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Oscillating Reed Switch Pulse Motor.

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  • Longitudinal wave.

    A longitudinal wave is a transverse wave traveling "sideways". I turned the high voltage ignition coil wire 90 degrees and achieved the same kind of overhead spin I produced with the low voltage Oersted current. The plasma arc generates the longitudinal wave like the high voltage spark I'm using in the last video.

    I believe now that the orientation of the magnetic vector shifted 90 degrees when the "Reed switch motor" began to run with no amperage draw from the source battery after the plasma arc appeared between the Reed contacts.

    The longitudinal wave has a very powerful magnetic force that's inversely proportional to amperage. I can prove that now very easily with my current test setup.
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-13-2016, 02:12 PM.


    • Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
      I bought a 120 A.C. to 12 volt D.C. transformer and succeeded in sustaining a carbon arc spark through the Oersted wire with the axial polarized stack of disc magnets suspended closely overhead.

      I noticed something different: The magnet rotor is see-sawing rapidly up and down in addition to swinging on a rotational axis from the sustained spark; This kind of rapid "teetering motion" is not produced by the pulse current alone, but is unique to the spark.

      Current must be zig zagging in all directions, not just traveling straight through the wire, causing this "rocking" and also "shivering" from the wild, full spectrum frequency spark oscillation's magnetic field.

      We know the spark broadcasts an "Omni-directional RF signal"; It appears that the spark is also generating an "Omni-directional magnet field" in the wire; Of course, we already know this from the Marconi "Coherer Reciever" effect.
      I brought this comment foward to show that I got the same effect with a "Spark Arc" at 12 volts as I did with "Spark Arc" at 25,000 volts.

      I conducted a few more tests. I got the magnet stack to "Rock" accross the wire on the perpendicular with a straight 12 volt current alone. I conducted more high voltage tests without the wire to see if the coil fields were effecting the magnets. The conclusion is inescapable: A spark causes the electromagnetic wave to travel sideways, or longitudinally.

      Getting back to the "Oscillating Reed Switch Motor"; When the spark arc's between the Reed contacts, the coil field turns sideways. This might be compared to first poking the spinner with the tip of a baseball bat (The A vector), then slamming into the magnet spinner with the ball bat from the side. This is what caused the hyper acceleration, while the amp meter needle rested on the peg. The appearance of the spark between the Reed contacts causes the power coil's magnetic field to suddenly and radically shift vector by 90 degrees!

      It took a long time for me to produce concrete test results, but the final proofs will remain in place for posterity.
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-13-2016, 09:02 PM.


      • Tesla Spark Energy Amplifier,

        Here's some interesting information I gleaned from Tesla's patents:

        Look at the diagram to the left, and Tesla's design on the far right: We see the high voltage source, spark gap and primary in the design on the far right. He explains that the electrical currents are on the "Perpendicular" to each other in the diagram on the left! Tesla adds that when the primary and secondary coils are in resonance, "Energy Gain" is generated:

        "The exciting (driving) current and the load current in an electromagnetic field, are perpendicular to each other as shown here":

        How can the induced current in the transformer coil run on the "Perpendicular"? How does this effect compare with the perpendicularity observed in the spark gap magnetic field experiments I just conducted?
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-22-2017, 10:32 PM.


        • Broadcast power.

          What we're looking at in the Tesla patent on the far right above is the project I've been re-inventing through the course of this thread.

          The metal plate's the receiving antenna. We see the load, which would be the "Earth Field" rotor, between the antenna and the Earth ground. The broadcast coil is not a Hertz wave LC tank; But an LL resonant tank powered by the spark gap generated longitudinal magnet wave. Voila! Problem solved as if by magic.

          The OldScientist: Check out his spark gap and bifilar broadcast coil:

          Wardenclyffe Tower small scale replication, power propagation via ground.

          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-14-2016, 01:07 AM.


          • Thanks for sharing all this, Allen. I believe there's a lot in your findings that have various applications in a variety of setups. I think you're unveiling some important concepts that are foundational for understanding the work of Tesla, Don Smith and others.


            • Radient energy wave diagram.

              This diagram and explanation are helpful:
              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-22-2017, 10:32 PM.


              • From the above attachment:
                "The second field is the Radiant Energy wave. This wave will only occur if the current pulse is in one direcion, i.e., it will not occur if the wire is fed with alternating current."
                It is my understanding that an AV plug will convert AC charge into unidirectional pulses.


                • Radient wave.

                  @Bob Smith,

                  Thank you Bob. I was planning to buy a microwave rectifier diode. The AV plug is a great suggestion.

                  The explanation in the above diagram by Colonel Bearden, is not easily understood.

                  The current is actually moving sideways through the high voltage wire, not end to end. This is caused by the violent spark collapse. The shock of the collapse scours the wire of free electrons and pulls electrical power into the wire from the vacuum of space. "Zero Point Energy"! That's why Tesla states that the currents are running on the perpendicular. The power in the wire is not running from source to ground, but surging in from the ambient surroundings from the side! That's why the N.S. magnetic poles shift from side to side to end to end in the high voltage D.C. pulse wire. This explains where the additional power derives from in the "Oscillating Reed Switch Motor".
                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-15-2016, 03:18 AM.


                  • Zero-point energy flow.

                    "The (Radient Energy) wave radiates out horizontally from the vertical wire in every direction in the form of a shock wave".

                    Pay close attention to what Colonel Bearden has to say next:

                    "The Radient Energy unbalances the zero-point energy field and that causes an energy flow as the field moves back into equilibrium again".

                    This "Energy Flow" generates powerful N.S. magnetic fields at the ends of the wire, because it has an amperage equivalent. The flow of sideways power through the wire from the ambient surroundings is much greater then the power of the high voltage spark that collapses violently and evacuates the wire of electrons. The high voltage spark collapse acts as like transistor base semi conductor for a much more powerful "Radient Induction" current from the "Dirac Sea". This power just flows through the wire and off into space, but it generates a powerful magnetic field on the way. We can measure the high voltage spark input and compare the magnet deflection to a wire current from the low voltage D.C. battery source and precisely compute the gain.

                    This promises to be a powerful "Overunity Quotient". "High Voltage" from flyback is a free lunch.
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-15-2016, 08:11 PM.


                    • 3 field OU "Earth Field Stator" Shockwave, Oersted motor

                      I dreamed up an OU pulse motor that uses three different magnetic fields: One; The Oersted effect of circular magnetic field around the power wire to the Ignition coil primary. Two; The longitudinal shock wave generated by the spark off the high voltage seconday that's at 90 degrees. Three; The "Earth Stator Field".

                      The D.C. primary power wire and the returning high voltage seconday wires can lie side by side. A ground needs to be positioned in adjacency to the end of the high voltage seconday lead to accomplish the spark. The neo magnet rotor is suspended frictionlessly and naturally directed to "Earth Field Magnetic North" over the two wires. The first D.C. pulse from the battery to the ignition coil primary needs to spin the rotor 90 degrees so that it's correctly positioned to get a second kick from the high voltage seconday output wire that generates poles end to end to send the rotor to the 180 degree position where the "Earth Field" propels it back to it's original starting point. We need a Reed switch to time the initial pulse, and a perhaps simple resistor to furnish a momentary delay.

                      This gives us two kicks from one spark and double that force from the "Earth Field". This motor has to be at least 300% overunity. 3/4 of it's power is from the combination of pulse conservation and "Earth Field".
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-15-2016, 02:33 PM.


                      • Radient energy wave.

                        The high voltage spark collapse ZPE influx emanates from the copper "Quantum Plane". The original "Shock Wave" and following influx current, both project from the center of the copper wire outward in the same lateral direction. The magnetic poles remain stationary at the ends of the wire, generated by the uniform directional current flowing from the center of the seconday wire to the sides. First the shock wave followed by the power from the vacuum of atomic space.

                        The current's continuously flowing sideways in the secondary, not end to end, power source to ground. Tesla's (H1 excitation current) in his bifilar broadcast coil runs on the perpendicular too as shown in his diagram above. (#364) We don't capture this ZPE, but use it's substantial magnetic force field to do work. This high voltage secondary spark collapse magnetic force field is not a direct product of source power amperage.
                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-15-2016, 07:33 PM.


                        • Cross wire twin magnet field motor.

                          I succeded in building a functioning "Cross Wire" perpendicular magnetic field pulse motor. I show the spin effect of each wire individually on the magnet rotor. I don't believe the secondary spark gap is necessary at this point, the initial pulse appears to do the job by itself.

                          This motor shares certain similarities to Gotoluc's and Woopy Jump's flyback auxilliary coil motors, both designs soften the radiant wave shock to the secondaries with capacitors.

                          The pulse from the battery to the ignition coil primary generates one driving magnetic field in the spinner, and the high voltage output wire generates a second. The first pulse is the stronger of the two.

                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-16-2016, 07:05 PM.


                          • Wire wrap.

                            I plan to strip the insulation from the high voltage electrode wire, and wrap it with a magnet wire output coil. I have to shop for a fast switching diode. I plan to measure the output from a pulse to the ignition coil from that side ways radiant wave into a capacitor.


                            • Pulse recovery.

                              We see both the high voltage ignition output wire and primary power wire powering a magnet rotor in the "Cross wire motor" video. It occurred to me that the power in the pulse can be captured in a capacitor instead of discharging to ground.

                              The multiple ways to draw power from the ignition coil pulse are overwhelming.

                              A Ruhmkopff primary coil could pulse a magnet rotor, along with both input and output wires. The high voltage output wire could be wrapped with a winding to generate current from the longitudinal radient wave, while helping to spin a magnet and returning the current to a capacitor, all at the same time.

                              The top part alone would be overunity, because the power from the high voltage wire field collapse is recoverable, while the resulting radient wave is a new energy.

                              The magnet fields in the wire run the full length of the wire as I demonstrated in the "48 Hex Nut locking" video. The high voltage output wrapped wire can run any distance. The output power would increase in proportion to the copper mass. I could have recoverd the power from the "Lock Nut" spark in a capacitor. I may have to demonstrate this in a new video.

                              Think about it; I've listed four ways to collect power and recover the pulse off the wires leading to and out of the high voltage primary and secondary coils. The wire leading to the primary from the positive battery electrode could be lengthened and used to power additional magnet spinners with no increased input. The same goes for the output wire. Just astonishing to think about all the wasted potential in this basic circuit!

                              We pulse the primary; The charges generates a magnetic field in the primary coil which collapses, generating a current in the high voltage secondary coil and a second magnetic field is formed that violently collapses in the high voltage output wire and a third magnetic field is produced in the wire. This third magnetic "Radient Wave" field is completely wasted.

                              The current field in the primary power wire is completely wasted.

                              The magnetic field in the primary coil can be dual purposed. On top of all these output channels, the electric power can be recoverd at the end of the circuit!

                              (Lengthening the input wire would increase the magnetic field in the wire from the same input pulse. Wrapping the input wire wouldn't help because the magnetic field is in the same direction as the coil turns. Lengthening the output wire would increase the magnetic field in the wire too: However, the field in the output wire is a collapse induced field, not a current field. The collapse field is on the perpendicular, so a coil wrap would generate power according to Faradays law. The longer the wire the more output current from the same collapse strength).

                              I believe this is the secret of Steve Mark's TPU.
                              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-18-2016, 07:33 PM.


                              • TPU 90 degree magnetic field vector shift.

                                Partial quote from e2matrix from the OU site TPU thread, reply #2001:

                                ("I know traditionally the TPU is thought to be a horizontal toroid surrounded by a wrap of wire around that at 90° covering the entire circle").

                                Quote from myself from above:

                                "The collapse field is on the perpendicular".

                                The "Basic Operating Principle" behind Steve Mark's TPU should be obvious to anyone witnessing the magnetic field vector shift from radial to axial magnetic fields between the positive to primary "Ignition Coil" power wire and the high voltage output wire, in my magnet motion spinning and rocking demonstration videos.
                                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 10-18-2016, 09:01 PM.

