I want to cover two separate topics in this thread, because there are actually TWO paths to all of us having a free energy device, and they are parallel.
The First issue is, what do we do when we finally HAVE one, which I believe to be the more important issue, because it so dramatically impacts the process of getting there in the first place.
So for a moment, let us assume you HAVE the working free energy device sitting on your bench. It is probably very hard to see it clearly because of all the dollar signs in your eyes but this is to be expected. Been there. Done that. And although I was disappointed to discover I didn't have what I thought I had, I learned a LOT through the process. For those of you who don't know my story, let me briefly summarize.
At the time I wasn't married, but my future bride worked in intellectual property law and knew some of the TOP people in the country in that area. For a $10,000 non-refundable deposit, I got in to see one of them to discuss my future millions. After several hundred hours of discussion with my future bride concerning intellectual property, (a field where she has some 20 years experience) and after consulting with the attorney, I decided to abandon the idea of seeking a patent, which was my #1 idea. He was kind enough to refund MOST of my money, which he did NOT have to do. For that I will always be grateful. $10,000 was a LOT of money! By this time my device had QUIT working anyway, so I was very happy to get ANY of my money back.
But here is why I abandoned the patent idea in the first place. Let's assume you get a provisional patent, and now the "guts" of your device, if not the specifics, are available to the general public. Major corporations have people who do NOTHING but review provisional patents waiting for something they can pounce on. My attorney is the one who explained all this to me and it is HIS JOB to know this stuff. If any aspect of your device is similar in composition, design or function to something they have a patent on, a larger company with money to burn can issue a "patent challenge" which you are then required to defend in a court of law at YOUR expense before you can continue on in the patent process. Failure to respond nullifies your patent. They don't really CARE if they lose. They don't even care if what you have is CLOSE to what they have. All they want is a chance to tie you up in court. Their only goal is to bankrupt YOU before you get to market. Once you have defeated THAT challenge, another one is issued. And then another. And then another. And not just from ONE company, but from multiple companies who do NOT want your device on the market. This si why they buy up every junk patent they can find and stick it on their shelves. Just so they will have something similar to what YOU came up with when they NEED it. Good luck EVER getting a patent issued. Really! GOOD LUCK.
This leaves some other options.
Idea #2. Try and sell the idea to another company who has the deep pockets to fight the battle you could not, take their money and run.
Problems with that.
Are you going to get the tens of millions of dollars your invention was worth, or will you have to settle for far less. Reality check here.
Will you get any credit for having come up with this in the history books? NOT!
Oh, and by the way, you don't have a PATENT on the device, so what are you really selling? And what is to stop them from stealing your device from you? An NDA? Better hope THEY don't have a patent for something similar already sitting in a drawer somewhere or you are really screwed. They tweak something they already have a patent on just a bit and away they go. After all, a patent never discloses EVERYTHING about a device now does it? The thing that makes YOURS work might just be the thing that makes the one they already have work, which you have to SHARE under the NDA before they buy it, and they can claim was part of a patent they already have, just NOT disclosed in the patent. Get it???
Idea #3. You become a big enough pain it the ass by running around blabbing about your idea that someone shuts you up. Permanently.
Idea #4. You release the information to the general public.
Why? Because you can make millions this way also. You become known as the person who introduced free energy to the world. You tour the country and the world giving lectures about how you came up with the idea and what it means. You speak to millions. Your lecture fees ALONE will make you millions, plus you will get to work with the brightest minds in every country on the planet in furthering this work. You sell basic kits to every school in America for their science curriculum. You sell DVD's of your lecture series. You go on TV. You become the world's biggest rock star.
HOW do you make this happen? Part II coming up. A plan!
The First issue is, what do we do when we finally HAVE one, which I believe to be the more important issue, because it so dramatically impacts the process of getting there in the first place.
So for a moment, let us assume you HAVE the working free energy device sitting on your bench. It is probably very hard to see it clearly because of all the dollar signs in your eyes but this is to be expected. Been there. Done that. And although I was disappointed to discover I didn't have what I thought I had, I learned a LOT through the process. For those of you who don't know my story, let me briefly summarize.
At the time I wasn't married, but my future bride worked in intellectual property law and knew some of the TOP people in the country in that area. For a $10,000 non-refundable deposit, I got in to see one of them to discuss my future millions. After several hundred hours of discussion with my future bride concerning intellectual property, (a field where she has some 20 years experience) and after consulting with the attorney, I decided to abandon the idea of seeking a patent, which was my #1 idea. He was kind enough to refund MOST of my money, which he did NOT have to do. For that I will always be grateful. $10,000 was a LOT of money! By this time my device had QUIT working anyway, so I was very happy to get ANY of my money back.
But here is why I abandoned the patent idea in the first place. Let's assume you get a provisional patent, and now the "guts" of your device, if not the specifics, are available to the general public. Major corporations have people who do NOTHING but review provisional patents waiting for something they can pounce on. My attorney is the one who explained all this to me and it is HIS JOB to know this stuff. If any aspect of your device is similar in composition, design or function to something they have a patent on, a larger company with money to burn can issue a "patent challenge" which you are then required to defend in a court of law at YOUR expense before you can continue on in the patent process. Failure to respond nullifies your patent. They don't really CARE if they lose. They don't even care if what you have is CLOSE to what they have. All they want is a chance to tie you up in court. Their only goal is to bankrupt YOU before you get to market. Once you have defeated THAT challenge, another one is issued. And then another. And then another. And not just from ONE company, but from multiple companies who do NOT want your device on the market. This si why they buy up every junk patent they can find and stick it on their shelves. Just so they will have something similar to what YOU came up with when they NEED it. Good luck EVER getting a patent issued. Really! GOOD LUCK.
This leaves some other options.
Idea #2. Try and sell the idea to another company who has the deep pockets to fight the battle you could not, take their money and run.
Problems with that.
Are you going to get the tens of millions of dollars your invention was worth, or will you have to settle for far less. Reality check here.
Will you get any credit for having come up with this in the history books? NOT!
Oh, and by the way, you don't have a PATENT on the device, so what are you really selling? And what is to stop them from stealing your device from you? An NDA? Better hope THEY don't have a patent for something similar already sitting in a drawer somewhere or you are really screwed. They tweak something they already have a patent on just a bit and away they go. After all, a patent never discloses EVERYTHING about a device now does it? The thing that makes YOURS work might just be the thing that makes the one they already have work, which you have to SHARE under the NDA before they buy it, and they can claim was part of a patent they already have, just NOT disclosed in the patent. Get it???
Idea #3. You become a big enough pain it the ass by running around blabbing about your idea that someone shuts you up. Permanently.
Idea #4. You release the information to the general public.
Why? Because you can make millions this way also. You become known as the person who introduced free energy to the world. You tour the country and the world giving lectures about how you came up with the idea and what it means. You speak to millions. Your lecture fees ALONE will make you millions, plus you will get to work with the brightest minds in every country on the planet in furthering this work. You sell basic kits to every school in America for their science curriculum. You sell DVD's of your lecture series. You go on TV. You become the world's biggest rock star.
HOW do you make this happen? Part II coming up. A plan!