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Splitting The Positive

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  • Yes that is exactly the doc I was looking for. I went to bed last night and when
    I woke up the PDF had loaded but this is the first I read it.

    Thanks Guy


    • Turion Safety Rotor Design #1 and #2

      This can apply to any real motor that runs some RPM's, the regenerative
      acceleration rotors or the SPEED UP UNDER LOAD ROTORS come on guys
      don't make me do this. This is not about one man, this is about getting the
      point over that safety means practical application or go home.

      The "split the positive" thread features Matthew Jones modified motor
      that somehow connects us to the aether and keeps the 3 batteries up
      while it runs. Now we take that almost nearly free mechanical power
      from the Matt Mod Motor and attach a rotor. Here are two rotors designs
      that won't kill you when you run high RPM's.

      The object of the 3 Battery Generator is to split the positives, running
      a special motor in between them then drive a lenz free genny off of it
      that speeds up when you use the generator coils.

      The schools at university levels are to retarded to follow this so it is time
      for students to begin teaching class. This getting the teacher off the hook
      and past all of the liability laws that require teachers to only promote
      Government propaganda.

      Just call it a phenomena when to show the teacher and let the class
      decide. You will probably be scolded from producing any excess, shame




      • There is much material to go over. Hardly a soul can understand it
        all. However reading it thru should help, then anyone who would like
        to add they idea's can do so without feeling threatened.

        I keep a tight ship here, anyone using the "F" word will be asked to
        stop. here is an important detail that sums up how it works.

        Originally posted by ;295121

        So here is the facts, what is the true voltage of either pole in a
        battery. Can you measure, no you can't. So in fact it could
        be that the ground pole of the battery a 1000 volt potential and the
        positive pole has 1012. Since all we can do is measure the difference
        we see a 12 volt battery. The rest is a cat in the box.

        Among other things thats why its better to look at this as hybrid bank.
        I have spent along time looking at that way and not trying to dumb
        my losses in system to measuring ability and conventional math.
        Above all things that keep me looking in the direction is the
        interaction of the ground pole connection. I explained this before.
        As you run the load with pulses and power that load with boost
        converter you create an asymmetric reaction on the ground
        plates that are connected. This pulls the ground down below 0
        and creates a larger potential difference on the primaries. When
        the primaries are discharged again on the positive you have more
        power available. Its just a potential and its orientated partially
        on the ground side.

        This accounts for many times when people have seen long prolonged
        runs without the primaries discharging. Either the load is increasing
        the potential on the outward side or we are.

        Since Bob French found it and pointed it out we do not even have
        to setup correctly to make that happen. We can shuttle the power
        upstairs with an efficient boost converter. And take advantage of
        both poles.

        Last edited by BroMikey; 10-20-2017, 02:22 AM.


        • Originally posted by Turion
          I remember Matt saying that, but I don't remember where???
          HE also said a bunch of times he was soon going
          to release everything to the public but I don't know what he meant.

          I have not read everything, but it is okay. This is the guy who hates
          the American flag yet is smart enough to invent things. I don't hold
          any of what he says against you anymore. It is not your responsibility
          to correct the "F" word every other word. What a poor man he is.

          Either way to me anyone who hates the American flag is an affront to
          freedom and the Christian God of the Bible.

          Anyway I forgive him and will never address him again. From now on it
          will be what Turion has shown and what Turion has bought and paid
          for. You don't need to spend anymore money to butter up.

          The years have past and the lies of a "coming full releases" have left people
          wondering. Still I was and am willing to give credit to where credit is due
          like Ed Gray who was a wkoremonger, still he invented things or Joe who
          recently died in his sins, he was another great gifted inventor.

          But I will tell you this, when you are given a gift and you misuse it, then
          the usage of that gift is the measuring stick of your judgement. This
          is all done by the people, because the collective does not forgive
          and they do not forget.

          You are the only one I trust.

          If you want to find that post look in his last statements in 2016, he has
          not spoken in months. Glad you made it out in one piece.

          The gift is what I will focus on now, I will bring it all out in front of
          everyone, I will have it on a scope, no problem. The scope don't mean
          much when the meter just stays up and all that big macho talk about
          being the only one who knows how it works.

          It was shown to be found out by accident and now I am to think this
          can be explained. Not by conventional books which is the only way
          to relate to people.

          You are the only one who has it working, the one who spent the money
          so what you have is yours. I can see why you use pulse motor off the
          shelf, it is not worth the trouble.

          My opinion again, naked and honest for all to see.

          You are the only one who has shown the desire to build a practical
          black box, explanations of theory leave me cold if you can't get the
          Last edited by BroMikey; 10-20-2017, 06:13 AM.


          • I know it's not much without a video but I did get my first coil
            connector board done and wired up charging batteries or I would
            run a 5 watt LED bulb. Still winding 13 and winding 15 are shorted
            and I have discontinued them.

            So I find it was more of an over voltage of 800vac is just to much
            for some of the rewound wire I scabbed off of pumps. Good lessons
            to learn. Some of that second hand wire was kinked, then I wound
            it up again. I think single build is only rated at 600vac then after that
            you run the risk of break down.

            Ran a corn cob LED bulb fairly bright and the prime mover dishwasher
            motor amp draw went from 2300ma to 1850ma at 88vac so go figure.

            I mean to tell you she really winds up in RPM's around 3000 on up to
            3400 just like that. Just like I showed in one of the last video's it
            ran right up there in RPM's while powering something plus the amps

            Did some single winding tests that pulled the drive motor down. For
            instance a single 170 foot coil delivered 200ma at 15vdc charging
            up batteries went well. Of course the amp draw on the drive motor
            reflected the drain, not what we want.

            Each winding is around a 12 ohm coil on this 29 awg fine wire.

            As I began putting coils in series the voltage went up all the way to
            795vac using 11 strands. This is where the magic is on mine with the
            null position at around 6-9 strands not much RMP increase. Not that
            I have to see RPM increases to get the extra, just saying that at 11
            strands of 170 foot coils each the system is around the 90 degree

            With a poorly constructed single coil the drive motor dropped from
            202 watts to 162 watts and that is only half the coil windings in

            That means that the amp draw will drop again another 40 watts for
            a single coil. With 4 coils lowering the drive power 80 watts each
            would be interesting to see, but i am not going to use 29awg wire.

            I will use 25awg next so the voltages are not so out of boundary
            of running loads.

            My hack job clutch is rattling enough to run me up a wall so i will
            install the new one the came in the mail.

            Last edited by BroMikey; 10-21-2017, 07:39 AM.


            • I tried to warn you all about LUC when he went to see Thane.

              Luc is now mocking openly the idea of getting excess energy thru
              any experiment. Luc is a suppression artist.

              This way he can still keep all of his university Jerseys

              Here is my stay off the lawn warning.

              Originally posted by Turion View Post
              Lately I have not been on the forum much,
              mostly because I have realized that there are so few builders here
              and the forum is filled with lurkers waiting to see something of interest
              that they can run off and sell, making money off the hard work
              of others...........
              Don't worry in 10 years or so when we are long gone someone will
              find these messages. They will reply and like I did trying to find a
              reply from Dave Lawton on his circuit to split water.

              There really are that few people who are like we are. When you are a
              bright light, you shine, the absence of which some seem to grovel in.

              I am glad you reposted the Benitez thought, then last week was it
              you suggested the same when you showed a bank of caps in series
              then some in parallel.

              That patent is hard to read. I am reading it again. How many Tesla's
              were there? How many Matt's? How many Turion's? How many do you
              think? I have lived all over the USA. Been to thousands of social
              gatherings in many places meeting 10's of thousands.

              What I found out was staggering. What I found out is that 99.9999
              percent of the people want baseball, football, basketball or things like
              racing, musical events, something where they can follow what everyone
              else is doing. They are peer pressure driven and that is the way is
              should be. That is the way it was meant to be.

              Hello .0001 percent, welcome to the lonely lead.

              You guys are my hero's, I don't care about the rest. You guys are it.

              It is lonely at the top.

              I know I been here since childhood. Here is the patent I am reading and
              am reminded of Matt's past entries using coils in conjunction with
              charge transfers. T Switch.


              I wondered if the double transformer in this patent might be acting
              in a sort of reflection mode? What is it called? Phase conjugate mirror?


              Originally posted by Turion View Post
              You give us a perfect example of what NOT to do when putting together the system we have been discussing. It reminds me of when Myth Busters built the Bedini machine. LOL

              First, according to YOUR words on the video, you used 5 amp hour batteries.

              Third, that is NOT Matt's pulse motor.
              Originally posted by Turion View Post
              I owe you absolutely NOTHING and if you choose NOT to experiment with this, it is your loss. But don’t come whining around that I don’t share.
              Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
              All I ask is to be proven wrong. If you or anyone can do that I'll be more than happy to admit publicly that I was wrong.

              Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
              Yes level, such exciting times we live in!... all this time we had the possibility of free energy right under our nose... all we needed is the invention of these Kill-A-Watt meters to prove that you can get free power between a single Grid Hot wire and an Isolated Ground, aka "ground loop".

              Who would of known


              Originally posted by clarence View Post
              @ ALL,

              Don't be fooled by Ole smooth Lips.

              Be it Known AS LUC said that even the MINIMAL system Resistance WILL drop the system voltage as more loads are added.

              Do what you will as it is ALWAYS YOUR CHOICE!

              Luc thinks he is hidden by riding the fence in his posts but you will
              notice he has no replications other than a twisted up conclusive
              mess of hodge bodge amalgamations. He just does whatever never
              following the instructions the way they are put forth.

              It's a form of mockery he is doing with Clarence now. After all, again
              he has no replication.
              Last edited by BroMikey; 10-21-2017, 08:21 PM.


              • Ground power

                I'm sorry to say. .that from the experiments I've run that it seems hard for me to see that kind of power coming from the earth 120 volts ... What I've seen is at elevated voltages more and more comes out faster . and this is using a cheapo of about 800 watts inverter connected to a veriac next a bridge diode next a car coil next another bridge diode then pos only neg isolated .the higher the voltage the better which might explain son smiths work a little better .at real hi voltages pos DC pulse grounds though coil .! But 120 ???.they seem to have better results in country's with 240 volt lines . if some one bought a set of small toroidal rated at 120 in and 450 out into ground then back into 120 .wonder if it would make a difference with that kind of voltage going to ground . this is not new Ben Franklin was cascade charging linden jars 200 years ago though a ground connection .but he used hi voltages . people keep referring to ground resistance well maybe so but jump the voltage and over come..besides if it is coming from the house power At 440 something going to give and tell you in a big way .one way or another that argument might be put to rest. Good hunting.


                • Hi Jim

                  Yes I understand that some get more one way than another and
                  I think the original inventor of ground energy as well as the antenna
                  energy collection was this guy.

                  The pumping action is always a requirement and just how much a
                  person can get with a toy motor reminds to be seen. We know
                  Tesla had access to more money than the average guy, to build
                  plus test.

                  Many people have studied the old experiments and come up with
                  their own more modern projects.



                  • Since many of the low lenz generators are running at 400-1000hz
                    we need to talk about forward current. Thane Heins motor circuit
                    recovery system was names SHOCK IT. Why?

                    What is a schottky diode?



                    • Serious builders refresh their understanding of semiconductors.

                      How Many Diodes?



                      • I will be delivering a video message on TRUE TESLA COILS in the next
                        little while. I will add the video here. This video explains the use of
                        a lenz free Tesla Coil.

                        It is plain and simple. It is a message not many are aware of and
                        certainly no one has given a reason why this works the way it does.

                        What is a lenz free generator? What is a Tesla coil suppose to do?

                        What is broken symmetry? What does it mean to have an open
                        loop system?

                        Why was Tesla's lab burnt to the ground?

                        The video is a 2 part series, stay there, BRB

                        This is the sound of absolute.


                        Last edited by BroMikey; 10-25-2017, 05:47 AM.


                        • Part #2 What is a True Tesla Coil?





                          • Hello Group Members

                            I have been running tests to figure in my cogging. What i found was that
                            the rotor being turned by the motor at 88v took 1.75 amps, then after
                            the large TESLA COIL electromagnet was installed the cogging force
                            or drag from it increased the amp draw to a figure of 2.35 amps

                            Doing the math 2.35 0r 2350 ma MINUS 1750 ma = 600 ma of cogging
                            drag force that must be made up for later. In this case having activated
                            only less than half of the wire set, the amp draw dropped back to 1850ma
                            which is very near the the figure without a coil at all. Then there is the
                            extra energy produced as shown with the light.

                            My goal for a few more tests will be to add other similar coils to the setup
                            first one on the opposite side to see what the outcome then afterward
                            to change the mounting configuration so that this small rotor can except
                            as many as 10 such coils.


                            • Benitez



                              • TESLA SWITCH 2009


