Well you can understand it! :-)
What the guy says is:
If a coil builds up voltage because of an approaching magnet it charges its own "parasitic" capacitance first. This takes some time.
It is not the high impedance per se that is requried but with some few windings like e.g. a car alternator you cannot get this inherent capacitance big enough. You need some more windings - best bifliar like Tesla tought. The more windings the lower the threshold where we are in the business. Therefore a big wheel with many magnets rises the frequency without necessity of high rpm.
This inhernet capacitance is something very special and is not subject of text books because it is seen as "parasitic" effect only. Some inventors state that it does not fulfill all request for a normal known capacitor e.g. it charges obviously not with uniform current like an external capacitor. Somehow this internal charging process produces no external magnetic influence (needs to be tested out). It might even be possible that the internal capacitance charges without current at all. Such things are blind spots in our "all knowing" science.
At low frequencies this delay effect is of now importance. While the delay is constant and the frequency (RPM) rises there is a crossover point where the magnet passes while internal capacitance is still charging. There the magic begins.
This guy clearly states that we deal not with resonance but with a threshold after that the effect grows. Of course we head here at our sweet spot towards the resonant point but he states that at his setup the threshold is around 9° phase shift - far away from resonant frequency. Resonsnce is another effect being caused by this phase shift but will happen far above our sweet spot. Same delay mechanism but with much more phase shift. But it is known that a coil will not resonate nicely with its parasitic capacitance. That gives a hints that this capacitance is somehow different. In early ham times they had these basket coils in order to have far less parasitic capacitance and add their "good" external one. And Tesla suggested bifilar winding in order to grow exact this effect and engineer it. BTW: winding with isolated foils will give very good "parasitics". Try aluminum adhesive tape two layers (bifilar) - if copper available it will far better. It gives highest capacitance and low resistance compared to wires. My calulation gives: Tape 2" wide and 0.075mm thick gives a resistance that is comparable to copper AWG 13/14 (2.4 sqmm) but HIGHHHHH capacitance.
If you intend to use this effect along a Bedini wheel you need to account for its genuine sweet spot. It might be far lower than the threshold for the regenx coil as wound from first guess. Therefore length of wire and diameter of the gen goils need to be checked and tested. So you might want to get first a jig where you test your regenx coils along variable rpm and then optimize them in order to comply to Bedini wheel sweet spot.
Nevertheless the low drag effect of the Bedini energizer (as recently mentioned by me) as explained in the advanced handbook is still present at the regenx coils and overlaps it. So do not ignore it if you start your work. Both effects need to be engineered.
Please take this as personal opinion. Partly it does not comply to science - I know that. Almost all inventions begun with violating well known scinece. First they laugh, then they ignore and in the end they claim to have known it from the very beginning. That's human - unfortunately.
What the guy says is:
If a coil builds up voltage because of an approaching magnet it charges its own "parasitic" capacitance first. This takes some time.
Take as rough imagination the circuit for driving a spark gap see left side. C1 is being charged first before the spark gap ignites. In our case we have of course not this digital behaviour but merely an interlieving between internal and external current.
It is not the high impedance per se that is requried but with some few windings like e.g. a car alternator you cannot get this inherent capacitance big enough. You need some more windings - best bifliar like Tesla tought. The more windings the lower the threshold where we are in the business. Therefore a big wheel with many magnets rises the frequency without necessity of high rpm.
This inhernet capacitance is something very special and is not subject of text books because it is seen as "parasitic" effect only. Some inventors state that it does not fulfill all request for a normal known capacitor e.g. it charges obviously not with uniform current like an external capacitor. Somehow this internal charging process produces no external magnetic influence (needs to be tested out). It might even be possible that the internal capacitance charges without current at all. Such things are blind spots in our "all knowing" science.
At Utkin paper I recently mentioned, we have a similar but reverse effect. If you make a coil part of a capacitor it will produce current in the coil just by cycling voltage at the capacitor in unidirectional way. The goodie is: it adds more energy than allowed by science. That is the magic at those famous radiant machines we saw in the past.
The law of conservation of energy is only the effect of symmetrical systems that are 99.999% of our applications. So let's break the symmetry ....
The law of conservation of energy is only the effect of symmetrical systems that are 99.999% of our applications. So let's break the symmetry ....
At low frequencies this delay effect is of now importance. While the delay is constant and the frequency (RPM) rises there is a crossover point where the magnet passes while internal capacitance is still charging. There the magic begins.
This guy clearly states that we deal not with resonance but with a threshold after that the effect grows. Of course we head here at our sweet spot towards the resonant point but he states that at his setup the threshold is around 9° phase shift - far away from resonant frequency. Resonsnce is another effect being caused by this phase shift but will happen far above our sweet spot. Same delay mechanism but with much more phase shift. But it is known that a coil will not resonate nicely with its parasitic capacitance. That gives a hints that this capacitance is somehow different. In early ham times they had these basket coils in order to have far less parasitic capacitance and add their "good" external one. And Tesla suggested bifilar winding in order to grow exact this effect and engineer it. BTW: winding with isolated foils will give very good "parasitics". Try aluminum adhesive tape two layers (bifilar) - if copper available it will far better. It gives highest capacitance and low resistance compared to wires. My calulation gives: Tape 2" wide and 0.075mm thick gives a resistance that is comparable to copper AWG 13/14 (2.4 sqmm) but HIGHHHHH capacitance.
Note: The "magic" here is the charge of internal capacitance that obviously hides the Lenz effekt. His invention is that he is able to engineer this neglected and "parasitic" part of electricity.
If you intend to use this effect along a Bedini wheel you need to account for its genuine sweet spot. It might be far lower than the threshold for the regenx coil as wound from first guess. Therefore length of wire and diameter of the gen goils need to be checked and tested. So you might want to get first a jig where you test your regenx coils along variable rpm and then optimize them in order to comply to Bedini wheel sweet spot.
Nevertheless the low drag effect of the Bedini energizer (as recently mentioned by me) as explained in the advanced handbook is still present at the regenx coils and overlaps it. So do not ignore it if you start your work. Both effects need to be engineered.
Please take this as personal opinion. Partly it does not comply to science - I know that. Almost all inventions begun with violating well known scinece. First they laugh, then they ignore and in the end they claim to have known it from the very beginning. That's human - unfortunately.