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Tesla microfilm letters

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  • G Scherff 1 #0021-0022-0023-0024-0025

    G Scherff 1 #0021

    New York, May 23rd, 1899.
    46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

    Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
    Colorado Springs, Colo.

    Dear Mr. Tesla:

    The large cable has been sent off to-day by the American Express Company.

    Mr. Ulman says that all the apparatus which is to go to Colorado is nearing completion, and everything will be ready for shipment in two or three days. He also wishes me to state that he is working out the sketches for the constant overflow break.

    The small piece of silk, on which the spar varnish was tried, seems very flexible, and it is not sticky like the rubber varnish. After consultation with Mr. Ulman and Mr. Loewenstein it has been decided to try it on the balloons to-morrow, and to fall back on kites as a last resort in case of failure.

    I enclose a letter from Mr. Lagelouze, which was received this morning. I have written him that you were not in the City and that I had forwarded his letter to you.


    Geo. Scherff.

    __________________________________________________ ______________

    G Scherff 1 #0022

    New York, May 25th, 1899.
    46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

    Mr. Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
    Colorado Springs, Colo.

    Dear Mr. Tesla:

    I first wish to apologize for not sending a statement yesterday. The reason was that I felt ill and also that I desired to report on the shipping of the apparatus, as directed by your telegram of yesterday morning, but which could only be done to-day, as the large self induction coils were not quite ready yesterday.

    Nearly all the apparatus was sent off this morning, as I have also telegraphed. The cables had already been shipped by the American Express Co., as directed in your letter of May 19th when I received your dispatch to “ship as suggested”. All that now remains to be forwarded is the measuring instruments, the large relay, three small relays, the condenser in sections, several switches, a number of coherers and the balloons. All this will follow by express as soon as it is ready, which Mr. Ulman says, will be very soon.

    He also wishes me to state that he has changed the independent break in accordance with the instructions contained in your telegram of yesterday, that work on it has already been commenced ...

    __________________________________________________ ______________

    G Scherff 1 #0023

    ... in the shop and that the drawing for castings have been sent to the pattern maker.

    The work on the balloons is being pushed as rapidly as possible. The spar varnish is slow drying and they can, therefore, be varnished only in sections until they can be inflated. The parts which are dry seem to be perfectly tight.

    Mr. Loewenstein leaves to-0morrow by way of the N. Y. Central. Not having power of attorney, I could not draw the money necessary for his trip from the Chatham National Bank. I thererfore called on Mr. Brown, as I understood you to say I should do in case your checks did not arrived in time, but I must have misunderstood, as Mr. Brown says your words to him were the opposite. So I will myself lay out the money, seventy-five dollars, for Mr. Loewenstein's expenses.

    I send inclosed a contract of the N. Y. Telephone Company, which should be signed in the two places marked in pencil and returned before the first of June. I also forward Mr. Mercklings bill, as he has requested me to do, saying that he is greatly in need of money.


    Geo. Scherff.

    __________________________________________________ ______________

    G Scherff 1 #0024

    New York, May 27, 1899.
    46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

    Mr. Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
    Colorado Springs, Colo.

    Dear Mr. Tesla:

    I enclose copy of instructions received to-day, in order that I may refer to it in my letter.

    Acting upon instructions in previous telegram, I immediately changed design as in accompanying sketch. Understanding that I should go ahead and have the independent break constructed, I accordingly have already had patterns of stationary shaft and base made. In letter received to-day I understand that it is desirable to lengthen shaft, yet it is not clear how I may remedy the oil trouble without doing so, unless by adopting a scheme of the kind suggested in previous sketch.

    Would you kindly let me know whether I should continue work on independent break as shown in sketch; in meantime I will stop work on it and take up old large break. I will send you sketch of modified design of oscillator, embodying features of the independent break upon receiving your instructions.


    Louis Uhlman

    __________________________________________________ ______________

    G Scherff 1 #0025

    New York, May 27th, 1899.
    46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

    Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
    Colorado Springs, Colo.

    Dear Mr. Tesla:

    Your letter of May 24th was received this morning.

    Mr. Uhlman is sending a sketch and writing himself about the work on the break. We expect to ship all the remaining apparatus by express on Monday, except the balloons, which must get another coat of varnish Monday morning. They will be alright.

    In regard to the money matters I inclose a statement of the expenditure up to date. As I have had to pay cash for everything, the drain on the funds has been rather heavy. For that reason I asked in a previous letter for authority to sign orders to Patterson, Gottfried & Hunter.

    The cash on hand when you left was $48.67. On May 15th I received a check of $250. per Willy. Of this I paid $179. in wages and the balance $71, I entered on the cash book. Of this I have on hand $12.77. As I had not the funds to pay the men to-day, I went again to the Chatham Bank, and the President, after showing him your telegram and proper identification by the Paying Teller, was kind enough to let me have $200. Of this I have paid $161. in wages, the balance, $39. I have entered in the cash book, so that ...

    __________________________________________________ ______________


    • G Scherff 1 #0026-0027-0028-0029-0030

      G Scherff 1 #0026

      ... the cash on hand is now $51,77. If in my endeavors to keep these matters straight I have been too officious, I hope you will pardon me.

      I also inclose a letter addressed to the Gerlach.


      Geo. Scherff.

      __________________________________________________ _____________

      G Scherff 1 #0027

      New York, May 29th, 1899.
      46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

      Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
      Colorado Springs, Colo.

      Dear Mr. Tesla:

      Your telegram was received this afternoon, and Willie has immediately proceeded to make the four tubes as directed.

      The finishing touches are being put on the condenser in sections and on the two reels to be used for the wires for the balloons. The latter have been inflated all day, but as they still seem to leak a little, they will received another coat of varnish to-morrow morning. We have, therefore, delayed shipping the other apparatus which is to go, but everything will surely be sent off Wednesday morning by express.

      The dynamometer and books by Nichols, mentioned in your last letter, have been packed up.


      Geo. Scherff.

      __________________________________________________ _____________

      G Scherff 1 #0028

      New York, May 30th, 1899.
      46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

      Mr. Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
      Colorado Springs, Colo.

      Dear Mr. Tesla:

      This morning I sent to the Waldorf for your mail, and among a number of circulars and periodicals I found the two inclosed letters.

      As I stated in my letter of yesterday, all the apparatus which is still to go to Colorado will be shipped to morrow morning, unless other orders are received until that time. To-day being a holiday prevents us from shipping this evening.

      The balloons have been varnished again this morning and inflated. There is scarcely any leakage and it has not been necessary to refill them with air since this morning.


      Geo. Scherff.

      __________________________________________________ _____________

      G Scherff 1 #0029

      Skipped hand written letter.

      __________________________________________________ _____________

      G Scherff 1 #0030

      Skipped hand written letter.

      __________________________________________________ _____________


      • G Scherff 1 #0031

        Skipped hand written letter.

        __________________________________________________ ______________

        G Scherff 1 #0032

        Skipped hand written letter.

        __________________________________________________ ______________

        G Scherff 1 #0033

        Skipped hand written letter with drawings.

        __________________________________________________ ______________

        G Scherff 1 #0034

        Skipped hand written letter with drawings .

        __________________________________________________ ______________

        G Scherff 1 #0035

        Skipped hand written letter with drawings.

        __________________________________________________ ______________


        • G Scherff 1 #0036-0037-0038-0039-0040

          G Scherff 1 #0036

          New York, June 1rst, 1899.
          46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

          Mr. Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
          Colorado Springs, Colo.

          Dear Mr. Tesla:

          Your telegram of May 31rst was received, and Mr. Uhlman has begun work on the break in conformity with your instructions; I have commenced to make a German translation of the prospectus.

          The balloons could not be shipped on Wednesday, as I stated in my last letter, because they did not seem dry enough to pack. All other apparatus has been sent. This morning Mr. Uhlman tested the balloon and found that it could scarcely lift one pound and a half. He suggested that I should telegraph to this effect and ask if we should send them on, as under the circumstances they might be useless. Last week, when it seemed that the balloons could not be made airtight, I wrote to Prof. Myers, to whose article on balloons I called your attention a short time ago, but did not mention your name. I have just received an answer, which I inclose for reference, in case your wish other balloons made.

          While writing this I have received your letter of May 29th, inclosing telephone contract, check for Mr. Merckling and check for $800. ...

          __________________________________________________ _____________

          G Scherff 1 #0037

          ... I am very sorry for the mistakes I have made. I have since forwarded a complete financial statement. I did not know I was to forward any bills. I send inclosed all bills received up to date.

          Willie is attending to the Hochhausen motor. He says the new oscillator does not give a steady light. The metals, coherers and clockworks have all been sent off.


          Geo. Scherff

          __________________________________________________ _____________

          G Scherff 1 #0038

          New York, June 2nd, 1899.
          46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

          Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
          Colorado Springs, Colo.

          Dear Mr. Tesla:

          Your two telegrams were received this morning. Willie leaves to-morrow, Saturday morning and will reach Colorado Springs Monday evening. He brings everything specified in the dispatches. The balloons and storage batteries are sent by express.

          Willie is fixing up the oscillator which was exhibited in Chicago to show the4 light, if it should be necessary.

          I cannot wait until your return to call your attention to the two articles which I inclose. The recognition of the importance of your work in England seems such good news that I cannot refrain from sending them, and I hope you will accept my apology for doing so.


          Geo. Scherff

          P.S. The inclosed letter was just received. I do not know what to answer.

          __________________________________________________ _____________

          G Scherff 1 #0039

          New York, June 3rd, 1899.
          46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

          Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
          Colorado Springs, Colo.

          Dear Mr. Tesla:

          Your letter of May 31rst has reached here this morning. I have handed it to Mr. Uhlman for his instructions in regard to building the break; he says he will answer himself.

          Willie is on his way, as I have telegraphed. He brings a letter and papers relating to patent matters received this morning from Mr/ Page. I also inclosed a copy of the U. S. Patent on controlling the movement of bodies which, I thought, might be needed for reference.

          Mr. Mackay and Mr. Mills are both in this city at present. I saw in a journal last week that Mrs. J. J. A... had arrived from Europe, but I have not seen any notice of Mr. J. J. A.'s return.

          I enclose bill of Mr. Unger and statement of expenses for the current week.


          Geo. Scherff.

          __________________________________________________ _____________

          G Scherff 1 #0040

          New York, June 5th, 1899.
          46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

          Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
          Colorado Springs, Colo.

          Dear Mr. Tesla:

          I forward inclosed a letter received to-day.

          Mr. Uhlman says all the drawings for the independent break, embodying the instructions in your last letter, are now at the pattern maker's.

          Respectfully yours,

          Geo. Scherff.

          __________________________________________________ _____________


          • @ Michel,

            done transcripts ahead!

            Scherff (1) 44, 53, 54 and 55 have been done already
            after that the road is clear until 100.

            (just copied all the transcripts done up 'till here. Can't believe the amount of work you have done )

            Thanks again!



            • Hi ernst,

              Scherff (1) 44, 53, 54 and 55 have been done already
              after that the road is clear

              Take care,



              • G Scherff 1 #0041-0042-0043-0044-0045

                G Scherff 1 #0041

                New York, June 6th, 1899.
                46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                Mr. Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                Colorado Springs, Colo.

                Dear Mr. Tesla:

                Your letter of June 3rd, inclosing check for Mr. Unger, was received this morning.

                I obtained the writing paper at the Waldorf and have immediately forwarded a box and a small package of cards. I inclose a number of bills which were also found at the hotel.

                Mr. Johnson has this morning, and several times previously, inquired about your health by telephone.

                Yours respectfully.

                Geo. Scherff.

                __________________________________________________ _________

                G Scherff 1 #0042

                Skipped hand written letter.

                __________________________________________________ _________

                G Scherff 1 #0043

                New York, June 8th, 1899.
                46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                Mr. Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                Alta Vista Hotel,
                Colorado Springs, Colo.

                Dear Mr. Tesla:

                I send herewith a bill received this morning from Messrs. Kerr, Page & Cooper.

                Nothing of importance has occurred since my last writing. Mr Uhlman says the patterns for the independent break are all ready and will be sent to the foundry in Newark in the morning.

                Of the letters which have been received some I have been able to answer definitely; of the others, none of which seem of importance, I have informed the writers of your absence from the City and said that their letters would received your personal attention upon your return. Is this sufficient or shall I send them on?

                Geo. Scherff.

                __________________________________________________ _________

                G Scherff 1 #0044

                Skipped, was done already.

                __________________________________________________ _________

                G Scherff 1 #0045

                New York, June 10th, 1899.
                46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                Mr. Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                Colorado Springs, Colo.

                Dear Mr. Tesla:

                Your letter of June 6th, enclosing bills and checks therefore and check for $250. for shop account has been received.

                I have mailed the photographs of the boat and large discharge.

                The Victorian patent has been forwarded to Mr. Page.

                I send herewith a bill of the N. Y. Telephone Company and several letters, one of them from Mr. Dickson, who called at the office. Shall I send some Electrical Reviews in answer to the other one of Mr. Daniel Bellet?

                A statement of the expenses up to date is also inclosed.


                Geo. Scherff.

                __________________________________________________ _________


                • G Scherff 1 #0046-0047-0048-0049-0050

                  G Scherff 1 #0046

                  Skipped hand written letter.

                  __________________________________________________ _________________

                  G Scherff 1 #0047

                  Skipped hand written letter.

                  __________________________________________________ _________________

                  G Scherff 1 #0048

                  46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                  Mr. Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                  Colorado Springs, Colo.

                  Dear Mr. Tesla:

                  Your letter of June 6th, inclosing bills and check therefor, also check of $200. for labotary expenses has been received. This, together with the sum left from last week, as reported in statement of Saturday, makes cash on hand at present $218.15.

                  According to instructions two clockworks, the same as those previously sent are being changed so as to give a continuous rotation to the arbor, and for this purpose, Mr. Uhlman says, the balance wheel in each of them is being removed and fans are substituted. Both he and Mr. Mayer thought the could not secure the continuous motion in the same manner as it is done in the large clock.

                  The magnets of the independent break are being wound with No. 17 wire, as directed.

                  I forwarded your note to Mr. Allen in regard to the bottles and return herewith his answer. He claim not to be at fault in the matter. The facts are, when I sent him the order for two hundred bottles, he had only a little over a dozen on hand. He ...

                  __________________________________________________ _________________

                  G Scherff 1 #0049

                  ... even doubted if his factory carried that amount of such bottles in stock and thought it would take tree or four days to make them. He said he would telegraph to the factor, however, and promised to telephone the next morning before nine o'clock to let me know the result of his inquiry. I waited in vain for his message, and at eleven o'clock I sent the boy for information , also to tell Mr. Allen to send only 100 bottles, as the other hundred had been obtained elsewhere in the meanwhile, I being anxious to send them as soon as possible. This settled the matter apparently, and only two days later he sent word that two hundred bottles had been sent from his factory.

                  Mr Brown inquired this morning about your health and asked to have your address.

                  The technical journals continue to bring many notices about wireless telegraphy; I inclose one of the latest.

                  It has caused me great pleasure to learn that you are well, also that your expect soon to finish your work there and return to us.

                  Respectfully yours,

                  Geo. Scherff.

                  __________________________________________________ _________________

                  G Scherff 1 #0050

                  Skipped telegram as it is too dark to read what is on.

                  __________________________________________________ _________________


                  • G Scherff 1 #0051-#0052-#0056

                    G Scherff 1 #0051

                    Skipped hand written letter.

                    __________________________________________________ ________________

                    G Scherff 1 #0052

                    New York, June 12th, 1899.
                    46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                    Mr. Nikola Tesla.
                    Colorado Springs, Colo.

                    Dear Mr. Tesla:

                    I have just received your telegram inquiring about the German translation of the prospectus. I believe I can finish a copy and send it off by to-morrow night or Wednesday the latest. It is translated up to the chapter on the manufacture of ozone. Up to the time all of the apparatus was sent off to Colorado I was able to do very little on the translation, as I helped what I could to get them off, and this is the reason it is not finished.

                    To be more explicit in the telegram, I believe, refers to the contents of the letter received and which I wrote about on June 8th. There are several applications for positions, requests to lecture, inquiries about the new light and the oscillators and a request from l'Electricitta for a signed photograph for the Como exhibition and a number of circulars.

                    Mr. Uhlman sends herewith a sketch, regarding which he has written himself.


                    Geo. Scherff.

                    __________________________________________________ ________________

                    G Scherff 1 #0056

                    New York, June 15th, 1899.
                    46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                    Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                    Colorado Springs, Colo.

                    Dear Mr. Tesla:

                    Mr. Uhlman says that the work on the independent break is occupying all the men, that the armature is being wound and pump being made, and that the spring brush-holders are finished.

                    I inclose two letters, one of which I cannot understand, and one bill. Under separate cover I forward a copy of this week's Electrical Review, containing two articles to which I beg to call your attention.


                    Geo. Scherff

                    __________________________________________________ ________________

                    Hi Ernst,

                    I'll try to finish this series ASAP between being sick and busy when not.

                    Take care,

                    Last edited by Michelinho; 05-11-2016, 11:49 PM. Reason: corrections.


                    • No need to rush.
                      Need to take care.



                      • G Scherff 1 #0057-#0058-#0059-#0060-#0061

                        G Scherff 1 #0057

                        New York, June 16th, 1899.
                        46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                        Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                        Colorado Springs, Colo.

                        Dear Mr. Tesla:

                        Your letter of June 12th, enclosing check for the Telephone Company and one of $200. for shop account was received this morning. I note what you say in regard to Willie, he has not yet called here.

                        The men are all working on the independent break particularly the castings. Mr Uhlman request that you suggest some new work for the instrument makers. He says they are at present fully occupied, but when the details of the independent break are all finished, they will be ready for other work.

                        I sent to the hotel to-day for the mail and forward letters found there besides circulars and magazines. The gentleman mentioned in Mr. Carus's letter has not called at the office.

                        Mr. Page has just sent the Belgian and French patents on the method of and apparatus for steering Moving Vessels, which I have put in the safe.

                        Please pardon my curiosity, if I inquire about the success of the experiments?


                        Geo Scherff.

                        __________________________________________________ __________________

                        G Scherff 1 #0058

                        New York, June 17th, 1899.
                        46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                        Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                        Colorado Springs, Colo.

                        Dear Mr. Tesla:

                        Mr Uhlman reports as follows on the progress of the work: The Armature, commutator and brush holders of the independent break are finished. The pump will be finished in a day or two. All the men are still occupied on the break.

                        As the fields will soon be ready to wind, he inquires if the independent break is to have the same speed as the new oscillator, 1800 revolutions per minute. The magnets of the new oscillator are wound with No. 20 B. & S. wire, 12 layers, 40 turns per layer. As there is plenty of winding space on the new magnets, Mr. Uhlman suggests a larger wire for better radiation.

                        I inclose statement of expenses for this week.

                        Shall I make some copies of the German prospectus, and how many?

                        Respectfully yours,

                        Geo. Scherff.

                        __________________________________________________ __________________

                        G Scherff 1 #0059

                        New York, June 19th, 1899.
                        46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                        Mr. Nikola Tesla,
                        Colorado Springs, Colo.

                        Dear Mr. Tesla:

                        I have considered numerous ways of improving the old large break, at the same time keeping in view the suggestions shown in your sketch. To change the break so that the mercury jet is directed outward and horizontally against the vertical teeth of the disk, will make it necessary to insulate the disk from its metal support, the screw pump, and also to make electrical connection with the insulated disk from without by some suitable device. As yet I have found no practical way of doing this, but will keep on trying.

                        In the sketch I send you I modify the position of contacts, thinking that in this position the mercury clears, on the break, the inside contact more rapidly than in its former position; also the inclination of the teeth may be of advantage in this respect.


                        Louis Uhlman

                        __________________________________________________ __________________

                        G Scherff 1 #0060

                        New York, June 19th, 1899.
                        46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                        Mr. Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                        Colorado Springs, Colo.

                        Dear Mr. Tesla:

                        I received this afternoon your telegram for another copy of the German prospectus and list of patents. I have immediately commenced to make another copy, as the first time I only made two, thinking there might be corrections to be made and passage to underline. I will send it just as soon as it is finished.

                        I send inclosed the cablegram and letter from Mr. Modric. The letter was received last week, but I did not think it of importance and therefore did not send it. This morning I only remembered the name of the writer after sending the telegram, which must have been unintelligible.

                        Mr. Uhlman says, most of the details of the independent break are finished; the pump was completed to-day, but that he is still able to divide the work on the castings so that all men are occupied. He sends a sketch and also a letter in regard to it.


                        Geo. Scherff.

                        __________________________________________________ __________________

                        G Scherff 1 #0061

                        New York, June 20th, 1899.
                        46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                        Mr. Nikola Tesla,
                        Colorado Springs, Colo.

                        Dear Mr. Tesla:

                        Mr. Uhlman reports that the disk of the independent break will be finished to-morrow and that otherwise the men are engaged on the castings and minor details. He says that he himself is occupied in making a cloth tracing of the new oscillator.

                        Mr. Page has to-day sent the Italian patent on Method of Steering Vessels and certificates of working Belgian patent No. 123,665, all of which papers I have locked in the safe.

                        Willie wrote a letter for his tools and other effects; everything belonging to him has been forwarded to him.

                        I have finished another copy of the German prospectus and am now translating the patent list. As I am not sure, whether it is wanted in German or English, I shall send both to-morrow.


                        Geo. Scherff.

                        __________________________________________________ __________________


                        • G Scherff 1 #0062-0063-0064-0065

                          G Scherff 1 #0062

                          New York, June 21rst, 1899.
                          46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                          Mr. Nikola Tesla,
                          Colorado Springs, Colo.

                          Dear Mr. Tesla:

                          I received this morning your two telegrams in regard to the bottles, Okonite wire and balloons. Just a few moments ago I received your answer to my dispatch and have immediately telephoned to Delmonico's but Mr. Habirshaw was not there. Upon telephoning to the Factory at Yonkers I was told that the factory is closed, as it is late, and I can therefore not find out anything definite in regard to the wire until morning.

                          About the bottles also I was disappointed. After going to all the glass houses only a few can be obtained. They have to come from the factory and will be shipped to-morrow. Whitall, Tatum & Co. promised this morning to send them to-day, but found later, that they did not have enough in stock.

                          I could not see Prof. Myers in regard to the balloons, he has left his house this morning to go to New York City. I hope to meet him this evening or early to-morrow morning.

                          As these matters engaged me a considerable time to-day I regret that I could not finish the English copy of the Patent list. I enclose the German list. I have inserted the number of ...

                          __________________________________________________ _________________

                          G Scherff 1 #0063

                          ... the French, Italian and Belgian patents on controlling the movement of bodies in place of the applications.

                          Mr. Uhlman reports that the disk as well as other minor parts of the independent break are finished and that the castings are fast nearing completion, and that he has had the two large double condenser oscillators cleaned.

                          I inclose also several bills, which were just received.


                          Geo. Scherff.

                          __________________________________________________ _________________

                          G Scherff 1 #0064

                          New York, June 22nd, 1899.
                          46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                          Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                          Colorado Springs, Colo.

                          Dear Mr. Tesla:

                          To-day I did not meet with as much disappointment as yesterday. I set out at seven o'clock this morning for Brooklyn to see Prof. Myers and have telegraphed the result of my call as well as my inquiry at the India Rubber a Mutta Pecha Insulating Comany.

                          Mr. Myers said that the eight foot balloons might serve your purpose in perfectly calm weather, but thought they would not rise at the altitude where you are, if it should be windy and therefore recommended the ten foot balloons, which have been ordered in accordance with your instructions by telegram to this effect. I inclose a letter which Prof. Myers had just written when I called this morning and which contains some details about the balloons. They should be only about two third inflated, he says, as otherwise they might burst when they attain some height. As you will also see from his letter, he required cash with the order. He told me that even with the he does business on this basis, and therefore I am to see him again to-morrow morning and bring him ...

                          __________________________________________________ _________________

                          G Scherff 1 #0065

                          ... the money. He assured me that the balloons will be ready in a week, and they will be expressed from his Balloon Farm at Frankfort, N.Y., directly to Colorado Springs, so as to save time.

                          I telephoned to the India Rubber Company immediately upon receipt of your telegram and was assured that the 11,000 feet of No. 10 solid wire would be expressed to-day yet. This will also be shipped from the Factory to Colorado Springs. Me. Habirshaw, I was told, is not in town.

                          Two hundred bottles have also been sent off to-day by express. They had to be obtained from two different places, as neither one of them could furnish the whole amount.

                          Mr. Uhlman says the independent break is fast nearing completion, and as the work is mostly on the castings, he is having 100 binding posts made, so as to keep the instrument makers busy.

                          Mr. Page sent to-day of working Belgian Patent No. 94,940 and Italian 83/355.

                          Bills with checks for Mr. Hughes and Maher & Flockardt were received this morning.

                          I inclose checks for Mr. Hughes and Maher & Flockart were received this morning.

                          I inclose a list of patents in English.


                          Geo. Scherff.

                          __________________________________________________ _________________


                          • G Scherff 1 #0066-0067-0068-0069-0070

                            G Scherff 1 #0066

                            New York, June 23rd, 1899.
                            46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                            Mr. Nikola Tesla,
                            Colorado Springs, Colo.

                            Dear Mr. Tesla:

                            Mr. Uhlman reports that the work on the castings for the independent break is nearly finished, and he expects to have the break completed in the early part of next week. Besides having binding posts made, he says, the cutters of the milling machine are being ground, and is himself occupied on cloth tracing of the new oscillator and design of the old large break.

                            This morning I brought the money for the balloons to Prof. Myers, and hope I have not done wrong in paying for them in advance. I send the receipt under inclosure. I asked Mr. Myers if, perhaps, he was not using some superior method for generating hydrogen, and he said he would write out and send during the day the details of a process which, in his twenty years' experience with balloons he has found to be very efficient. He also has here a set of copper pipes, which he told me you might use in this connection and which could be expressed immediately, if you so direct by telegraph.

                            Under inclosure I send also several letters obtained at the Waldorf to-day and a bill.


                            Geo. Scherff

                            __________________________________________________ __________________

                            G Scherff 1 #0067

                            New York, June 24th, 1899.
                            46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                            Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                            Colorado Springs, Colo.

                            Dear Mr. Tesla:

                            Your check for two hundred dollars for shop account was received this morning.

                            I regret very much to inform you that I have learned to-day that, through some mistake at the factory, three hundred bottles have been forwarded to you in all, one hundred by Whitall, Tatum & Company and two hundred by Mr. Henry Allen. Mr. Allen says, he immediately telegraphed to the factory, when he heard of the mistake, but it was too late, the trains had already left.

                            Mr. Uhlman says the work of to-day was substantially as that of yesterday, however, much progress towards finishing was made.

                            I inclose a statement of expenses for the Week, the note from Prof. Myers referred to in my letter of yesterday and several bills.


                            Geo. Scherff

                            __________________________________________________ __________________

                            G Scherff 1 #0068

                            New York, June 26th, 1899.
                            46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                            Mr. Nikola Tesla,
                            Colorado Springs, Colo.

                            Dear Mr. Tesla:

                            Your telegram to send two clockwork was received late this afternoon. I sent immediately to the Seth Thomas Clock Company for two movements, but it was too late, the place was closed for the day.

                            Mr. Uhlman says he will start immediately to build another break like the one that is just being finished. He asks, if he may wind the magnets of the new break with No. 17 B. & 5. wire.

                            I inclose the bill of the Edison Company.


                            Geo. Scherff

                            __________________________________________________ __________________

                            G Scherff 1 #0069

                            New York, June 27th, 1899.
                            46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                            Mr. Nikola Tesla,
                            Colorado Springs, Colo.

                            Dear Mr. Tesla:

                            Mr. Myers brought this morning two clockworks and is now attaching to each of them a small arbor to run at a speed of thirty revolutions a minute. The telegram was not quite clear, but Mr. Uhlman thinks that the clockworks are wanted for attaching and rotating coherers and is, therefore, having them mounted on fibre bases with adjustable springs for making contact with the coherers and the arbor constructed so, that they can be used for this purpose.

                            Mr. Uhlman says work on the second independent break has been commenced and is being pushed as rapidly as possible. He sends under inclosure a sketch of the old large break modified so that the mercury jet projects outward and against the teeth of the insulating disk.

                            Certificates of working three Austrian patents were were received this morning from Mr. Page. Mr. Allen has again made a mistake in his bill, and I send herewith his corrected invoice, and also two letters.


                            Geo. Scherff

                            __________________________________________________ __________________

                            G Scherff 1 #0070

                            Skipped hand written letter.

                            __________________________________________________ __________________


                            • G Scherff 1 #0071-0072-0073-0074-0075-0076-0077-0078-0079-0080

                              G Scherff 1 #0071

                              New York, June 28th, 1899.
                              46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                              Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                              Colorado Springs, Colo.

                              Dear Mr. Tesla:

                              Your telegram to send the pipes and check-book was received this morning. I accordingly communicated at once by telephone with Prof. Myers, who said the pipes would be expressed this evening. He also told me he had just received word from his home that the balloons are almost finished and will be shipped to-day or to-morrow.

                              Mr. Uhlman says it was impossible to finish the clockworks to-day and, although most of the men are occupied on them and the work on the independent break has been partially laid aside in order to hurry this job, they cannot be sent off before to-morrow. He also says that he is working on the design of the break with constant overflow feature.

                              I send inclosed the check-book and a bill from Patterson, Gottfried & Hunter.


                              Geo. Scherff

                              __________________________________________________ ___________________

                              G Scherff 1 #0072

                              New York, June 29th, 1899.
                              46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                              Mr. Nikola Tesla,
                              Colorado Springs, Colo.

                              Dear Mr. Tesla:

                              Mr. Uhlman reports that the clockworks are finished, but the adjustment necessary for smooth working will still delay their shipment until to-morrow morning. He further says that the first independent break is ready except the winding of the fields, for which he is awaiting your instructions, and that the work on the second break is proceeding as fast as possible.

                              The inclosed note from Mr. Adams was forwarded here this afternoon by messenger. I have informed him of your absence and said that I would send him his letter to you.


                              Geo. Scherff

                              __________________________________________________ ___________________

                              G Scherff 1 #0073

                              New York, June 30th, 1899.
                              46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                              Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                              Colorado Springs, Colo.

                              Dear Mr. Tesla:

                              The two clockworks have been shipped to-day. Mr. Uhlman says it has been necessary to put stronger mainsprings in them, and also that the work on the second independent break now occupies the shop.

                              There was no mail found at the Waldorf to-day besides some journals, an appeal for aid from a charitable society and the bill, which I inclose.


                              Geo. Scherff.

                              __________________________________________________ ___________________

                              G Scherff 1 #0074

                              New York, July 1rst, 1899.
                              46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                              Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                              Colorado Springs, Colo.

                              Dear Mr. Tesla:

                              Your note of June 29th, with check of $300 for laboratory expenses was received to-day.

                              Mr. Uhlman says that the work on the second independent break now occupies all the men in the shop and that the castings will soon be out.

                              I inclose a statement of the expenses for the past week and Prof. Myers' bill for the generator pipes.


                              Geo. Scherff

                              __________________________________________________ ___________________
                              G Scherff 1 #0075

                              New York, July 3rd, 1899.
                              46 & 48 E. Houston Str.

                              Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                              Colorado Springs, Colo.

                              Dear Mr. Tesla:

                              Mr. Uhlman reports that the work on the second independent break is keeping all the men busy and is progressing rapidly, and that he is himself still occupied on the design of the break with overflow feature.

                              The mail during the last few days has contained nothing but a few advertisement circulars and journals.


                              Geo. Scherff.

                              __________________________________________________ ___________________

                              G Scherff 1 #0076

                              Skipped hand written letter.

                              __________________________________________________ ___________________

                              G Scherff 1 #0077

                              Skipped hand written letter.

                              __________________________________________________ ___________________

                              G Scherff 1 #0078

                              Skipped hand written letter.

                              __________________________________________________ ___________________

                              G Scherff 1 #0079

                              Skipped hand written letter.

                              __________________________________________________ ___________________

                              G Scherff 1 #0080

                              Skipped hand written letter.

                              __________________________________________________ ___________________


                              • G Scherff 1 #0081-0082-0083-0084-0085

                                G Scherff 1 #0081

                                We want as soon as possible four sizes of this little instrument, illustrated in annexed sketch, and there ought to be two pieces of each size, that is, 8 pieces in all. These pieces are to go on the clockworks, as Mr. Uhlman will surely understand. In order to enable as many experiments as possible to be performed, we want furthermore various lengths of glass tube, so as to vary the distance of the metallic plugs, which will close the tube. I would like to have for each size tubes of such length, that the distance of the metallic surfaces in the glass will be respectively 1/8”, 1/4”, 3/8” and 1/2”, and as some tubes might break, it would be necessary to have at least two, but better still, three of each length. Assuming you give us two, this would make for each size of instrument 8 tubes (4 pqirs of lengths specified). Now, since of each size instrument there will be a pair (as nearly as possible alike), we shall want 16 tubes for each size of the device. The four sizes will be such that D will be respectively 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1”. As these instruments are to be driven by the clockworks you have sent or are sending, they want to be as light as practicable. Mr. Uhlman should see to improve some details of the sketch while keeping sizes. The space between the outer surface of the glass tube and the inner surface of thin brass tube should be about 1/16”. The outer tube with its plug must be of one piece, as it is to be heated and might fall apart if soldered. The part c of plug b, upon which a brush is to make contact, as usual, should be long enough to project out even then, when the smallest length glass tube is placed inside of outer tube a. I would like to have the inner surfaces of the plugs of silver; this may be easily accomplish by either brazing or riveting silver sheet on the surfaces and finishing afterwards. Polish surfaces very highly. There should be no hole anywhere, as the inner chamber must be air-tight, after the tubular space up to the rim k is filled with melted sealing wax. (We shall do this here.) Mr. Uhlman may vary any insignificant detail, but the sizes should be as asked for. For example, the part c may be screwed in the plug b, but I would not advise it, but rather make different plugs. The plug should fit well in the glass tubes. The part e should be made to the standard, and I hope that Mr. Uhlman has made and preserved a reamer for the hole. I am in great hurry for these pieces, and furthermore, I want nickel (spaene). These ought to be made in degrees of various coarseness, but by tools, so that they shall be of as uniform size and shape as possible. I rely on Mr. Uhlman's resources. We made some many times before, but I do not know whether ...

                                __________________________________________________ ________________

                                G Scherff 1 #0082

                                ... he has been with me at that time. They were then made in various ways by milling tools, shears, etc., but they were always of equal size as nearly as possible. Nickel-wire (thin), cut in lengths such that the pieces will be nearly small cubes, would be fairly good. But best would be to have them almost like shot. The largest grains should not be more than 10/1000”. Please have a considerable quantity (I mean enough for all instruments) prepared of various sizes – from very fine milling chips to the coarser grades. I tried some time ago to have small grains prepared of aluminium wire, pretty round (best would be quite round, nickel-plated, but I could not find anybody to do it. Perhaps you may be more fortunate.

                                Push this work through as quickly as possible, as I am preparing myself for the plant in Nantucket (for the Government), and want to have as much work done as possible before I return.

                                I shall send instructions for the new clockworks, and when you get them, rush them through at any price. All work must be done first class. Tell Mr. Uhlman not to lose sight of this.

                                __________________________________________________ ________________

                                G Scherff 1 #0083

                                New York, July 5th, 1899.
                                46 & 48 E. Houston Str..

                                Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                                Colorado Springs, Colo.

                                Dear Mr. Tesla:

                                Mr. Uhlman says the work on the second independent break continues to keep the shop fully occupied. He also inquires, if he should wind the magnets of the independent break with the same wire as used on the magnets of the new oscillator, #20, B & S.

                                The inclosed letter was received this morning through the Editor of Pearson's Magazine, to whom I have acknowledged its receipt and thanked him for his courtesy in forwarding it.


                                Geo. Scherff

                                __________________________________________________ ________________

                                G Scherff 1 #0084

                                Skipped hand written letter.

                                __________________________________________________ ________________

                                G Scherff 1 #0085

                                Skipped hand written letter.

                                __________________________________________________ ________________

