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The Ultimate Electro-Mechanical Device to Harness Gravitational Potential

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  • The Ultimate Electro-Mechanical Device to Harness Gravitational Potential

    Merry Christmas to all!!!!!

    As some of you who are familiar with me will know I have spent a lot of time and money on alternative energy research.

    Don Smith initially took a lot of my resources and time up.

    Sadly this became a dead end with no one in the world being able to prove an alternative energy source.

    I am still getting messages till this day asking for more information relating to Don Smith.

    My research took a side step and deviated into the realms of very early inventions such as the "lever" being as far back as Archimedes.

    I have experimented and combined knowledges bought forward by Woopy, Turion, Matt, Purely Primitives and Mikhail Dmitriyev in my mind and constructed a new machine based on the principles experimented with by the aforementioned.

    The primary is not affected or connected with the secondary.

    The primary input is a motor with a pendulum that is square bar with a flat bar maget attached to one of the four sides facing bottom.

    The machine it drives has 8 pendulums attached at 45 degrees to a mechanically light large diameter wheel.

    The motor spins the pendulum magnet with exact timing to catch the downwards leverage of the pendulum fitted with one way clutch bearing. Delivering maximum torque.

    8 pendulums per 360 degrees of revolution.

    The input is never mechanically connected to the output meaning the leverage applied can be at a ration of the required output.

    This is 100% overunity and design can meet exact required output.



  • #2
    The energy source is the same one that allows a ball of snow to roll off a mountain side and become a large snowball to wipe out a small village!!!!!

    It has existed before you were born and will continue to exist until you are long dead!!!!


    • #3
      Do you have any photos or video of the device actually working?


      • #4
        Good to see you around
        you sound as if you have been quite Busy [as always I am sure]
        A belated Merry Christmas
        and I hope it will be a good new year.

        Last edited by RAMSET; 12-26-2015, 11:02 PM.
        If you want to Change the world
        BE that change !!


        • #5
          Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
          I am still getting messages till this day asking for more information relating to Don Smith.

          My research took a side step and deviated into the realms of very early inventions such as the "lever" being as far back as Archimedes.

          I have experimented and combined knowledges bought forward by Woopy, Turion, Matt, Purely Primitives and Mikhail Dmitriyev in my mind and constructed a new machine based on the principles experimented with by the aforementioned.
          Dave shows an OU motor, so you took their ideas and got it working
          better? Can it power your lights or anything practical? Taking the basic
          pulsing motor principles further? You mean you added a mechanical system
          to the pulse motor bedini based systems?

          The motor spins the pendulum magnet? On a 45 degree?

          Sounds very interesting and so very refreshing to hear from anyone
          who has gotten any thing at all OU.

          Thanks for sharing that your design is all grown up now and works.

          I don't suppose there is a snowballs chance in hell that i could see
          it too? Since you mentioned snow balls.

          Thanks anyway Paul.
          Last edited by BroMikey; 12-27-2015, 12:45 AM.


          • #6
            My conclusions are based upon experiments over the last 5 years. Some of these are my own.

            The energy source exists and is hidden in plain sight. I haven't been able to think of a better example than the snowball. It serves as the most powerful known example of what we know to be true.

            Like a lot of energy devices, a situation has to be created to create a one way valve to harness nature.

            A wind turbine is the one way valve to harness wind to lever an alternator via a gearbox.

            Solar panels are a one way valve to extract energy from Mother Nature.

            Combustion engines are a one way valve to allow explosions to create leverage to turn a alternator.

            The method I'm decribing obviously needs some illustration and my current prototype doesn't need much work to prove it works.

            Does leverage work, yes.

            Why is this different. It locks the leverage in a 360 degree loop and the input to lever the mechanism is not connected mechanically or magnetically to provide the leverage. The one way clutch fitted pendulums can be sized to whatever the required output is.

            The motor providing the input swings a pendulum fitted with a bar magnet. If the timing and position are tuned like the spark timing of a combustion engine, maximum torque can be achieved.

            The timing will be controlled by a type of abs sensor, a timing ring and a chipset that can deal with a map and operate a transistor to operate the motor. Closed loop operation controlling a mechanically closed but environmentally open system.

            It has taken me a long time to find the appropriate English to describe the phenomena.

            Best regards,



            • #7

              Thanks for sharing your idea here. But I'm still confused with how your design is setup. Is the following drawing anywhere close to what you have?

              Attached Files


              • #8
                If I may ask...

                The picture I had in my mind as to the arrangement was not at all like truesearch put together. Let me ask you first about the pendulum.

                The primary consists of a pendulum that hangs from a point like in a typical grandfather clock? It swings in a fixed arc in a single plane? The primary pendulum is kept in motion by a motor that applies power in a momentary fashion, as needed to overcome air friction? The primary pendulum could easily be powered by a wind up clock mechanism instead of an electric motor?

                I am hoping the answers to all these questions is yes, in every case. If not, please continue to explain.

                Thank you.
                Last edited by wayne.ct; 12-28-2015, 09:21 PM.
                There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                • #9

                  You may be right. . . the drawing I finally came up with was trying to include something soundiceuk included in his original post:
                  The machine it drives has 8 pendulums attached at 45 degrees to a mechanically light large diameter wheel.
                  Like I said, I'm still confused. . .



                  • #10
                    Truesearch that is quite accurate.

                    The weight square bar needs to be angled so that the magnet is on top and the motor pendulum above it so that when the pendulum motor magnet reaches its exact outward stroke it repels the square bar down and equally repels upward to reduce frictional losses. The tuning needs to be done on a 4 channel oscilloscope monitoring input and output voltage and amperage all at the same time to tune this beast!


                    • #11

                      Please take a look at the following drawing. . . is this getting closer??

                      I've added identifies "A" and "B" so perhaps you can give some direction as to which "piece" needs to rotate/change, etc.

                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
                        My conclusions are based upon experiments over the last 5 years. Some of these are my own.

                        The energy source exists and is hidden in plain sight. I haven't been able to think of a better example than the snowball. It serves as the most powerful known example of what we know to be true.

                        Like a lot of energy devices, a situation has to be created to create a one way valve to harness nature.

                        A wind turbine is the one way valve to harness wind to lever an alternator via a gearbox.

                        Solar panels are a one way valve to extract energy from Mother Nature.

                        Combustion engines are a one way valve to allow explosions to create leverage to turn a alternator.

                        The method I'm decribing obviously needs some illustration and my current prototype doesn't need much work to prove it works.

                        Does leverage work, yes.

                        Why is this different. It locks the leverage in a 360 degree loop and the input to lever the mechanism is not connected mechanically or magnetically to provide the leverage. The one way clutch fitted pendulums can be sized to whatever the required output is.

                        The motor providing the input swings a pendulum fitted with a bar magnet. If the timing and position are tuned like the spark timing of a combustion engine, maximum torque can be achieved.

                        The timing will be controlled by a type of abs sensor, a timing ring and a chipset that can deal with a map and operate a transistor to operate the motor. Closed loop operation controlling a mechanically closed but environmentally open system.

                        It has taken me a long time to find the appropriate English to describe the phenomena.

                        Best regards,

                        Hey Paul

                        It never did snow out here we are still looking for ours. It looks
                        like You and truesearch got me in the game on how your new invention
                        works. I would like to see it running but now that is entirely up to you.
                        I hear all of the time that the patents are all lies, the video's, the texts
                        are incomplete which doesn't say much for the people, BUT i still don't
                        buy that trash. I know there are plenty of honest guys out there.

                        I have been thinking about the magnetic transmission wheels and the
                        one shot marble experiment as well that shows way more on the output
                        side. I see your design and once you bring the wheel with magnet
                        around to the bigger wheel and the 2 magnets interact, the violent
                        reaction will always be more energy than you put in. The powerful magnetic energy is very interesting to me.

                        Lots of people are experimenting different ways to extra energy from
                        magnets using rotating mass. It is always great to see the next man's
                        way of looking at it.

                        I'm still trying to see it run by looking at the picture, I think this is very
                        encouraging, especially since you are getting usable energy back.
                        Last edited by BroMikey; 12-29-2015, 07:36 AM.


                        • #13
                          Here is an old prototype. Please note I only turned the device backwards to start it and no push was given.


                          This prototype proved the pendulum arm length variable as being too long. It couldn't have been much more than a 1/2" longer.

                          It also proved the pendulum optimum number to be 8 for maximum torque.

                          As opposed to 32 small pendulum being the other direction to go in.

                          The alternator I have sourced is used in this film:


                          It is made by Missouri Wind & Solar.

                          Freedom II Hydro PMG? Permanent Magnet Generator

                          Further experiments taught me that the two plate wheels are actually a load.

                          So, better to have lighter design:

                          The pendulums do the work and the alternator is the load.

                          Further design improvement could be made with passive magnetic bearings supporting the main shaft.


                          I will write more later this evening.

                          Best regards,



                          • #14

                            Having spent many, many, MANY years working on the Bessler wheel, I believe I can give you some helpful information.

                            You call the moving part of the wheel pendulums.

                            In post # 11 truesearch shows a drawing. On that drawing he labels the motor
                            “A “and the pendulums in the 1:30 position “B”. I will refer to the pendulums by their positions on the clock.

                            First, if you look at the pendulum in the 9:00 position in the drawing. It is meant to show a pendulum that has already started to fall away from the wheel. That position (out farther from the wheel) is as close to the wheel as ANY of the pendulums should be allowed to come.
                            1. It falls sooner
                            2. It takes less effort to move it away from the wheel
                            3. It can be driven downward, gaining more momentum because when you drive it down and out and it flops open HARD, it can hit the locked open position HARD, driving the wheel.
                            4.The pendulums should have a locked open position at 90 degrees out from the wheel and NOT be able to swing any farther than that.

                            Second, move the “motor so it acts against the pendulum at what would be the 10:30 position.
                            1. When the magnet aligns to the pendulum it will not only push it DOWN, but…
                            2. Force it OUT to its open locked position where it has the MOST affect on the rotation of the wheel SOONER.
                            3.It is better to drive the pendulum DOWN than to try and drive it UP.

                            Third, you MAY not even need a motor. A pulsed electromagnet may accomplish the same goal, and if you have magnets on the wheel and coils around it, dumping the output into capacitors, you don’t have much lenz to worry about. If you use air core coils, you don’t pay a whole lot for that energy.

                            I have spent a long time designing mechanisms to try and build a self-running MECHANICAL wheel, and your design HERE is almost identical to one of the early ones I abandoned because it will NOT work as a MECHANICAL wheel (without the benefit of the motor or an electromagnet.) Whether it will work WITH either of those will be up to you to discover, but I look forward to the build. I have a big wheel in MY garage also.
                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • #15
                              Turion you are absolutely spot on.

                              It will work because leverage works and it's how engines turn an alternator. Gravitational potential is an environmental energy source that just needs to be understood on how to tap it. One way bearings are the gate to obtaining the leverage. Just like a mechanical semi conductor.

                              It is the only environmental source that is constant day and night, although I'm sure if you could invent a device to measure gravitational potential, I bet it also has a waveform that is not flat.

                              The electromagnet I have toyed with mentally..... There is something magical about a pendulum though.

                              For example Matts's bouncer.

                              I'd rather bring something real to the light in the global online community than by myself and try and get rich from it. We all get rich when we have the breakthrough needed.

                              Best regards,

                              Last edited by soundiceuk; 12-29-2015, 11:54 PM.

