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Oscillating Reed Switch Pulse Motor.

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  • Oscillating "Plasma Reed Switch Pulse Motor".

    Herr Segelohrenbob demonstrates a "Plasma Arc" between his "Reed switch contacts" in the first 13 seconds of this video posted below. The Reed switch contacts are stationary. Herr Segelohrenbob then runs a pulse motor with his "Reed Switch Oscillator" (Without Transistor) towards the end of his video. A real "Klunker" compared to the advanced concept under discussion; Nevertheless, the increased acceleration is obvious: Does anyone have any idea how high his rotor RPM would climb if his bearing was frictionless with his "Reed Switch Plasma Pulser"?
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-09-2016, 08:13 PM.


    • Bedini on Tesla.

      Bedini on Tesla:

      "Through successive experimental arrangements, Tesla discovered several facts concerning the production of his effect. First, the cause was undoubtedly found in the abruptness of charging. It was in the switch closure, the very instant of "closure and break", which thrust the effect out into space. The effect was definitely related to time, IMPULSE time. Second, Tesla found that it was imperative that the charging process occurred in a single impulse. No reversal of current was permissible, else the effect would not manifest. In this, Tesla made succinct remarks describing the role of capacity in the spark-radiative circuit. He found that the effect was powerfully strengthened by placing a capacitor between the disrupter and the dynamo. While providing a tremendous power to the effect, the dielectric of the capacitor also served to protect the dynamo windings. Not yet sure of the process at work in this phenomenon, Tesla sought the empirical understanding required for its amplification and utilization. He had already realized the significance of this unexpected effect. The idea of bringing this strange and wondrous new phenomenon to its full potential already suggested drilling new possibilities in his mind. He completely abandoned research and development of alternating current systems after this event intimating that a new technology was about to unfold.

      "WE do not need to do this with high voltage as it works on any level."

      The effect could also be greatly intensified to new and more powerful levels by raising the voltage, quickening the switch "make-break" rate, and shortening the actual time of switch closure. Thus far, Tesla employed rotating contact switches to produce his unidirectional impulses. When these mechanical impulse systems failed to achieve the greatest possible effects, Tesla sought a more "automatic" and powerful means. He found this "automatic switch" in special electrical arc dischargers. The high voltage output of a DC generator was applied to twin conductors through his new arc mechanism, a very powerful permanent magnet sitting crosswise to the discharge path. The discharge arc was automatically and continually "blown out" by this magnetic field.

      Imperative toward obtaining the desired rare effect, the capacitor and its connected wire lines had to be so chosen as to receive and discharge the acquired electrostatic charge in unidirectional staccato fashion. The true Tesla circuit very much resembles a pulse jet, where no back pressure ever stops the onrushing flow. Electrostatic charge rises to a maximum, and is discharged much more quickly. The constant application of high voltage dynamo pressure to the circuit insures that continual successions of "charge-rapid discharge' are obtained. It is then and only then that the Tesla Effect is observed. Pulses literally flow through the apparatus from the dynamo. The capacitor, disrupter, and its attached wire lines, behave as the flutter valve. ( The dynamo or the storage battery does the same thing with the correct switching)

      Tesla found that impulse duration alone defined the effect of each succinct spectrum. These effects were completely distinctive, endowed with strange additional qualities never purely experienced in Nature. Moreover, Tesla observed distinct color changes in the discharge space when each impulse range had been reached or crossed. Never before seen discharge colorations did not remain a mystery for long. Trains of impulses, each exceeding 0.1 millisecond duration, produced pain and mechanical pressures. In this radiant field, objects visibly vibrated and even moved as the force field drove them along. Thin wires, exposed to sudden bursts of the radiant field, exploded into vapor. Pain and physical movements ceased when impulses of 100 microseconds or less were produced. These latter features suggested weapon systems of frightful potentials.

      With impulses of 1.0 microsecond duration, strong physiological heat was sensed. Further decreases in impulse brought spontaneous illuminations capable of filling rooms and vacuum globes with white light. At these impulse frequencies, Tesla was able to stimulate the appearance of effects which are normally admixed among the electromagnetic energies inherent in sunlight. Shorter impulses produced cool room penetrating breezes, with an accompanying uplift in mood and awareness. There were no limits in this progression toward impulses of diminished duration. None of these impulse energies could be duplicated through the use of high frequency harmonic alternations, those which Sir Oliver Lodge popularized, and which later was embodied in Marconi Wave Radio. Few could reproduce these effects because so few understood the absolute necessity of observing those parameters set by Tesla"

      "This unidirectional succession of charge-discharge impulses causes a very strange field to expand outward."
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-09-2016, 11:04 PM.


      • LC resonance.

        This "Reed switch oscillator" by Simplefix 2969, comes complete with a schematic at the end of the video. The Bedini essay above on Tesla stresses the importance of the capacitor. We see a 300 volt flash camera capacitor in parallel with a 23 SWG wire, ferrite core coil, of 300 to 400 turns, with a few backing magnets. The self resonating frequency of this LC tank drives the "Reed switch" into plasma pulse operation in series with a 1.5 volt battery:

        We saw Herr Segelohrenbob power a crude pulse motor with just this kind of "Plasma Reed Switch" at the end of his (Plasma Reed Switch Video) above! Everyone can see the awesome application for the bismuth axle, circular Halbach evacuated levitator rotor now! Herr Segelohrenbob has separated the oscillation from the magnet rotor, and we see a small biasing magnet replace the problematic Reed switch coil positioning headache my primitive setup creates. Looks like we're slowly but surely advancing into a futuristic pulse motor with impulses in 1.0 microsecond duration range.
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-09-2016, 11:27 PM.


        • Simple Reed oscillator.

          Interesting Reed switch oscillator approach. This is the same Radio Shack Reed switch I used. Are the contacts doing the switching at 16 Khz, or magnetic plasma? Could something like this power a frictionless, levitating magnet rotor at 960,000 RPM?

          "Very Simple Reed Switch Oscillator" of George Chianiotakis can be "self oscillating". Only you need an axial inductor of 250 Ω resistance & Reed Switch inside the inductor an white Led DC3.2-3.4V 20mA 10mm Round. It is amazing to drive a super bright led only with 3ma but i would say that it is High Efficiency".

          Here's an oscillascope shot of the Reed switch oscillator indicating 16 KHz at .6 volts:

          There's a simple wiring schematic below: The positive lead from the battery goes to the beginning of the 250 Ohm coil then the end of the coil goes to the far contact of the Reed switch. There's a jumper between the two contacts of the Reed switch with the LED in between, then the near contact connects to the negative electrode of the battery.
          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-03-2017, 06:02 PM.


          • flyback pulse coil.

            Woopyjump's schematic for a "Flyback Auxilliary Pulse Coil" below shows a thin wire high voltage coil in parallel with a 1 microfarad capacitor, in series with a diode following the Reed switch. Cool Joule demonstrated how the addition of a capacitor creates a pulse from flyback too.

            I wonder if these three componants can wire on to the "Very Simple Reed Switch Oscillator" above between the switch contacts in place of the LED, and power a magnet rotor with the "Flyback" like Woopyjump does?

            Woopyjump has his Reed switch in series with the primary coil, the rest of the circuit would be practically Identical! The capacitor's the trick!
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-03-2017, 06:02 PM.


            • LC resonance.

              The coil wrapped Reed switch oscillator of George Chaniotakis, can couple nicely with the (Auxilliary High Voltage LC Tank Flyback Pulse Coil) of Woopjump. The Reed switch oscillator runs at 16 KHz, so the self resonating frequency of the (High Voltage Auxilliary LC Tank Pulse Coil) needs to be tuned to the same frequency. This involves the well known resonance formula everyone enjoys playing with, matching Ohmic resistance to Farads.

              This circuit consists of five componants: The Reed switch and surrounding 250 Ohm coil; A fast switching diode in series with a high voltage ferrite core auxilliary power coil and matching capacitor. The oscillation would be controlled with a biasing magnet as Chaniotakis demonstrates. This circuit would perhaps consume 3 milliamps and potentially accelerate our frictionless rotor to nearly a million RPM's! The power coil would drive the diametric rotor as a (Synchronous A.C. motor).

              Output would need to come from induction. I may upload several videos from Neatpete45, to demonstrate how harvesting radient backspike kills induction. There'ed be no problem drawing "Lenz Free" output with an Avmarenko plug. It may be able to self loop this way!

              All the current from the Reed switch oscillator needs to do is replenish the tiny amount of current lost to reistance in the auxilliary pulse coil LC tank! One can see how this setup places the Reed oscillator behind the oscillating coil, and uses the High voltage coil tank resonance to power the diametric rotor instead of oscillating the up front Reed switch like Herr Segelohrenbob and Simplefix 2969 do.

              The essential component is the frictionless, levitating bearing. The precision ceramic bearings I presented at the start of the thread would function fine as well. The oscillation is too subtle to move an ordinary rotor. It requires a very powerfull magnet field and close to frictionless bearings to work.
              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-11-2016, 09:30 PM.


              • A.C. wave form.

                I realized from the "Chaniotakis Reed Oscillator" oscillascope video, that my original Reed switch oscillator pulse motor starts off with a south pole triggering pulse untill the "Plasma Transition" generates an A.C. wave from the oscillation; Then the plasma induced A.C. signal catches both sides of the diametric rotor as a synchronous motor. This most likely accounts for the instantaneous doubling of speed from 25 to 50 thousand RPM, not a double turn of the magnet as I formerly thought. My latest concept with the "Chaniotakis Reed Oscillator", starts off with an A.C. wave form.

                The D.C. pulse motor coil transitions into an A.C. oscillating synchronous inverter coil when the Reed contacts stop switching and the 'Magnetic Plasma" takes over to power the oscillation. This is nothing a transistor can accomplish! I believe this transition constitutes a COP=2 overunity event.
                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-11-2016, 09:31 PM.


                • Sine Wave Hertz.

                  Ossie Callanan measured the Reed switch oscillation at 20 to 50 times per magnet pass. George Chaniotakis measured his Reed switch self oscillation with the biasing magnet at 16,000 Hz. I measured my oscillating Reed switch rotor at 25,000 RPM before the speed burst. 25,000 divided by 60 equals 416. 416 magnet passes per second multiplied by 40 oscillations per magnet pass equals the 16 KHz Chaniotakis measured. This must be around the speed where the plasma and the sine wave appear in the vacuum chamber of the Reed switch. Consequently, there's a doubling of rotor speed in conjunction with the RPM which equals the self resonating frequency of the Reed switch, accompanied with the appearance of the sine wave generating plasma. I believe the signal is pulsed D.C. while the Reed switch contacts are doing the switching.
                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-12-2016, 02:40 AM.


                  • Magnet rotor spark gap quench.

                    Look at the effect the magnet has on the spark starting at 1:00 through 2:00 minutes into this video.:

                    We can see the frequency of the Reed switch spark gap oscillation jumping around in the Chaniotakis oscilliscpe video; The quenching effect and "Lorentz force" of the fast spinning magnet rotor flux has a very powerfull stabilizing effect on the magnetic plasma oscillation inside the Reed switch vacuum chamber of the oscillating Reed switch motor, after transition to spark gap mode. Look at the very powerfull effect the magnet exerts on the spark in this "quenching demonstration" video:

                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-13-2016, 11:51 PM.


                    • Arc cooling.

                      Several methods were applied to quench the arc.

                      One of which is:

                      1.-"A magnetic field (from a pair of permanent magnets or poles of an electromagnets) oriented at right angles to the gap to stretch and cool the arc".

                      The powerfull alternating magnet rotor flux in close proximity to the Reed switch: "Stretches and cools the arc" between the Reed switch contacts. Without this cooling from the magnet rotor, the Reed switch contacts would burn up in no time flat! The closer the Reed switch is to the magnet rotor, the longer the switch is going to last!
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-14-2016, 01:13 PM.


                      • Audio sine wave running stepper motor.

                        The implications of this video are thrilling. An ipod can generate a sine wave with an audio signal of up to 22KHz. Running this kind of signal through an amplifier into a power coil should replicate the performance of the oscillating Reed switch!

                        Audio sine wave running stepper motor:


                        Her's a better one by Danial Nunez: His crummy bearing restricts him to a measly 80 Hertz or 4,800 RPM. The program below will let you spin 270 times that fast. You don't need a Rodin coil to power a rotor this way. Anything will work. A window coil around the outside of the safty housing would work probably even better.


                        Tone Generator Features:

                        1.-Generate sine wave, square wave, triangular waveform, saw tooth waveform and impulse sound waves.

                        2.-White noise generator or pink noise generator.

                        3.-Sound generator supports frequencies from 1Hz to (22KHz or 1,320,000 RPM)

                        4.-Simultaneous tone generation of up to 16 tones at once.

                        5.-Mono or separate stereo operation for dual tones or beats.

                        6.-Log or linear sweep tone generation.

                        7.-Play generated tones or save tones as a wav file.
                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-15-2016, 02:42 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
                          Here's the German experimenter, Herr Segelohrenbob: Woopyjump refers to his "Plasma Reed" videos. The Reed switch contacts are not doing the switching; The "Magnetic Plasma" is doing the switching, not the mechanical contacts:

                          Hi Allen and thank you for sharing what you have!
                          Have you the schematic of this 1xaa bat plasma reed circuit?


                          • Schematic.


                            In don't have a schematic from Herr Segelohrenbob, but Simplefix 2969 supplies a similar good one at 4:13 toward the end of this video: This is really a mini "Hendershot" generator.

                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-15-2016, 05:38 PM.


                            • Really interesting...!


                              • Hendershot generator.

                                Lester Hendershot's patent drawing and Morpher44's replication show the horseshoe magnet, electromagnetic coils and the oscillating contact bar below. Basically the same componants as the Reed switch LC oscillator.

                                Number 9 in the schematic is an adjustment keeper that unites the coils into a horseshoe configuration when screwed inwards toward the cores thus strengthening their magnetic attraction and pulling the permanent horseshoe magnet keeper away from the magnet into oscillation. Much like the biasing magnet in the Reed switch oscillator.
                                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-03-2017, 06:02 PM.

