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ENLIGHTENED MAGNETISM (The Full Proof of Ken Wheeler's Theories)

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  • Originally posted by ldrancer View Post
    no he wont respond anywhere. and this is not a theory. Ive said that a few times now like pay more good attention knowmsayinnstuff

    if you can't even say what you're diong your wasting, my time. and everyone elses too. ............... which means its about nothing, religion,

    but religion you're being handled by wheeler.

    and bromikey started insulting me.

    I guess since bromikey is a complete idiot and has been parroting.......
    go play with a gun, loaded pointed in your mouth

    Cerebral "cortex" not Vortex.
    Maybe that is what happened?
    Get it right. It is no shame to
    be on the short end. No pity pots permitted during class.

    You need a program
    Last edited by BroMikey; 05-14-2016, 07:58 PM.


    • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
      Hello Ecancanvas,

      I still have Ken's Third Edition not know if he released the Fourth...I believe he has not.

      Yes he does back up almost all his statements with experiments and that is one of the main thing that caught my attention originally.


      Thanks for the reply


      • Incredible and Amazing Powers of Delusion...

        Originally posted by ldrancer View Post
        no he wont respond anywhere. and this is not a theory. Ive said that a few times now like pay more good attention knowmsayinnstuff
        Sorry Idrancer,

        I promise to pay more good attention to your "knowmsayinnstuff"!!

        if you can't even say what you're diong your wasting, my time. and everyone elses too.
        If You want, I can let you take over this Thread...since you do knowmsayinnstuff...

        You could start by loading your own diagram of what a magnet is...

        Immjustsayinn as an example...

        I mean since, its a concept, and its being claimed to be a theory, then this thread is about .. that. which means its about nothing, religion, and not only that its over that but religion you're being handled by wheeler. Anything coming out of it, saying anything about a vortex, is wasting time. Unless you find one, there are not real.

        i might not of been on track about what this thread's point was but just thought it was an offshoot of his thread anyway. Started by him, is what i think. but, my points have been right here. You've not responded one time. to anythig ive said. this has been being discussed. and bromikey started insulting me. A tornado.. again, isnt a vortex. ? a 2-liter bottle I spin is a vortex, that i hold in my hand? thats a vortex. ? what a tornado is a funnel, wheres the other part that goes the other way, ? what proves its not a vortex is a small tornado and a big tornado, right next to each other, cna hit each other and the small one doesnt morph into the big one and the big one go to the small one. turn into. its then not a vortex. they maintain their own selves. 2 vortexes i wouldnt think could live next to each other they could not touch. it would be the smae thing if they did. Everytime. but look at tornaodes in real life. not an example.
        You know Idrancer, I have been going over all of your posts, and now, I just realize how much sense and brilliant reasoning as stunning scientific analysis is behind, hidden in all of them.

        I insist that you should put all this great comments into a full text book, as there you could develop all your excellent skills and ideas about conceptual vortexes and spirals...

        We all need to know how you picture a Magnet inside?

        I am pretty sure many here that have been admiring all your comments and expressing it in the open... will definitively buy that book.

        You could start by opening your own Thread to start organizing all your scientific data.

        I guarantee it would be a complete success!!


        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-15-2016, 12:34 AM.
        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • If Ken wants to get his book out he needs to do another link.


          • do you guys not know the difference between a concept and a theory?

            are you believing apopotathiss when he said he was goign to have a vortex mower and a vortex hdd out in a year? WHICH, never happened and wont either.

            SO there is no evidence backing up what you speak about as real. you are discussing a concept like its real and talking about it like, its real. STOPPP.

            waste of time. Kens talkign about it casue he claims there is such things as vortexes and his inventions which will never come out are based on these. Isnt like science fakes dont get money for researchign black holes, stolen from workers given to bums. So we can see his status of operation. To get money period. Doenst matter if he works, does anything for anything. just get money. So then you guys would be handled by him if you talk about it and he has no theory, and you would be stupid to keep talking about it after he's been debunked just now and before too by me. You should listen. and stop talking.


            • what aggravates me is people talking and not having anything to talk about, like moving us all to nowhere. Your a waste of hearing for me i have to listen instead of hear silence to babble. You can not talk and then I wont be bothered or aggravated, by nothing. You will go nowhere with a concept.

              I gave my reason why a magnet works like it does, the rope. Now you should think about that. Why, you should figure that one out. it is a working model, thats what you should use. Not some lame brained concept thought up by hair brains who usually just think of these things in normal everywhere trying to trick people to go along with their idiocy.


              • believing such things as vortexes, leaves room for the stupid ideas you guys have been griping over in this thread, because you leave no challenge to them. THen they go unabated crapping all over teh commincation waves. But the rope theory leaves no room for it. I do not believe in a vortex. there are none it is impossible y8ou cant follow the lines it makes and have it logically work.

                You asked about the middle, are you asking for real or just .. being a smart mouth?


                • stfu im not repsonding to you, learn grammar, tenses', you know past present and future tense.

                  like i see it like this on this, deal here i guess we'll call it. The ken wheeler theory of blah blah blah right. its like this game i used to play. At first i was like this is ok. but i had a problem, to heal your guys' Hit points, which is his health, like 50/50 you had to have time pass. Well, to make time pass, you had to, walk in the game. But as you walked, you could happen to, run into a monster, and get into a fight. So I kept getting low on health, walking back to the easier area so i wouldnt die as much and then, walking aback again. Really grindy. But, though if you stood still, time didnt pass. Then i found out about this button. SpaceBar. PUshed it and, time passed. you could stand still, and time passed. So you woudnt get in to a fight and time would pass and you would heal, by... by pressing the spacebar. Computer game. Sort of ruined, the game right? Why did they put that game mechanic into that game? What was the point? figuring it out besides saying that, its dumb was a waste of time. Why they done it they would have to answer and say where dumb but they wont as long as they get money. So i guess thats my point. waste of time here to waste time on this topic cause its not a theory its a concept. and has nothing scientific based on it. why you guys talk about it is probably cause he talked about vortex harddrives and vortex lawnmowers whenever that was and said theyd be out in a year.

                  Those things arent GOING to happen there fake. there cons. Like how they have found more gluons and whatever else they talk about with the particle accelerator thing they have, after the black hole...Find one legit vortex then open this topic back up. other than that, whats ken wasting our time on?

                  and the only reason i kept talking was because i thought he was using vortex as a just .. a name like you know a slinky. or just a name for it. not a literal vortex, until you guys takled about it. a ..whole lot. I didnt take it literal sort of joined to say no way whatever theory he made up is a vortex but yo uguys said its a vortex so no way this isnt. its a concept and not scientific. thought it was only a name that he was using on them mowers and harddrives, for something else though instead.
                  Last edited by ldrancer; 05-16-2016, 01:50 AM.


                  • Originally posted by ldrancer View Post
                    do you guys not know the difference between.....................and you would be stupid to keep talking about it
                    Originally posted by ldrancer View Post
                    what aggravates me ........... lame brained concept thought up by hair brains ........... everywhere trying to trick people to go along with their idiocy.
                    Originally posted by ldrancer View Post
                    believing such.......... stupid ideas

                    You asked about the middle, are you asking for real or just .. being a smart mouth?
                    Originally posted by ldrancer View Post
                    stfu im not repsonding to you....

                    ken wheeler theory of blah blah blah

                    its like this game i used to play.

                    So i guess thats my point. whats ken wasting our time on?

                    Too Bad you dropped all your marbles huh? There there now
                    go take a rest, K? You have been a very cranky one.
                    Better to sit back and let the big boys have a conversation.

                    How do you make a Idrancer go crazy?


                    Put it a round room and tell it to pee in the corner.
                    Last edited by BroMikey; 05-16-2016, 02:58 AM.


                    • Idrancer

                      Whether this topic / thread holds any validity or not, is somewhat irrelevant. It is still acceptable to discuss it. - It’s called freedom of speech, freedom of expression, or free thinking.

                      You have made your point that you disapprove of it. I think it is more of a point that you simply hold a personal grudge against Ken Wheeler...

                      Spamming constant insults at members is becoming tiresome.

                      I for one don’t agree with the north-south (flat earth theory) thread, but I don’t go spamming abuse at those who want to discuss it there.

                      So, can you provide a diagram and as well as a technical description, of what you believe the inner structure of a magnet actually is? –Then you’d actually make your first sensible contribution.

                      Otherwise you're just tiresome noise in which to tune out.
                      "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


                      • you guys are still trying to figure out whats inside a magnet, thats not the point. the point is, it works.

                        you say its cw ccw instead of north south. and you stick together for lack of better word here, flat earth with north and south. doesnt 3d involve up, down, left right and then depth? north and south in no way makes anything 2d. Aha, .. see your trying to incorporate 3d again with your statement, using cw ccw as your over and around thing. your totally wrong man.

                        I cant debat eyou guys here, because you're talking about concepts. This is ridiculous man. WHat is yoru basis then, since yo uwant to question me, for believing a vortex? SHOW me. You cant neither can ken doll thats why he wont debate me or ever resdpont to any pms or say anything no matter what i ask except with an insult, but he'll respond to you guys.

                        So im not debating you guys I guess except telling you stop what the hell you talking about this is ridiculous.

                        Ever heard of black holes. theres an endless array of dumb crap over something you've never seen. Maybe thats hmm I WONDER! seen all those grants and oh we got to build this and smash things together.

                        My opinion is that. You should try to make a stand for what your saying so you can debate me. This topic is standing on wheelers whatever, he .. said. I totally think you guys are trying to destroy civilization. the people who run their mouth and try to get people to do things they wouldnt normally do hate science, your screwing up the scientific method, with this thread. Read teh TITLE its bad. Proof of Kens theory?

                        a.)not theory. you dont use concepts to answer why questions. thats religion.
                        b.)proof? its a theory and you cant prove it. You won't. //whatver he says, 'how a magnet works, you cant prove it, it would be a theory if it had a scientific answer, but the topic is about KENS< so you guys are wrong about proving or having any proof of it, you wont, cant.

                        What is the topic? Let ken handle you guys show how much you can parrot what you heard? that sounds about like it.
                        Last edited by ldrancer; 05-16-2016, 10:20 AM.


                        • so the top of a magnet spins cw and the other side spins, supposdely ccw.

                          ok, i mean is it the magnet? sincea lot of things hinge on this, but lets sya it is. WHat else spins cw in one direction and ccw in the other?

                          rope. .. hold one end and someone else hold the other, now spin it. one person looks at it, and sees it spinning cw the other sees it spinning, in the opposite direction. Thats the theory, it is a model. It is a working model. Your asking whats in the middle of a magnet so you can confuse people. just know that it works. who cares its there, a magnet does what a magnet does. dont worry about, it..

                          if i had to answer id use a rope. the problem is solved, its a working model, whatever question a magnet proposes, is solved by a rope. wheres kens proof at? what has he proven to show vortexes are real? tatooed himself up? played with viewing film oh he can see it,.. uh.. well. yea i see it too its called an optical illusion.
                          Last edited by ldrancer; 05-16-2016, 10:25 AM.


                          • Originally posted by ldrancer View Post
                            WHat else spins cw in one direction and ccw in the other?

                            Originally posted by ldrancer View Post
                            a magnet does what a magnet does. dont worry about, it..
                            No "kament"



                            • I think it's worth looking at the bigger picture. For a start the Earth
                              has a field, so does our Sun. Apparently magnetic bubbles break off
                              from the Sun.
                              There are fields associated with galaxies and also inter- galactic fields.
                              I think magnetism really wants to do nothing, it is always other things
                              that the magnet arranges into the lowest possible energy state.
                              So folks think of a way to see the vortex which the Earth itself must
                              have. It'll obviously be in everyone's garden!


                              • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

                                No "kament"

                                that was a hypothetical question since you guys claim a concept is the cause, of what the magnet does WHAT WE WHERE TALKING ABOUT. i guess or is it again parroting ken? so your comment wasnt needed, for that reason. and also i stated my reason, and .. ur picture, how is that any different than what i stated, a rope? you just shot one piece going one way and another the other way, and wrapped it in a pipe.

                                and why, whats the deal? cant you spell comment? whats the deal with that?

                                i dont think we should talk about things we dont understand stating that we do understand them. Show me. Dont state, or open a topic on the matter if you cant show me and you don't understand it, two things.

