Refining silver has nothing much to do with the Energetic Forum or energy as such. However from the view point of the crystal shape, growth and just because it’s cool and fun, I’ll post some of my dabbling into this process.
Silver has the highest electrical conductivity of all metals, it defines conductivity apparently. Pure silver has the highest optical reflectivity of all metals and pure silver has the highest thermal conductivity of any metal.
The Silver Crystals are produced from 98 – 99% silver shot and utilising an “Electrolytic Silver Cell”. The electrolytic silver cell takes the 98-99% silver and refines it near 99.999% pure, or “Five Nines Pure”.
The Electrolytic Silver Cell consists of an Anode basket which contains a fine cotton filter. The 98% silver shot is placed in it. This anode basket is suspended in a container, (in this case a beaker or a stainless steel bowl) filled with a near saturated silver nitrate solution as the electrolyte. On the bottom of the container there is a Stainless steel electrode plate, the Cathode.
+3.3 volts is applied to the Anode, (silver shot) which may produce perhaps 2 amps of conduction current or less. Soon after the EMF is applied, small purified metallic silver crystals begin to grow on the cathode. Over a period of many hours, the crystals grow to a point where they’ll terminate on the anode basket and cause a short circuit (blows a deliberate in-line fuse), but best not to allow that to happen.
The growth rate of the crystals can be controlled by controlling the conduction current. Less current forms slow growing small (but well defined and formed) crystals. Higher current allows for faster growing crystals, with more needle-like structures. Current is controlled by the strength of the silver nitrate solution, with the bench power supply, or added resistance.
The silver crystals are sort of organic looking and almost look like aquatic plants, which grow slowly in real time before your eyes. And indeed these five nines pure silver crystals look stunningly beautiful to the eye.
Silver has the highest electrical conductivity of all metals, it defines conductivity apparently. Pure silver has the highest optical reflectivity of all metals and pure silver has the highest thermal conductivity of any metal.
The Silver Crystals are produced from 98 – 99% silver shot and utilising an “Electrolytic Silver Cell”. The electrolytic silver cell takes the 98-99% silver and refines it near 99.999% pure, or “Five Nines Pure”.
The Electrolytic Silver Cell consists of an Anode basket which contains a fine cotton filter. The 98% silver shot is placed in it. This anode basket is suspended in a container, (in this case a beaker or a stainless steel bowl) filled with a near saturated silver nitrate solution as the electrolyte. On the bottom of the container there is a Stainless steel electrode plate, the Cathode.
+3.3 volts is applied to the Anode, (silver shot) which may produce perhaps 2 amps of conduction current or less. Soon after the EMF is applied, small purified metallic silver crystals begin to grow on the cathode. Over a period of many hours, the crystals grow to a point where they’ll terminate on the anode basket and cause a short circuit (blows a deliberate in-line fuse), but best not to allow that to happen.
The growth rate of the crystals can be controlled by controlling the conduction current. Less current forms slow growing small (but well defined and formed) crystals. Higher current allows for faster growing crystals, with more needle-like structures. Current is controlled by the strength of the silver nitrate solution, with the bench power supply, or added resistance.
The silver crystals are sort of organic looking and almost look like aquatic plants, which grow slowly in real time before your eyes. And indeed these five nines pure silver crystals look stunningly beautiful to the eye.