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ReGenX Coils and ReGenXtra switching

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  • #61
    Originally posted by wantomake View Post
    ... But I think Thane Heins ideas are worth the conversation and study. I've been following his work as much as possible. I can't build TH coils yet. Trying with smaller motors is my method, but to no avail.
    My issue is when I see a guy like BM making statements which are obviously BS. I don't believe Thane has used liquid nitrogen cooling therefore has not used G2-High Temperature Superconducting. BM implies he has and also says silver plated copper with Teflon is a G2-High Temperature Superconductor, which it is not. Such BS as comes from BM only confuses and leads astray would be replicators such as yourself. I feel it best to expose blatant BS when it is recognized, don't you?

    Then when confronted, BM will not back up his statements or address the technology. Instead he insults me and questions my character and motive. How about fact and truth? That is what I want to see.


    • #62
      The voice of experience is worth it's weight in gold. Yes I
      agree that we are shooting in the dark, however IF we
      generalize when we look at THANE'S rig we gain an idea
      that like you say a 12" rotor is in order to start a decent

      Next are your basic coils. One patent says to use magnet wire
      the others call for type 2 HTS wire for an infinity output. I am
      not rich so like the rest I will start with what I have and then
      if and when I get some results, the improvements can come.

      Yes I agree, based on what THANE (The grand Master) has
      pointed out about minimum critical frequency, to me means
      that the operator must wind the coil to run in REGENX
      mode at say 7mph on a scooter so that this same coil will
      not only begin recharging the battery as soon as possible
      but also charge the battery at higher rpm's on up into the
      upper limits of the bike.

      Once the frequency is reached the sky is the limit so we can't
      scrimp on wire length's. Why? Because Thane has shown us
      that a long thin wire will begin to operate in REGENX mode at
      a low frequency where shorter and or thicker wire will require
      much high RPM's.

      Everyone is a beginner and should not be trying to find REGENX
      mode at 10,000 rpm's with a 250 foot section of wire like we find
      on a conventional coil. Ding.

      Why would I make such an absurd statement? Because this is
      what people first think when they see a batch of coils pinned to
      a ply board rotating around. Just throw coil on and start it up
      right? No.

      This message is for the beginners. Turion is far advanced into
      this understanding as he has pointed out so many times.

      Running a bearing even at 5 grand with homemade magnet
      mounts is not only dangerous but will probably explode from

      Buy some dern wire or get a job so you can buy some dad gum
      wire Now we have the wire say a $100 spool to kick things
      off right? Now that wasn't so bad was it?

      Next 1" Magnets are not all that expensive either plus some $10
      sets of bearings. Thane started running rmp's of 50-300.

      Wind very long very thin wire coils. Wind it as a bifilar or trifilar
      so a great coil "self capacitance" can be reached. Don't use a single
      continuous section of wire if you are planning to follow THANE's
      construction guide.

      SELF CAPACITANCE and RESONANCE is key to optimizing and
      finding the "HAPPY SPOT"
      (The warm and fuzzy spot should be left left off as a personal matter)

      Common guys let's not mix business with monkey business.

      If anyone is serious about building an OU device in the form listed
      go back in the record of THANE HEINS video's and he gives you
      exact resistance values for a slow speed coil for beginners.

      A SLOW SPEED COIL is a REGENX coil that starts assisting the
      rotor acting at say 100 rmp's and used a 5X longer coil.

      5X longer than what length than what? Conventional coils. What
      is the length of a conventional coil? If you are not willing to sign
      up for class to study rocket science and come back in 8 years to
      answer THAT question, just unwind a motr to find the answer.

      For instance a Gerard Morin Pump motor for washing machines
      have 2 spools of wire on them, unwind them and measure.

      I just saved you 8 years of schooling so that should be worth
      something shouldn't it?

      More later, like Dave says I have to work for a living or in his
      case work for pleasure. Thanks Dave for any help.
      Last edited by BroMikey; 04-04-2016, 01:49 AM.


      • #63

        With all due respect a Bedini monopole coil is not very different
        from a REGENX coil, though you are right in your analogy of the failure
        comparisons. Monopole coils are easy as all specs are listed.

        Not a REGENX coil.

        I think the Monopole coil and the REGENX coils overlap in
        some areas of operation. Such as the "SELF CAPACITANCE"
        brought about by winding coils in the bifilar, trifilar, quadfilar
        and so on way of winding.

        I think it is significant, that the Bedini motor could be
        fitted with REGENX generator coils very easily, in fact I think
        that John Bedini did make his generator coils long enough for
        a delayed lenz to occur. John Bedini also has shown his
        generator coils to be bifilar wound in some experiments so
        the coils resonant function could be reached at the needed

        The RMP being very slow, but none the less anyone with
        a monopole can assist rotor action thru the delayed lenz
        REGENX coil, if this is what we desire to call it.

        The term REGENX coil is only one set of circumstances that
        one man has enacted to bring about his effect plus name
        he put on it. That is fine I think he should.

        For this I am grateful. Thane has more definitively illustrated
        what I believe John B. generator coil did at the slower speed.

        Now concerning being lost without a compass John B did not
        do that as you pointed out and I do not think we should say
        that THANE has abandoned us either.

        There is a huge difference in what THANE is doing as compared
        to what John B. did. John showed us years of refined work with
        a step by step list of parts that he put together over a 30 year
        period. This was a side line. John B builds electronic gaming
        devices, John spent most of his life building amplifiers to pay the

        So what John has shown he has freely given.

        On the other hand THANE makes his living, solely off of
        the technology/research and development we see as REGENX
        or transformers with a delayed lenz.

        This is very significant to note. One has made very little
        money working in the field of building alternate energy products
        for his lively hood, while the other makes ALL of his money to
        pay the bills by selling his technology, so YOU CAN BUILD IT.

        When you see that, you see more clearly and you can
        understand why experimentation in the area of the REGENX
        technology becomes important. The monopole path was
        refined over 30 plus years and is no challenge to get it
        to do what was promised. I love it and we all needed that.

        Thank you John.

        The REGENX is an off shoot of the same tech, bifilar (Tesla Style)
        coils with the axial motor magnets hurling by. Some use hall effects
        triggers, some use an adjacent triggering coil to transistor or just
        a plain ole everyday commutator.

        These wheels with magnet passing by coils produce many things
        such as the magneto effects John B. gave us and depending we
        use these axial motors in a wide range of devices today.

        If all of you remembered the Bedini generator coil work you
        would know that the length of that coil was 5X longer than
        the hundred foot energizer coils were. The generator coils
        were intended to be used exactly the same way Thane uses
        these coils he calls REGENX coils.

        I looked back in the history of what THANE HEINS said about
        who he gives credit to for finding the answers to build his
        motors. Thane said he got the ideas from his work with
        the Bedini devices. This was a start but not to ignore his
        continued research and development with regenerative
        braking at the university.

        It doesn't surprise me, how about you?

        This message is only meant to stimulate and encourage others
        to think outside of the box so they may gain some insight on
        how they could proceed with their experiments and does not
        require anyone to answer the questions or address statement
        made for educational purposes ONLY.

        Last edited by BroMikey; 04-04-2016, 10:58 AM.


        • #64

          Time is up, back to the bricks.

          Thane Heins has opened a new channel for the newest
          innovations with his work and more chalk board instruction.

          Happy learning

          [VIDEO] ELufZicub[/VIDEO]
          Last edited by BroMikey; 05-10-2016, 06:38 AM.


          • #65
            Motor Party

            Here is a great intro, Thanks A Million Thane.

            Last edited by BroMikey; 07-20-2020, 01:32 AM.


            • #66
              Good ole Conrade thinks systematically. It is the small effects
              that his basic setup shows how we can get the extra energy.

              You will note that Conrade uses very long sections of wire in his
              coils constituting a high impedance. If these coils were made of
              short thick wire I suspect that the rotating magnet would put
              down the drive motor to a great degree before even connecting
              a load.

              Not all coils give the same result.

              All tests need to be done separately. Run a dc motor by itself
              measuring the energy used before bringing any coil into a close
              proximity with the magnet.

              Next bring the coil in question that you have wound near the
              rotating magnet then measure the DC drive motor watts again
              before and after loading.

              Conrade is a simple genius. Go Conrade Go!!!!



              • #67
                Hi, may I chime in?
                Unfortunately this test is incomplete. Conrad took as reference the condition that load is maximum (max. voltage and max. current).
                Please do not see this post as destructive but we need to get true facts. This is unfortunately one of those cases where a truly sincere experimenter fools himself.
                There might really be something to it but those tests do not reveal it.

                Here my penny to it: See delayed Lenz effect from Naudin lab: The Delayed Lenz Effect exploration and tests

                BTW: Are you fixed on self accelerating generators only? In the advanced handbook we learn how low drag performs. In case somebody cares I can elaborate on this.
                Last edited by JohnStone; 06-27-2016, 08:14 PM.
                Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                • #68

                  I would like to hear what you are thinking.
                  William Reed


                  • #69
                    Well, in the advanced book they show why the energizer is of low drag type. The main energy is being produced hust arond TDC where Lenz does not act sideways. (see page 51/ I hesitate to add pics here because they might be copyrighted and you should own the book yourself)
                    Things get better if the wheel is bigger. Therefore tiny energizers will not work. I like teh idea to own a wheeel with 1m diameter. Bedini is tolde rto have stated in early days that if you want to extract real power you should have a wheel in the size of truck wheels and coils in the size of coffee jugs.

                    If we stand away from, the idea to get the very whole range of magnetic interference but restrict ourselves to the area around TDC it will work fine.

                    In the book they show the circuitry at the gen coil: diode, capacitor and the LED load (see page 41). This is very smart because only while charging the cap initially the whole range of magent passing is being used and normal drag occurs.
                    If the LED load is tuned poperly (let's say charge peak 14V and discharge inbetween charge pulses decay to 12V) - then only the very center around TDC wil cause current. This is dead simple and dead smart. Voltage difference and the diode perform the switching almost for free.

                    And Bedini again and agin showed his giant fan at his bicycle wheel and stated again and again that the effectivity will rise under moderate load and of course he had his very first publication with the energizer out there ..... do you get the idea?

                    Note: We should stand away from the idea to have an OU generator and at same time get deliberately any power within the range at will like mains. Almost all of them are tuned to a certain load. Nevertheless we can switch on and off gen coil after gen coil in order to face the power need.

                    Additional idea:
                    We should understand that our current electric science deals with current and therefore with resistance and losses. And we can harvest current in the vicinity of TDC with low or very low drag.
                    Did you notice that at rotoverter they do the vey same?
                    It needs to be tested how we can convert the gen coil as boost converter along active pulsing in order to get the voltage needed.

                    If I charge a coil with current (aka magentism) I have the north pole at a certain end - the magnet field is being driven by current. But if I stop current - will the magnetic field reverse for the discharge time in order to drive itself the current? I found no textbook explaining this detail. If the answer is yes we have the point where to accelerate while extracting power.

                    Given 1+2 holds true we can short circuit the gen coil around TDC actively and discharge it after that generating accelleration.

                    Unfortunately I have up to now no setup for testing and free time is severly resticted. Therefore take this as thought food. And next idea as well.

                    At driving circuitry we need to spend some thoughts as well - same thing: extremely smart circuitry but tricky to understand. But this seems not to be the right place for this because here we deal with generators.
                    Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                      Hi, may I chime in?

                      Please do not see this post as destructive but we need to get true facts.

                      Originally posted by rosehillworks View Post
                      I would like to hear what you are thinking.
                      Hey John I want to hear what you think about this ReGenX
                      stuff. If it is not fantasy then how does it work.

                      I created this thread to learn and so far all across the world
                      no one understands it or can explain it.


                      • #71
                        Still pondering on it and did not get any grip up to now.
                        Normal theory is insufficient. If you store energy in the coil along textbook knowledge you need to have an energy flow and that is only possible via current.
                        My question above is real. I red somewhere that a collpsing magentic field reverses compared to the steady orientation before. If that is true one can engineer that.
                        At my last post I pointed how Bedini engineered the lenz effect and uncovered it in the advanced handbook.

                        Nevertheless I know radiant will become real power if one side (or both) of a capacitor plate is a coil (see Utkin paper). But I doubt we deal here with these effects Utkin describes. But it shows very clearly how controverse the reality is compared to our notions we feel they were true. BTW: electrolytic caps and foil caps are coiled ......

                        But yes I believe it is something to that with regenx. But inventors know only the ingredients to tweak it but do not know the true explanation. So we are so blind like them. Their advantage is they have something and we lack it.

                        If you study the very early researches in matters of elctricity they had no clue, no theory, no terms for that - we are like they were. Even Tesla used in later times terms like electricity and frequency in a very different meaning (e.g. frequency were only those steep DC pulses and not sine AC any more and elctricity was static voltage only)

                        Sorry, those are all my notions I can share just now :-( I would eagery use my lab for experiments but there is no chance for next 20 month.
                        Last edited by JohnStone; 06-27-2016, 09:28 PM.
                        Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                          I red somewhere that a collpsing magentic field reverses compared to the steady orientation before.
                          Hi John,

                          The collapsing magnetic field does not reverse. The field and associated current maintain the same orientation or direction. It is the potential difference or voltage which reverses polarity when the field starts to collapse compared to the polarity induced when the magnetic field was initiated.

                          Best regards,



                          • #73
                            Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                            Still pondering on it and did not get any grip up to now.

                            But yes I believe it is something to that with regenx.

                            Sorry, those are all my notions I can share just now :-( I would eagery use my lab for experiments but there is no chance for next 20 month.
                            Would you like me to point out the main theoretical principle?
                            I know right where 2 video's are on a black board.
                            It is easy.


                            • #74
                              @bistander: Thanks a lot
                              @bromikey: yes, please guide a blind man
                              Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                                @bistander: Thanks a lot
                                @bromikey: yes, please guide a blind man

                                Okay well I found it but I don't know who can understand it.


