This thread
will be different in that members can post multiple pictures or thoughts
and be welcome in doing so.
I have been trying to understand the SPLIT POSITIVE systems for
a time and will answer any or all questions to the best of my ability.
In this thread I go out of my way to share the foundation of each idea
that is experimented with including detailed graphs or data measurements
that show joule counts. Battery monitors are not an absolute when
you understand these simple joule calculations.
Calculations must be made and are a long, tedious effort that is part
of the reason posts can be lengthy. True research shows the beginning
or the basic idea and then thoroughly documents. Understand that
DOCUMENTS take huge amounts of time and posting that in the end
reveal the machines ability to perform.
The energy is there but just how much is found by data.
The bottom line is that this information is lacking in almost every thread
that makes the boast of "FREE ENERGY" mostly the idea an after that
each is on his own.
This is due to the loss of time involved to create comprehensive information
streams all done voluntarily, giving of one's time and money to further
any field.
Good work all. I made a tiny bit of progress toward the
balancing of my rotor. The idea Matt had to put more
wire on in the spots you need is a good one because
remember when the rotor spins up high RPM's that
your balancing material can fly off.
This rotor runs smooth and never rotates backward to find
the heavy side. All sides are equal. What it look like ain't
what it is. The sound of an imbalanced motor is short
This way i could epoxy these counter weight bands on
and did so. Everything will be hard tomorrow, I put the
coating on last night.
Here is the beginning of my research with "SPLIT POSITIVE PUMPED"
systems that will be complete with testing results such as the number
of joule spent and the number of joules collected.
Okay I finished the rotor and popped it all together, here
she is. I put tape on the motor shaft so you guys can see
the motor is running at the 1 amp value.
1 amp and 22.9v running on these batteries that are to small.
But it really kicked butt on battery "C" It drove
the charge battery up fast. I didn't have these batteries charged
all of the way up.
I put the system together on a big setup also, can't show you
all that right now but I will soon enough. On the larger system
the motor runs at 1.6 amps after start up. At start up the amp
draw is 2 amps then 1.75 amps with in 10 seconds.
All of this WITHOUT the booster. Coming soon.
Thanks to the guys who lead the way.
Hi guys I been sittin up partyin with my new setup. This is
so much fun, I am really tickled with this setup. After
running those lithium batteries all by their lonesome I just
don't know how to act with two energy pumps running at
the same time. This is so cool Matt thanks-a-million for the
special treat.
The meter fluctuates from the pulsing action is pretty cool, I
read 24.80volts and 25.90volts and back and forth on the run
series batteries. Same for the charge battery, it goes up and
down a little on the volt meter while running.
13.02v and then 14.75v wow what a ride.
Here is the deal guys. Put an amp meter across the ground
for tuning if you wish as shown then when you are sure on
what your voltages are going to be remove it. I didn't do this
on purpose, it was handy and I just stuck an amp meter in
the line like I always do and I saw right away when you adjust
the boost converter just right the meter goes in the opposite
direction, backwards.
Get rid of that stupid pot and put a 10 turn on it or buy this
one with a keypad.
I didn't want to ruin my analog amp meter so quick like a birdy
I lowered the voltage on the booster going back to the run
batteries in series. As you will see in the diagram it is a very fine
line. We are talkin just a few decimal points one way or the other
and your system is out of balance.
It was so fun to run I have been rejoicing and rehearsing what my
next test will be. I am still working on getting these batteries up to
snuff then I noticed that all of this pumping action was really good
for my batteries right on top of running power.
This is great, running power all aound, pumping and pumping where
the voltage stays stable and the balance is kept all the while my
batteries are being conditioned getting better and better.
What a terrific invention
I also have a few inverters staring me in the face and some UPS
boxes and who knows what over here.
This is really to much fun.
will be different in that members can post multiple pictures or thoughts
and be welcome in doing so.
I have been trying to understand the SPLIT POSITIVE systems for
a time and will answer any or all questions to the best of my ability.
In this thread I go out of my way to share the foundation of each idea
that is experimented with including detailed graphs or data measurements
that show joule counts. Battery monitors are not an absolute when
you understand these simple joule calculations.
Calculations must be made and are a long, tedious effort that is part
of the reason posts can be lengthy. True research shows the beginning
or the basic idea and then thoroughly documents. Understand that
DOCUMENTS take huge amounts of time and posting that in the end
reveal the machines ability to perform.
The energy is there but just how much is found by data.
The bottom line is that this information is lacking in almost every thread
that makes the boast of "FREE ENERGY" mostly the idea an after that
each is on his own.
This is due to the loss of time involved to create comprehensive information
streams all done voluntarily, giving of one's time and money to further
any field.
Good work all. I made a tiny bit of progress toward the
balancing of my rotor. The idea Matt had to put more
wire on in the spots you need is a good one because
remember when the rotor spins up high RPM's that
your balancing material can fly off.
This rotor runs smooth and never rotates backward to find
the heavy side. All sides are equal. What it look like ain't
what it is. The sound of an imbalanced motor is short
This way i could epoxy these counter weight bands on
and did so. Everything will be hard tomorrow, I put the
coating on last night.
Here is the beginning of my research with "SPLIT POSITIVE PUMPED"
systems that will be complete with testing results such as the number
of joule spent and the number of joules collected.
Okay I finished the rotor and popped it all together, here
she is. I put tape on the motor shaft so you guys can see
the motor is running at the 1 amp value.
1 amp and 22.9v running on these batteries that are to small.
But it really kicked butt on battery "C" It drove
the charge battery up fast. I didn't have these batteries charged
all of the way up.
I put the system together on a big setup also, can't show you
all that right now but I will soon enough. On the larger system
the motor runs at 1.6 amps after start up. At start up the amp
draw is 2 amps then 1.75 amps with in 10 seconds.
All of this WITHOUT the booster. Coming soon.
Thanks to the guys who lead the way.
Hi guys I been sittin up partyin with my new setup. This is
so much fun, I am really tickled with this setup. After
running those lithium batteries all by their lonesome I just
don't know how to act with two energy pumps running at
the same time. This is so cool Matt thanks-a-million for the
special treat.
The meter fluctuates from the pulsing action is pretty cool, I
read 24.80volts and 25.90volts and back and forth on the run
series batteries. Same for the charge battery, it goes up and
down a little on the volt meter while running.
13.02v and then 14.75v wow what a ride.
Here is the deal guys. Put an amp meter across the ground
for tuning if you wish as shown then when you are sure on
what your voltages are going to be remove it. I didn't do this
on purpose, it was handy and I just stuck an amp meter in
the line like I always do and I saw right away when you adjust
the boost converter just right the meter goes in the opposite
direction, backwards.
Get rid of that stupid pot and put a 10 turn on it or buy this
one with a keypad.
I didn't want to ruin my analog amp meter so quick like a birdy
I lowered the voltage on the booster going back to the run
batteries in series. As you will see in the diagram it is a very fine
line. We are talkin just a few decimal points one way or the other
and your system is out of balance.
It was so fun to run I have been rejoicing and rehearsing what my
next test will be. I am still working on getting these batteries up to
snuff then I noticed that all of this pumping action was really good
for my batteries right on top of running power.
This is great, running power all aound, pumping and pumping where
the voltage stays stable and the balance is kept all the while my
batteries are being conditioned getting better and better.
What a terrific invention
I also have a few inverters staring me in the face and some UPS
boxes and who knows what over here.
This is really to much fun.