything ready for my new hobby. The snow is almost all gone and it is getting a little warmer so that means the bee nucleus will arrive early and I have to be done with the preparations.

            So take care and good luck,

            Thank you for your response. I have indeed learned good information from this thread and am very appreciative. At times I have been desirous of joining your effort directly, but due to instability of my health have not wanted to commit to something I likely would not be able to fulfill.



            • Hi Ernst. I would like to offer some help in transcribing the letters. Is there a good place to start?



              • Sorry I have been absent. I am back out in the desert working on my house now. I do plan on spending the day at the coffee shop in town one of these days and work on some more.


                • Hi Dom,
                  Where to start? That depends on how many you plan to do. The S.Clemens folder contains only 3 letters, so that one is pretty easy to do. On the other end we have RU Johnson with almost 900 docs in 2 directories. RUJ also contains quite a lot of handwritten files to complicate matters. A relatively easy start could also be G Scherff (1), in that folder files 8-100 still have to be done, all typewrtter docs.
                  Michel has skipped many handwritten files, so there is another challenge...
                  So many choices...

                  Hi Jeff,
                  Don't worry about taking a break, or even stopping. All help is very much appreciated.
                  You have already done more than 99.9% of the forum members.



                  • RU Johnson(1) -0001

                    New York, Dec. 5, 1893

                    Mr. R.U. Johnson,
                    327 Lexington Avenue,
                    New York City, New York

                    Dear Mr. Johnson:

                    Please accept my thanks for your kind attention.

                    You will remember that I have a promise from Mrs. Johnson and yourself to give me one evening. When may I expect to have that pleasure?

                    Kindly answer.

                    Yours sincerely
                    Last edited by dominator9999; 04-02-2016, 09:49 PM. Reason: Added Date


                    • RU Johnson(1) -0002

                      New York, Dec. 7, 1893

                      Mr. R.U. Johnson, Esq.,
                      327 Lexington Avenue,
                      New York City, New York

                      Dear Mr. Johnson:

                      Your first letter reached me late this afternoon, and just now as I was about to write you, your second was handed to me.

                      Upon receipt of your first note I immediately secured the best seats I could get for Saturday. Nothing better than fifteenth row. Very sorry, we shall have to use telescopes. But I think this is better for Mrs. Johnson's vivid imagination.

                      Saturday is as convenient a day for me as Friday. I would have said so to you before yesterday but I implied you would prefer Friday.

                      I have made no arrangement whatever for dinner. If it is agreeable we shall go to Delmonico's, and I shall call on you any hour you may appoint.

                      In the anticipation of the pleasure

                      Yours sincerely


                      • Hi Ernst.

                        I decided to start on the RU Johnson(1) directory. I have only a limited amount of time to help but I will continue to help until no more help is needed.



                        • Hi Ernst, Jeff and Dom,

                          I still have a few things to do around the house but should be back to do those I skipped in a couple of days.

                          Thanks Dom and Jeff, your help is much appreciated.



                          • Hi Dom,
                            We need all the help we can get and very much appreciate any help, even if it is only one letter!
                            Jeff & Michel,
                            I too have been very busy lately, and just returned from Europe. The formatting and QA work is piling up, which is both a good thing (transcriptions are getting done) and a bad thing (my work still has to get done, one way or another).
                            Anyway, as long as we are work is getting done, it will eventually get completed.



                            • G. Scherff 1 #0009-0010-0011-0012-0013-0014-0015

                              G Scherff 1 #0009

                              New York, May 19th, 1899.
                              #46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                              Mr. Nikola Tesla
                              Colorado Springs, Colo.

                              Dear Mr. Tesla:

                              Your four dispatches have been received. In answer to one of them I have telegraphed that the cables around the room are 162 feet long each. Pursuant to your order contained in the last oneI give herewith an account of the present state of the work and shall make a report every day.

                              The apparatus has been returned from Chicago in good condition, the boat is set up in the laboratory and Willy has put it in perfect working order. He is now reparing and packing up the break, he wishes to know if the small Crocker-Wheller motor which drives the disk will have to be shipped to Colorado. The jars have been cleaned and are ready for shipment; one and a half dozen extra bottles are now being ground.

                              Mr. Ulman says the resistance will be finished to-day and the condenser will be completed about next Tuesday. He is also sending, under separate cover, three sketches of an oscillator, on which he wishes to get your opinion.

                              Is the apparatus to be shipped by freight or express? I have inquired by telephone this morning about the charges, and ...

                              __________________________________________________ _________________

                              G Scherff 1 #0010

                              ... ascertain that by freight it will cost $2.20 per hundred pounds to send the apparatus to Colorado Springs. And it will take from five to eight days to get there; the express rate is $8.50 per hundred pounds and the trip will last three days. Perhaps we might ship the heavy apparatus, such as condensers, transformer, etc., immediately by freight train, and the more delicate machinery by express as soon as it is ready?

                              Very few letters have been received so far, none of them of importance. I inclose two.


                              George Scherff.

                              __________________________________________________ _________________

                              G Scherff 1 #0011

                              The Alta Vista
                              H. --- Stevens Owner & Proprietor.

                              Colorado Springs, Colo., May 19 1899.

                              Dear Mr. Scherff,

                              Following items occur to me as the moment of wishing.

                              Layer cables, two around room and one taken down from the roof. --- small pieces all of long cable.

                              Wire received from --- people. Rubber and --- --- --- --- find for connection.

                              Apparatus --- --- of room completed. The --- ought to have --- and ---. Take every --- took off ...

                              __________________________________________________ _________________

                              G Scherff 1 #0012

                              ... --- --- and platinum wire--- he --- --- --- old ones and up.

                              --- for following jars

                              Large transformer (--- one which --- not --- ---) this carefully packed.

                              A number of coils --- of --- --- and pipes --- he and --- ---.

                              A number of --- ---.

                              Cables and --- wire ship by express as soon as possible and --- --- --- gentlemen (American Express Co.) to do everything for ---.

                              Yours sincerely,

                              N. Tesla.

                              __________________________________________________ _________________

                              G Scherff 1 #0013

                              The Alta Vista
                              H. --- Stevens Owner & Proprietor.

                              Colorado Springs, Colo., May 19 1899.

                              Dear Mr. Scherff,

                              Following items have occurred to me --- working.

                              Large relays to be wounded in --- --- --- to be ---.

                              Condenser in --- to be ---.

                              --- --- --- pushed forward ( I have little hope from the balloons as it is very windy here).

                              --- relays ( the one we used on the boat before) should be ...

                              __________________________________________________ _________________

                              G Scherff 1 #0014

                              ... mounted on small plate of ebonite with four terminals --- --- --- leg of ---.

                              The drums for winding --- --- for balloons --- Aluminum one --- --- Mr. Loewenstein --- ---.

                              The --- large --- --- --- sections --- were on the large old condenser --- should be mounted on a board --- --- out of the --- of --- --- --- --- --- should be prepared --- --- --- the request.

                              More to follow
                              N. Tesla.

                              __________________________________________________ _________________

                              G Scherff 1 #0015

                              New York, May 20th, 1899.
                              46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                              Mr. Nikola Tesla,
                              Colorado Springs, Colo.

                              Dear Mr. Tesla:

                              I am sorry I cannot add much to my report of yesterday.

                              The sketches mentioned were not quite ready last night and could only be mailed this morning. The work on the condenser is being pushed. Mr. Clark is milling down the teeth of the disk for the break, and Mr. Czito is fixing up the bearings. Willy has finished grinding out the necks of the bottles and is now making salt solution.

                              The rubber solution for the balloons seems to work better than the first; a few more coats of it will probably make them tight.


                              Geo Scherff.

                              __________________________________________________ _________________


                              • G Scherff 1 #0016-0017-0018-0019-0020

                                G Scherff 1 #0016

                                Colo. Springs May --- 1899.

                                Dear Mr. Scherff

                                I have received the letter and sketches of Mr. Ulman: also report of Mr. Loewenstein. You ought to have --- me --- money rather.

                                Please tell Mr. Ulman that none of the modifications proposed is suitable. The trouble arises from the fact that the base is too high and the oil level is not enough below the top of the shaft. Lengthening the shaft is not a good remedy. I believe the best is to lower the base and lengthen cores. The lengthening of cores will be of advantage any way. We get more ampere turns and better cooling. I have telegraphed instructions to this effect in regard to the independent break, and hope that Mr. ...

                                __________________________________________________ ___________________

                                G Scherff 1 #0017

                                ... Ulman has understood what I meant. He should go ahead and make modification in the design accordingly.

                                The present oscillator should, I believe, also be best modified in this way by lowering the top of base. This would necessitate a larger primary and the base would be somewhat longer, but it would not matter. Tell Mr. Ulman to look out that in this modified design the columns supporting rods come to the center. He should send sketch as soon as possible. I would also want him to modify the old large break, as I told him before going away. The top should be redesign, but the pump should remain as now, in the form of a screw.

                                G Scherff 1 #0018

                                May 21, 1899

                                Please tell Mr. Ulman that none of the modifications proposed is suitable. The trouble arises from the fact that the base is too high and the oil level is not enough below the top of the shaft. Lengthening the shaft is not a good remedy. I believe the best is to lower the base and lengthen cores. The lengthening of cores will be of advantage any way. We get more ampere turns and better cooling. I have telegraphed instructions to this effect in regard to the independent break, and hope that Mr. Ulman has understood what I meant. He should go ahead and make modification in the design accordingly.

                                The present oscillator should, I believe, also be best modified in this way by lowering the top of base. This would necessitate a larger primary and the base would be somewhat longer, but it would not matter. Tell Mr. Ulman to look out that in this modified design the columns supporting rods come to the center. He should send sketch as soon as possible. I would also want him to modify the old large break, as I told him before going away. The top should be redesign, but the pump should remain as now, in the form of a screw.

                                __________________________________________________ ___________________

                                G Scherff 1 #0019

                                New York, May 22nd, 1899.
                                46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                                Mr. Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                                Colorado Springs, Colo.

                                Dear Mr. Tesla:

                                Your two letters of May 19th have been received this morning.

                                The Okonite wire has already been shipped to-day per American Express Company. The cables around the room and the one from the roof will be sent off to-morrow; they are all ready, and we are only waiting for a large drum to wind them on, which the Okonite Company is sending.

                                All the other instructions are being carried out to the letter and as quickly as possible.

                                I regret to say that the balloons seems to be a failure after all. One of them has now twelve coats of varnish, but it is still impossible to fill it with air. The varnish remains sticky and comes off in patches. The varnisher is this evening trying spar varnish on a small piece of silk: I will communicate the result of the experiment to-morrow. If it is impossible to make the balloons useful, shall we send some kites? ...

                                __________________________________________________ ___________________

                                G Scherff 1 #0020

                                In view of the enormous expense of sending the heavy apparatus by express I hope to get further instructions in regard to this matter. The Merchants' Despatch Transportation Company guarantee to deliver the apparatus in five days, at $2.20 per hundred pounds.

                                May I ask for authority to sign orders, at least for Patterson, Goatfired and Hunter ?

                                I hope the Rocky Mountain climate is proving invigorating to you.


                                Geo. Scherff.

                                __________________________________________________ ___________________

