Branly "Coherer" and Hex nut magnetization.
We see six steel Hex Nuts magneticly locked by a high amperage spark in the video linked below:
Then, below that, we see a picture of the "Branly Coherer" that magneticly locked six steel balls from a high voltage electromagnetic radio wave!
Branly generated high voltage A.C. sparks from a "Ruhmkorff Coil". "The action of the electrical discharge diminishes as the distance increases; but he observed it easily, and without taking any special precautions, at a distance of several yards by using a Wheatstone bridge".
So "Branly" discovered that the magnetic power was multiplied by adding a D.C. rectifier to the high voltage ignition coil spark!
I'm betting I can get a spin result off the single wire simply by rectifying the high voltage A.C. current to D.C. like Branly did. I plan to try that next.
We see six steel Hex Nuts magneticly locked by a high amperage spark in the video linked below:
Then, below that, we see a picture of the "Branly Coherer" that magneticly locked six steel balls from a high voltage electromagnetic radio wave!
Branly generated high voltage A.C. sparks from a "Ruhmkorff Coil". "The action of the electrical discharge diminishes as the distance increases; but he observed it easily, and without taking any special precautions, at a distance of several yards by using a Wheatstone bridge".
So "Branly" discovered that the magnetic power was multiplied by adding a D.C. rectifier to the high voltage ignition coil spark!
I'm betting I can get a spin result off the single wire simply by rectifying the high voltage A.C. current to D.C. like Branly did. I plan to try that next.