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Oscillating Reed Switch Pulse Motor.

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  • Flyback circuit for "Buzzer".

    Here's a "Flyback Circuit" and charge battery for an electric buzzer:

    Remember: Collecting flyback kills induction! This circuit and the "Ruhmkorff Coil" seconday HV circuit are mutually exclusive.
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-30-2017, 02:30 AM.


    • Oersted's experiment.

      Look at what happens at 2:36 in this excellent Ludic Science video: "Experiment on the Relationship of Electricity and Magnetism":

      Close analysis of the spin action on the neo magnets at 2:36 reveals a "Kick" of the stacked magnets from the "Spark"! Think about what's really happening in these few video frames! It's a subtle effect, but this is the first concrete test example that comes close to demonstrateing the "Spin Effect of Spark" I stumbled on and set out to explain.

      What would happen to the "Neo Magnet Stack Spinner" if we connected one end of Ludic's wire to the "Buzzer Electrode Nail" and the other to the correct battery pole and started the stack spinning?

      What effect would placing a second "Neo Magnet Stack Spinner" under the Ludic wire have on the input current to the "Electric Buzzer"?

      Imagine two wires one meter in length connected between the buzzer electrode and battery pole, with two dozen "neo stack spinners" under one wire and a DPDT blade switch to open and close the circuit between the two wires. Making contact with the key would open the spark circuit to spin the neo magnet stacks like crazy under one wire, and closing it would redirect the current to the other bypass wire to slow them down, right? What would the input to the "Buzzer Spark " measure up to as we added and removed power to the group of spinners through the alternate wire compared to the bypass wire? There would be no difference in input between the two wires!

      This is what I'm talking about as an asymmetrical relationship between input and output and Overunity potential!
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-03-2016, 07:21 PM.


      • "Proof of Concept" Experiment.

        Building the tin top electric buzzer and connecting it to the "Ludic Science" Oersted setup to see if the spinner can be powered by the gap spark would be all we would need to set these principles in concrete. This turns out to be a much less costly "Proof of Concept" experiment than any of the others.

        I may need to order different kinds of neo magnets to try this and upload a video. Good luck to anyone who beats me to it!

        A video of that magnet spinner whirling around from the buzzer spark will signal the death knell for the "Fossil Fuel Era".
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-03-2016, 06:10 PM.


        • 25 Kv ignition coil.

          Cut to the chase here with Austin Jewsbury's light dimmer, microwave oven capacitor and automotive ignition coil plugged into a 120 volt outlet:

          The "Ludic Science" spinning wire would connect between the ground of the ignition coil and the spark electrode. Just between the tiny piece of 2 inch wire with the gator clip on one end and the sparking electrode on the other:

          A "Hemispheric Coil" tied in here should be able to drive a large ring of K4zep type neo-spheres on ceramic magnets, speed controlled by the dimmer switch!
          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-03-2016, 11:16 PM.


          • Solid State Oscillators.

            What would happen if we sandwiched the thick copper wire used in "Ludic's Oersted test" between two ceramic block magnets, right above where the spinner's positioned, and wrapped the two magnets with a fine wire output winding, then sparked the wire? It would generate a voltage with out moving the magnets from jouncing the PM field through the output coils, right?

            Bruce TPU reported on several occasions that Steve Mark mentioned that a current in a wire generates a magnetic field, and that the same (HV Spark) current generates double the field in a wire twice as long; The "Secret of the TPU"?

            The very high voltage of a "Spark" reduces increased Ohmic resistance from the larger wire length to practically zero.

            Joseph Henry invented the "Electric Buzzer", and spent his entire life experimenting with magnet waves. Unfortunately, his laboratory along with most of his notes, was lost to a catastrophic fire. There's a strong chance Henry experimented with and perfected this kind of solid state generator a long time ago, based on a few fragments I came accross.

            Floyd Sweet's "VTA", Colonel Bearden's "MEG", Steve Mark's "TPU", Hans Coler's "Magnetstromapparat", Joel McClain and Norman Wooten's "MRA" etc. All these solid state generators with reported OU>1 COP's used oscillating current to resonate magnets and generate current.

            Going back to the Oersted wire example: It would not require any extra (HV Spark) input to lengthen the wire and add additonal sandwiched coil wrapped ceramic block magnets in a line along the wire of increased length, right?

            Imagine if we placed the buzzer connections at the ends of the wire with a flyback recovery circuit. Tuning the circuit with an LC capacitor between the contact and the electrode, to oscillate at 180 KHz, would ring the ceramic magnets at their resonant frequency. Perhaps this was the actual design of Steve Mark's TPU?

            A cheap "Inductance Capacitance and Frequency" (Digital LCF Meter) would be all that one would need, along with the standard formula, to tune the "Tin Top" buzzer electromagnet inductor with the correctly sized capacitor to achieve resonate ceramic magnet ring frequency. We could run that "Oersted" wire in a wide tall spiral, with many coil wrapped ceramic block magnets compressed around it, and light up the house, while collecting "Flyback" from the buzzer, if I'm correct!

            Tesla's Wardenclyffe "World Power Transmitter" was tuned to oscillate at around 180Khz to ring the Earth's magnetic field.

            I believe also that Captain Coler's "Magnetstromapparat", was a Joseph Henry design that traveled to Germany earlier, and that the oscillating contact from an "Electric Buzzer" was deleted from the drawings.

            LCF meter below: Our Price: $9.50
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-30-2017, 02:30 AM.


            • Hans Coler's "Magnetstromapparat".

              On the left, we can see Coler's ferrite bar magnet with two counter wound output coils, one on each end, and an exiter wire.

              Next, on the right, we see a schematic of his apparatus with the variable capacitors in place to tune the LC resonant tank, but there's no oscillator in the circuit, just an on off switch! There's something "Fishy" (suspicious, doubtful, or questionable) about that!

              My design uses radial polarized ceramic block magnets, not axial polarized ferrite bars. Coler said he generated 5 Kilowatts off that puppy!
              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-05-2017, 12:38 AM.


              • Double the copper half the power, or twice the force!

                Conclusions of Hob Nilre on his coil force tests:


                "Double the copper - half the power; Or you could double the copper but same power - double the force, its just harder to measure".

                These are the same results as the lesson from Steve Mark; What's the difference?

                The solenoid coil wastes practically all of it's magnet strength in "Unused Field" unlike the energized magnet wire completely enclosed by permanent magnet material or field windings!

                For example: Let's say we run a thick 1/8" copper wire through the center hole of a diametric neo tube magnet and seat the magnet snugly inside a factory wound coil with a core of the same dimension as the magnet tube's outside diameter. When we pulse current through the center wire, 100% of the magnetic field in the center wire is going to transfer it's strength to the output coil around the magnet. When we double the wire length through the magnet cores and double the magnets and coils, we double the output per unit of input power minus a miniscule loss to resistance in the lengthened wire, in inverse proportion to voltage. We can work a formula out to determine at what wire length this array of magnet coils goes Overunity.

                Another way to do it would be to wrap a thick copper wire with a seconday coil that was kept charged and wind a tertiary output coil around those two. Then an oscillating current would be sent through the center wire, to jounce the secondary charged coil field through the third output winding. It wouldn't cost anything to keep the secondary coil charged once it was charged to full capacity to sustain the amplification field. We could meet all our energy needs if we wrapped our A.C. power transmission lines this way.

                Once the charge up cost for the seconday electromagnetic coil was paid for, the output would double per unit of length for the same joule of oscillating input current to the center wire.

                This TPU would consist of a thick copper wire hoop connected to the electric buzzer and two AA batteries. The seconday "Electromagnetic Coil", wrapped around it like a spring, would wire directly to a 6 volt lantern battery, and the third output winding would connect directly to compatible voltage light bulbs. Wrap it in electrical tape and Voila! A Steve Mark TPU!
                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-06-2016, 12:39 AM.


                • EM Gif

                  Very high quality motional "Electromagnetic Wave" Gif:
                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-05-2017, 12:38 AM.


                  • Hob Nilre on "Electromagnnetic Force".

                    Hob Nilre has proven that coil turns do nothing to increase magnetic force!

                    Quote from Hob's Physics paper on "Electromagnetic Force":

                    "The amount of copper in an electromagnet is the important factor that affects the force per power ratio, not the number of turns or wire thickness. The general rule is, the more copper the greater the force".

                    One straight thick bar of copper will produce the same magnetic force as a coil of thin wire and many turns of the same weight!

                    A thick round copper hoop would bring the contacts close together end to end, but the circular form would do nothing to increase the magnetic force. Only the weight of the copper and the amount of electrical input determine the magnetic force!

                    The wire coil is really a hugely inefficient way to form an electromagnet, because the coil separations split up the magnet force by interrupting the field. The force is there per pound of copper and unit of input, but it's directed in a scattered fashion!
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-06-2016, 08:25 PM.


                    • Oersted Conductor

                      Based on Hob Nilre's test findings, I think a short thick copper rod like the one pictured below would work best as an Oersted spin conductor to maximize magnetic field strength in the "Electric buzzer" circuit, rather then a coil. We can be sure this conductor will not overheat.
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-05-2017, 12:38 AM.


                      • Multiple spinners.

                        Let's say the copper plug spun the axial neo magnet from the electric buzzer spark. Standing the plug on end, we should be able to spin four rotors with their axles on the horizontal plane! Now, here's the mind bender: Doubling the length and copper mass doubles the magnetic force for the same spark input. So simply by doubling the length of the copper rod, we double the magnetic force and the possible number of rotors with the same input. This would hold true if we pulsed the copper plug with a Reed switch. This would result in eight spinning rotors for the same input, and so on untill an Overunity coefficient of performance had to be surpassed. Correct?


                        • Oersted motor.

                          This is an "Overunity Motor" design!

                          "Ludic science" demonstrates an Oersted motor in this video:


                          This kind of power coil can run all the magnet rotors you can squeeze in for the same input; Double the wire length and copper mass and you can double that number of rotors for the same input!
                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-07-2016, 03:32 PM.


                          • Oersted "Zero Force Motor".

                            The "Ludic Science" Oersted motor is a "Zero Force Motor". There is no "Lenz drag" on the rotor!

                            JB's Zero Force Motor --- Lidmotor's Bedini Replication


                            The "Ludic Science Oersted Motor" is one large coil and the rotor's spinning to the outside "With the Grain" not accross the wraps, like Lidmotor's Bedini replication. Doubling the length of Lidmotor's power coils would allow room for a second rotor; Doubling the copper mass would generate twice the force with no additional input! This is in keeping with Hob Nilre's formulas.

                            Bedini's original, first built in 1971:


                            Bedini's scope shots prove the motor produces "Zero BEMF"!
                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-07-2016, 03:28 PM.


                            • Searl Effect Generator.

                              The "Ludic Science" Oersted motor has one loop of bundled wire. I thought of placing multiple coils on the horizontal plane in concentric circles, and perhaps replacing the wire inductors with thick copper rings, like the copper conductor plug I uploaded a picture of a few posts back in #741, and it dawned on me that I was reinventing the "Searle Effect Generator", from 1960, pictured below:
                              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-05-2017, 12:38 AM.


                              • "Searle Effect Generator".

                                I've determined that the "Searle Effect Generator" has nothing at all to do with the current of the "Oersted Motor", and is powered by the 32 coils on the circumference of the outer ring:

                                "Surrounding the rollers on the outer ring are coils which are connected in various configurations to supply either AC or DC current at a variety of voltages".

