Magnetic Interactions Elasticity... seen through ferrocells
I have gone a bit further than Ken viewing magnetic fields through Ferrocells.
Ken remains observing single magnets under ferrocell which gives you a stationary field.
I have played a lot with magnetic interactions of many different combinations, maybe because my work (electrodynamic machines) depends on constant magnetic interactions to help me visualize the field better...
It is a completely different behavior when you approach either two opposite or two like magnetic polarizations under ferrocells. You can observe very clearly the Elasticity and real Volume from both fields...just like a "Soft Bubble"...where both either compress into each others...or simply "blend" into each others forming one single bubble...then you realize the Field is not only about the curvilinear brighter lines seen on the static, single field...but the whole 3D Volume it forms through them.
It defines very differently behavior on both Main interactions, Attract and Repulse.
I have filmed it...but it is not the same as to do it cameras must be very HD...and mine is...but I guess it is required even higher definition.
Nope, I have not seen it...I will try searching on ferrocellusa home page....
Originally posted by bistander
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I have gone a bit further than Ken viewing magnetic fields through Ferrocells.
Ken remains observing single magnets under ferrocell which gives you a stationary field.
I have played a lot with magnetic interactions of many different combinations, maybe because my work (electrodynamic machines) depends on constant magnetic interactions to help me visualize the field better...
It is a completely different behavior when you approach either two opposite or two like magnetic polarizations under ferrocells. You can observe very clearly the Elasticity and real Volume from both fields...just like a "Soft Bubble"...where both either compress into each others...or simply "blend" into each others forming one single bubble...then you realize the Field is not only about the curvilinear brighter lines seen on the static, single field...but the whole 3D Volume it forms through them.
It defines very differently behavior on both Main interactions, Attract and Repulse.
I have filmed it...but it is not the same as to do it cameras must be very HD...and mine is...but I guess it is required even higher definition.
Did you see the one from MRIguy holding the ferrocell in the MRI? It's on the ferrocell home page. Too bad he doesn't come around this board anymore. You can believe anything Ken tells you. I'll stick to what works.