I switched to a Variac, the dimmer does not work at 15vac. The Variac does. This is the first video of the completed project. Many Many Many more video's to come. Dozens. Whe I am done the people with understand what Bowling is doing and what Heins is doing all wrapped up into one. Sleepy time is over. Wonderment is not and option, you are going to get well beyond the endless guessing.
No announcement yet.
ReGenX Coils and ReGenXtra switching
Speeding up under load looks and sounds cool, but you will find out as you do more testing that your MAXIMUM generated coil output is at the point where you neither speed up NOR slow down under load. WIth a variac supplying your input power, you can easily make the perfect adjustment and see that for yourself.
WIth only ONE coil on the machine, I don't know whether you will see much of ANY benefit to magnetic neutralization if you decide to add that to your build, but it will be interesting to see your results no matter what direction you take this project.
The most important thing you are doing is showing a new generation what is possible, so that the ridiculous conventions of an earlier time are left behind and people open their minds to what is possible. I hope Jordan appreciates what you are showing him and realizes the difference the knowledge he is gaining can make in the world.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
Originally posted by Turion View PostSpeeding up under load looks and sounds cool, but ..........................
WIth only ONE coil on the machine, I don't know whether you will see much of ANY benefit to magnetic neutralization
The most important thing you are doing is showing a new generation what is possible, ..........he is about to pull out that tiny scope you sent him. Indian giver.
What's your new address?
Send it to me after he get done.
BTW Jordan and I already showed everyone magnetic cancellation with only 1 coil. Something has to help this poor thing as it went from a drive input of 5-15 watts to 50 watts with core. PLZ.Come on Dave catch up. See the cancellation video's. I know you don't see me stuff.
The video you showed with opposing magnets doesn't demonstrate magnetic neutralization with a coil. I saw that video. No coil in the video. Yes, it does demonstrate the principal. And I know you understand it.
I tried to demo with just one coil, and there was really NO difference I could demonstrate. One coil didn't impact the amp draw enough to be statistically significant. WIth more than one coil it is easier to see for sure.
I have to disagree with you on one point in the last video. "0" is what it costs you to turn the rotor with NO COIL IN PLACE. As soon as you put the coil there, you get ADDITIONAL amp draw by the motor to achieve the same RPM as with NO COIL in place. For EVERY coil you add there is an ADDITIONAL cost. With four coils of any size, you will probably burn up that motor just trying to turn it with coils in place and NO LOAD at all. It's interesting, but with only one coil it hardly makes any MEASURABLE difference to the motor, but with four it kills it! It's like an exponential curve of some kind. Some day when I have the time, I would like to do a really detailed analysis of that. Magnetic neutralization eliminates that cost, and lets you add as many coils as you want for "free" if you can tune it well enough.
From what Greyland and I are seeing, when ALL (12) coils are in place and ALL the neutralizing magnets are in place, there is actually some kind of magnetic assist to rotation. I don't know WHY, but that's the way it appears. Since nobody has replicated my machine there is no one but Greyland and I to SEE that or try to understand it, but that's ok.
He is going to build me another version of the machine for the conference with all the bugs we have found corrected. So that will be interesting. I'm hoping he gets to feeling well enough to do that. Haven't talked to him in a few days. I've just been too busy.Last edited by Turion; 04-28-2020, 06:15 AM.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
I am glad that you and Greyland are doing good on your machine but their is no difference in effects. I knew you saw one video but I have many more with coil and the reason why one coil one your machine shows no change is because it is unable to lower input to detect it.
Yes on the "0" it is 0 in engineering practices. In another words the rotor has drag yes but the real costs come when a load is applied. All generators have start up losses. One the rotating field is establish the counting begins to find a generators COP. Let's say that a generator needs 100 watts to turn the rotor. Next a load is applied. If the load draws 50 watts the generator drive will increase by 75 watts. This is a 66% COP. This is standard generator operation. Rotating the rotor is termed nominal https://www.dictionary.com/browse/nominal
In this case using the Bowling winding derived from the Tesla patent when the same rotor takes 100 watts to establish a rotating field and the load is engaged of 50 watts the generator drive power should increase but nothing happens. If an editional load is applied of 50watts the drive power of the generator does not change. This is an infinite relationship. When technically a COP of 1 is clearly impossible by today's utility companies.
in the first example above a 100 watt rotating field takes 100 watts and goes to 175 watts to get 50watts of load. This is a COP of .285 or 29%. This is not how standard engineering practices calculate COP. In a standard generator if the load is 350 watts 33% is lost plus the power needed to rotate the generator in a free wheeling condition. 350 watts load = 465 watt increase to the generators drive. Or 33% more than the load.
In our case the drive power is not directly related to load. Whenever I put a load on my machine the drive power stays the same. If I put 10 coils on my machine or 1 coil and hit the button the drive input will not change.
This is an infinite generator meaning anything over the input. So if I have a rotating field that costs me 100 watts to get up and running then 10 of my 50 watt coils do not increase the drive power input the COP is much higher than what it take to run itself. Anything over 100 watts is infinite. If I put in 100 watts and get back 150 watts I can run the machine from itself with 50 watts to spare, this is infinite generating. Call it an infinity generator then.
This is the correct video showing core material on the opposing side. To make a long story short, shielding is key to balance perfectly. Size of opposing magnet might do fairly well but still lacking.
BTW all school boys are taught 75% is all that is recoverable only if the load does not exceed 66% of its capacity. When the grid demands 80-90% of the capacity of the generating station occurs their COP drops dramatically. This is why our energy bill goes way up during a heatwave.
Don't argue I know what I am talking about.
Last edited by BroMikey; 04-28-2020, 10:35 AM.
This video on cancellation shows a shorter core material on the other side but it might look like another square magnet, it is not. It is state of the art transformer core. Take a closer look. The thumb nail on the cover of the video shows core block, it has a different keeper made of plastic not the non magnet stainless keeper like all the square magnets have. The core is higher than the magnet too.
You need a desktop to see better, traveling across the country looking at it on a phone might make this hard to see. You have been on the road a lot.
Last edited by BroMikey; 04-28-2020, 09:10 AM.
I don't deserve credit fore ANY of this, and I don't want it. Don't put my name on anything. The idea for winding the coils is not MINE. It came from the Tesla patent 512,340 126 YEARS ago. And what have we done with it? NOTHING! Actually I started out with just a high impedance coil with three very long strands in parallel, replicating why MATT did, and HE saw that Thane was using high impedance coils with very long wires. That started me researching coils and I ran across the Tesla patent where I saw what could be done with coils wound in parallel but connected in series. The idea for magnetic neutralization I got from the Bertil Werjefelt patent WO9414237 that is 100 years LESS old than the Tesla patent, so we have only been sitting on this concept for 26 years. Werjefelt showed that the attraction of rotor magnets to a coil could be neutralized. I just took that idea and figured out some different ways to make it work that I liked better than his simplistic design. All I did was to take BOTH ideas and combine them into ONE machine to address the issues I saw with building a generator that would run on very little input and yet still produce the same output. Both ideas were significant enough to be patented IN THEIR TIME, and both ideas work despite what anyone thinks or believes. You've seen it. I've seen it. Many others have seen PARTS of it.
I do have one thing I would like you to try when you get the time and have the meters. If you will connect your machine up with the coil connected so that it is speeding up under load. Then drop down to the next setting so it is NOT speeding up under load. Now, what is the simple change, without messing with the wiring, that you could make to get it to the point where it will speed up under load again? The answer is, increase the RPM of the motor by cranking up the variac a TINY bit. This will prove what I have been saying all along, which is that EVERY coil will speed up under load at the RIGHT FREQUENCY. How do you change frequency? Number of magnets on the rotor or rotor RPM. Prove it to yourself. A little more input will get you speed up under load because of the increased RPM. Now gearing would be a way to get the higher RPM with lower motor RPM's so that is another road to explore. LOTS OF THINGS still need to be worked out.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
Greetings to all
Greetings Mr. Dave
Today, I am going to comment diligently, express my experience, all with respect, and I encourage you to continue building, if the debate happens, that it be positive, the dialog and the repetitive debate helps us to advance.
According to your comment:
You comment that there is a magnetic aid in the rotation, it is true, and very true, and this effect I had already mentioned, in the previous comments.
He comments that there is nobody with a construction of his generator, I remember again, If I built a simple replica, why I have not built the
of the largest rotor, 12 coils 24 magnets, is because I am first checking concepts, since I pass this first stage I will continue with another construction.
With the construction that I have made of the simple replica, it is enough for me to do the tests for now.
In the magnetic suppression if there is an extra help to the motor rotation, I have already commented on it, previously I will look for the links, and I commented on why it is important to add the effects that are being found in these tests, and leave a record of the contributor.
All these advances I have discovered thanks to your project Mr. Dave, your server and admirer for your perseverance, capacity, and your ingenuity to build prototypes that help us to generate energy. And you are also a great home builder as you have shown us in your videos.
Your comment:
there is actually some kind of magnetic assist to rotation. I don't know WHY, but that's the way it appears. Since nobody has replicated my machine there is no one but Greyland and I to SEE that or try to understand it, but that's ok.
It is clear why there is an extra help to the rotor with the magnets of the magnetic suppression drive, I will explain it again, when the suppressor magnets are in the position of their maximum repulsion aligned NN the repulsion is strong (already known condition, law of the poles) that gives an additional impulse to the rotation of the rotor, which helps to overcome the drag core-coil of the generator magnet, all good, there it and I have previously commented, inertia, repulsion give that impulse, inertia because it has to return to the point of entry of the magnetic stop of the NN magnets, well we do not give impulse to the rotor just that it passes a stop and that magnet repulse the return to the place where the magnetic stop must start it will stop it, nor the attraction of The core of the coil will not be enough to overcome this magnetic stop, now we give more momentum to the rotor than the magnetic stop will overcome and being in the NN position of repulsion will give an extra impulse to the rotation of the rotor, here we have that the repulsion of magnets, not only helps to eliminate magnet-core magnetic drag.
When the rotor is going to stop, it is between the suppressor magnets, with a pendulum swing, and it is because the rotor is between the pair of anterior magnets and the pair of posterior magnets, the rotor is not stopped at the core of the coil and its generator magnet, of course not, and if so, the repulsion is not working.
In the video where Mr. Greyland shows the rotation of the motor, where the coils are not installed, and rotates the generator with the motor, a high speed was observed that increased, which Mr. BroMikey was scared, when I saw That effect, comment that there was a magnetic motor, supported by a motor, which is in the rotor and stator, pure magnets in repulsion.
So from what I just discussed, the repulsion of the N-N magnets gives an extra boost to the rotor, is to say the repulsion not only suppresses the magnetic drag, but also gives an additional boost to the rotor. It is clear that N-N repulsion is the effect that gives us more momentum.
I have wondered well and if I put on a disk of repulsive magnets, would there be more impulse? We would already be building a hybrid, generator motor with support magnets to achieve more spin.
In the adjustment of the suppressor magnets, it must be very precise and not easy, as all the tests that Mr. Dave has shared have shown, if you leave something weak the adjustment of the magnets in the repulsion between magnets could not beat the core, the rotor will park or stop at the core, now if you bring the magnets closer for greater repulsion, you will have the problem of breaking or exceeding the magnetic stop between magnets, you have to make the optimal magnetic adjustment, all this I experience, If I am with a simple replica of the generated, it is a lot of work, improving the projects, also see the prototypes and examples of BroMikey, how much work and effort they dedicate to their projects.
In summary the N-N repulsion of the magnets gives the extra to the rotation of the rotor, this is the explanation, the forces that interact in repulsion.
Thanks to all who share and learn from them, thank you Mr. Dave, Thank you Mr. BroMikey, and the others who contribute their experience in this forum.
Thanks for that explanation. I’d bet you are correct. I know you are working and building this and learning from it. I also know you are taking it step by step and will get there eventually. As John B always said, the machine is the teacher. We learn from what we build.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
Thanks to you Sr. Dave, and yes, we continue to work and try to contribute, this, as has already been shown, requires dedication and effort.
The speed control has arrived, I have been resting a little from the projects, on occasions one does it, changes activities to relax, and return to the energy projects.
Originally posted by Turion View PostBro.
I don't deserve credit fore ANY of this, and I don't want it. Don't put my name on anything. The idea for winding the coils is not MINE. It came from the Tesla patent 512,340 126 YEARS ago.Don't make me do it.
Nobody has ever done anything like this and you want to hide? Good luck with that. How is the concrete treating you? Don't breath the dust I know been there and done that. You are going to be at the conference so get your head on straight now. Your name is everywhere on these projects.
ReGenX Bowling Coil Shorting
Come on Dave gimme a break
Last edited by BroMikey; 04-28-2020, 11:06 PM.
If I didn’t care, I would never have shared any of this. You don’t know me. Don’t confuse not caring with an unwillingness to hold people’s hands and prove to THEIR satisfaction that every step I have showed works. I’m not going to do that. If people aren’t willing to take a little risk and build something to learn principles for themselves, then let them wait until they can buy something at Walmart. I don’t owe anybody anything and I’m really tired of people trying to “guilt” me into giving them the proof they “demand.” Demand away. It cuts no ice with me.
YOU know speed up under load works. You have demonstrated it. You know magnetic neutralization works. You have demonstrated it. The only part of my generator you HAVENT demonstrated is a coil that outputs 130 volts at 1.5 amps. Once you have done THAT, (And you probably won’t with that rotor and those magnets because they don’t have enough mass to your magnets without some SERIOUS rpm, and you need wires in parallel on your coil) what is left to prove? I’m sure there are folks out there who HAVE built coils/rotor combo that outputs that much. They just couldn’t have more than one or two NEAR their rotor without burning up the prime mover. I have 12. I could have 14. Or 16. Or 18. YOU know that and YOU understand why. But you WOULDN’T if you hadn’t BUILT it and seen it for yourself. Once you build it and understand the principles, it opens all kinds of doors.
All I have said except individual coil output YOU have proved is possible, and yet people still want proof. It is laughable.
By the way, I already said that if the conference gets cancelled, I would make a video showing inputs and outputs.
Greyland is making one tonight with four coils on the machine running 400 watts of load. The input will be between 300-380 watts, so nothing special, but you and I know there is hardly any increase in input when more coils are added and more load is added. That’s the fun part.
“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist