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Keshe, Fraud, Fraud or super-plasma-coated Fraud?

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  • #91
    Apparently, the Belgium federal court police wanted to question Mehran Tavakoli Keshe back in April 2014, commissioned by public prosecutor, regarding an investigation about fraud and illegal practice of medicine and experiments on humans.

    I will not publish the email adress and phone numbers, it is in the enclosed document. So for anyone being a victim of Keshe or his foundation, please contact the federal judicial commissioner in Belgium.
    Attached Files
    All the best,



    • #92
      That could explain why Keshe is in Italy now. Not that that matters much on the long run.

      Now look at the last 5 posts or so here, see what we could come up with in a matter of days. And still Keshe is (mis)leading his horde of "knowledge seekers".
      I think it is the simplicity of the procedures that he describes while explaining in a torrent of meaningless flash-words how extremely high-tech this all is, that attracts people with little knowledge and understanding who want to be a part of some important quest.
      It is a little bit the standard Walt Disney movie theme where some ordinary kid gets an important task which will eventually save the world and prove that he is actually someone very special.
      Well here is a message to all of you Keshe knowledge seekers:
      (seek out the hidden meaning of that )



      • #93
        Originally posted by BroMikey
        The Fed's provide and sell coke to the masses here in the USA, provide call girl services, ....
        Do you have a phone number for me, Bro'?

        Try a bit to stick with the topic of this thread, OK?



        • #94
          Originally posted by Ernst View Post
          Do you have a phone number for me, Bro'?

          Sure man I can shoot you a phone number. I deleted me little rant.

          What I am saying is you are basing all of your judgments of those

          document then that would be like going to the scene of a crime

          and ask the killer who did it? That stuff you see is courts is all made

          up. Anything to get money from a foundation.

          In the case of Keshe he would be treated no differently than Tesla

          as he is posing a threat to the current divide and conquer power


          Did I do better?


          • #95
            Originally posted by Ernst View Post
            That could explain why Keshe is in Italy now. Not that that matters much on the long run.

            Now look at the last 5 posts or so here, see what we could come up with in a matter of days. And still Keshe is (mis)leading his horde of "knowledge seekers".
            I think it is the simplicity of the procedures that he describes while explaining in a torrent of meaningless flash-words how extremely high-tech this all is, that attracts people with little knowledge and understanding who want to be a part of some important quest.
            It is a little bit the standard Walt Disney movie theme where some ordinary kid gets an important task which will eventually save the world and prove that he is actually someone very special.
            Well here is a message to all of you Keshe knowledge seekers:
            (seek out the hidden meaning of that )

            If it only was like Disney lol.

            In the German fb Keshe foundation group (it's a closed group), Simone posted this in reply of the recent growing sceptisism regarding lack of results.

            Simone Heinzelmann‎ an Keshe Foundation Germany

            Ich lass hier auch mal was los zum Zustand, was hier so passiert.
            1. Keshe Technologie ist (bis jetzt) nicht messbar und nicht berechenbar! D.h. das Ergebnis ist ebenfalls nicht messbar und berechenbar.
            2. Das Ergebnis wird allein durch das Umfeld bestimmt! Dazu gehören auch Worte (gesprochen, gedacht, geschrieben) und Gefühle.
            3. Die Technologie wird von weniger als 10% der Leute die sich damit auseinandersetzen einigermassen verstanden! (Verständnisfragen werden so gut wie gar nicht beantwortet). Und der Zeitaufwand sich alles selber in Workshops herauszusuchen ist nicht gerade unterstützend, es trotzdem zu tun.
            4. Die Mehrzahl der Leute ist (aus welchen Gründen auch immer) auf der Suche nach Gebrauchsanweisungen mit dem Ziel ein Ergebnis zu haben: Strom, Heilung...
            5. Alle die gern Zweifeln und meinen Leute vor Keshe warnen zu müssen können das gern in einer separaten Gruppe machen.
            All diese Punkte führen schon mal automatisch dazu, dass konkrete Ergebnisse evtl. noch länger auf sich warten lassen. Jeder der Ergebnisse sehen will im Sinne von persönlicher Überzeugung, wird wohl den Beweis nur selber erbringen können. Wer das nicht will und die Verantwortung auf andere abschiebt ist hier nicht richtig. Die Gruppe hier nennt sich Keshe Stiftung Deutschland. Eine Stiftung hat damit einen gemeinnützigen Charakter. D.h. gegenseitige Unterstützung ist angesagt und nicht Zweifel streuen oder Druck ausüben. Natürlich ist es sinnvoll konstruktiv darauf hinzuweisen, wenn jemand Fehlerhaftes von sich gibt. Jegliche destruktive Kritik sollte hier von den Admins angesprochen und konsequent behandelt werden, denn es richtet Schaden in der ganzen Gruppe an, weil es ja das UMFELD ist, was uns zum Erfolg bringt oder eben nicht. In diesem Sinne viel Erfolg bei der Erschaffung eines ergebnisorientierten Umfeldes.
            More like a Hitchcock horror gone psycho.

            All the best,



            • #96
              Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              In the case of Keshe he would be treated no differently than Tesla
              as he is posing a threat to the current divide and conquer power

              Did I do better?
              Much better.

              But I don't think Keshe would be a threat like Tesla was. In fact, I don't think Tesla should be mentioned in the same sentence as Keshe (apart from these two lines...).
              Keshe is a serious threat to general education, intelligence, out-of-the-box-thinking, and free energy research, but in the end he will be a most serious threat to himself.



              • #97
                Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                Much better.

                But I don't think Keshe would be a threat like Tesla was. In fact, I don't think Tesla should be mentioned in the same sentence as Keshe
                Eyes just foolin ya. You never know Keshe might be the right man
                for the Japanese to get medical help against their radiation poisoning.
                Nano dust might be just the ticket to absorb radionuclides.

                Wouldn't that stuff make a good battery then?

                If you read up some on the nano sized particles documents they always
                go out of their way to tell the reader that very little is known about
                the use of such technology.

                And if Keshe is in any kind of trouble it is because the FED's set him
                up by sending and agent in posing as a cancer victim so "THEY" could
                find fault. These so called controllers are very concerned that a remedy
                for diseases such as cancer may arise among the people and spoil all of
                "THEIR" plans to do away with the masses.

                After all "THEY" harped the FUKUSHIMA plant and are also lighting off
                fires in the USA dumps and "THEY" have worked very hard to ruin the water,
                food, air, oceans so "THEY" don't want "THEIR" scheme foiled by one lunatic.
                Last edited by BroMikey; 11-19-2015, 08:57 AM.


                • #98
                  Well you can send Keshe wearing his nano-coat to the Fukushima plants spraying his GANS, but that is not going to change anything about their/our problem.
                  Tesla already did offer us a solution, one that is much,... no I should say "MUCH" more likely to actually work.
                  Remember Tesla told us that his single terminal vacuum tube, when operated at 12 MV produces the same radiation that causes radioactive decay?
                  Well.... send in a couple of those and we could slice a few years/decades/centuries of of this problem.

                  Which would be the better solution?



                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                    Well you can send Keshe wearing his nano-coat to the Fukushima plants spraying his GANS, but that is not going to change anything about their/our problem.
                    Tesla already did offer us a solution, one that is much,... no I should say "MUCH" more likely to actually work.
                    Remember Tesla told us that his single terminal vacuum tube, when operated at 12 MV produces the same radiation that causes radioactive decay?
                    Well.... send in a couple of those and we could slice a few years/decades/centuries of of this problem.

                    Which would be the better solution?

                    Carbon brought to a bright white heat gives you an endless supply of electrons similar to radioactive decay - a light bulb with an extra electrode.

                    Some insight into what keshe might be trying to get across in his unorganized ramblings...


                    Plasma physics, specifically magnetically induced plasma's, generally in the microwave bands as a resonant coupling.
                    Last edited by dragon; 11-19-2015, 11:44 AM.


                    • Originally posted by dragon View Post
                      Carbon brought to a bright white heat gives you an endless supply of electrons similar to radioactive decay - a light bulb with an extra electrode.

                      Some insight into what keshe might be trying to get across in his unorganized ramblings...


                      Plasma physics, specifically magnetically induced plasma's, generally in the microwave bands as a resonant coupling.
                      At no point in his incoherent rambling, does Keshe even come close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. (with thanks to Billy Madison)
                      But his superfluous use of flashwords may inadvertently trigger thoughts in those who hear it, sometimes even rational thoughts. Yet that does not mean that Keshe is trying to convey his "divine" knowledge. If you listen to Keshe you will find that he is speaking in impossible absurdities and contradictions, there is no intelligence in it whatsoever. If a rational thought enters your mind while listening to Keshe, then that must come from your own intelligence which is trying desperately to make sense of the ludicrous nonsense that he is producing.
                      So please just stick with what he says and judge him on that instead of trying to make a diamond out of ch*cken sh*t.



                      • Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                        his words may inadvertently trigger thoughts in those who hear it..............................that does not mean that Keshe is trying to convey his "divine" knowledge. If you listen to Keshe you will find that he is speaking in impossible absurdities and contradictions, there is no intelligence in it

                        No divine Knowledge? Of course not is the sense that you are referring, ya
                        know like trip to the third heaven might produce some sort of illuminated
                        madman capable of saving humanity.

                        And if this was the kind of reasoning Keshe was operating from I would
                        just plain call him a nut. No, what I think is that Keshe knows the people
                        who have the smarts you are looking for and we only see the buzz words.

                        Yes rational thought, the stuff that keeps me going hoping to learn
                        something new. I think Keshe plays on the new age mumbo jumbo
                        expressions that connect with his culture. Also the west have embraced
                        this new age malarkey.

                        Ya know the words, "I WAS BORN TO SAVE MANKIND" I am the Moses of
                        the 21st century and everyone comes running in hope. Just away to
                        get folks attention. Keshe is smart this way.

                        I liked your comment about the Tesla device to neutralize radiation and
                        don't think I would have even known about this except we had entered
                        into this conversation.

                        I learned something new that was more precise pertaining to radiation
                        clean up ideas. I had already heard about John Hutchinson having some
                        kind of ideas about this and I suspect may stem from the Tesla documents.

                        I guess the main thing Keshe is doing is breaking the ice on the subject
                        possibilities. This may be his only job if we are to put a tag on him, as to
                        how the MAN UPSTAIRS has chosen to use him.

                        I don't care if Keshe says a UFO landed and gave him some ideas, that
                        qualifies these days you know? Not with me but people actually think
                        it is possible.

                        No I don't think Keshe is any more than a front man. He is a strong leader
                        while others with the deeper understanding may barely be able to clear their
                        voice in a group setting, without falling apart.

                        We need each other, no one person can do what another does exactly
                        the same way. We are all in THE HAND OF THE KING and HE turns the
                        hearts of men.

                        All it takes is ONE MAN to get the ball rolling.

                        Earlier I made the statement that Keshe may have a way to help the
                        Japanese with their clean up, I was very vague about what I was thinking.
                        I was thinking in other terms than Tesla pointed out, I was thinking more
                        along the lines of a more localized clean up using the nano sized dust.

                        Like the FED's throwing kitty litter into barrels of radioactive fission.

                        What a crime it is to damage people on a DNA level, then sit back
                        and laugh while the metal rusts out.
                        Last edited by BroMikey; 11-20-2015, 07:52 AM.


                        • Incoherent rambling? what are you talking about?

                          All the best,



                          • Originally posted by SlickDick View Post
                            Incoherent rambling? what are you talking about?

                            That was a good one!!!!


                            • Genius Alert, Scam Alert?

                              Originally posted by SlickDick View Post
                              Incoherent rambling? what are you talking about?

                              The black board talk looks like spaghetti with meat balls.

                              THE SCAN DETECTION IS HERE. And superconductors TOO!!!



                              Last edited by BroMikey; 11-21-2015, 03:51 AM.


                              • Our Lord and Savior MT KESHE?

                                Keshe is the new LORD of the the Flies.

                                In the second clip KESHE states he is THE CREATOR and also
                                he is Messiah in another statement. Listen close to the new
                                Jesus leading us into the promise land.

                                Keshe is speaking in THE SPIRIT, OH YES he is in the spirit.

                                MT KESHE also states that he is ashamed of the HUMANS that
                                he is living among.

                                So here it is in a nut shell gentlemen, KESHE is receiving spiritual
                                guidance from alien deities. The spirits speaking are able to work
                                miracles through MT KESHE.

                                KESHE is mixing truth with ERROR.



                                YOUTUBE FUNNIES

                                He also says in this audio he created us and can kill us at any time !! Something else to note is in English gematria his name adds up to 666 ! Something worth noting. Please give this video a thumbs down if you are a sheep!

                                H. Skip Robinson 2 days ago
                                A messiah is a person who was supposed to lead the Jews, help them rise up in rebellion against the Roman occupation. Not the hocus pocus eternal salvation crap of dogmatic religions. For those that do not know, a number of messiahs, including Jesus were killed in their attempt to do this. If Keshe's device does work as claimed, he will be the messiah of energy; helping to raise the masses up against the oil and electrical grid cartels. You are allowing people to therefore take it out of context. It does go to show you how gullible people are but it also goes to show you how others try to manipulate others naivety.

                                MrChrisd73 3 days ago (edited)
                                Keshe has more waffle than Captain Birdseye.
                                That disgusting noise he makes, buy yourself a handkerchief snotty nose.
                                Liar, thief, scumbag, fraudster.
                                Last edited by BroMikey; 11-21-2015, 04:26 AM.

