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ENLIGHTENED MAGNETISM (The Full Proof of Ken Wheeler's Theories)

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  • Faraday Simple Air Core Coil and Magnetic Field

    Below are Two Pages...regarding Faraday basic and simple experiment with an Air Core Coil versus a Magnetic Field.



    Above Page I titled "Positive Induction", just because it is the simplest process whenever we start approaching a Magnetic Field to an Air Core Coil...generating a Full Positive Sine, meaning above Zero.

    And the only difference from the 1831 experiment, is that on this images I am also adding a Sine Wave generation as the different steps take place...

    Also the Two Red Circles depict the "Coil Pitch"


    Above series of Steps is whenever we start to EXTRACT Magnetic Field from Air Core Coil.

    Comprehending Final Decay from Positive Cycle as Generating the Bottom Negative Sine Wave.

    Now, Bistander, do you agree with above images?



    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-09-2016, 03:35 PM.
    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • I'll stand by for a while

      Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
      Now, Bistander, do you agree with above images?
      Thanks for asking, Ufo. But I decline. Please refer to that most excellent article from your post#660.

      In particular, section 1.5, pages 13-17. I thank you so much for bringing that to my attention. It is absolutely a fantastic treatise on Faraday's Law and Lenz. Very clear and concise even going into energy associated with those principles. Take note that all that applies equally to both motors and generators. Please refer all questions there as I would find myself quoting or paraphrasing the author addressing questions on basic machine theory.


      Last edited by bistander; 08-08-2016, 04:43 PM. Reason: Fixed link, I think


      • I Love Simplicity...


        Out of all experimenting and developing of Electrodynamics, and building complex machinery...I love to always refer to simplicity to start development of further very complex machines...after all this is exactly what has taken place in the History of Electrodynamic Machines Development over the years...

        So, I really do not accept your position related to "standing by" when discussing such a simple way...that all it would take from you... is to turn on your scope...get a magnet and a coil and start observing results...there is nothing that would get closer to reality than any book on this planet.

        Here is the same experiments shown before, but as a Function of Time Variation (Speed Increased)...:


        Above is the same magnetic field to coil spatial approach...but I am analyzing it related to Time.

        On the right are all the different Sinewave results obtained when we increase speed up to 3X Time.

        And as we could see, both peaks, negative and positive will increase as the sinewave period would be stretched by taking place in a shorter period of time.

        All this very short and easy experiments could be verified true by any of you who have access to very simple means. And actually a scope will not be required as a good meter would do the job, just set it at low V capture.



        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-08-2016, 09:32 PM.
        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • Sucked in

          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
          Here is the same experiments shown before, but as a Function of Time...:
          Sorry Sputins. I tried.


          So the above statement infers that the experiments shown before were not a function of time, therefore one would assume they were a function of space or position (referring to post #691). In that case, which was unclear in that diagram and post, which was a reason I didn't want to answer your question, I'd now say, no, I don't agree. See my now favorite reference to learn that the generated voltage in the coil is not a function of position.
          1. A moving conductor cutting the lines of force (flux) of a constant magnetic field has a voltage induced in it.
          page 13



          • Originally posted by bistander View Post
            Sorry Sputins. I tried.


            So the above statement infers that the experiments shown before were not a function of time, therefore one would assume they were a function of space or position (referring to post #691). In that case, which was unclear in that diagram and post, which was a reason I didn't want to answer your question, I'd now say, no, I don't agree. See my now favorite reference to learn that the generated voltage in the coil is not a function of position.
            page 13


            You are using every mistake I make in my writing, against what I am trying to convey, no matter if it is VERY LOGICAL and SIMPLE to understand it.

            Of Course previous drawings were ALSO as a Function of Time, and based upon the Third Drawing anyone with a bit of a brain could conclude previous drawings were based on 1 X Time.



            In the last Drawing Title...

            So You could understand it...but still, you will not agree with it, right?

            One thing I have noticed, You like the complex stuff, cause there you could find all your books where it tells you all the same thing it has been repeating over and over for hundred of years.

            However, You stay away from the simple stuff...Uh?

            So, when you do not want to "sound" like avoiding a simple topic...then you recourse to errors in the writing like this one I made...

            Yeah, You look like finding errors....then denying to respond to something not so well put together...

            I don't like this kind of recourse to approach a conversation with me..

            And listen, You know there won't be anything simpler for me, as to ask you to leave here and let me post. Then go to Aaron if I have to...But I won't.

            I just don't have all the time and patience to deal with you all the time.

            And this is "one of this times"

            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-08-2016, 07:14 PM.
            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • Not a function of position?

              Originally posted by bistander View Post
              Sorry Sputins. I tried.


              I'd now say, no, I don't agree. See my now favorite reference to learn that the generated voltage in the coil is not a function of position.

              1. A moving conductor cutting the lines of force (flux) of a constant magnetic field has a voltage induced in it.
              page 13

              So, A MOVING CONDUCTOR IS NOT a Function of POSITION?

              You are making ZERO sense.
              Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-08-2016, 07:29 PM.
              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • suckered in

                I was trying to give you your space but you wouldn't let me go. So I give you an answer and you don't like it so you revert to ridicule. How am I suppose to know whether it is a simple mistake on your part or a misconception? There are other things with those graphics but I'm not going there.

                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                So, A MOVING CONDUCTOR IS NOT a Function of POSITION?

                You are making ZERO sense.
                The abscissae of the little sine wave graphs in that post could be position and therefore time independent. The conductor (or magnet or coil) could have moved but is stationary in that position when the voltage is measured.

                Please leave me out for a while.



                • Dear UFO,
                  Please excuse me, but, are you gone "mad"??

                  This is aboot your recent diagrams on EM inductivity,

                  Realy, How you can get Negative part of sinussoide, which is part of full cirkle,
                  simple bay pulling magnet furder awauy of solenoid, Are you serious?
                  Are you aware that negative polarisation is actually the same as positive,
                  so if you want to get that, negative part, you should flip the magnet,
                  That was for long time one of fundamtall lawas, not only in theories.

                  If you can produce EMF simple by simple puling magnet furrder away from solenoid, then please. )) announce that.That would be really Tesla style.

                  Thank you for you work in this field.


                  • Originally posted by padova View Post
                    Dear UFO,
                    Please excuse me, but, are you gone "mad"??

                    Are you aware that negative polarisation is actually the same as positive,
                    so if you want to get that, negative part, you should flip the magnet,
                    That was for long time one of fundamtall lawas, not only in theories.

                    If you can produce EMF simple by simple puling magnet furrder away from solenoid, then please. )) announce that.That would be really Tesla style.

                    Thank you for you work in this field.

                    Hello Padova,

                    Nope, I don't think I have gone "mad" far...

                    This is aboot your recent diagrams on EM inductivity,

                    Realy, How you can get Negative part of sinussoide, which is part of full cirkle,
                    simple bay pulling magnet furder awauy of solenoid, Are you serious?
                    Ok Padova, it is very simple:

                    The Upper Sine (^) from zero going top then going back to zero is generated by simply pushing magnetic field Inside Coil.

                    The Lower Sine (V) is generated when we get magnet out from coil, either reversing motion or passing the coil.

                    I understand what you mean though, and there is an error in steps 4 and 5 versus resulting Full Positive Sinewave.

                    So, yes, you are definitively right, I should not have shown magnetic field pulling away while positive sine.

                    Thanks for the correction!

                    I will repair graphics later on


                    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                    • Errors in Interpretation from Faraday's Laws...

                      Hello to All,

                      I have been researching different places for the Three Original Stated Faraday's Laws...stated in their Basic Literal Form, without adding nor subtracting one single word.:

                      First Law of Electromagnetic Induction

                      An electromotive force is induced in a conductor when the magnetic field surrounding it changes.

                      Second Law of Electromagnetic Induction

                      The magnitude of the electromotive force is proportional to the rate of change of the field.

                      Third Law of Electromagnetic Induction

                      The sense of the induced electromotive force depends on the direction of the rate of the change of the

                      These Three Laws above are perfectly written and they hold true for every single applicable electrodynamic interaction.

                      It is just the way some places and people interpret them...then end up changing these original words or adding more concepts or conclusions.

                      The First Law is written "very" general...a Magnetic Field Change, so it is understood a field change could take place by different factors like:

                      1-Magnetic Field changes through Space/Time (by movement , meaning rotation, translation etc) related to the conductor. And this factor is relative, meaning we could apply the Space/Time changes to conductor as well, leaving Field static and Induced EMF will still take place.

                      2-Magnetic Field changes by increasing or decreasing its strength.

                      3-Magnetic Field changes by reversing polarization direction (swapping from N to S or viceversa) without physically moving magnetic field carrier. Eg : an Electromagnet feed being reversed. Or by physically rotating carrier or conductor, then changing polarization positioning related to conductor. Eg: Generators DC Field Rotor Principle.

                      And there could be more Magnetic Field changes in addition to the above...

                      The Second Law tells us basically about the "Rate of Change" of the Field being proportional to the generated EMF.

                      Example on Space/Time change...the faster the movement from either one, conductor or field, related to the other...the higher the EMF produced.

                      Now, the Third Law applies to "Direction of the Rate of Change" from the Field will influence the senseof the EMF generated.

                      At any point on the Third Law it is pointed out or refers to, any specific polarization (Poles) direction from Field, but, to the direction of the rate of change which was previously recited in Law 1 and Law 2.

                      It is a simple "Legal" method as it is used when Claims from a Patent are written...I call it "inclusive recitation".
                      • Law 1- Field Change
                      • Law 2 -Field Rate of Change
                      • Law 3- Field Direction of the Rate of Change

                      And below I will show an example about how some information could get misinterpreted and use it to be teaching the wrong concepts.

                      The site below makes advertisement to its Digital PC Scope and also teaches Faraday Induction:

                      PICOTECH PC DS

                      And they perform an experiment with a magnet and coil. by dropping magnet through a tube passing the coil which is wrapped and fixed to tube.


                      The resulting sinewave by their PC DSO:


                      Then a Question and the Answer about sinewave:

                      Q1. Why are there negative and positive voltages generated as the magnet passes through the coil?

                      A1. Faraday's third law tells us that the opposing poles of a magnet will induce an EMF in opposite directions. As the first pole passes through the coil, a votage is induced. As the second pole passes through the coil, a voltage is induced in the opposite direction.
                      Answer is wrong, Faraday Third Law, never refers to "Opposing Poles of a Magnet", but to "Direction of the Rate of Change".

                      The DSO is giving the right result, but it has nothing to do with Field changing poles when passing through the coil.


                      First, Both Polarizations (North-South Poles) have exactly the same direction when passing through coil.

                      However, even in this one directional movement (not reversing directions) passing through coil, when Magnetic Field Drives Away from Coil physical limits, it will generate the reversed flow at its terminals.

                      This process is Exactly the same way as if we retract coil after reaching position in Step 4 (full alignment of field inside coil) like I have shown previously.

                      So, it is understood that getting both poles fully aligned with coil will just generate a positive sinewave as seen in Step 4.

                      Then we have:

                      From position 4 if we move forward, passing coil we get negative sine.


                      From position 4 if we move backwards we will get a negative sine as well.

                      The way to check this is simple, however we must have in mind the following Field Polarization Rotation Directions:

                      North is CCW

                      South is CW

                      So, if our coil is facing South(CW) and it is also wound CW we will get a Positive Sine going into Coil and up to alignment as Step 4.

                      And if we approach a North(CCW), leaving coil as previous position(CW) with South, we will get a Negative Sine by going inwards.

                      If we reverse Coil so it faces North(CCW) by its CCW end...then we will get a Positive Sine.

                      So, based on this results above we will obtain the opposite Sine whenever we move Magnetic Field away from Coil, whether directional (going through coil) or reversing, retracting field away from coil.

                      This is very simple stuff...and very obvious too.


                      Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-12-2016, 04:26 PM.
                      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                      • Let it be...The End of Games...

                        Hello to All,

                        Back again...after some "light" Forum discussions..

                        In this post I would like to express the Main Objective of this Thread.

                        I am doing this post, just because all my previous attempts to help understand the Real Magnetic Field Properties have been in vane, and have created too many arguments, too much controversy against laws that have been established for way too long...delaying me from going directly to the core of this whole, by making this post open, I intend to go back afterwards to my building place and keep working there.

                        I am very glad I finally understood... that such endeavor about fighting against such well established laws for so long was beyond any human life time...then I realized that I am just another mortal that can not afford such goal.

                        The essence would be disclosed below:

                        And please, I would like to ask, all skeptics, or defenders of the Classical Electromagnetism to Open Up their minds as much as they could.

                        On my bench , I am working on a small device that utilizes a Compressed Spatial Field*, (Yes, *a Spatial Field in the middle of an empty transparent massless space) from Magnetic Repulsion that Induces an EMF on several coils when just passing through these coils wrapped around an iron core, even at low speed...The "Prime Mover" is a very small Asymmetric Motor that I built for this purpose, and it consumes very little current while it develops the required speed and torque to spin the device's rotor...And this device have the capability that when its generating coils are plainly shorted, (wire terminal to wire terminal) it increases the speed of its rotor beyond the prime mover constant speed...I called this device a SCIFI Induction Generator...yes "SCI-FI" on purpose..., as it also means "Spatially Compressed Interacting Field Influence"...

                        I have also another device that uses a mechanical-electrical rotary switch, based on a very small motor powering it...very small, but carrying the enough force to be able to transfer a very strong, mass-less and weight-less magnetic field, amplified by huge STATIC iron cores. This Field transfers from each iron core element to another, adjacent...I call it "Field Mutation" for the simple fact that the Magnetic Field is forced to "switch" from one Statiic iron structure to another Static iron structure...And so, while this Field Mutates in a rotational fashion, it projects its EMF Induction Capabilities to another series of predisposed ALSO STATIC coils...which could be exactly the same kind as the ones every single home generator have as "Generating Stator Fields"...without absolutely any modification.

                        I called this device..."Spirits Dancing in the Machine"...

                        In other words, I have made a "Motor" (if we could call it like that) that basically is designed to spin the Magnetic Field through several OUTER static iron core elements.

                        And this Motor spec's is conceived in order that we could just insert it, replacing the original Rotary Field that goes inside every single generator out there...normally attached to the Gas or Diesel Engine through a shaft...but this motor outer core that binds-mates to generator static fields inner surface is completely STATIC...All we need in between both surfaces, is a good shock absorbing insulation material to prevent from metal to metal noise and vibrations when field is developing full higher it would be noiseless.

                        In the first spins of the Virtual Field, the exciter coils in the static area would start the process of retro-feed back to the field supply...connected just the same way it takes place in a Brush-slip ring design or in a brushless type generator. Either one of these systems is completely modifiable.

                        This is absolutely not science fiction at all, and I have built these two machines and I have test them as well.

                        I am at the stage right now, to refine their construction, to make them work better and better...just as any of us, knowing a specific motor or engine by heart, could transform it to make it "High Performance" by just replacing the "OEM" parts, by optimal, state of the art, high performance replacements.

                        Why am I refining them?...just because the old saying..."Extraordinary Claims require Extraordinary Proof"...and so I do not want "too close results" that could offer "cloudy" doubts...or misinterpretations...simple.

                        Now what am I trying to convey here?

                        Simply, that Magnetic Field themselves, without their "mass carriers" could be transferred "Spatially" to mutate from carrier to carrier, following specific rules.

                        Nikola Tesla did this with his Rotating Magnetic Field and the metal Egg demonstration very long time ago...ending in the AC Induction Motor design.

                        I am using DC Fields, because it is the way field remains one polarity without reversals, then it is moved spatially inducing that change of polarity in the coils receiving the EMF Induction alternatively by changing angles of geometrical projection.

                        So, literally, by just rotating a VIRTUAL, mass-less, weight-less field...we could Generate Energy...and the "effort" to do such operation "bolts down" to mechanically - electrically or simply electronically "commanding" the field to mutate-rotate from element to element at the given speeds to fulfill the required cycles per second.

                        The "Stiffness" of a loaded generator comes from Lenz Law, because we are spinning that Virtual Field TOGETHER with its heavy iron mass Carrier (the Field Rotor).

                        Therefore Lenz acts physically upon the iron mass to materially effect that "stiffness", not against that virtual, mass-less, weight-less magnetic just can't "hold it" will "squeeze away" from its material reversed forces trying to catch it...If we were to leave that iron massive rotor static...

                        This Field could run at angular velocities related to Lenz Vectors, which would make it even harder to even approach to it...

                        It is the way it has always been, all along since the first magnetic field was ever is just another "Natural Property" intrinsically attached to Magnetic Fields.

                        That simple it was all this time.

                        At the same token, I hope this post will clear up your understanding as to "see" how all these "Magical and Mystical Machines" that we only have seen on videos work...and that have not been revealed so far to mankind...

                        And of course we don't even need a "Mechanical Power Switching Device" to spin that Virtual Field, having so many state of the art semiconductors, and microprocessors that easily could do the high speed switching job to mutate the fields around iron core elements.

                        I will be loading up the videos that show the machines working when I finish them completely, however, I felt that this post will be necessary to release must of my knowledge out and sharing it openly here.

                        This is a "Late Discovery" and not a Patent...I wrote "late" not because of "novel" or "latest" ..but because of a "too late" discovery, since it has been there ever since magnetic fields existed in our planet... from here many more complex designs could be made possible (and of course patent-able) just by looking and comprehending how this very simple principle really works in my very simple and "rough" machines... which are only intended to be the "Learning Tools" to keep developing further and further.

                        I will be opening separate Threads for each Machine where I will show you how to put them together in detail from scratch. However, that would be the "Physical Proof"...while the whole essence of this Concept is written above...

                        I feel much better and lighter now that I have taken this decision...

                        "Sometimes the simplest things are much harder to see..."

                        Regards to All

                        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-17-2016, 05:44 PM.
                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • Ready to build

                          I'm ready and hoping to be a part of this if possible. I've many types of motors and generators around the shop to modify.

                          Thanks for sharing,


                          • Originally posted by wantomake View Post
                            I'm ready and hoping to be a part of this if possible. I've many types of motors and generators around the shop to modify.

                            Thanks for sharing,
                            Absolutely Wantomake, you are already in...

                            Do you understand what this is about?

                            I just got a Generator that a neighbor had outside his was not running, so I ask him, and he gave it to me for free...

                            To make the gas engine run was no big deal, same thing that always happens, the fuel tar deposited at the bottom of main feeder carburator micro am filming the whole process from scratch...because I wanted to make sure generator head worked fine.

                            The second step is to take them apart, then pull its Field Rotor out...measure resistance of its coil.

                            Before I tried with newer Chinese designs...that will not allow you to unwind without wire braking in the rotor coil...due to so much epoxy they add to it, plus wire is of the worst quality as it does not take much tension forces.

                            This new adopted generator is very old...and American built, so it have a great wire quality and no resin on it.

                            It is very important to know exactly the whole spec's of this coil, as length and gauge of wire, plus the exact laminated face area on each side, as Coil Pitch ...then comparing it to the second part, how many teeth it comprehends on the Stator Housing Inner Teeth per generating coil .

                            These spec's will help you draw and build the replacing Rotating Field Motor outer core elements.

                            Sometimes an old armature from a Motor would long as you could fit it within housing.

                            Must of these electric generator heads have 24 teeth on their Stators...and so if your armature may have 20, and will work...simple.

                            My first build was done with an old 20 pole armature from a scrapped motor that I built as Asymmetrical...the BOSCH.

                            But don't worry too much about that...just start organizing in this way all motors armatures that rotor fields that could be measured and of course their respective generating coils.


                            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-17-2016, 05:22 PM.
                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • 3 phase motors?

                              Just curious, could this be applied to 3 phase motors to convert to generators?

                              I happen to have a couple of 10HP 230/460 3PH motors handy.



                              • Originally posted by Cadman View Post
                                Just curious, could this be applied to 3 phase motors to convert to generators?

                                I happen to have a couple of 10HP 230/460 3PH motors handy.


                                Hello Cadman,

                                You could use their static three phase housing assembly as the generating fields for your primary testings.

                                So, the Phases could be connected in series for greater output after you conduct some individual output testing from each...

                                The rotor is worth for measurements of its diameter as to find an armature from a brushed DC or Universal Motor that would fit pretty close inside the housing.


                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

