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ReGenX Coils and ReGenXtra switching

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  • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    You smok'em peace pipe? Ya ain't a gonna lose any weight

    That rig of yours is big, looking foreword to see what you get out of it too.
    Me makum big wampum brother known as Micheal.
    Magic smoke is how the Great Spirit uses logic on us mortals.


    • Originally posted by Turion
      I have several versions of the generator. My big machine which has 12 coils and 24 magnets on the rotor is at the machinist in Santa Clara where I am having some work done on it prior to testing at an independent lab. They want to run it for several hours straight and that would cause it to overheat, so I am having the simple modifications made to use water as a coolant. That machine has magnetic neutralization.
      So your entire input power is 288 watts. And you are getting 195 watts per coil out. And it is magnetically balanced, water cooled, and being extensively tested at an independent lab (including testing it for extended hours or extended range)

      Why do they want to run it for several hours straight? Are they looping it to see if it can go indefinitely?

      This is sounding like you are close to a major breakthrough.

      What are your plans? Will you patent aspects of this? How does ReGenX figure into all of this? Are you using aspects of the patented ReGenx process in this?


      • Your words are like a child having a tantrum.
        I’m sure if you wait patiently Turion might if he wants, to tell his tale.
        If you cannot wait then build your own.
        I built my own but my nephew destroyed it, he has no patience and I disown him from my tribe.
        He is now a solitary.
        I’m glad you have two shoes, you can walk away from an argument.


        • Can you not even read?

          I just acknowledged that Turion is close to proving that he has
          made a major breakthrough.

          I also asked

          - whether or not the independent lab is looping this
          - how this ties in with Thane's IP

          Should it all turn out to be as good as it looks, those are the next
          questions which come to mind.

          pot has turned you paranoid , btw.
          I told you that I $upport PDI and ReGenx and that I want this to succeed.
          Last edited by Doogy2Shoes; 06-24-2019, 04:39 PM.


          • So all that needs to be done is to combine the coil outputs and
            engineer battery recharge.
            And with the water cooling machined in it is that much farther
            along... and able to run for extended range provability X number of


            • Originally posted by Doogy2Shoes View Post
              Can you not even read?

              I just acknowledged that Turion is close to proving that he has
              made a major breakthrough.

              I also asked

              - whether or not the independent lab is looping this
              - how this ties in with Thane's IP

              Should it all turn out to be as good as it looks, those are the next
              questions which come to mind.

              pot has turned you paranoid , btw.
              I told you that I $upport PDI and ReGenx and that I want this to succeed.
              Let me once explain to you.
              You are irrelevant and can be made so.
              If I were paranoid I would seek you out for being a threat and hope you have clean underwear on.
              You have not explained anything to me.
              You were badgering in what I saw written.
              If you support Turion in what is written and I misunderstood then I can admit to a mistake.
              Otherwise be careful who you call paranoid.
              I can read and speak several languages, you just have to guess which.


              • Originally posted by ;318901
                - how this ties in with Thane's IP

                pot has turned you paranoid , btw.

                I told you that I $upport PDI and ReGenx and that I want this to succeed.

                Originally posted by Doogy2Shoes View Post

                This is sounding like you are close to a major breakthrough.

                What are your plans?

                Will you patent aspects of this?

                How does ReGenX figure into all of this?

                Are you using aspects of the patented ReGenx process in this?
                Hey goodie2shoes
                RegenX is the name thane uses for the lenz free coils Dave taught him
                to wind a decade ago. Did you see "COMA" that is a movie.

                What is your address? Do you have any plans to hide your telephone#

                How about the size of your shoe? How about "patent" leather" ones?

                Anyways in the movie people get their plugs pulled.

                I think you are not having a breakthrough more a breakdown, enjoy
                the show. Its movie time.
                Last edited by BroMikey; 06-24-2019, 09:17 PM.


                • Originally posted by Turion
                  Bro Mikey,
                  I didn't teach Thane anything about coils, and he didn't teach me anything. I got what I know from Tesla's old patent. I don't know WHERE Thane got what he knows.

                  With my design the back and of the coil and coil core is exposed, so extending the core a bit and submersing it in water to keep it cooler seems like a no brainer, unless the water affects the magnetic field. As far as I can tell it does NOT, but there has been no long term testing go this. Just me with some epoxy, pvc pipe, and a bucket of water. Not that scientific. That's why I am having the work done on my big machine.

                  You have to understand that NONE of these versions of the machine were designed with the intention of going into production. Each version was designed to solve problems that came up in a previous version. I have built like sixteen different versions of this generator. I have video or pictures of all of them either on my phone or on my old computer. They were all built to TEST different ideas and possible improvements. I am still learning, and chances are I will always have SOME version of this machine hanging around to use to charge batteries and such.

                  Freeze frame, just snapped your picture.

                  Now it's off to work and to hear these things thrills me to no end,
                  16 versions one after another to improve the next and so it will be all
                  the way up to a factory model.

                  @skeptics and Drones
                  Coming soon to a theater near you.

                  the water cooling is done something like that for PC CPU's and all
                  sorts of devices. Great job Dave. I have to run for now but this takes
                  the cake at the start of my day. We will never pass this way again.

                  The new lab will or should treat you better than the old lab. I hope.
                  What a lab it was, to be short on meters, what a bunch of slugs. I
                  found out the many of the high profile agencies like Lab's or Child care
                  organizations are often a front only for dirty money. A dirty lab has been
                  told to stonewall all extra energy producing device, patent pending
                  not included.

                  In the Child Care spheres of circulation many arrests are underway.
                  Criminals look good on the surface and have been running companies
                  for a different purpose than what is stated in the header.
                  This is probably why you are having an obstacle here and there.
                  We won't let that bother us.

                  Patent wars are a mess and hard to get over a decade or two time
                  period. Thanes patents will be expired before you know it and people
                  will ask "Thane who"? Remember Don Smith? I do, he was all over
                  the web in the 90's, history lessen 101

                  Thane was on the same boards in the beginning and we all learned
                  from one another as each day posts were made to point in any
                  given direction.

                  Thane does not even wind these Tasla Patent coils anymore, he just
                  uses the concept to attract attention, I see now what he is doing.
                  I hope he gets a factory model soon.

                  Everyone learns from everyone on these boards and then it all gets
                  deleted can't prove a thing, "Its mine Its mine Its All mine"
                  Don Smith never acted that way but he was entangled with investors
                  and patents over money.

                  Freely you have received Freely you gave Dave and keep on giving.
                  That is the manifestation of YOU. I didn't do that nor did you know
                  this would happen. It is clear tho. This is the gift.

                  Last edited by BroMikey; 06-24-2019, 09:56 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Turion
                    You have to understand that NONE of these versions of the machine were designed with the intention of going into production. Each version was designed to solve problems that came up in a previous version. I have built like sixteen different versions of this generator. I have video or pictures of all of them either on my phone or on my old computer. They were all built to TEST different ideas and possible improvements. I am still learning, and chances are I will always have SOME version of this machine hanging around to use to charge batteries and such.
                    there is nothing wrong with going into production or collaborating with an existing entity like that of Thane Heins'. If you can bring valued R&D forward , why not work together? Why not make a ton of money along the way...
                    If you are efficiently or freely recharging batteries with this already...
                    why keep it to yourself. Cut a deal, get them out there.


                    • Originally posted by Turion
                      I am still learning, and chances are I will always have SOME version of this machine hanging around to use to charge batteries and such.
                      input power is 288 watts. And you are getting 195 watts per coil out.
                      Now you need a way to add more coils and combine the coil outputs,
                      as you stated.

                      once you are getting batteries recharged with FREE energy...

                      Don't just leave this in your work shop
                      Am I missing something here?

                      You said that you already extended the range of a stock motor and battery setup.

                      So you have free energy already, and are on the verge of
                      what looks to be loopable motor with virtually unlimited output.

                      Why plan to do nothing with it?


                      • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

                        Freeze frame, just snapped your picture.

                        Now it's off to work and to hear these things thrills me to no end,
                        16 versions one after another to improve the next and so it will be all
                        the way up to a factory model.

                        @skeptics and Drones
                        Coming soon to a theater near you.

                        the water cooling is done something like that for PC CPU's and all
                        sorts of devices. Great job Dave. I have to run for now but this takes
                        the cake at the start of my day. We will never pass this way again.

                        The new lab will or should treat you better than the old lab. I hope.
                        What a lab it was, to be short on meters, what a bunch of slugs. I
                        found out the many of the high profile agencies like Lab's or Child care
                        organizations are often a front only for dirty money. A dirty lab has been
                        told to stonewall all extra energy producing device, patent pending
                        not included.

                        In the Child Care spheres of circulation many arrests are underway.
                        Criminals look good on the surface and have been running companies
                        for a different purpose than what is stated in the header.
                        This is probably why you are having an obstacle here and there.
                        We won't let that bother us.

                        Patent wars are a mess and hard to get over a decade or two time
                        period. Thanes patents will be expired before you know it and people
                        will ask "Thane who"? Remember Don Smith? I do, he was all over
                        the web in the 90's, history lessen 101

                        Thane was on the same boards in the beginning and we all learned
                        from one another as each day posts were made to point in any
                        given direction.

                        Thane does not even wind these Tasla Patent coils anymore, he just
                        uses the concept to attract attention, I see now what he is doing.
                        I hope he gets a factory model soon.

                        Everyone learns from everyone on these boards and then it all gets
                        deleted can't prove a thing, "Its mine Its mine Its All mine"
                        Don Smith never acted that way but he was entangled with investors
                        and patents over money.

                        Freely you have received Freely you gave Dave and keep on giving.
                        That is the manifestation of YOU. I didn't do that nor did you know
                        this would happen. It is clear tho. This is the gift.

                        I have no clue what the hell this tempest in a teapot is really all about but I do sympathize a great deal with what Bro Mikey has said here and elsewhere throughout this thread. As for profiting from invention, and by way of patents, well I think you have be borderline delusional to think that's going to happen. You have to be out of touch to think for one second that a patent on any disruptive technology will avail you one cent, and if it's a big enough money maker, or too disruptive you're gambling with your life and probably the lives of the rest of your family and friends.

                        It's a fool's errand.

                        Now then, I muddled through this thread trying to gather what this is all about since doggy posted the image of the coil's.

                        Did I miss it or are there like schematics somewhere to look at?
                        Also Bro Mikey, why have you got your PM's turned off?
                        How can I send hate mail if you have your PM's turned off?

                        Oh...never mind...I see I can message you now.
                        This wireless keyboard is dyslexic, possibly mildly retarded too; I'm sure it's not me.
                        Last edited by Gambeir; 06-30-2019, 07:02 AM.
                        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                        • Hey thanks Gambeir glad we have common ground, patents won't
                          save the day I am afraid and in some cases in the past have costed
                          people many hardships. Isn't that sad? ken W has found out interesting
                          things about magnetic's I am sure but to patent them? I don't know.

                          The way we are using magnets to help with motors that generate power
                          is very simple. First step is to use and motor like say a scooter motor
                          to turn a rotor with magnets so coils can be placed around the rotor
                          making or generating power. This is a standard practice in engineering
                          today. What makes ours different is our coils do not drag down the
                          scooter drive motor like all other conventional ones do.

                          Our coils help the scooter drive motor once up to the full speed say
                          3000 rpm or like Turion he runs at 2800rpm. Well anyway the point is
                          that these special coils are lenz free. These coils give power while
                          assisting the drive motor not like all standard generators that slow
                          down the drive motor when power is drawn off the generator coils.

                          This is step one. #2 is to use magnets another way while what I just
                          described to you takes place. The extra magnets used are another
                          no-brainer. These extra ones are added in directly across from where
                          the generator magnet come into contact with the coil cores.

                          What happens is that the drive motor gets another break and the power
                          to drive it goes down again. With these two ideas COP >20 is being

                          All patents do is give the controlling faction a way to bury the technology.

                          It is real simple stuff just got to wrap your head around the basics and
                          then all the lights turn on.

                          RegenX coils is what one person named them but these coils come out
                          of a 1 page patent in 1900 by N. Telsa "Coils for electromagnets" that
                          is what Tesla named them.

                          Now take a Briggs gasoline engine instead of a scooter motor as a driver.
                          With a Briggs connected to a generator head upon drawing power off
                          of it the gas motor will begin to labor. It does not slow down because
                          it has a governor that presses on the gas pedal so to speak to keep the
                          RPM's the same. Just like a mower in tall grass gets heavily loaded you
                          hear it labor and more gasoline is used.

                          With these coils generating on a gasoline powered engine when power
                          begins to be drawn off the opposite happens, the gasoline motor does not
                          need more fuel it needs less and yet we get power.

                          This makes it possible to put as many generating coils as you
                          can physical arrange without any extra fuel needed.
                          Last edited by BroMikey; 06-30-2019, 09:21 AM.


                          • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                            ken W has found out interesting
                            things about magnetic's I am sure

                            COP >20 is being achieved.

                            Briggs gasoline engine

                            scooter motor
                            Only with engine Plasma Tech and motor Aether Tech



                            • Some Day

                              One day someone will demo a working device and where will that leave those who insist it isn’t possible.
                              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                              • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                                One day someone will demo a working device and where will that leave those who insist it isn’t possible.
                                I doubt that, they will always disbelieve even if they are seeing real
                                power, they'll swear a secret wire is supplying. Scams everywhere
                                and very few get it.

