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ENLIGHTENED MAGNETISM (The Full Proof of Ken Wheeler's Theories)

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  • Hi Ufo,

    first I'd like to confirm If I'm visualizing the same magnetic field ken wheeler portrays in his book is the same as yours..
    Ken Wheeler Magnetism.JPG

    as you can see here, in your model posted by melonhead, you have only portrayed the inner part of ken's graphic of the magnetic field.. and as I see it (and understood it) you missed the part of "magnetism Forms closed Loop upon themselves" meaning if the "Dielectric Inertial Plane" as ken termed it (or simply the bloch region) is large enough you would have 2 spheres separated by that bloch region and would have a magnetic field geometry other than that of the Iron filing method (no closed loop)..
    the iron filing method only got skinny because the iron was attracted, but that doesn't mean that is the actual field of the magnet..
    its more stretched outward.. it has appeared like that because magnetic flux can be "guided" and the original magnetic field is not as what the "Iron filing" method has been showing..
    I have worked, experimented and played with magnets with varying strength and I should know how to visualize the field not the same as is exactly as the iron filings show, but that doesn't mean the experiment was BS.

    If you and ken and other think that what we see from the Iron filing method magnetic field geometry is what we visualize it as it is portrayed by the filings, you're mistaken..
    what we think you are visualizing in the ferro+light+magnetism, and are trying to reinstate from our minds are a mistake

    here is a page in ken's book..
    Ken Wheeler Magnetism4.JPG
    he states that light is being "displaced" by the magnetism.

    but can the light actually be "displaced" or "Bent" by magnetism?..
    I saw this video, .. and read the comments where the inventor clearly states the Fact of what is truly happening..
    Ken Wheeler Magnetism_Ferrocell_USA.JPG

    If you guys are portraying the magnetic field in a "Bigger picture" including the light, then that is where the problem arises..
    the bloch region indeed can be clearly depicted by that experiment but that's because the Ferro fluid is just attracted to both the north and south pole and causes a "Voidance"(got that term from ken ) of ferro fluid in the bloch region because of the attraction of magnetic north and south poles of the magnet in which ken also claims to be none existent (attraction)..

    I have read his book before and I have read it again for the sake of this discussion to be sure I'm not misinterpreting anything. I do not agree with how he redefines "linear" into "radial" and "radial" into "spatial" and "counter spatial" there are some parts that I agree with (like gravity) and parts that I don't simply because I have other references that makes much more sense...

    I have watched your videos and find it fascinating even though ken tries to Redefine "Magnetism" he still uses the "Lines of force" and unfortunately looks like he is contrary to your video.
    Ken Wheeler Magnetism2.JPG
    Last edited by ricards; 04-22-2018, 08:17 PM. Reason: "deflected" to "displaced"


    • Fails

      Originally posted by Markoul View Post
      will this qualify for you that that a magnet turns the light projected through a ferrocell to align with its magnetic NS poles axis?

      Do you actually believe that crappy you tube video qualifies as empirical data? It does not for me.



      • but can the light actually be "displaced" or "Bent" by magnetism?..
        no photons can not be bend by magnetic fields.

        But the nanopaticles inside the ferrofluid can.

        The follow the magnetic flux and reflect part of the light they receive therefore allowing them to "paint" the magnetic flux and make it visible to the human eye.

        As for the attracted by both poles thing you said you are right and so are the iron filings however as I proved with empirical evidence iron filings because they very low magnetic reluctance, can not follow the flux inside the Bloch region and therefore fail to depict the flux there. superparamagnetic ferrofluid single domain nanoparticles are a different beast however and can follow perfectly even the lowest potential flux of magnetic field therefore can depict accurately a dipole magnetic field.

        Take care,

        MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
        MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
        BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


        • Originally posted by bistander View Post
          You say those colored lines are the magnetic field. I say they are not. You say you have empirical data (presumably supporting your conjecture). I say show me the empirical data. You show me the colored lines.

          You clearly don't comprehend the meaning of empirical.

          That was VERY FUNNY Bistander!!

          Empirical evidence, also known as sensory experience, is the information received by means of the senses, particularly by observation and documentation of patterns and behavior through experimentation.[1] The term comes from the Greek word for experience, ἐμπειρία (empeiría).
          You are telling a Greek Guy...that He don't know what "Empirical" means...

          And they invented this word...

          That was AWESOME!!!...Regards

          Last edited by Ufopolitics; 04-23-2018, 12:30 AM.
          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • Originally posted by ricards View Post
            Hi Ufo,

            first I'd like to confirm If I'm visualizing the same magnetic field ken wheeler portrays in his book is the same as yours..

            as you can see here, in your model posted by melonhead, you have only portrayed the inner part of ken's graphic of the magnetic field.. and as I see it (and understood it) you missed the part of "magnetism Forms closed Loop upon themselves" meaning if the "Dielectric Inertial Plane" as ken termed it (or simply the bloch region) is large enough you would have 2 spheres separated by that bloch region and would have a magnetic field geometry other than that of the Iron filing method (no closed loop)..
            the iron filing method only got skinny because the iron was attracted, but that doesn't mean that is the actual field of the magnet..
            its more stretched outward.. it has appeared like that because magnetic flux can be "guided" and the original magnetic field is not as what the "Iron filing" method has been showing..
            I have worked, experimented and played with magnets with varying strength and I should know how to visualize the field not the same as is exactly as the iron filings show, but that doesn't mean the experiment was BS.

            If you and ken and other think that what we see from the Iron filing method magnetic field geometry is what we visualize it as it is portrayed by the filings, you're mistaken..
            what we think you are visualizing in the ferro+light+magnetism, and are trying to reinstate from our minds are a mistake

            here is a page in ken's book..
            he states that light is being "displaced" by the magnetism.

            but can the light actually be "displaced" or "Bent" by magnetism?..
            I saw this video, .. and read the comments where the inventor clearly states the Fact of what is truly happening..

            If you guys are portraying the magnetic field in a "Bigger picture" including the light, then that is where the problem arises..
            the bloch region indeed can be clearly depicted by that experiment but that's because the Ferro fluid is just attracted to both the north and south pole and causes a "Voidance"(got that term from ken ) of ferro fluid in the bloch region because of the attraction of magnetic north and south poles of the magnet in which ken also claims to be none existent (attraction)..

            I have read his book before and I have read it again for the sake of this discussion to be sure I'm not misinterpreting anything. I do not agree with how he redefines "linear" into "radial" and "radial" into "spatial" and "counter spatial" there are some parts that I agree with (like gravity) and parts that I don't simply because I have other references that makes much more sense...

            I have watched your videos and find it fascinating even though ken tries to Redefine "Magnetism" he still uses the "Lines of force" and unfortunately looks like he is contrary to your video.

            Hello Ricards,

            Well, it seems you have missed one of my videos where I FULLY explain IT, in Millions of colors and 3D CAD Animations...ALL THREE PRESSURES LAYERS OF MAGNETISM...:

            LOW, MID & HIGH...


            MAGNETISM CAN BEND AN ELECTRON BEAM (We call it "DEFLECTION") has been observed with sufficient EMPIRICAL DATA (I started to like that Greek Word...) for the last two centuries with the development of the CRT...

            What Ken is showing there as also on some videos he has on YT...that Light gets distorted, basically at the Center Plane...Bloch Wall, Counterspace, Dielectric Field Plane... or whatever you wanna call it.


            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • Thanks to K. Wheeler...

              Hello to All,

              Thanks to Ken Wheeler...

              I have been able to build a REPULSION FIELD GENERATOR...something that Academia Science will never understand it could be possible.

              I have been able to deduct and build, from this new model of magnetism...that a very strong induction could be possible by making that "change" of the Magnetic Field...without moving absolutely any MASS COMPONENTS of a Generator.

              The Iron Filings sprinkled over a Magnetic Field, LOCKS AND SHRINKS all the HIGH PRESSURE LAYERS (which bypass accretion disc) COMPRESSING Mid and Low layers, not allowing Us to see the MID LAYERS, which are based on Two Bubbles for each pole...

              FERROCELLS and Magnetic Viewing Film Captures clearly those MID PRESSURE LAYERS, since they are not "physically" sprinkled DIRECTLY over the Field, but are SUSPENDED within a Colloidal Substance and CONTAINED between Glass lenses (Ferrocell) or within a Plastic Film...NOT DEALING WITH HP LAYERS.

              I know Markoul does not agree with the existence of the High Pressure Layers...and so I did not before...but they do exist and are located at the outermost Space of the Field.


              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • Data please

                based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
                From google: empirical definition, first hit.

                The theory: Colored lines image from ferrocell represents magnet's flux field.

                Offered as empirical data: Colored lines image from ferrocell.

                How about some real data, like gaussmeter reading showing the line entering the magnet center is actually a result of flux?



                • Time without "Space"...A Time Field.

                  Hello again,

                  Now let's see Time without "Space"...A Time Field.

                  Every time we refer to the Time Dimension, we ALWAYS relate it to Space...

                  We have read it in Minkowski's "Space-Time"...

                  We have read it in Einstein's "Special Relativity"...

                  And the fact is that "we all need to relate" the Space Dimension to be able to "see" time.

                  By relating space to time we automatically think of time as "linear"...traveling through space correct?

                  But in we need to relate time with space?

                  TIME is a completely "non dependent" parametrical dimension.

                  Time exists without the need of space...

                  The Problem by "permanently" marrying Time with that we will not conceive, nor accept terms like:

                  1- Bending a Time Field...

                  2- Traveling through a Time Field without "including" the Space Field.

                  3- Or even an object...or a person who "materializes" right in front of Us, out of nowhere...

                  Now related to the Magnetic Field and a Time Field

                  When we create "A Magnet" by passing an Electric Flow through a ferromagnetic core in the form of a Coil-Spring...

                  Once we remove power and disconnect all electrical wires, a Magnetic Field remains in that Core...and it could be there, exist Permanently

                  Permanently: For All Time, for ever...

                  This Magnetic Field occupies a CONSTANT (PERMANENT) SPACE which surrounds and EXTENDS over the core mass space-boundaries-limits.

                  So we could conclude that this Magnetic Field is within a Space-Time Field "Frame"...

                  And we all know we could expand or shrink that Spatial Field by outer interactions...(attract-repulse-expand to another ferromagnetic, non magnetized body, etc,etc)

                  But the final question here is:

                  Could we "alter" Time on that Magnetic Field, without altering Space Field?...and of course not referring to "terminate" life of magnet, since it will also terminate space...but alter as to modulate it?

                  Just thinking out loud...


                  Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                  • Empirical Evidence versus Instrument Reading Data.

                    Originally posted by bistander View Post
                    From google: empirical definition, first hit.

                    The theory: Colored lines image from ferrocell represents magnet's flux field.

                    Offered as empirical data: Colored lines image from ferrocell.

                    How about some real data, like gaussmeter reading showing the line entering the magnet center is actually a result of flux?

                    Hello Bistander,

                    All my CRT Scanline Plane Experiments with magnetism show clearly Empirical Evidence.

                    Now, the fact that you do not want to believe it...nor "observe" there is a Partial Rotation for each just because you do not want to accept it...but "your non believer position" does not disprove it as not being Empirical Evidence.

                    What you want is just "Instrument Reading Data"...and not experimental data based on pure observation and scientific analysis.

                    That is just my opinion.


                    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                    • Originally posted by Markoul View Post

                      After all these data and info you were presented by Ufopolitcs and others , including me, you saying that there are no empirical data!?

                      I find YOUR attitude quite insulting and irrational.

                      Here is your empirical data. Doesn't look like fantasy to me.

                      wrong flux pattern of the pole of a magnet:


                      correct flux pattern of the pole of a magnet:
                      The above last is the correct field flux on the pole of a magnet.

                      it is like a rolled-in slinky.

                      individual flux rings are closing circuit between each pole and and the Bloch region of the magnet at its middle.

                      Exactly as Ufopolitics presented it at his illustration here:



                      Hello Markoul,

                      Friend...You can go ahead and use my Image for your need to credit me for it...enjoy is Public Domain.


                      Last edited by Ufopolitics; 04-23-2018, 02:17 AM.
                      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                      • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                        Hello Ricards,

                        Well, it seems you have missed one of my videos where I FULLY explain IT, in Millions of colors and 3D CAD Animations...ALL THREE PRESSURES LAYERS OF MAGNETISM...:

                        LOW, MID & HIGH...


                        MAGNETISM CAN BEND AN ELECTRON BEAM (We call it "DEFLECTION") has been observed with sufficient EMPIRICAL DATA (I started to like that Greek Word...) for the last two centuries with the development of the CRT...

                        What Ken is showing there as also on some videos he has on YT...that Light gets distorted, basically at the Center Plane...Bloch Wall, Counterspace, Dielectric Field Plane... or whatever you wanna call it.


                        Okay now Ufo thanks I get it.. the experiment in actuality and ken's work was not totally to "thrash" the current "magnetic field" just modify and add some features.. It made much more sense now.

                        the closed loop is there..
                        the lines of force (spiral 3d)..

                        these are the two where the features of a magnetic field I was searching for that is clearly depicted by the Iron filing method.. and the supposed mid flux that loops in the middle are directed by the filings to the other end so its not visible..

                        in that video that was the outer most flux lines correct?..

                        but a question arises..
                        if the Mid Bloch region has this flow of dielectricity towards counterspace.. theoretically it should posses gravitational force (aether flow towards earth) as well? as the theory suggest.. and should be able to "deflect" the light even without the ferrous medium or view film?..
                        I don't remember reading something in ken's book about it's sized but the ferrocell experiment show its larger than the actual metal of the magnet..

                        mainstream science suggest that light (not electron beam) isn't affected by magnetic field..
                        and I have not seen any data that suggest otherwise..
                        do you know any?
                        or can you refer to an explanation why it shouldnot work as I theorize?....
                        Last edited by ricards; 04-23-2018, 04:10 AM.


                        • Originally posted by bistander View Post
                          You say those colored lines are the magnetic field. I say they are not.

                          See six (6) side views.
                          See two (2) side views.



                          • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                            Hello again,

                            Now let's see Time without "Space"...A Time Field.

                            Every time we refer to the Time Dimension, we ALWAYS relate it to Space...

                            We have read it in Minkowski's "Space-Time"...

                            We have read it in Einstein's "Special Relativity"...

                            And the fact is that "we all need to relate" the Space Dimension to be able to "see" time.

                            By relating space to time we automatically think of time as "linear"...traveling through space correct?

                            But in we need to relate time with space?

                            TIME is a completely "non dependent" parametrical dimension.

                            Time exists without the need of space...

                            The Problem by "permanently" marrying Time with that we will not conceive, nor accept terms like:

                            1- Bending a Time Field...

                            2- Traveling through a Time Field without "including" the Space Field.

                            3- Or even an object...or a person who "materializes" right in front of Us, out of nowhere...

                            Now related to the Magnetic Field and a Time Field

                            When we create "A Magnet" by passing an Electric Flow through a ferromagnetic core in the form of a Coil-Spring...

                            Once we remove power and disconnect all electrical wires, a Magnetic Field remains in that Core...and it could be there, exist Permanently

                            Permanently: For All Time, for ever...

                            This Magnetic Field occupies a CONSTANT (PERMANENT) SPACE which surrounds and EXTENDS over the core mass space-boundaries-limits.

                            So we could conclude that this Magnetic Field is within a Space-Time Field "Frame"...

                            And we all know we could expand or shrink that Spatial Field by outer interactions...(attract-repulse-expand to another ferromagnetic, non magnetized body, etc,etc)

                            But the final question here is:

                            Could we "alter" Time on that Magnetic Field, without altering Space Field?...and of course not referring to "terminate" life of magnet, since it will also terminate space...but alter as to modulate it?

                            Just thinking out loud...


                            Ufopolitics, you might refer to what John St. Clair has to say on this in his patents. These patents may be missing critical parts IMO because they would fall under concern in national security and could then rightly be expected to be excised of critical parts: Speculating is all.

                            I think convention says that the magnetic field should retain a relative time inside of it's own limits, or dimensional field. Not sure it can be accelerated but logic would suggest it could be by passing it down a decreasing radius/funnel of pulsed magnetic conductors. Not too sure this is such a great idea to be messing with until we first figure out what it's actually doing when applied inside an altered area of space.

                            According to John St. Clair, a moving magnetic field carries a moment whose gradient then is capable of creating a wave which distorts space and which can also be used to create lift. Everything outside the field which is creating the magnetic moment might then have a kind of malleability to it in the sense that there now exists both a distortion in space and distortion in time.

                            Matter inside the field is now time displaced from the matter outside the field, and that enables this matter inside the field to pass through other matter outside of the field, and without effecting either of the two. All matter outside of the field would not see the matter inside the field and likely the reverse is true.

                            Now I think that if you then went about increasing the speed of a magnetic moment inside the already existing field it would create a movement in time, almost certain to be a forward direction, but exactly to where in the light cone would be difficult to know.

                            So yes I think it's possible and by spinning the magnetic field in a decreasing funnel like spiral it might be possible.

                            John St. Clairs' Patent

                            This invention relates to a spacecraft which generates its own magnetic moment and magnetic field gradient in order to produce lift on the hull. The magnetic moment is generated by a large area solenoid located in the hull. A toroidal core wrapped with electrical bobbins at intervals along said core produces a traveling magnetic wave along its surface. This magnetic wave creates a spacetime curvature, similar to a tilted plate, which causes the formation of a magnetic field gradient. Power is not critical because the system uses a magnetic vortex wormhole generator to lower the speed of light in order to efficiently create highly relativistic fields due to Lorentz transformation.

                            BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
                            This invention, which is the subject of my present application, is comprised of a toroidal core around which are wound a plurality of electromagnetic bobbins. The bobbins are pulsed electrically to create an amplified magnetic wave that travels around the core. At the same time, a circular electrical conductor carrying direct current creates a magnetic field around its area which results in the formation of a magnetic moment. This magnetic moment, together with the spacetime curvature distortion created by the traveling magnetic wave, produces a lift force on the vehicle.

                            Paraphrased the rest.

                            By using a ring shaped conductor (transformer lamination fashioned in to a ring), which is laced with solenoids, an electric current is pulsed at a suitable frequency that then creates a slow traveling magnetic field around the edges of the spherical device.

                            The velocity of the wave is the square root of the frequency of the pulsed electrical charges, and divided by the conductivity and permeability of the material.

                            According to the General Theory of Relativity, this type of wave traveling around the circumference creates a curvature in space, and which is a distortion in the vertical direction (in relation to a horizontally located ring) which is pulsed to create the traveling magnetic wave.

                            The distorted space creates a magnetic gradient in the z-direction, which together with the magnetic moment that was developed by the pulsed solenoids then produces a lifting force.

                            *Power is not critical because the system uses a magnetic vortex wormhole generator to lower the speed of light.

                            Magnetic vortex wormhole generator
                            Last edited by Gambeir; 04-23-2018, 10:48 AM.
                            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                            • Dear Ufopolitics,

                              Thanks very much Ufopolitcs for your generosity! I really appreciate it! look at your pm box. I have something for you and ask for your real name I will put you at the acknowledgements section of the paper as a supporter.

                              That's the least I can do for you. You really have inspired me with your video series as Ken did and many others independent researchers, which are ahead of the thick sculled academics by 100 years.

                              My goal is to bring this independent research guys to academia. It is a difficult task and I face the danger to be ridiculed as a scientist and labeled as an heretic. But I don't care the truth must come out.

                              I am the guy who wrote the paper with the ferrocell showing the dynamic magnetic field of a transmitting radio antenna and it had a tremendous success. I used an MIT algorithm for motion magnification of the image by the ferrocell. I put a 900Vp-p radio signal on an antenna rod (telescopic) and used a microscope with the ferrocell. The black body frame of the antenna became miraculously transparent like glass and you can see the field inside and around the antenna. It's like a coaxial cable with the Bloch region as a black strip at the center of the antenna running along its full length! The dipolar field appears as a red pulsating halo and you can see the signal travelling as transverse sinusoidal fluctuations imprinted by the dipolar field on the Bloch dark string:


                              Currently I am the only academic promoting the ferrocell, Timm is my friend and we share regularly ideas, also I emailed to Ken a couple of times. He knows me.

                              Best Regards,

                              EM aka Markoul
                              MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                              MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                              BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                              • Magnetic field

                                Thanks Al,

                                Different ferrocells with different light sources and different viewing angles look very different, don't they? Your first link reminds me of this:

                                Notice that none of the tiny compasses point to the center of either magnet.


