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  • Branly "Coherer" and Hex nut magnetization.

    We see six steel Hex Nuts magneticly locked by a high amperage spark in the video linked below:

    Then, below that, we see a picture of the "Branly Coherer" that magneticly locked six steel balls from a high voltage electromagnetic radio wave!

    Branly generated high voltage A.C. sparks from a "Ruhmkorff Coil". "The action of the electrical discharge diminishes as the distance increases; but he observed it easily, and without taking any special precautions, at a distance of several yards by using a Wheatstone bridge".

    So "Branly" discovered that the magnetic power was multiplied by adding a D.C. rectifier to the high voltage ignition coil spark!

    I'm betting I can get a spin result off the single wire simply by rectifying the high voltage A.C. current to D.C. like Branly did. I plan to try that next.
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-19-2017, 05:28 AM.


    • Voltage and magnetic field.

      Ludic states the 12 volt battery delivers 50 amps, and that alot of current is required to lock the "Hex nuts". Édouard Branly played the same locking trick back in 1890 from a distance of 20 meters with his "Steel Ball" coherer accompanied by high D.C. voltage and very low amperage.

      What would happen to the 6 "Hex nuts" if we sparked the same wire across the electrodes of two batteries in series at 24 volts, with only half the amperage? I believe that; Not only would the "Hex nuts" lock with the same force, but that the wire could be placed further away from the nuts. My theory is that the magnetic field is a function of POWER, not current alone, and that a higher voltage ratio increases the distance that the magnetic field can be broadcasted.!
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-01-2016, 03:53 PM.


      • High voltage diode rectifier.

        This (2 amp) - (30 kv) diode is $25 off ebay. I think the bridge may need 4. That's $100.

        I think a High Voltage rectifier bridge assembled from these diodes would allow us to lock those "Hex nuts", with antennas, from accross the street off a HV ignition coil spark. The same broadcast spark should lock a multitude of "Hex nut" sets in the same range vicinity.

        2CLG 30KV 2A High Voltage Diode HV Rectifier Tesla Ham
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-19-2017, 05:28 AM.


        • Power gain from copper wire.

          TPU Bruce shows himself generating more power out then power in just by adding lengths of copper wire:

          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-01-2016, 11:44 PM.


          • Branly steel ball coherer.

            A better picture of Branly's "Steel Ball Coherer" below:

            "The Steel Ball coherer consists of a glass tube enclosing six steel balls. It operates on the "dirty contact" principle discovered by Hughes. An adjustment at the top of the tube provides a way to vary the pressure on the stack, thereby changing the electrical characteristics of the detector".

            Branly rectified the High Voltage A.C. spark from a "Ruhmkopff Coil" secondary, to magneticly lock these steel balls from a distance, with a pure D.C. spark discharge. After locking, they conducted an electrical current. This is identical to the "Hex Nut" effect. The "Hex Nut" lock effect required 50 amps at 12 volts or 600 watts of power in the "Ludic Science" video. The Branly spark should only require .024 micro-amps at 25,000 volts to deliver the same 600 watts of locking power to the "Steel Ball Coherer" over a distance of 20 meters.
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-19-2017, 05:28 AM.


            • Multiple sets of "Hex nuts".

              Ludic science locks six "Hex nuts" with a spark from a 12 volt battery. What would take place if a second set of "Hex nuts" were set up around the wire? Would the spark lock the second set for free?

              Let's say we strung 12 sets of "Hex nuts" bound by rubber bands around the wire. Would we get a locking effect on the extra 11 sets of nuts for the same input cost?

              Now, if we got the locking effect on all 72 nuts, the next question would be; What would happen if we doubled the length of the wire and added an additional 72 "Hex nuts" for a total of 144?

              TPU Bruce is demonstrating something in his latest video to help. The answer is that; The magnetic locking field is generated by the copper wire! The same spark should be able to double the magnetic locking force on the matching sets of "Hex nuts" with twice the wire length for the same input power!

              The question that follows is; Can this magnetic broadcast field be made to turn a magnet rotor? The prospects for (Over-Unity) performance are obvious.

              The seconday A.C. spark from a Ruhmkopff Coil can either be sent to a capacitor and coupled antenna coil for an LC tank oscillation to broadcast an electrical A.M. radio signal, or rectified, like Branly and Tesla did to generate a pure D.C. pulsed magnet wave to do work.

              The critical difference between radio and magnet wave power transmission is the coil and capacitor LC tank for RF, or the rectifier for pulsed D.C. magnet wave broadcast on the Ruhmkopff A.C. secondary coil. The LC tank oscillation generates the electrical side of the electromagnetic wave and the rectified D.C. the magnetic.
              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-02-2016, 06:24 PM.


              • 6v to 400kv transformer.

                I just ordered this 400kv D.C. transformer off ebay for $2.40 to test a long range "Branly (Hex Nut) Coherer": I plan to also run some multiple (Hex Nut Sets) locking tests off a 12 volt battery. I got the new digital camera to record.

                DC 3v-6v to 400kV 400000V Boost Step-up Power Module High Voltage Transformer:

                Here's one in action:

                (Just fast foward to 7:33)

                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-19-2017, 05:28 AM.


                • Just thought I'd mention that I fried my bench PSU just by using it to power a 'tiny' 7kv one of those - it looks identical to the square one he shows near the end of the video. I did nothing other than power it from the PSU, but noticed while sparking, its LCD display would become corrupted. This 'feedback' eventually blew one of the op-amps inside. I also managed to kill a $100 Extech clamp meter with one of these, can't remember the details. After that, I concluded that me & HV don't get along! But I'd definitely recommend that you only power these from batteries.


                  • Branly Pendulum.

                    Here's the video I promised of the "High Voltage" ignition coil spark helping sustain the pendulum oscillation of a stack of neo-magnets:

                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-04-2016, 10:44 PM.


                    • Hex Nut Test.

                      I bound six 1/4 inch Hex nuts tightly in a hexagram shape inside a long plastic zip tie lasso, and suspended the nuts over the test bench. I threaded a 12 gauge wire through a piece of duct tape with a hole cut through the center stuck to side the nuts. I bought a new 12 volt 10 amp motorcycle battery and am awaiting my Tica cell phone photographer to capture another exciting video. I'm proud to report that the first set of "Hex Nuts" locked tight like "Magic" with one solid spark. The plastic zip tie makes this test a snap compared to the miniature wooden table with the hole drilled through it that we see in the other "Hex Nut" test videos! The zip tie just slips off easily leaving the solidly locked nuts. The loosened nuts squeeze right back in the same zip tie loop for another "Locking Zap" after they're seperated. This setup will allow me to string multiple "Hex nut" sets each along side the other for any distance I choose. I want see how many nuts I can magneticly lock with the same battery spark for the record book! I plan to upload an exciting series of videos soon.

                      I succeded in locking three sets of "Hex nuts" for a total of eighteen nuts with the same single spark. I need to make another trip to the hardware store to buy additional "Hex nuts", but the results of this last test bears my theory out so far; This is proof I'm on the right track!
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-07-2016, 12:53 AM.


                      • "Hex Nut" locking setup video.

                        Here's another video showing the "Hex Nut" locking setup:


                        The "Oersted" video shows a neo magnet stack rotating over a wire from a D.C. pulse; Like the locking experiment, a multitude of spinners can be rotated over the same wire for the same input.

                        The "Branly Coherer" locks six spheres through an antenna from a high voltage D.C. pulse. I believe it's possible to lock the "Hex Nuts" by high voltage D.C. pulse as Branly did his coherer spheres. Now, the possibility exists that we can spin multiple rotor magnets over the "Branly Coherer" antennas, as with the single wire "Oersted" rotor, for the same input with a high voltage D.C. pulse as well.
                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-07-2016, 04:48 PM.


                        • New video: Locking 48 "Hex Nuts" from a single spark.

                          (48) "Hex Nuts" locked off one spark: I checked the entire 48 nuts, and they all locked successfully. The two outer sets were 1/2 inch in diameter and the remaining 36 inner sets, 1/4 inch in diameter:


                          This test video demonstrates the "Asymmetrical" relationship between the input and the work done by the magnetic force field in the wire. Doubling the length of the wire would potentially double the amount of locking force on additional "Hex Nut" sets for the same input.
                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-07-2016, 10:59 PM.


                          • Hi-voltage D.C transformer.

                            Hi Richard - Your order has shipped:

                            DC 3v-6v to 400kV 400000V Boost Step-up Power Module High Voltage Transformer

                            Estimated delivery : Thu. Oct. 27 - Tue. Nov. 15
                            Tracking Number : HK694127915PY
                            Shipping service : Economy Int'l Shipping

                            Next, I plan to try and lock those "Hex Nut" sets remotely as "Branly Coherers" with a 400Kv D.C. Transformer spark. The transformer is in the mail!
                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-19-2017, 05:28 AM.


                            • "Earth Ground" as copper mass.

                              The "Hex Nut" locking test demonstrates the relationship of copper mass to magnetic force. What would the effect of a common "Earth Ground" have on the locking force between the high voltage D.C. spark transformer and the "Branly Coherers"? Tesla stated that the "Earth Ground" acted as an infinite conductor. The locking effect through a common "Earth Ground" should be equal anywhere on the surface of the planet!

                              "How an early radio using a coherer detector worked. ... early 1890s with Marconi's adaption of Branly-Lodge coherer about which a lot more will be said soon. ... A good earth ground is just as important as a high and correctly tuned antenna".

                              Oersted magnet spinners should rotate any where in the "World" the same way with an "Earth Ground" and antenna too!
                              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-19-2017, 05:28 AM.


                              • Wireless telegraphy grounding.

                                An interesting early exerpt on the subject of wireless telegraphy grounding:

                                "Each change or movement of a semiloop of electric strain above ground has its equivalent below ground in inter-atomic exchanges or movements of the electrons, on which the ends of these semi-loops of electric strain terminate. The Earth, must play therefore, a very important part in so-called 'wireless telegraphy,' and we might almost say the earth does as much as the ether in its production.

                                The function of the receiving aerial is to bring about a union between these two operations above and below ground. When the electric waves fall upon it, they give rise to electromotive force in the receiving aerial, and therefore produce oscillations in it which, in fact, are electric currents flowing into and out of the receiving aerial. We may say that the transmitting aerial, the receiving aerial and the earth form one gigantic Hertz oscillator".
                                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-08-2016, 10:10 PM.

