G Scherff 1 #0021-0022-0023-0024-0025
G Scherff 1 #0021
New York, May 23rd, 1899.
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
The large cable has been sent off to-day by the American Express Company.
Mr. Ulman says that all the apparatus which is to go to Colorado is nearing completion, and everything will be ready for shipment in two or three days. He also wishes me to state that he is working out the sketches for the constant overflow break.
The small piece of silk, on which the spar varnish was tried, seems very flexible, and it is not sticky like the rubber varnish. After consultation with Mr. Ulman and Mr. Loewenstein it has been decided to try it on the balloons to-morrow, and to fall back on kites as a last resort in case of failure.
I enclose a letter from Mr. Lagelouze, which was received this morning. I have written him that you were not in the City and that I had forwarded his letter to you.
Geo. Scherff.
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G Scherff 1 #0022
New York, May 25th, 1899.
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Mr. Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
I first wish to apologize for not sending a statement yesterday. The reason was that I felt ill and also that I desired to report on the shipping of the apparatus, as directed by your telegram of yesterday morning, but which could only be done to-day, as the large self induction coils were not quite ready yesterday.
Nearly all the apparatus was sent off this morning, as I have also telegraphed. The cables had already been shipped by the American Express Co., as directed in your letter of May 19th when I received your dispatch to “ship as suggested”. All that now remains to be forwarded is the measuring instruments, the large relay, three small relays, the condenser in sections, several switches, a number of coherers and the balloons. All this will follow by express as soon as it is ready, which Mr. Ulman says, will be very soon.
He also wishes me to state that he has changed the independent break in accordance with the instructions contained in your telegram of yesterday, that work on it has already been commenced ...
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G Scherff 1 #0023
... in the shop and that the drawing for castings have been sent to the pattern maker.
The work on the balloons is being pushed as rapidly as possible. The spar varnish is slow drying and they can, therefore, be varnished only in sections until they can be inflated. The parts which are dry seem to be perfectly tight.
Mr. Loewenstein leaves to-0morrow by way of the N. Y. Central. Not having power of attorney, I could not draw the money necessary for his trip from the Chatham National Bank. I thererfore called on Mr. Brown, as I understood you to say I should do in case your checks did not arrived in time, but I must have misunderstood, as Mr. Brown says your words to him were the opposite. So I will myself lay out the money, seventy-five dollars, for Mr. Loewenstein's expenses.
I send inclosed a contract of the N. Y. Telephone Company, which should be signed in the two places marked in pencil and returned before the first of June. I also forward Mr. Mercklings bill, as he has requested me to do, saying that he is greatly in need of money.
Geo. Scherff.
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G Scherff 1 #0024
New York, May 27, 1899.
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Mr. Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
I enclose copy of instructions received to-day, in order that I may refer to it in my letter.
Acting upon instructions in previous telegram, I immediately changed design as in accompanying sketch. Understanding that I should go ahead and have the independent break constructed, I accordingly have already had patterns of stationary shaft and base made. In letter received to-day I understand that it is desirable to lengthen shaft, yet it is not clear how I may remedy the oil trouble without doing so, unless by adopting a scheme of the kind suggested in previous sketch.
Would you kindly let me know whether I should continue work on independent break as shown in sketch; in meantime I will stop work on it and take up old large break. I will send you sketch of modified design of oscillator, embodying features of the independent break upon receiving your instructions.
Louis Uhlman
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G Scherff 1 #0025
New York, May 27th, 1899.
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
Your letter of May 24th was received this morning.
Mr. Uhlman is sending a sketch and writing himself about the work on the break. We expect to ship all the remaining apparatus by express on Monday, except the balloons, which must get another coat of varnish Monday morning. They will be alright.
In regard to the money matters I inclose a statement of the expenditure up to date. As I have had to pay cash for everything, the drain on the funds has been rather heavy. For that reason I asked in a previous letter for authority to sign orders to Patterson, Gottfried & Hunter.
The cash on hand when you left was $48.67. On May 15th I received a check of $250. per Willy. Of this I paid $179. in wages and the balance $71, I entered on the cash book. Of this I have on hand $12.77. As I had not the funds to pay the men to-day, I went again to the Chatham Bank, and the President, after showing him your telegram and proper identification by the Paying Teller, was kind enough to let me have $200. Of this I have paid $161. in wages, the balance, $39. I have entered in the cash book, so that ...
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G Scherff 1 #0021
New York, May 23rd, 1899.
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
The large cable has been sent off to-day by the American Express Company.
Mr. Ulman says that all the apparatus which is to go to Colorado is nearing completion, and everything will be ready for shipment in two or three days. He also wishes me to state that he is working out the sketches for the constant overflow break.
The small piece of silk, on which the spar varnish was tried, seems very flexible, and it is not sticky like the rubber varnish. After consultation with Mr. Ulman and Mr. Loewenstein it has been decided to try it on the balloons to-morrow, and to fall back on kites as a last resort in case of failure.
I enclose a letter from Mr. Lagelouze, which was received this morning. I have written him that you were not in the City and that I had forwarded his letter to you.
Geo. Scherff.
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G Scherff 1 #0022
New York, May 25th, 1899.
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Mr. Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
I first wish to apologize for not sending a statement yesterday. The reason was that I felt ill and also that I desired to report on the shipping of the apparatus, as directed by your telegram of yesterday morning, but which could only be done to-day, as the large self induction coils were not quite ready yesterday.
Nearly all the apparatus was sent off this morning, as I have also telegraphed. The cables had already been shipped by the American Express Co., as directed in your letter of May 19th when I received your dispatch to “ship as suggested”. All that now remains to be forwarded is the measuring instruments, the large relay, three small relays, the condenser in sections, several switches, a number of coherers and the balloons. All this will follow by express as soon as it is ready, which Mr. Ulman says, will be very soon.
He also wishes me to state that he has changed the independent break in accordance with the instructions contained in your telegram of yesterday, that work on it has already been commenced ...
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G Scherff 1 #0023
... in the shop and that the drawing for castings have been sent to the pattern maker.
The work on the balloons is being pushed as rapidly as possible. The spar varnish is slow drying and they can, therefore, be varnished only in sections until they can be inflated. The parts which are dry seem to be perfectly tight.
Mr. Loewenstein leaves to-0morrow by way of the N. Y. Central. Not having power of attorney, I could not draw the money necessary for his trip from the Chatham National Bank. I thererfore called on Mr. Brown, as I understood you to say I should do in case your checks did not arrived in time, but I must have misunderstood, as Mr. Brown says your words to him were the opposite. So I will myself lay out the money, seventy-five dollars, for Mr. Loewenstein's expenses.
I send inclosed a contract of the N. Y. Telephone Company, which should be signed in the two places marked in pencil and returned before the first of June. I also forward Mr. Mercklings bill, as he has requested me to do, saying that he is greatly in need of money.
Geo. Scherff.
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G Scherff 1 #0024
New York, May 27, 1899.
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Mr. Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
I enclose copy of instructions received to-day, in order that I may refer to it in my letter.
Acting upon instructions in previous telegram, I immediately changed design as in accompanying sketch. Understanding that I should go ahead and have the independent break constructed, I accordingly have already had patterns of stationary shaft and base made. In letter received to-day I understand that it is desirable to lengthen shaft, yet it is not clear how I may remedy the oil trouble without doing so, unless by adopting a scheme of the kind suggested in previous sketch.
Would you kindly let me know whether I should continue work on independent break as shown in sketch; in meantime I will stop work on it and take up old large break. I will send you sketch of modified design of oscillator, embodying features of the independent break upon receiving your instructions.
Louis Uhlman
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G Scherff 1 #0025
New York, May 27th, 1899.
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
Your letter of May 24th was received this morning.
Mr. Uhlman is sending a sketch and writing himself about the work on the break. We expect to ship all the remaining apparatus by express on Monday, except the balloons, which must get another coat of varnish Monday morning. They will be alright.
In regard to the money matters I inclose a statement of the expenditure up to date. As I have had to pay cash for everything, the drain on the funds has been rather heavy. For that reason I asked in a previous letter for authority to sign orders to Patterson, Gottfried & Hunter.
The cash on hand when you left was $48.67. On May 15th I received a check of $250. per Willy. Of this I paid $179. in wages and the balance $71, I entered on the cash book. Of this I have on hand $12.77. As I had not the funds to pay the men to-day, I went again to the Chatham Bank, and the President, after showing him your telegram and proper identification by the Paying Teller, was kind enough to let me have $200. Of this I have paid $161. in wages, the balance, $39. I have entered in the cash book, so that ...
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