Originally posted by bistander
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You conscience is filthy, certain of you When you bless the hearts of the gift givers around here we will all know who is who and what is what. Thane is not evil, nor is he an idiot, nor a liar. Most of you are like BYE, unwilling to step out on faith(You have none) you can't trust anyone not even yourselvesWhat a mess.
Go read a book and come back when you have learned to set up a dual trace scope the way I mentioned (I am done repeating) Plus those machines Thane is showing you, are special reading JUS,T what you see. Volts, amps, power but how would you know that unless I told you. But you think it is fake? Or does not apply? Or is insignificant? Or evil? Or more like not within your intellectual grasp?
Like I said an engineer has learned these simple measuring principles in his or her early 20's and you peeps want to argue and or ignore what is being given to you? Won't take the time to acknowledge the basic principles and will never commend your superiors? The less you will get. Aaron understands how to do all of this, he may or may not show this as the average guy really doesn't get it anyhow. Don't waste your time.
Anyway I am right and so is Thane, be still and learn. Tomorrows lessen will be more on manners. I am not done.