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ReGenX Coils and ReGenXtra switching
For you guys wanting to save the world? Start at the beginning. Nuts and bolts first. Get the tape or ribbon as you wish and buy 1k107 model number. Nano tech ribbon rolled up in 8" square cores and cut the sides out for block material if you like. Use ultra high temp, very very thin solution lightly wetted and wiped of clean. Roll up your bobbin. Bake at 250 f for 2 plus hours. Now you have any shape.
This material will work best without generating heat in cores unlike the 1k101 material used in 60 hz cores. The 1k107 tape is more for 400hz and up a ways..
Rotors need to be non magnetic steel or magnet shielding steel. Use 1/4 plate ss machined to press fit magnets into place leaving a fraction of magnet above the surface. Use a 1-2" shaft to maintain stability use such forces. The shaft may be a grand total of 12" long. Use ss beaings, ss shaft, ss collars, they are worth the money. SS rotor hubs. SS bolts.
This material is cheap for making boxes coming in at 6 times less for poly carbonate or cutting block board and is as strong as steel yet non magnetic.
I like this machine. It is a smaller one for machining holes. I am looking at a shorter one.
s-l640.jpg edited by BroMikey; 08-11-2020, 09:34 AM.
This is what I need to drill. It is an over grown drill press without all of the shimy shivering and shaking on a 1" hole.