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Oscillating Reed Switch Pulse Motor.

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  • Schematic.

    All it would take to build a "Reed Switch Oscillator" would be to invert and re-position the Reed switch to the end of the power coil in the schematic below: This is a Kindergarten level project. I'm flabbergasted that these "Nerds" can't handle it! All you'd need to do is switch the polarity of the battery contacts if it failed to start up. "You don't want to try that; It would speed up and run out of control"!

    The rotor magnets in the schematic are monopole S pole facing out. The normally open Reed switch has one contact that is fixed, and a second contact that is polarized N and bends. The N pole bending contact is farthest from the magnets in the schematic. That means the end of the power coil facing the magnets would need an electromagnetic S pole to attract the flexible contact away from it's grounding sister when it's energized. This would cause the motor to run in repulsion. The Reed switch in the schematic would need to be turned over when re-positioned on the end of the coil to work correctly. Naturally, the rotor in the schematic would speed up and disintegrate if you hooked it up that way and tried to run it. That's why I designed the "Oscillating Reed Switch" motor rotor with high speed precision ceramic bearings to run inside a protective PVC coupling. It's simple, but "don't try it without first taking the proper safety precautions"!

    Another important point is that a North or reversed coil pole will fry the Reed switch by keeping the contacts closed too long. Best to test for correct polarity in advance! Avoid welding the contacts together.
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-02-2017, 02:10 PM.


    • Wow they told me you were talking a bunch of stuff, so I turned off the ignore for a minute to read it.

      Allen you need to rebuild your motor or go get it out of storage or whatever so you can stop making excuses for your illiterate behavior. Look at what is happening with a scope.

      Your motor for brief time in one rotation motors on the B Field and generates on the A field of the magnet. So I know that does not sound all mystical or anything to you. It has no super physics word or extra dynamic ability. Its very simple.
      The magnet is sideways and when you turn the coil on it tries to align itself but the reed turns off and the A field (Either south or north) then generates energy in coil. The next time the reed is closed the charge in the coil is higher than the charge in the battery and it discharges back. In fact the charge in the coil is several times higher voltage than the battery.

      This accounts for what you have seen in your tests in which the battery seem to not to discharge current, or there is a 0 current reading.

      I have not seen the "Weight Gain" claim but who knows...

      This "No Current" effect can be exploited and tuned. There is a better configuration that allows you to adjust based on the current coming into the motor and the current going out. This can be balanced and I believe with an ability to balance it we can find a gain. But..

      There is no reason to include you even though you stumbled on this, and all your magical mystical super physics explanation only re-enforce that thought train. You don't even have clue as to the simple little effect you have found.
      I don't want to have to push you out the picture I just want you to stop pushing everyone else away with your sense of superiority. Just chill out, watch and if you don't agree then speak up. But don't try to act like you have some superior intellect when you can't build your own project. Just chill out stop with accusations, except there probably a simple answer, and ride it for what its worth.

      Or go on and keep posting to yourself while everyone ignores you. Who cares really, when all said and done with.



      • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
        Wow they told me you were talking a bunch of stuff, so I turned off the ignore for a minute to read it.

        Allen you need to rebuild your motor or go get it out of storage or whatever so you can stop making excuses for your illiterate behavior. Look at what is happening with a scope.

        Your motor for brief time in one rotation motors on the B Field and generates on the A field of the magnet. So I know that does not sound all mystical or anything to you. It has no super physics word or extra dynamic ability. Its very simple.
        The magnet is sideways and when you turn the coil on it tries to align itself but the reed turns off and the A field (Either south or north) then generates energy in coil. The next time the reed is closed the charge in the coil is higher than the charge in the battery and it discharges back. In fact the charge in the coil is several times higher voltage than the battery.

        This accounts for what you have seen in your tests in which the battery seem to not to discharge current, or there is a 0 current reading.

        I have not seen the "Weight Gain" claim but who knows...

        This "No Current" effect can be exploited and tuned. There is a better configuration that allows you to adjust based on the current coming into the motor and the current going out. This can be balanced and I believe with an ability to balance it we can find a gain. But..

        There is no reason to include you even though you stumbled on this, and all your magical mystical super physics explanation only re-enforce that thought train. You don't even have clue as to the simple little effect you have found.
        I don't want to have to push you out the picture I just want you to stop pushing everyone else away with your sense of superiority. Just chill out, watch and if you don't agree then speak up. But don't try to act like you have some superior intellect when you can't build your own project. Just chill out stop with accusations, except there probably a simple answer, and ride it for what its worth.

        Or go on and keep posting to yourself while everyone ignores you. Who cares really, when all said and done with.

        @Matthew Jones,

        The coil winding is not as important as balancing the field strength of the magnet rotor with the field strength of the coil adjacent to the Reed switch. This is merely a matter of positioning. Almost any coil and voltage will work depending on the distance where the permanent magnet field equals the pull on the Reed contact from the coil field. This is the critical factor in sustaining the oscillation. The field strength of the rotor increases with speed along with the field strength of the coil, but not evenly. Constant re-positioning is required to sustain the acceleration along with the oscillation.The higher voltage in the coil is definitly a major factor in this motor's apparent ability to begin powering itself!
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-17-2016, 06:17 AM.


        • Cold running.

          Another interesting feature of the oscillator is the cooling effect of the switch and coil compared to the overheating problem we encounter with a transistor at high speeds. I believe the transistor tries to push more power into the coil then it can handle. The oscillating Reed switch does a good job of cutting excess power to the coil.


          • Ignore list.

            @Matthew Jones,

            Quote from Matthew:

            "Go on and keep posting to yourself while everyone ignores you".

            Everyone? There are at least several hundred viewers in my audience Pal. I initiated and run this thread, not you. How many spins have you logged with your "Oscillator"? You talk as if you're the inventor and instructor not the pupil. Start to show some proper respect!

            Another thing is, if the coil wants to follow the magnet, just let it reposition itself, and don't fight it.
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-17-2016, 02:18 PM.


            • Oh my,

              So here's what will probably happen now....

              Matt will put you back on his ignore list where you belong. He will take what he has learned from what you have done, just as you have taken what YOU have learned from what OTHERS have done, and he will incorporate it into a design using things he has learned over the years from other people and from his OWN work, that have NOTHING whatsoever to do with YOU, and he will build a device that he shares with several others for testing and development that will PROBABLY make what you have done look like the guy who figured out how to make steel sitting around watching his pot of metal bubble while around him sky scrapers were being erected.

              And you will look like the little man who developed the electric light, but forgot to develop a switch, so remains in the dark half the time.

              It's fine that you believe you should get credit for developing something, but when you DON'T know what you've even got, and he you have NO IDEA AT ALL what to do with it, maybe you should learn to keep quiet and quit insisting on all the credit.

              When are you going to figure out that it isn't the CREDIT but the WORK ITSELF that is so important, and the WHO is far, far less important than the WHAT. If more people had figured that out, we might already HAVE the missing pieces so many of us have been searching for.

              I already KNOW how you are going to respond to this, because your character has shown itself over time, and I know enough about people to know you are not going to change. But that's ok. I have a thick skin and to me it is all about the progress we make. Besides, now that your idea has been "stolen", you really aren't necessary anymore anyway, are you? So you can continue to "rule" here while the rest of us go on our merry way.

              Just one thing....I know you said that the original device you built is locked in some shed somewhere, but if it is SOOOOO simple to build and is SOOOOOOO important that others would "steal" your amazing idea, why is it you haven't spent the $10.00 to build another one, but have tried to bully others into doing it instead? Just curious.

              Anyway, I guess you can lump me in with Matt and Carroll as a treacherous, thieving ass hat. Not that I will hear your rant, as I have had my say and can put you back on the ignore list. ;-)
              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


              • Turion crap.


                I never bullied anyone into doing anything. I was asked to help by OrionLightShip. "Retarded Nerds" like you put John Bedini through the same kind of horsecrap; That's why he's no longer willing to help anyone. You're just another "Stinking Gook"!
                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-17-2016, 03:14 PM.


                • ???

                  Oh, come on,why stop at John Bedini? Why not try to convince all of us you are as important as Tesla? You can do it. I know you can. I mean YOU believe it so it MUST be so. LOL.

                  So I'm a gook? Is that a racial slur? If so, what race do YOU assume I am that qualifies me to be called a gook?

                  I notice you TOTALLY avoided the question about why you haven't built another one of these things yourself and instead, spend all your time telling others how to do it. LOL.

                  And YES, I forgot to put you on ignore. My wife's dog pooped on the carpet and I had to clean it up, and YOU are less important than dog poop, so the choice was easy, but I have now taken care of that problem.
                  “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                  —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                  • Video.

                    @Matthew Jones,

                    You allege you have something? Lets see it! All you've done is talk.
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-17-2016, 09:21 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
                      @Matthew Jones,

                      You allege you have something? Lets see it! All you've done is talk.
                      Back on the ignore list. The illness in Allen has kicked back in. You'll see when I am ready and not before. Dumb Dumb Dumb, narcissistic behavior. Its sad.

                      Have fun



                      • Ignore List

                        Can't we all just get along?

                        Please click this link and put any member on your ignore list that you do not want to hear from:

                        All you have to do is enter their username and click the submit button.
                        Energetic Forum Administrator


                        • Comment about my mother

                          Whoever deleted the comment Allen made about my MOTHER, I appreciate it. There are some depths we should not be allowed to sink to. I almost responded to that comment, but decided that the wiser choice was to put him back on my ignore list and exit this thread.
                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • Salutation.

                            Good morning Vietnam!


                            • Stupidity.

                              Quote from Turion:

                              "I notice you TOTALLY avoided the question about why you haven't built another one of these things yourself and instead, spend all your time telling others how to do it. LOL".

                              This comment of yours really betrays your baseless stupidity, bub! I was asked to explain how to do it. How would it help anyone learn how to build it if I merely rebuilt the old one myself?


                              • Reed switch polarity.

                                The Reed switch pictured below is a 5 amp, 12 volt Radio Shack item selling for $3.99. This is a "Normally Open" (NO), South pole triggered switch. The picture I supplied has the switch mounted backwards on the coil by mistake, so I want to help clear this up:

                                The North polarized bending contact is positioned on the far side away from the pins inside the blue cylinder vacuum housing of the Reed switch pictured below. This means that the South pole of a magnet will close the contacts held to the "Pins" side of the switch. Closing the contacts turns the switch on and energizes the coil. Therefore; The Reed switch needs to have the plain side of the switch snugly attached to the South pole forming end of the power coil wires to oscillate. The switch is rated at 10 to 60 amp turns of field strength depending on the wire gauge. It 's a simple job to turn the switch around the other way, with the pins facing the coil, and connect it in series with a 12 volt bulb; Then, to connect a coil wire quickly in series to the open battery electrode and see if the bulb blinks on. This is the best way to test the coil for sufficient magnetic field strength to trigger the Reed switch. Next, it would help to gauge the distance the coil and Reed switch need to be from the magnet rotor by reversing the direction of the switch and seeing how close the south pole of the permanent magnet needs to be to turn the switch on quickly, and blink the bulb that way. Keeping the switch on too long will weld the switch contacts shut. Don't try to light the bulb to full intensity while testing; It's enough just to cause a quick blink!
                                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-02-2017, 02:10 PM.

