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BEMF current reversal.

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  • it is a reaction of electron movement through a conductor.
    The buck converter shows this to be true.
    Buck Converters

    I personally believe this to be true Franklin was half right electrons move from neg to pos and current moves from pos to neg.
    Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


    • A battery charging circuit runs pos into the pos post therefore pulling electrons from the pos into the neg and charging the battery.
      Diodes are a great indication of current and electron movement in a circuit.
      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


      • Scopemeter.

        Originally posted by citfta View Post
        Allen specifically said meters. I have a very nice DSO. It will show a positive or negative current but only my training has taught me how to interpret that as a current direction. And Allen doesn't seem to believe the dozen or so scope shots he has been shown that clearly show NO reversal of current when the power is removed from an inductor.
        Here's a hybrid Captain Bligh:

        "The Fluke 97 ScopeMeter® combines the capabilities of a dual-trace, digital storage oscilloscope with the versatility of a digital multimeter".


        • Purpose of analogy

          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

          I expected a better analogy than a Church built of bricks and a hurricane that made it collapse, too materialistic ...since a magnetic field is not a tangible (material) object... plus, its propagation characteristics through space can make it go through almost any material (mass) on this planet...and at speeds above light.

          Random Magnetic Fields are everywhere around just start drilling a piece of iron...and by the rotation of the drill get those iron filings magnetized and sticking to the bit as to the electricity flow required. When we rotate whatever...we are "Organizing" in a rotational sense that Space around the spinning object...meaning, we are generating a polarized field there...just by rotation.

          Same thing applies when we energize any coil...the electrons flow following the copper conductor spirals (coil rings), generates a rotary motion within that near space occupied by coil shape...and if we have a ferromagnetic core within, then that core inner particles will also be aligned according to the spin from the electron flow influence...then the generated field would be much stronger than just of air core...since it would be born from the very center of that core.

          When we cut the electrical flow off that coil, it does not just happens that all electrons that were traveling and spiraling the coil windings before the cut off, will suddenly stop doing so in a radical way...nope...inertial forces apply to electrons as well, in this case a reversal of the flow will take place, as a counter reaction, acting like a vacuum and reversing the whole process...However, who dictates this reverse flow is precisely the Reversing Magnetic Field returning back to where it was.

          About a better analogy to this would be an Electric Generator...of any kind, AC or DC...same thing does for this example...

          When we stop the prime mover...and Power turns down...does this means that the Energy Collapsed and went nowhere?

          According to Energy Conservation...if we stop the Mechanical Rotation from the Prime Mover....then Energy could not keep being

          transformed from mechanical to electrical...right?

          Apply that to any coil...we set the mechanical motion from electrons spiraling around coil...magnetic field is generated...then we stop that

          mechanical rotation (could we say prime mover?)...then Magnetic Field (exactly the same as Energy from that Generator) could no longer be transformed.


          Hi Ufo,

          Perhaps you missed the point of my analogy. I used it to illustrate the use of the word "collapse", not to explain magnetic curly que spirals speeding through the universe.




          • I think overunity will be found in a dc circuit with no switching of any kind, simply a matter of sympathetic fields.
            I'll expound more on this later.
            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


            • Cavitation is the formation of vapour cavities in a liquid – i.e. small liquid-free zones ("bubbles" or "voids") –
              that are the consequence of forces acting upon the liquid. It usually occurs when a liquid is subjected to rapid changes of pressure
              that cause the formation of cavities where the pressure is relatively low. When subjected to higher pressure,
              the voids implode and can generate an intense shock wave.




              • Negative current.

                Here's a fact that appears to be concrete and reliable:

                "Negative current is just positive current flowing in the opposite direction".



                • Drill

                  Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
         just start drilling a piece of iron...and by the rotation of the drill get those iron filings magnetized and sticking to the bit as to the metal...


                  Hi Ufo,

                  All my time with drills, mills and lathes, I've never noticed this. So I just tried it again. Nothing magnetic. I didn't see a single iron particle stick to the drill bit or iron workpiece or together at all.

                  Oh well,



                  • Bi,

                    In fairness to UFO I will say I have seen this. But only when either the workpiece or the drill bit were already magnetized. I worked as an industrial maintenance electrician for over 25 years in a very large machine shop. And I have never seen the act of drilling a hole cause either the drill bit or the workpiece to become magnetized unless one or the other were already magnetized.

                    Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                    • BEMF current reversal.

                      "Negative current is just positive current flowing in the opposite direction".

                      "This negative current COMES BACK TO THE POWER SUPPLY and this can explain why the original Newman machine has been able to keep its battery charged".

                      Look at the negative current Stefan measured from JLN's Newman motor in the lower right scope shot: This is definite proof that the original positive current is flowing in the opposite direction.
                      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-26-2017, 12:33 PM.


                      • "I was tapping a hole yesterday with my uncle into a piece of soft steel. (A tap cuts threads on the inside of a hole, to accept a machine screw or bolt.) The tap was NOT magnetic! As I finished boring through the soft steel, I noticed that the steel shavings (or chips) were magnetized. I didn’t take a picture of it but one can see the steel shavings in the image below".

                        "I could clearly see that steel shavings were standing perpendicular to the tap itself, not attached by any other means".
                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-26-2017, 12:33 PM.


                        • Here we have pos and neg voltage, do we also have pos and neg current?

                          The voltage regulators are irrelevant the output would still be pos and neg, the diodes determine the polarity.
                          Last edited by Dave45; 07-28-2016, 02:29 AM.
                          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                          • 0

                            Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                            Here we have pos and neg voltage, do we also have pos and neg current?
                            No. You have zero current.


                            • Colliding magnetic fields.

                              Crop circle depicting colliding magnetic fields:
                              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 08-26-2017, 12:33 PM.


                              • Originally posted by bistander View Post
                                No. You have zero current.
                                Lol, surely you jest
                                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question

