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Oscillating Reed Switch Pulse Motor.

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  • Homemade electric buzzer.

    This video has an awesome conclusion at 6:30 in the video, demonstrating the "Spark Gap" generator application of the electric buzzer broadcasting A.M. radio waves. The plasma arc is visable between the tintop and the iron nail. This simple oscillator would power a diametric rotor just like the oscillating Reed switch connected in series to a bifilar Tesla series connected solenoid power coil. This plasma arc is actually a spiraling R.F. vortex like the one pictured below:

    The rotor may need to "Pony" up with a Reed swith oscillator coil. Both coils can fit through a protective PVC coupling from opposite sides.

    I ordered a group of magnets from K&J magnets to a new P.O. Box down here in Costa Rica to try this myself with the "Frictionless Ludic Top" spinner featured above. I'll upload a video when it's working!
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-30-2017, 02:30 AM.


    • Secondary.

      Wrapping the "Electric Buzzer" primary tautly, then over lapping the primary with a finer wire secondary would generate a clean A.C current from induction, like a "Ruhmkorff Coil". This A.C. current should be able to assist the primary drive coil with a secondary A.C. synchronous power coil. The two coils should operate synchronously. A pulse D.C, A.C.. synchronous hybrid.

      Below to the left is the "Make and Break" mechanisem of a Ruhmkorff inductor. The springy tin top serves the same purpose in the "Electric Buzzer"; Plus a schematic on the right:
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-30-2017, 02:30 AM.


      • Electric Buzzer and Ruhmkorff Coil.

        The two differences between the "Electric Buzzer" and the "Ruhmkorff Coil" are the inclusion of a capacitor between the electrode and breaker in the coil and a reversal of battery polarity:

        The "Ruhmkorff Coil" has a small capacitor between the electrode and the breaker; However, this would kill the plasma vortex arc in the electric buzzer.


        "An arc forms at the interrupter contacts at 'break' which consumes energy stored in the coil, slowing the rate of change of primary current, reducing the output voltage. To prevent this a capacitor (C) of 0.5 to 15 μF is connected across the contacts to increase the speed of switching on 'break', producing much higher voltages.[dubious – discuss] It also prevents damage to the contacts by the arc. The capacitor and primary winding together form a tuned circuit, so on break an oscillating decaying sinusoidal current flows in the primary.[dubious – discuss] This induces a sinusoidal voltage in the secondary. As a result: the high voltage output pulse at each break actually consists of a rapidly alternating series of positive and negative pulses (left) which decay rapidly to zero".

        The power coil connected in series between the electrode nail and the negative pole of the battery in the arcing spark gap electric buzzer should drive the diametric neo magnet spinner wild. Be prepared for shock velocity acceleration if you try this. Remember the PVC coupling protective housing, helmet and goggles!
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-30-2016, 01:10 AM.


        • Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves.

          "Faster waves traveling over slower waves generate "Kelvin-Helmholtz waves".

          The electric buzzer should produce the "Self Accelerating" effect I noticed and set out to explain. An A.C. synchrounous signal will not propel the magnet rotor untill the R.P.M. matches the frequency.

          The explosive acceleration from an interrupted spark is an OU effect I theorize is a magnetic Kelvin-Helmholtz effect. Normally, we have to add power to produce acceleration. The magnet rotor generates this acceleration power spontaneously from the interrupted spark longitudinal "magnet wave"'!
          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-30-2016, 06:26 PM.


          • Full spectrum frequency.

            Another point is the "Gap Spark" radiation covers practically every frequency as evidenced by the frequencies measured by Chaniotakis from his "Reed Oscillator" 9 to 34Khz:


            Quote from Wikipedia on "Spark Gap Generator":

            "Another problem with the spark transmitter was a result of the shape of the waveform produced by each burst of electromagnetic radiation. These transmitters radiated an extremely "dirty" wide band signal that could greatly interfere with transmissions on nearby frequencies. Receiving sets relatively close to such a transmitter had entire sections of a band masked by this wide band noise".

            The "Gap Spark" is broadcasting a full range of frequencies simultaneously, unlike an isolated A.C. frequency sine wave; So the spark can power the spinner starting at any R.P.M.! The spinner accelerates up this broad scale of frequencies.

            Normally, we need to increase input power to accelerate the spinner. Here we have an asymmetric relationship; The input's constant, but the spinner speeds up as it climbs to the next higher frequency range. Constant input!
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-30-2016, 07:48 PM.


            • "Spark Gap Magnet Motor".

              There's no video or written material anywhere to demonstrate the functioning of a "Spark Gap Magnet Motor".

              Any video of a successful attempt would constitute a historical first!

              The spinning diametric magnet will "Consecutively Select" incremental frequencies from the broad band of available "Spark Gap" frequencies, and spontaneously accelerate with constant input. It would help to increase the voltage on the "Tin Can Top Electric Buzzer" from 3 to 12 volts for short run testing.

              Attaching a tuned capacitor between the electrode nail and the "Tin Top" in the .5 to 15uf range will generate an efficient A.C. HV spark from a thin wire secondary of many turns wrapped over the primary winding. Identical to a "Ruhmkorff" coil.
              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-31-2016, 04:19 PM.


              • Coherer

                The first radio receiver; A demonstration of the "Magnet Wave" generated by the spark: We can see the spark magnetizing iron fillings between the electrodes!


                At 1:45 in the video the narrator states that the spark gap transmitter is currently illegal because it "transmits all accross the spectrum".

                It's important to understand that the spark broadcasts a powerful "Magnet Wave" along with the R.F. signal, and that the "Magnet Waves" are broadcast all accross the spectrum! The rotating neo spinner uses every frequency accross the band "Sequentially".

                Remember the principle of "Consecutive Selection" by the rotating neo magnet spinner! This is an Overunity motor: The magnet flux power generated by the neo spinner at maximum velocity is greatly in excess of the small amount of constant input power!
                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-31-2016, 06:25 PM.


                • Multiple spinners.

                  The original spark gap transmissions were received by every "Coherer", regardless of distance or location. The longitudinal magnet wave is (Omni-Directional). A hemispherical power coil shaped like Tesla's Wardencliffe transmitting antenna, on the right, could run multiple neo magnet rotors with the same signal, from one single oscillating "Spark Gap" plasma arc!

                  We can see the size of the "Cornal Plasma Arc" toward the top of one of Tesla's original Wardenclyffe patent drawings on the right:

                  A hemispherical coil surrounded by a ring of frictionless neo spinners connected to a spark gap would constitute a miniature Tesla style Wardenclyffe!
                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-30-2017, 02:30 AM.


                  • Igniter magnet spin experiment.

                    I would bet money it's possible to spin or wobble a neo magnet suspended from a string simply by clicking an igniter in close adjacency to it, like the Coherer filings. Maybe someone's set up to try this simple experiment?
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-01-2016, 02:04 PM.


                    • Spark suspended magnet test.

                      I connected two 6v dry cell batteries in series and sparked two clip leads together next to a ceramic ring magnet suspended by a piece of magnet wire; Lo and behold!

                      Everyone knows that current in a wire generates a magnetic field. The suspended magnet reacted powerfully to the spark both in attraction and shuddering. Just how much action comes from the spark compared to the attraction of the magnetic field in the wires is hard to determine?

                      This raises all the variables of Ampere turns and Lorentz force; How can we get a pure spark without sending current through a wire?

                      The Coherer reacts to a spark better with a copper wire antenna attached to one of it's electrodes.

                      The current traveling through the wire in the electric buzzer nail generates a magnetic field in the wire between the nail and the negative pole of the battery. Lengthening this wire by warping it around in circles would multiply the magnetic strength of the current. Any magnet would begin to reeact powerfully if positioned closely to the "Electric Buzzer".

                      The spark is sending current through this wire coil over a full spectrum of frequencies. This generates a fluctuating field unlike a steady D.C. current. Herein lies the hidden spin power of the "Spark Gap Magnet Motor"!

                      A power generator consumes greater input as you raise the frequency. The "Gap Spark" generates higher frequencies along with all the others with an unchanging input! A scope shot would reveal a "Jagged Sawtooth" acceleration curve, as the random frequencies from the "Dirty Signal" consecutively powered the spinner to higher R.P.M.'s.
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-02-2016, 02:42 PM.


                      • Multiple magnets.

                        Suppose I suspended a second magnet and re-preformed the "Spark Activation Test"? Would the presence of the second magnet have any effect on the power input at the spark gap?

                        Marconi's "Spark Gap" transmission could be recieved by multiple Coherers anywhere, within reception range of the spark, with out effecting the input, right?

                        The work done on the second magnet would not halve the force of the primary field on the first magnet, right?

                        This video shows Jonny Davro spinning 10 satellite magnets off a bearingless Bedini rotor. Does the rotor slow down as Jonny adds additional satellite spinners, or does the circuit draw more power??? The overwhelmingly astounding answer is an emphatic: NO!

                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-01-2016, 05:49 PM.


                        • Broadcasting magnet waves.

                          Broadcasting a "Full Spectrum Frequency" set of magnet waves from a "Gap Spark" through a hemispherical coil to a ring of multiple neo magnet spinners has nothing what-so-ever in common with the kind of pole field formed in an ordinary D.C pulsed solenoid coil normally used to power magnet rotors.
                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-01-2016, 08:47 PM.


                          • Message circuit

                            We can see, from the simple schematic below, that the electric buzzer "Spark Gap Motor Circuit" is identical to a complete wireless set that is capable of sending morse code messages with the inclusion of a tappiing key; The key simply switches power on and off to the circuit:

                            "The structure of the ionized discharge across the gap is highly erratic, with constant current fluctuations occurring within the plasma. These fluctuations occur rapidly, with a frequency content that covers nearly the entire EM spectrum".

                            Once again below on the right, is an actual photograph of the "highly erratic ionized discharge": This plasma vortex discharge broadcasts a frequency that covers nearly the "Entire Electro-Magnetic Spectrum".
                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-30-2017, 02:30 AM.


                            • Wardenclyffe

                              Tesla's early Wardenclyffe "World Power Transmitter" patent design was simply a large scaled up version of the "Morse Code Transmitter" and it's twin, the "Spark Gap Magnet Motor" circuit posted above.

                              Below we see only the top part; Just the spark gap and the transmitter array above. Heinrich Hertz added an LC resonant capacitor to tune the coil and took the first step towards the development of modern radio. Tesla's major interest, however, was the power carrying longitudinal magnet wave:

                              The buisness end of Tesla's power transmitter is identical to wiring a broadcast coil in series between the spark electrode nail and the ground of the "Electric Buzzer".
                              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-30-2017, 02:30 AM.


                              • High Speed Frictionless Bearing.

                                One Ceramic Bearing and Neo Sphere:

                                Here's a unique solution to the frictionless bearing problem from K4zep:

                                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-03-2016, 02:37 PM.

