And you are still the best that we have up, but no working example
available. I learned much from you and am thankful. You must remember
now and in the future that I want my 14 year to show everything and I
won't subject him and others to belittling behavior
Not everyone is as strong as us and besides is a bad example.
It is time someone shows a working unit that goes with all of the blah
blah blah. People want to see it working first, then you will get some
investors. Jordan is barely a teenager, he don't care about investors.
There are motors all over the web that use internal magnets added
to cancel magnet pole locking. Been around 150 years. Not many will
come right on and show you what they did inside that motor. Same
thing with all free energy on the web, nobody gives. But of course
they want to save the world.PLZ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Just a line of bull
On the other hand you gave more than most. AAA+++ like I said
you are the best so far.
Now on to a working example. I am working on a teaching aid that shows
the possibilities for magnetic alignment of composite iron oxide with
additives. This aid helps to teach the lesser to get them up to speed
before they reach 70 yrs of age. An aluminum mold will press composite
as it is heated. magnets are placed to align the material.
Hypothetical ideas are without meaning unless practical designs are
shared. This is how to do it. It's all pie in the sky.
What and how is quite different than "JUST DO IT" We can not expect
everyone to be a mechanic and scientist, and a Chemist and an inventor
plus a master rigger, these are talents possessed by the collective.
Everyone must share their gift or nothing gets off the ground.
.................................................. .....
available. I learned much from you and am thankful. You must remember
now and in the future that I want my 14 year to show everything and I
won't subject him and others to belittling behavior
Not everyone is as strong as us and besides is a bad example.
It is time someone shows a working unit that goes with all of the blah
blah blah. People want to see it working first, then you will get some
investors. Jordan is barely a teenager, he don't care about investors.
There are motors all over the web that use internal magnets added
to cancel magnet pole locking. Been around 150 years. Not many will
come right on and show you what they did inside that motor. Same
thing with all free energy on the web, nobody gives. But of course
they want to save the world.PLZ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Just a line of bull
On the other hand you gave more than most. AAA+++ like I said
you are the best so far.
Now on to a working example. I am working on a teaching aid that shows
the possibilities for magnetic alignment of composite iron oxide with
additives. This aid helps to teach the lesser to get them up to speed
before they reach 70 yrs of age. An aluminum mold will press composite
as it is heated. magnets are placed to align the material.
Hypothetical ideas are without meaning unless practical designs are
shared. This is how to do it. It's all pie in the sky.
What and how is quite different than "JUST DO IT" We can not expect
everyone to be a mechanic and scientist, and a Chemist and an inventor
plus a master rigger, these are talents possessed by the collective.
Everyone must share their gift or nothing gets off the ground.
.................................................. .....