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Oscillating Reed Switch Pulse Motor.

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  • Tesla's Wireless Transmitter and Receiver.

    Take a look at this "Tesla Wireless Power" video; "Introducing a third coil extends the range of the wireless power transfer". This increased range is powered by the copper coil alone!
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-16-2016, 02:13 AM.


    • Ludic "Oersted Motor" magnet pulse frequency.

      A rotary spark gap could control the "Ludic Science" Oersted motor in place of the simple wire contact commutator. The rotary gap motor controller would act to speed up and slow down the rotor speed in a similar way as varying voltage to a spark gap. A 12 volt spark results in a less powerful osccilllation then a 12Kkv spark.

      The next order of tests will involve an ignition coil and sparks in the kilovolt range on the Oersted wire motor. I plan to begin to upload videos of these higher frequency spark tests on my neo spinners.
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-16-2016, 03:12 PM.


      • Oersted video.

        Experimental I-phone Oersted video:

        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-22-2016, 08:41 PM.


        • High voltage spin.

          I just returned from the auto parts store with a new Bosch 12 volt to 26Kv ignition coil, and a 12 volt relay. I managed to buy a 1uF 250 volt ceramic capacitor at Radio Shack. I plan to run a high voltage A.C. spark from the oscillating relay and ignition coil through the "Oersted" wire with the axial polarized stack of neo magnets suspended frictionlessly overhead. I will upload the video from an I-phone as I did the Oersted video. I'm anticipating a "Chuck Yeager" event.

          Below is a picture of the relay, a schematic of the five pins, and the blue Bosch ignition coil on the far right:
          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-19-2017, 05:28 AM.


          • How to make a "Buzz Coil".

            Here's a very clear video of how to hook a 12 volt, five pin Bosch relay up to oscillate between a battery and ignition coil:

            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-19-2017, 05:28 AM.


            • Asymmetrical input and output.

              Let's say we strung out ten feet of copper wire; The wire would generate a field sufficient to spin magnet stacks all along it's length for the same input it would take just to pass the current through the wire with no magnets spinning overhead at all. The additional magnetic force is generated by the copper mass not an increase in input power.

              Magnetic force does not need amperage, but can be generated by voltage alone. The "Coherer" effect of the electro-magnetic wave is a good example.

              Transmission level voltage reduces Ohmic resistance in a wire to practically zero. High A.C. voltage spinning one magnet stack over a wire at furious speed, could spin hundreds of magnet spinners, over a longer length of same thickness wire, with the same low amperage H.V. input. COP>1 is a categorical and inexorable consequence of this extension.

              This next experiment, if successful, may have a profound impact on our Global institutions.
              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-25-2016, 01:46 PM.


              • Tesla's Wireless Transmitter and Receiver.

                Prof. Konstantin Meyl is the worlds leading physicist in the research on scalar waves. When asked if Tesla's "Wireless Transmitter and Receiver" was Overunity he replied "It would depend on how you designed it".

                Running A.C current into a spiral broadcast coil generates magnetic waves. Doubling the size of the broadcast coil doubles the oscillating magnetic field with the same power input. The reciever coil needs to match the broadcast coil in mass and geometry to maintain resonance. Doubling the size of the antennas doubles the COP!

                It should be clear how the copper mass determines the Pin/Pout proportion. My point is that, in the end, we get the same deal with Tesla's wireless system as we would get with the wire current and magnet spinners.
                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-25-2016, 04:27 PM.


                • Induction and Lenz's law.

                  Let's say instead of spinning a series of magnets with the high voltage A.C. oscillating current through a wire, that we simply lay a second wire next to the first. The oscillating high voltage A.C. magnetic field from the primary wire will generate electric current in the seconday wire laying along side it through induction. (Oversimplification) The amount of output would be directly proportional to the lengths of the wires, with a constant input.

                  Spinning a magnet with that high voltage A.C. current and generating power in an output coil would be ruled by the same laws governing the copper mass to output proportion as in the wireless system; That's why Tesla used the term "Magnifying Transmitter": The power's magnified by the size of the antennas.

                  We really don't need to spin magnets to generate power from the oscillating magnetic field. Lenz's law is the enemy of the rotating magnet generator because any increase in gained magnet force factors out from increased drag at output.
                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-25-2016, 05:02 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
                    Let's say ...that we simply lay a second wire next to the first. The oscillating high voltage A.C. magnetic field from the primary wire will generate electric current in the seconday wire laying along side it through induction. (Oversimplification) The amount of output would be directly proportional to the lengths of the wires, with a constant input.

                    We really don't need to spin magnets to generate power from the oscillating magnetic field. Lenz's law is the enemy of the rotating magnet generator because any increase in gained magnet force factors out from increased drag at output.
                    I'm interested to see where you go with this without the spinning magnet.
                    A series wound bifilar secondary should avoid the Lenz' law problem of secondary reflection, should it not?


                    • Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                      I'm interested to see where you go with this without the spinning magnet.
                      A series wound bifilar secondary should avoid the Lenz' law problem of secondary reflection, should it not?

                      I'm part way done with the "Buzz Coil". I have a knife switch wired to the wall transformer and the positive and negative pins of the relay soldered to the knife switch. I'm preparing to move forward with the spin tests. I need to buy a spark plug wire and a 600 volt capacitor tomorrow at the auto parts store.

                      The bifilar coil is definitly among the test components. I should have a nice video uploaded this comming week.

                      A rotary spark gap, driven by a small D.C. motor should be able to pulse the high frequency current to gradually speed the magnet rotor up to where the A.C. sine wave can grab hold, if it dosen't spin up by itself.


                      • High voltage spin.

                        I gave up on the 12 volt relay and went with the Austin Jewsbury 2500 volt microwave capacitor, 26 Kv ignition coil and wall dimmer plugged into a 120 volt outlet. This setup is throwing a powerful 1" long spark!

                        Running the high voltage alone through the "Oersted" wire has no effect at all on the frictionless over head magnet stack. Next comes the important "Plasma Vortex" experiment. Look at what the magnet on the cathode of the spark plug does to the plasma arc in this video below:


                        This next test promises to be very exciting; To finally find out if the swirling plasma will spin the magnets.
                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-27-2016, 01:11 AM.


                        • LLC tank effect.

                          So far I have had no success spinning the magents over a single wire with the high voltage "Plasma Vortex" spark and cathode magnet. I did discover an interesting effect however; The neo magnet stack rocks in a pendulum motion over the single wire after the power's turned off. I think the fully charged 2500vac .75uF 60/hz capacitor is in LLC tank oscillation with the ignition coil, and that this is imparting motion to the very sensitive suspended axial magnet stack. This motion slows down and stops when I disconnect the capacitor wire. I plan to try and spin with a power coil next.
                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-27-2016, 03:09 PM.


                          • Pulse power from spark.

                            I found a way to get the spark to produce a propulsive effect on the magnets. I connected the ignition coil ground to the top of the magnet wire attached to the magnets, and the high voltage end near to the bottem over the magnets, to generate the "Plasma Vortex" there, and it's producing an oscillation in the magnet stack. I plan to upload a video of this effect soon.
                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-27-2016, 05:14 PM.


                            • Spark collapse "Coherer Effect" magnetic propulsion..

                              I managed to get the kind of effect I was looking for with a very simple test set up. The magnets are suspended by a thin copper magnet wire, grounded to the ignition coil at the top. The magnet wire swings in close to the positive high voltage electrode, untill a nice size spark jumps; Then as the magnets swing back on the pendulum arc, the large spark collapses. I believe this "Spark Collapse" generates a magnet wave that imparts a push to the stack of neo-magnets and sustains the pendulum oscillation. I've been timing it for several days now. The pendulum motion dies off when the power's disconnected. This kind of "Spark Collapse" magnetic field propulsion has nothing what-so-ever to do with current.

                              The basic law states that "The amount of current in a coil directly relates to magnetic field strength" this law may have an exception!

                              The "Spark Collapse" might be considered more of a "Coherer" effect.
                              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-28-2016, 06:54 PM.


                              • Wi-Fi camera.

                                I bought a new Wi-Fi digital video camera from "Radio Shack" today. I'm charging the internal battery right now. I can't wait to upload my new "Marconi Pendulum" video. I believe this will be a historic precedent setting video!

