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ENLIGHTENED MAGNETISM (The Full Proof of Ken Wheeler's Theories)

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  • Shape of ferrofluid

    Hi Ufo,

    I tried my hand at some graphics.

    Your handiwork above.

    My attempt above. I started with an FEMM from K & J Magnetics. It is a similar shaped magnet to the very large one in your picture. The magnetic field is represented by the curved lines (B field) and colored areas are potentials. You can see that the field lines are concentrated at the corners indicating the strongest area of the field (purple to dark pink). On the sides of the magnet between the pole faces, the field weakens indicated by less dense black lines and a more narrow band of pink color (indicating lower potential).

    The FEMM is symmetrical about the axis. On the top side I have drawn a white rectangle representing the test tube vessel in your picture. Then I free hand painted a curved line outlining the high flux area. It is similar in shape to the outline of the ferrofluid in your picture.

    I see nothing in the ferrofluid behavior contrary to classic magnetic field theory.

    As for the plastic pomegranate juice bottle, nothing much there either. The magnet has strongest field at the corner of the pole faces, the shape of the bottle is confusing the issue and you can plainly see he deforms the plastic bottle to maximize the shape to fit his verbiage.


    Attached Files


    • Originally posted by bistander View Post
      Hi Ufo,

      I tried my hand at some graphics.

      Your handiwork above.

      My attempt above. I started with an FEMM from K & J Magnetics. It is a similar shaped magnet to the very large one in your picture. The magnetic field is represented by the curved lines (B field) and colored areas are potentials. You can see that the field lines are concentrated at the corners indicating the strongest area of the field (purple to dark pink). On the sides of the magnet between the pole faces, the field weakens indicated by less dense black lines and a more narrow band of pink color (indicating lower potential).

      The FEMM is symmetrical about the axis. On the top side I have drawn a white rectangle representing the test tube vessel in your picture. Then I free hand painted a curved line outlining the high flux area. It is similar in shape to the outline of the ferrofluid in your picture.

      I see nothing in the ferrofluid behavior contrary to classic magnetic field theory.

      As for the plastic pomegranate juice bottle, nothing much there either. The magnet has strongest field at the corner of the pole faces, the shape of the bottle is confusing the issue and you can plainly see he deforms the plastic bottle to maximize the shape to fit his verbiage.


      Hello Bi,

      same thing I was telling him.. only in a less academic language.

      he might quote some sentence, contradict it.. and all the rest of your statement BS as well..


      • Originally posted by bistander View Post
        Hi Ufo,

        I tried my hand at some graphics.

        Your handiwork above.

        My attempt above. I started with an FEMM from K & J Magnetics. It is a similar shaped magnet to the very large one in your picture. The magnetic field is represented by the curved lines (B field) and colored areas are potentials. You can see that the field lines are concentrated at the corners indicating the strongest area of the field (purple to dark pink). On the sides of the magnet between the pole faces, the field weakens indicated by less dense black lines and a more narrow band of pink color (indicating lower potential).

        The FEMM is symmetrical about the axis. On the top side I have drawn a white rectangle representing the test tube vessel in your picture. Then I free hand painted a curved line outlining the high flux area. It is similar in shape to the outline of the ferrofluid in your picture.

        I see nothing in the ferrofluid behavior contrary to classic magnetic field theory.

        As for the plastic pomegranate juice bottle, nothing much there either. The magnet has strongest field at the corner of the pole faces, the shape of the bottle is confusing the issue and you can plainly see he deforms the plastic bottle to maximize the shape to fit his verbiage.



        Nice job in your "attempt" Bistander!

        Everything looks fine there...nice colors...neat lines...I mean, if you keep practicing like that...maybe in a few years you could be as good as me....

        Everything looks fine EXCEPT you have "forced" the hand made white line to sink at middle/center of magnet...IF you would have followed the circular certainly wouldn't look like you did it.

        You see...this was just a pic from Ken's book...and the correct way to conduct this to have two identical glass with the other one with very fine iron filings...


        Until we do that...all are speculations..

        Like I wrote before...I have on its way some ferrofluid bottles...


        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-16-2018, 02:53 PM.
        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • Field and potential

          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
          Everything looks fine EXCEPT you have "forced" the hand made white line to sink at middle/center of magnet...IF you would have followed the circular certainly wouldn't look like you did it.
          Hi Ufo,

          You apparently don't understand the concept of the FEMM. The black lines show the flux and the more dense they are indicate the stronger field (B vector). Where the black lines bulge out and become more separated in between the pole surfaces along the outside magnet surface is where the field weakens. As I said in my post, the freehand white line was my attempt to show the magnetic potential contour (colored area), not to follow or force the field lines.

          The ferrofluid will be more attracted to the areas of the magnetic field which are stronger. Those areas are indicated by more densely packed black lines (like at the pole face corners) and also indicated by the potential contour colored areas.




          • Surface tension

            Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
            Experimenting is good. But the ferrofluid, a liquid, will behave differently than iron powder, solid particles, primarily due to surface tension. This guy explains it well.




            • Originally posted by bistander View Post
              Hi Ufo,

              You apparently don't understand the concept of the FEMM. The black lines show the flux and the more dense they are indicate the stronger field (B vector). Where the black lines bulge out and become more separated in between the pole surfaces along the outside magnet surface is where the field weakens. As I said in my post, the freehand white line was my attempt to show the magnetic potential contour (colored area), not to follow or force the field lines.

              The ferrofluid will be more attracted to the areas of the magnetic field which are stronger. Those areas are indicated by more densely packed black lines (like at the pole face corners) and also indicated by the potential contour colored areas.



              Hi Bistander,

              I do understand FEMM, its principle is based on iron filings display of Magnetic Fields.
              I understand that curves where they are closer to each other's are stronger areas than when more spaced apart...correct?

              Now, on the type of magnet under test, where Poles are so close to each other' also being a very strong Neodymium Magnet...that so short distance iron filings or powder will never show such difference in low potential, in that reduced center, cause of poles being so close together...only ferrofluid would.

              Point is...your white line is just free handed as you have seen with ferrofluid on my pics...nothing less nothing 3 Years old grand daughter could do that as well if I ask her to reproduce it from pic to FEMM diagram...

              All FEMM Flux curves between poles (smallest curves) represent the way iron filings would Inflated "belly" shape.

              We have been using ONE WAY DIRECTIONAL particles (FERROMAGNETIC) to find out the Shape of a DIPOLE FIELD...Instead of a BIDIRECTIONAL PARTICLE which is Ferrofluids based on.

              Ferrofluid DIVERGE-SPLIT POLARIZATIONS showing a weaker area (shrinked) at Center of every magnet ...the correct way to image a DIPOLE FIELD.


              Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-16-2018, 05:23 PM.
              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • Originally posted by bistander View Post
                Experimenting is good. But the ferrofluid, a liquid, will behave differently than iron powder, solid particles, primarily due to surface tension. This guy explains it well.



                If the experiment is carefully made...measuring identical amounts of both fluids (iron powder & ferrofluid) then result is only due to each material properties.
                We all know how iron powder will react at the center between both poles...but, for the sake to satisfy radical be it.


                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • Powder vs fluid

                  Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                  If the experiment is carefully made...measuring identical amounts of both fluids (iron powder & ferrofluid) then result is only due to each material properties.
                  We all know how iron powder will react at the center between both poles...but, for the sake to satisfy radical be it.


                  Hi Ufo,

                  Why do you call iron powder a fluid?

                  And is that equal amount mass or volume? And how do you account for difference in permeability?

                  Good luck with the test.



                  • Understanding?

                    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                    I do understand FEMM, its principle is based on iron filings display of Magnetic Fields.
                    Hi Ufo,

                    You understand incorrectly. The FEMM simulation is developed from Maxwell's equations, not copied from the grade school science experiment using iron filings. You get hung up on "iron filings". It's just an experiment or demonstration as is ferrofluid in a bottle. Both, fluid and powder, follow the basic magnetic principles described by the science developed (description-wise) so many years ago. Nothing about magnetism has changed. We use new materials, and new instruments, but magnetism is unchanged.




                    Magnet in the simulation is K&J D62. From an earlier post of mine:
                    Last edited by bistander; 05-16-2018, 05:47 PM. Reason: Addition


                    • Originally posted by bistander View Post
                      Hi Ufo,

                      You understand incorrectly. The FEMM simulation is developed from Maxwell's equations, not copied from the grade school science experiment using iron filings. You get hung up on "iron filings". It's just an experiment or demonstration as is ferrofluid in a bottle. Both, fluid and powder, follow the basic magnetic principles described by the science developed (description-wise) so many years ago. Nothing about magnetism has changed. We use new materials, and new instruments, but magnetism is unchanged.


                      School GRADE science experiment??!! using iron filings?...

                      It happens that The UK, Royal Institution of Science...still saves the original Iron Filings Diagrams that Michael Faraday did back in demonstrate magnetic lines of force..

                      And I do not think Faraday was exactly doing any school science project then...he was kind of a grown up man when he did this diagrams...not in school anymore...

                      Oh!...and after that, remember that came Maxwell...and did all the math (Equations) based on those "Imaginary Lines of Force" drawings plus all Faraday's Experiments.

                      Visit the linked website above...interesting stuff saved from History in is very important to have all Magnetism related History Facts in a Chronological order.

                      Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-17-2018, 01:44 AM.
                      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                      • is very important to have all Magnetism related History Facts in a Chronological order.

                        MSc. Electronic and Computer Engineering, TUC, Greece
                        MSc. VLSI Systems Engineering, UMIST, U.K.
                        BSc. Electronic Systems Engineering, Victoria Univ. Manchester & UMIST


                        • FaradayMichael-Tax500px.jpg

                          Guess what my question is?
                          Attached Files


                          • e167-8b.gif

                            Gives an idea
                            Attached Files


                            • A Brief Conclusion...Magnetism>>Electron Excitement (Part 1)

                              Hello to All,

                              After spending so much time experimenting with Magnetic Fields...I gladly came to the conclusion that:

                              A Magnetic Field IS COMPOSED OF PARTIAL SPINS, these partial spins are ALL INCLINED forming ANGULAR AND CIRCULAR LINES (OF FORCE?**) Which means that just one angular line itself will not cause any EMF on the Induction Coil...BUT, when we move the whole magnet inwards a hollow coil of conducting wire (reproducing original and very SIMPLE Faraday's Experiment with a cylindrical magnet and air coil)...It is only then when ALL ANGULAR CURLS ACT IN A SERIES OF EVENTS, which causes a FULL PROGRESSIVE SPIN by applying a LINEAR movement inwards the Coil.

                              These Partial Curls of Force (Each One) have TWO Momentum's:

                              1- Centrifugal Force out to Space, where Forces of Induction are stronger.

                              2- Centripetal Forces Inwards towards center of Magnetic Field, are weaker than #1

                              Therefore, when we "move" a magnet in space LINEARLY, we are applying a type of AETHER HELIX PROPELLER, which causes all electrons surrounding the space around Magnetic Field to SPIN along the Rotation Force of the Magnet, which I have proven previously on my DIY CRT THREAD it is exactly the SAME DIRECTION for North and South.

                              Lenz Law...the Opposite of Forward EMF Gain (Faraday's).

                              Lenz Law have been the "counter force" to our already achieved FORWARD MOTION of Magnet moving inside Coil, which generates a Positive Gain...When we RETRACT that same magnet OUT of Induced Coil...We get exactly the same Gain we had previously achieved...or stored?...but completely NEGATIVE...So, all energy saved/stored is now out and back to the same coil...which makes a complete ZERO GAIN.

                              As a simple experimental example...we get a small coil, and a cylindrical magnet...coil terminals connected to a small rechargeable battery with a Volt Meter connected to it...We start pumping magnet in and out -by hand- and we see a "gain" when pushed then EXACTLY take all that gain back, battery does not even "realizes" we are trying to charge it...

                              Only whenever we use EXTREME SPEED AND FORCE going IN-OUT of coil...which no longer could be done with our hands...but with a more complex machinery...only then we start seeing a small charge gain on battery...HOWEVER, NEVER, EVER the amount of Speed and Forces combined into Energy would be LESS than the Energy gain we are storing...Just because it would be called Over Unity...not possible according to Energy "Conservation Laws".

                              We could "transfer" the Linear Movements by ANY OTHER KIND, like Rotational which is the way most of our Generators work...But we still will have same OU.

                              This have been "the game" we have played for nearly 200 years generating Energy...where We ALWAYS need a very ROBUST PRIME MOVER (Farting Gas-Diesel Machines), to do this job...and like I have written will never be OU...meaning we get energy out...but "we are always confined to spent more energy in order to make less energy"...kind of an always loosing game... don't you all think?

                              Is there a way to get around this "TRAP, ALWAYS LOOSING GAME"?...

                              Of course there is...But first, We must understand the correct way that Magnetic Field generates Energy....on next post.


                              Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-24-2018, 04:20 PM.
                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                              • A Brief Conclusion...Magnetism>>Electron Excitement (Part 2)

                                Hello again,

                                Ok, first, whenever we all admit that a Magnetic Field contains PARTIAL-ANGULAR- SPINS...and when MOVING FIELD SPATIALLY IN AN APPROACH to a Coil, This SPATIAL MOVEMENT causes an Electron displacement along the Spiraling Coil Copper Material...As it also causes it all over the empty space...except we can not "collect those moving electrons loose in the air"...

                                Because that is all Magnetic Field does to all Induced Coils...To generate an ELECTRONIC ACCELERATION within wire molecules which are SURROUNDING FIELD SPATIALLY in a COILING GEOMETRICAL SHAPE.

                                And that's all we do guys...make a "PUSH" of ALL STATIC Electrons, already existing in the copper wire...when We approach a Magnetic Field to a Coil.

                                Lenz Law does the does a NEGATIVE SPIRALING OR A "PULL" of previous "pushing" positive force...whenever we try to retract or get away from the 'already induced' coil, whether linearly or by rotation displacement.

                                In my concluding opinion...Magnetism ONLY teaches Us how electricity is generated by MAGNETIC effecting a "SPIN" on conducting wires...Magnetic Field has the ability to generate a SERIES OF CONTINUOUS AND CONSECUTIVE PARTIAL SPINS which adds up to a MASSIVELY PROGRESSIVE DISPLACEMENT OF ELECTRONS within copper wire...and so, Electron Flow=Electrical Flow

                                But here is a very simple question...what "else" would cause ELECTRONS TO BE PUSHED, besides using Magnetic Fields?

                                Of course...your answer could be: Another Flow? or a called "PRIMARY" Electron Flow...right?...Electron pushes repulsion.

                                That is correct...We could "accelerate" a BEAM of Electrons which are "normally" linear when out of the Gun...but DRIVEN MAGNETICALLY TO GENERATE A SPINNING LINEAR PROGRESSION.

                                So far most -if not all- of PARTICLE ACCELERATORS are based on a LINEAR PROGRESSIVE ACCELERATION, which is achieved by having the HV Positive Plates (Anodes) at the extreme where we want Electrons to be displaced towards...but, always in a LINEAR FASHION.

                                Those familiar with old CRT TV's and Monitors, know that the magnetic drivers to produce an image on screen are based on rastering Horizontal and Vertical LINEAR DISPLACEMENTS.

                                And the "cost" of energy consumption of an electron very low, it uses a small incandescent filament which generates the enough heat to produce electrons which LINGER SPATIALLY around the Cathode Plates...Low Voltage and low amperage.

                                The way Electron Particles are accelerated forward in a linear fashion..or a "Ray" thanks to a HV Tesla Coil (like an ignition automotive coil), where its HV Positive is set at the end of the traveling beam...or, in a CRT right at the fluorescent screen...and we know these HV Coils are also very cheap to produce High Voltages with minimal amps and minimal input consumption.

                                Resuming...and in very short words...All We need to to MIMIC what a Magnetic Field does to Static Electrons in a wire Induced Coil...but, without the Magnetic Field...just Electrons pushing Electrons...

                                Eventually this all novel discovery would be done in another Thread...just dedicated to this type of experiments plus all explanation with graphics and real testing videos...showing all the "hardware" built to make it work in detail.

                                CONCLUSION: We have been influenced by the awesome discovery of Faraday back in 1831...about Electro-Magnetic Induction...ever since, all our Generating Machines are based on such great discovery...but we have "paused/stopped" there up to now...depending on Magnetic Fields to produce Energy...or Electrons Displacements...when there are other means to generate Electrical Gain with minimal zero mechanical movements of any "physical" parts.

                                We have awesome Particle Accelerators...but spend time colliding particles to study effects (Hadron Collider)...searching and measuring different particles speed and behavior...but basically accelerations being completely linear displacements.

                                We have very cheap "small" particle accelerators (Primitive of course, as Dyetalon wrote before...or being one stage accelerator only) in any Old CRT, whether Color or B&W...and there are so many videos on YT...about making yourself the Electron Guns...or Electron Beams...

                                See You all soon.


                                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-24-2018, 04:28 PM.
                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

