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ReGenX Coils and ReGenXtra switching

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  • I couldn't handle sledge hammering concrete anymore, so hired a contractor. He tore out my back deck and my front sidewalk at my old house with a front loader, and will pour new concrete this week. Got a second contractor working on taping and texturing the drywall I put up. Got a THIRD contractor who thinned all the trees at my two houses and my mom's place, cut all the weeds, and is raking up all the pine needles and oak leaves. I worked on my mom's place eight hours a day for a week, and didn't make a dent in it. She's out there raking that crap every day and she's 87 years old. She works me to death. Nobody has raked up the pine needles or oak leaves on her property in probably 20 years, and she has almost an acre. She has slowly been "reclaiming" it, but it needs to get done faster. Fire danger!!It Had to call in a crew to rake and burn that stuff.

    You would think with all that help I would have time to work on the generator, but nooooooo. I had to go out to the property we own where we were going to build our "dream house" before we bought THIS house because mice had gotten into the shed and pooped and peed on everything I have stored there. Two sheds actually. A ton of my camping gear was stored our there, and I am trying to put together a "bug out" camping trailer in case fire season drives us out of the house like it did a few years ago when the ridge we live on was surrounded by fire on three sides. Most of my stuff in the sheds was in sealed plastic bins, so I had to bring all the poop encrusted bins home in the truck and spent the last three days cleaning all the bins.

    I DID talk to Greyland yesterday. He is slowly recovering from the stroke that paralyzed one side of his body. He has the use of his arm and hand again, but is lacking strength, and is still having trouble walking. He said he was putting all the coils in the generator to see if it would speed up or slow down and see what the total output was. I hope to hear from him on that tonight.

    If there is anyone out there who has turned a 10-12 inch rotor with 8-12 one inch neos on it and 8-12 coils on the stator for less than 300 watts, here's your chance to speak up. That's what he is going to be doing. We will see what the output is.
    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


    • You are embarrassing me because I need to do a huge clean up here at the business, metal went down to $5 a ton, my trailer is being worked on and is loaded and breaking, it never ends, so here I set. I didn't know you had that much to do, without help it would never get done before the conference. This corona virus thing is throwing a damper. Maybe someday we will meet at the conference or do live video?

      Either way progress is being made. I just picked up a RED LION RPM meter and nice man wants to throw in another one for free. They are from 1985 and very large. They use a magnetic pickup coil and are easy to set up. We (Jordan and I) did more tests and I can tell you the opposing magnets are a wonderful addition.

      I hope Greyland does better and am praying for him, Signed Bromikey


      • According to bi, there is no cogging at speed, so the magnets are a waste of time and give you no additional output.

        What I have seen is that the magnets cause less amp draw by the motor. Increased rpm, and therefore more output by the generator coils. But that's just me.
        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


        • Originally posted by Turion View Post
          According to bi, there is no cogging at speed, so the magnets are a waste of time and give you no additional output.

          What I have seen is that the magnets cause less amp draw by the motor. Increased rpm, and therefore more output by the generator coils. But that's just me.
          I never said that. I said cogging is essentially a non-factor at speed and load concerning power. It shows as ripple torque with basically a net zero on rated torque, maybe a percent or so. The second part--"the magnets are a waste of time and give you no additional output" is true.



          • Hi all, Hi bromikey, yes, will make a simple cad drawing of the idea, been busy with some other things at the moment, will get to it as soon as possible.

            Yes, it seems that by my direct experience and observation, in these past couple months, (AKA- the cootie thing), that it could not be more obvious, this A.I., matrix or whatever it is, indeed wants us to act like them and become a zombie also, well it aint happening my friend.

            God wins always and god is good.

            Almost forgot, wanted to mention something in general about generator coils with ferromagnetic cores.

            When a north pole facing permanent magnet on a rotor approaches a ferromagnetic core, that core end will be a south pole and the generated polarity in the coil at that same end will be a north pole.

            That seems to be defeating our efforts to generate output, because then a certain amount of the generated magnetic field from the generator coil will be neutralized by that opposing field in the core.
            Well, just something that came to mind yesterday.

            peace love light
            Last edited by SkyWatcher; 05-27-2020, 01:50 AM.


            • Originally posted by bistander View Post

              I never said that. The second part--"the magnets are a waste of time and give you no additional output" is true.

              BYE did you say that? Why without experimental proof would you say such a thing???? Are you answering questions BYE?? Answer the question BYE Now that we all know that you are all hot air we can put up a protective shield against hurting our feelings. Do you have feelings BYE???

              @ Turion
              You were right Dave. Let me put it this way. Induction motors want speed. You can turn down the volts and with the right cap as we have seen in my setup, lower the amps UNDER LIGHT LOADS. BUT the motor wants to turn at full speed or 1600rpm so if there is drag of any kind the amps climb. I will give an exact RPM reading soon, 2 meters are in the mail. However this can be witnessed without a meter. I have readings today of 50v X 600ma with the opposition magnets FULL SPEED or full RPM, turning it up make no difference.

              Without magnets to oppose cogging drag I have readings that measure as high as 100v at 1= amp or 1100ma. Go figure. You are the man Dave. Everyone here loves and honest answer. WTH is BYE's problem?


              • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post

                When a north pole facing permanent magnet on a rotor approaches a ferromagnetic core, that core end will be a south pole and the generated polarity in the coil at that same end will be a north pole.

                something that came to mind yesterday.

                peace love light
                Yes that is how generator work in today's commercial power plants, whether permanent magnet on rotor or electromagnet on rotor the fields are as you say, opposing. Our lenz free coils delay this coil north field till AFTER TDC which then assists the process, unlike the conventional designs.

                Also when generators don't slow down under load more power is realized. I have a 50 strand coil and running 1500rpm I reach the null at 720 feet of wire when 72 foot strands are laying together connected in series. So a mere 10 strands of my 50 are needed. The null is when a load is connected and the system does not slow down demanding more input power. The relationship for today's generators demand a 1000 unit input to get a 600-700 unit output. Each load added shows this same relationship

                With these Tesla coils from electromagnets our generator input is zero for each additional output load. So that means 0 input to get out infinite output once the rotor operational cost have been established. Each added load shows no increase for input.
                Last edited by BroMikey; 05-27-2020, 03:03 AM.


                • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

                  BYE did you say that? Why without experimental proof would you say such a thing???? Are you answering questions BYE?? Answer the question BYE Now that we all know that you are all hot air we can put up a protective shield against hurting our feelings. Do you have feelings BYE???
                  WTH is BYE's problem?
                  I posted proofs of what I claimed. Go back and read the record if you want.
                  I was about to say that you're my problem but actually you're just an annoyance.



                  • Originally posted by bistander View Post

                    I posted proofs of what I claimed. ........ but actually you're just an annoyance.

                    Answer my questions BYE. Did you or did you not say that Dave is a liar concerning opposition magnet input power based on proof? Answer. BYE!! Just answer. You mean thing you. It is human to apologize, question is are you able. Where is your proof Dave lied?? Answer BYE. I have proof now (data) showing Dave to be an honest investigator.

                    Answer or just change the subject? Address the subject matter, recognize the questions coming from your fellow mates. Have a heart? Is that possible, plz explain your position, if not.

                    Why are you lying about others lying??? Isn't THAT a lie? Or did you tell us the truth? Plz explain. Can you answer? Hey Google dot to dot to dot answers better. Hey Google?? Hey BYE??


                    • Found this video claiming to refute ReGenX. Can we get a response from Thane?



                      • If you don't mind Bro, I will be happy to respond to bi and his "amazing" video. I do not necessarily have the same purpose for the coils in MY generator as Thane does for the ones in HIS, but I know how the coils benefit ME.

                        You are forced to rely on the experiments done by others because you do so FEW actual experiments yourself. If you ever actually DID any experiments, you would be BEYOND what is shown in this one, which is elementary. Do you think I haven't done EXACTLY this experiment? Not once, but HUNDREDS of times with different coils? Do you really think he is showing anything I haven't seen before? Believe me, he isn't. You think what he shows proves we don't know what we are talking about. All it proves is that YOU don't understand. You're stuck in a box.

                        I have said MANY, MANY, MANY times that when you are seeing "speed up under load" you are NOT seeing the MAXIMUM OUTPUT of your generator coil. Go back and actually READ what I have posted and you will see that is EXACTLY what I have said. MULTIPLE TIMES ON DIFFERENT THREADS. Speed up under load is a cute trick, but it doesn't get us what we want.

                        So if we take the EXACT same circumstances we see in the video, the author is showing apples to apples where the "speed up under load" coil and the single filler coil both PUT OUT the exact same amount of power and basically the input power to the two coils is the SAME. But if we want the speed up under load coil to exhibit its MAXIMUM OUTPUT, what do we have to do? We have to DECREASE the rpm's of the motor to the point where the coil is neither speeding up nor slowing down. This means LOWERING the voltage supplied to the motor. If you lower the voltage, what does THAT do to the input? THAT is the ENTIRE BENEFIT of the "speed up under load coil" I am using in my generator. I do not WANT speed up under load. I want maximum output for MINIMUM input. Nothing he shows disproves what I have said about the coils and the way they work in my generator. Your belief that he is "debunking" these coils just shows how little you really understand of what we have been saying, because he does a DAMN good job (almost) of comparing apples to apples and you bought the whole thing.

                        Now Thane may dispute what the video shows. I don't. I never have. I understand EXACTLY what these coils do because I have done HUNDREDS of experiments. I don't rely on ANYONE to do the experiments for me. Neither should YOU.

                        What this video DOES show is why the RPM of the motor is as absolutely CRITICAL to the success of the experiment as are the coils themselves. A few feet off in the amount of wire you MUST HAVE in either direction, and your coil isn't outputting at maximum power. It took me a lot of beating my head against a wall and not understanding why a perfectly good coil I had just wound was NOT giving me the same results as the LAST one I wound the exact same way, when the only difference was the voltage on my battery had gone down a bit and the rpm of my motor was just 10 rpms different and I didn't realize how significant that was. In truth, ONE rpm is enough to cause failure if you are right on the line. I learned a lot of stuff the really HARD way that I have given away here for FREE, and still people don't listen.

                        If the guy who did the video would adjust the motor speed until the rpm of the motor does not go up when the "speed up under load" coil is shorted and then compare the single filler coil to the "speed up under load coil" at that same speed, you would see a TRUE comparison of inputs vs outputs.
                        Last edited by Turion; 05-27-2020, 08:00 PM.
                        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                        • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                          bi, ... Speed up under load is a cute trick, but it doesn't get us what we want.
                          Hi Turion,

                          That sentence which I quoted above is the same as I've been telling you. As to the rest of your post, it really doesn't matter if no one, including you, can ever replicate and reproduce your device and claim with documentation and proof. Otherwise it remains the same baseless claim as it always has been.

                          And the video was posted by Deco56 this time, not me, although I have posted it lately. I happen to think that it debunks Thane very well. You'll debunk yourself when you can never actually produce proof of your claim.

                          Last edited by bistander; 05-27-2020, 09:11 PM. Reason: Fixed double negative


                          • As USUAL bi, you choose to see the part of my post you WANT to see and ignore the rest. The video shows that the input and output to a "speed up under load coil is the same as with a single filler coil when the system has not been tuned for the "speed up under load coil." I already KNEW this. Figured THAT out YEARS ago. MY systems ARE tuned. You either adjust the number of magnets on the rotor, change the length of the wire on the coil, or adjust the rpm of the rotor by slowing down the motor. All three will work.

                            What the video does NOT show is that the "speed up under load coil's MAXIMUM OUTPUT is when it is neither speeding up nor slowing down, which is what I have said all along. I addressed YOU in my post because you posted that video first, and it appears you are dragging people down the road to stupid land with you. You guys are like crappy magicians. You try to misdirect as best you can, but everybody knows what you have up your sleeve.

                            You have said in the past that not even I have replicated my device. You forget I have built 16 different versions of the generator, each one a mechanical improvement over the prior one. So I HAVE replicated the machine and seen it working. Greyland has seen it working. Lots of folks have seen it working. Just not YOU. And you have no idea how happy that makes me. LOL
                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • Originally posted by Deco56 View Post
                              Found this video claiming to refute ReGenX. Can we get a response from Thane?

                              Yup same ole video everyone posts and goes away thinking they were right all along. No one builds a $2000 rotor that size for fun. He was sent to discredit by the big names.
                              Last edited by BroMikey; 05-27-2020, 10:26 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                                If you don't mind Bro,
                                ...........the only difference was the voltage on my battery had gone down a bit and the rpm of my motor was just 10 rpms different and I didn't realize how significant that was. In truth, ONE rpm is enough to cause failure if you are right on the line.
                                Good examples Dave, good delivery. Now having read your post I will add to it. Thane is setting up EV designs and you are setting up stationary generator builds. Only difference is you have no need for discussion on CRITICAL MINIMUM FREQUENCY because unlike an EV that needs a wide band of frequency of operation you are targeting a very narrow band. It is called the NULL POINT when you reach the no response. Power factor is over heads, 45-90 degrees delay is over heads and worthless to even talk about with these people when they can't even get the basic design.

                                In electric vehicles one of the big problem to save energy was by using a gas engine to hold rpm perfect. From there clutching/transmission took over from there. The Thane style gen head uses both the null and beyond (small amounts) to overcome the ever changing rpm for in town driving. When I bring up CRITICAL MINIMUM FREQUENCY it seems way to much for many to grasp alongside all of what is being talked about (to much)

                                Whether you are gaining kinetic energy or just raw watt harvesting does not make one BETTER than the other as you seem to suggest for years. It is a matter of what the need is. Watching a slight speed up under load is important to the observer who does not yet comprehend your specific contraption. Presenting speed up as a bad omen is funny. I refuse to address the idiot in the debunk video he is nothing more than a prop
                                Last edited by BroMikey; 05-28-2020, 03:24 AM.

