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The Path to a real Free Energy Device.

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  • #76
    Originally posted by wrtner View Post
    Have you actually built anything, Cangas? Do you even own a soldering iron?
    Have you actually built anything, Cangas?
    Yes, a damn lot of things. I am a "hands-on" kind of a man.

    Do you even own a soldering iron?
    3 of them. Or is it 4, in all the excitement I lost count myself.

    Why are you so fascinated by men who can build things? Because you cannot?



    • #77
      Originally posted by SlickDick View Post
      Hey Slick, you wear such pretty clothes. Does yo Mommy pick them out for you?

      Best idea: YOU, mister dick, put me on IGNORE. The I won't have to read any more of your drivel.



      • #78
        "Such drama. You know as well as I do that the ONLY reasons to file a provisional patent application instead of a patent application is to establish a first to file date, because it is cheaper than a patent application to begin the process, and it buys you time to work on your device or secure funding before filing for patent."

        CANGAS SAYS: You wrote as if you DID NOT know what in hell a Provisional Patent Application was in your earlier post.

        "There is NO SUCH THING as a provisional patent, only a provisional patent application. And since I recommended not filing AT ALL, PERIOD, it makes little difference whether you DON'T file a Provisional Patent Application or DON'T file a Patent Application now does it???? And yes, NOT filing could result in an inventor losing his invention. But I gave my reasons. You don't have to agree with them, but to say it will cost someone their freedom or their life to NOT file is pretty dramatic don't you think? So that's YOUR "expert knowledge" at work, which it seems YOU are allowed to have,but I am not."
        CANGAS SAYS: In your earlier post you wrote as if you did not know your ass form a hole in the ground, much less as if you know what a Provisional Patent Application is. You are proving yourself to be an expert BS artist.

        "The issue I was trying to bring attention to was whether to file or not to file AT ALL. That is the point of discussion. If you want to continue to argue the differences between what I mentioned, which is a provisional patent application and what I meant, which is a patent application, feel free, but you are missing the point."
        CANGAS SAYS: I am NOT missing the point. The point is that you spew words without paying attention to whether you are telling the truth or not, then think you can double-talk your way out when you get caught.

        "You presume to know my motivation for the things that I do. YOUR "expertise" at work again. And you continue to impugn my character, which gives us a pretty clear view of YOURS. I have donated hundreds of dollars behind the scenes to OTHER researchers on these forums with no strings attached. Have YOU? I have also donated parts and equipment to any NUMBER of people, without asking or expecting a thing. Have you? The whole purpose for this entire thread was to discuss a way to bring free energy to the people, and yet you derail it for this ridiculous discussion about my character and the differences between NOT Filing a provisional patent application and NOT FILING a patent application. Are you proud of yourself? What is your goal here, really? To prove to everyone that I made a mistake? I did. Are you happy now? As for helping the poorest on the planet with your free energy device."

        CANGAS SAYS: I did not claim to have a free energy device. Whether I do or do not, I have made NO CLAIM. When will you stop lying? When Hell freezes over solid down to bedrock?

        " And I quote "My practical electrical and electronic expertise is very small. I am urgently hoping that somebody who knows their volt from their amp will design a LITTLE demonstration device that might only make 10 watts, or 1, but will do it reliably and undeniably." The forecast for that appears cloudy."
        CANGAS" You quoted me from my message to Clarence. In your manner of lying, you omitted the part where I explained that I am a "natural" in mechanical physics, not electrical.

        "You have not only wasted YOUR precious time, you have wasted mine and everybody else's who is reading this thread. So far all I have seen from you is negative, negative, negative. Have you contributed one tiny scrap of information to further the cause of free energy for the people on ANY thread on this forum? I find no evidence of that. Have you shared any insights, experiments or discoveries on any thread here? I see no evidence of that. Just exactly WHAT is the contribution you are making to this kind of research, or are you just wasting air that could be used by someone who is REALLY contributing?"

        CANGAS SAYS: Oh? Where is YOUR complete schematic for YOUR OU device? On the NEXT page? Is it in the mail?

        Last edited by CANGAS; 12-25-2015, 08:21 AM.


        • #79
          Originally posted by BroMikey
          Well the thing about this fellow is he thinks your intentions are evil and his are good, like striking the free energy design and saving the world so he says.
          And like you say Dave people can't be working together if they're creating
          whole websites about us saying we are from beneath while they are blowing
          smoke rings with angels.

          When I tell people to call on their gods what I mean is to call out to the
          ideas that they give all of their time to. Communication can kill or make
          alive and if people are condescending then this is an attitude they pay
          attention to. This is worship, worship is a point of adoration to hold on to
          spending one's time on that idea.

          When people name call in a condescending way they are elevating
          themselves above others by putting smut on their neighbor. It is the god
          of high mindedness and generally insecurity will spur the act reaction
          belittling show down with all of their friends drawing strength from a
          single entry.

          Stay away from the trolls is a quote we see here all of the time. It is surprising how much opposition we are facing on all sides. We are opposed
          from within, we oppose ourselves as we grow as human beings, we are
          opposed from the outside.

          We face opposition from many places, it is called spiritual wickedness
          in high places. The high place being the mind of man. If a company or
          team of any kind are going to work together they must face themselves
          first and being honest about their responses.

          When you address people who attack you on these forums I see you as
          having properly handling all that is thrown at you without looking down
          your nose, so to speak. This is the mark of a grown up.

          We need to cover the points you laid out from the beginning, some of the
          members are constantly using derogatory tittles when addressing me, so I will
          stop singling them out specifically as they seem to be looking for an offense.

          However this can not stop our progress just because we are being opposed from with in. The safety of inventors depends on the invention being an
          open source give away at multiple locations, sent to as many emails and
          websites ALL AT THE SAME TIME so that this information gets out.

          The safety of peoples lives will depend upon the success of delivery out
          into the public domain to ensure that everyone has is first. This is our
          insurance policy. Many inventors are concerned about money so this
          will eliminate the majority.

          And yet if they could let go and give they would gain more than sitting
          on their dreams. We here guys say all of the time "Next Year" or
          "Next Quarter" they will have an invention ready for release but we
          never seem to see it. These people are dishonest and can not even
          measure up to their own words.

          So in light of the possibility of many inventors coming forward I would
          have to say no or no there are very few who will fit the criteria.
          Selfless, honest, daring, wanting above all to give away their life's

          We are talkin "Slim Pickens" hell with the childish whining and carrying
          on from inside this thread is enough to make a person with these qualities
          run for their sanity.

          AAA+++??? We will be burping the babies here for quite some
          time before that happens. Swiping noses and getting these people grown
          up some. America is lost I am afraid.

          Still, take courage and you will be honored for your perseverance, dedication
          and disciplined thought patterns that project equality onto all.

          The PATH you are suggesting, as you say to the free energy holds more
          than meets the average persons eye. The world does not want to be
          rescued by anyone, they want to be the hero, they want to be worshiped,
          they want everyone to see THEM. They want it all and they want it now.

          To find the PATH we must address our weakness.

          So in light of the possibility of many inventors coming forward I would
          have to say no or no there are very few who will fit the criteria.
          Selfless, honest, daring, wanting above all to give away their life's
          Well, BroM, I must splain something to you.

          Suppose, in your wildest imagination, that I invent IT. I've automatically got 40 million KGB spies, and another 40 million NSA spies (wanting to charge me with being a terrorist for plotting to ruin the global financial structure), waiting outside my door to SWAT me in the next minute. So, the answer is GIVE IT TO MIKEY!?? What are you gonna do? You have a "get out of jail free" card?

          Do you have an adequate sense of TIME? Do you know the difference between "before" and "after"? The Lucky Inventor who wants to "save the world" must do it "before" he gets murdered or disappeared. Not "after". Makes sense to you?

          Suppose the Lucky Inventor blabs it to 100 of his closest new friends on this forum...they ALL are trustworthy and will NOT sell out or be murdered etc., RIGHT?

          OR...does the Lucky Inventor realize that the only human he can trust is himself? And does he realize that the only way to genuinely try to "save the world" is to try to patent and to trust Lord God to somehow miraculously quell the seemingly inevitable ubiquitous greed and corruption of the majority of humanity so that the invention is protected legally and the profits can be used in toto to help the poorest of the planet?

          IF I were the Lucky Inventor, I know that I could trust ME.

          Why does so many of the forum membership here clamor for the Lucky Inventor to blab the secret to THEM? Is every one of you all really Clark Kent?


          PS...It is entirely possible that if the human race is not capable of being trusted to enable such an invention to be carried out and the inventor to remain safe, then the human race will fail their test and will be snuffed.
          Last edited by CANGAS; 12-25-2015, 09:06 AM.


          • #80

            I'm not wasting anymore of my time on you. You're not worth it. I have better things to do than put up with your potty mouth.

            If you want a "free energy" device even YOU can build, read the "Basic Free Energy Device" thread and the "3 Battery Generating System" thread. If you read and UNDERSTAND everything on those two threads, you have all you need to build a free energy device. Oh, and there ARE schematics posted there.

            The device will be COP>1. That's free energy, but all we shared so far is the basics. You will soon learn that COP>1 isn't enough. And then you will want help. You won't be getting it from me. You should be careful which bridges you burn. You might be standing on one. Look down.

            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


            • #81
              Alexander doesn't seem to care

              Why should you ?

              Cangas crawl out from under the Bed ,the shadows aren't filled with KGB
              just ask Alexander Parkhomov in MOSCOW...making LENR in his kitchen on the stove [LITERALLY
              he ain't sweatin it why should you ?

              the world is changing at Light speed...
              If you want to Change the world
              BE that change !!


              • #82
                Ba bye

                User CP - click
                Edit Ignore List - click
                cangas - click
                OK - click
                save changes - click



                • #83
                  I'm not wasting anymore of my time on you. You're not worth it. I have better things to do than put up with your potty mouth.
                  Ditto. Of course, your unrelenting mendacity was really the deal breaker.

                  If you want a "free energy" device even YOU can build, read the "Basic Free Energy Device" thread and the "3 Battery Generating System" thread. If you read and UNDERSTAND everything on those two threads, you have all you need to build a free energy device. Oh, and there ARE schematics posted there.
                  Or, I can just relax and review all the schemas in my memory that I have been inspired to think of during the past 50 years. Or, I can also read my notebooks compiled during the past 25 years.

                  And then you will want help. You won't be getting it from me.
                  Been there , done that. God Holy Spirit is enough help for me. And somewhat more reliable than YOUR egotistical "help".

                  You should be careful which bridges you burn. You might be standing on one. Look down.
                  You too. Jack, you may be closer to the lake of burning sulfur than you want to admit to yourself.

                  Last edited by CANGAS; 12-26-2015, 07:57 AM.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
                    User CP - click
                    Edit Ignore List - click
                    cangas - click
                    OK - click
                    save changes - click


                    Thanks for the advise. Matt showed me how to do this a long time ago. Didn't think I'd ever need it, but it DOES come in handy! LOL. It's a done deal.
                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by BroMikey
                      I don't think it is going to be so simple within the confines of your very
                      limited expose. Yes greed rules the hearts of many but remember the
                      scripture which states the the wise will do wisely and they will
                      understand and do great exploits.
                      I am counting on the promise of Lord God that i will be counted as wise and will be enabled to do great exploits. Duuh.

                      Your focus on the condemnation against the wicked and maybe in the
                      process you are mistakenly falsely accusing pure intentions? You see it
                      is a one on one process of sifting out the bad from the good and all in
                      the hand of the KING. It is HIS good pleasure to kill and make alive.
                      You are making a serious mistake. You are assuming that you know and understand more than you really do. You are assuming that I do not already know much about the KING and His intentions. The fact is that I do already know much about Him.

                      Beware of making blanket negative comments against those who are
                      righteous, you will find yourself sinking deeper into hate while you
                      are professing some sort of high standing in the spirit.
                      BLANKET comments?! I have made very specific comments about the mendacity and ego of specific individuals. Either your reading comprehension or your memory span may need some help.

                      It's all vanity. Stinky flesh all of it, yet loved greatly.

                      The things you say are possible but you have no way of
                      tagging folks with those judgements as if you could search their hearts
                      knowing their intentions were all evil.
                      I am here to try to do a job that is seeming to be virtually impossible. It is a great obstacle to have to fight with the very same self righteous morons who were supposed to make rondezvou with me to help me. INCLUDING MIGHTY MOUSE.

                      This too is the high minded stumbling block, just as the super intellect
                      believes he can LORD OVER his minions because he has a superior mind.
                      The quarterback is SUPPOSED to call the plays and get competent blocking and competent pass receiving and competent running.

                      All vanity and tho I can do all things speak the tongues of angels and
                      can not reach out to the dying in love, "I AM NOTHING"

                      We are all in need of HIS mercy, no one is one up on the other.

                      This is the battle of men with the HIGHMIND that refuses to fall
                      trembling and contrite.

                      Now from another stand point we could say the unwitting do not
                      understand the plan laid out for the ages.So because they do not
                      possess the knowledge, are we going to belittle them?

                      What will you say then?
                      Right now, "them" seems to be YOU. Or, more correctly, you all.

                      Obviously you have not perceived that GOD has created many
                      places of growth that is in HIS wonderful plan. Take a deep breath and
                      No, Jack, it is obvious to ME that YOU are not accurately and thoroughly enough correctly assessing what is playing out under your very nose.

                      If you can find your Bible, or, anybody else's , start reading at Matthew 25:31. THAT IS GOD'S WONDERFUL PLAN.

                      Are you a goat or a sheep?



                      • #86
                        Funny thread

                        This message is hidden because CANGAS is on your ignore list.
                        This message is hidden because CANGAS is on your ignore list.
                        This message is hidden because CANGAS is on your ignore list.
                        This message is hidden because BroMikey is on your ignore list.
                        This message is hidden because CANGAS is on your ignore list.
                        This message is hidden because BroMikey is on your ignore list.
                        This message is hidden because CANGAS is on your ignore list.
                        This message is hidden because CANGAS is on your ignore list.
                        This message is hidden because CANGAS is on your ignore list.
                        This message is hidden because BroMikey is on your ignore list.
                        This message is hidden because CANGAS is on your ignore list.
                        This message is hidden because BroMikey is on your ignore list.
                        Wake me up once those two are done. (to who do they think they are talking anyway?)



                        • #87
                          This is what I was getting at in the beginning. I believe these 2 people are one and the same. The Bowl Movement so far is the single greatest source of lies and misinformation I have seen on this forum since it started. He never makes post in which the material is trying to convey is accurately delivered. He makes these little things up that are just lies.

                          On several occasions when being attacked his supporters with 1-3 posts come out of the wood work and defend him. It so obvious its him.

                          I believe this Cangas guy is just another one of his characters. Solely designed to sabotage a thread.

                          I believe what needs to happen is we all need to start trying to put in some work to share with each other, like David is saying. Then as group we demand his expulsion for cluttering up good information. Thats all he is here to do is to make a thread so grueling to read through its easier to ignore than to reference. Donations don't hurt either and I am going to try to make few over the next month or so.

                          He'll of course explode now. Thank god for that ignore list.



                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                            This is what I was getting at in the beginning. I believe these 2 people are one and the same. The Bowl Movement so far is the single greatest source of lies and misinformation I have seen on this forum since it started. He never makes post in which the material is trying to convey is accurately delivered. He makes these little things up that are just lies.

                            On several occasions when being attacked his supporters with 1-3 posts come out of the wood work and defend him. It so obvious its him.

                            I believe this Cangas guy is just another one of his characters. Solely designed to sabotage a thread.

                            I believe what needs to happen is we all need to start trying to put in some work to share with each other, like David is saying. Then as group we demand his expulsion for cluttering up good information. Thats all he is here to do is to make a thread so grueling to read through its easier to ignore than to reference. Donations don't hurt either and I am going to try to make few over the next month or so.

                            He'll of course explode now. Thank god for that ignore list.

                            Hi Matt,

                            I agree Big mouth has got to go. Big Mouth has over 2800 posts, of which maybe 0.5% is useful or contributes at least something. He is active in almost every thread. Sometimes with multiple successive posts of nonsense ramblings, deteriorating and derailing every single thread he is active in.

                            Not sure if Big Mouth and Canned Gas are one and the same. However, It would not be hard for the Moderators/Admins of of this forum to find out if this is the case. The forum software used on this website (VBulletin) has built in tools which can be used to find out if one has multiple accounts.

                            While the ignore list is a nice feature, it is of no use when you are not registered. Also, members who haven't blocked Big mouth, quoting or arguing still clutters up the threads.

                            Herein i think lies the core of the problem. The total lack of moderation, that is what is causing this forum to deteriorate on steady pace. If this forum would have some pro-active moderation, Big Mouth and friends would have been stopped years ago, for the benefit of the forum as a whole, and to maintain at least some quality.
                            All the best,



                            • #89
                              Originally posted by SlickDick View Post
                              Hi Matt,

                              I agree Big mouth has got to go. Big Mouth has over 2800 posts, of which maybe 0.5% is useful or contributes at least something. He is active in almost every thread. Sometimes with multiple successive posts of nonsense ramblings, deteriorating and derailing every single thread he is active in.

                              Not sure if Big Mouth and Canned Gas are one and the same. However, It would not be hard for the Moderators/Admins of of this forum to find out if this is the case. The forum software used on this website (VBulletin) has built in tools which can be used to find out if one has multiple accounts.

                              While the ignore list is a nice feature, it is of no use when you are not registered. Also, members who haven't blocked Big mouth, quoting or arguing still clutters up the threads.

                              Herein i think lies the core of the problem. The total lack of moderation, that is what is causing this forum to deteriorate on steady pace. If this forum would have some pro-active moderation, Big Mouth and friends would have been stopped years ago, for the benefit of the forum as a whole, and to maintain at least some quality.

                              Double Ditto, Ditto!!!

                              Can anyone convince Aaron to remove him or at least put him on some kind of moderated status? Maybe limit him to 2 posts per month! Then he might actually have to think about what he is posting. We have lost so many real builders because of all this foolishness. Glad to see some familiar names back again in this thread.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by SisMika View Post
                                Double Ditto, Ditto!!!

                                Can anyone convince Aaron to remove him or at least put him on some kind of moderated status? Maybe limit him to 2 posts per month! Then he might actually have to think about what he is posting. We have lost so many real builders because of all this foolishness. Glad to see some familiar names back again in this thread.
                                This "SisMika" Is just another Bromikey persona. Read all the posts by this character and you have to agree.
                                Another one for the ignore list..


