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Fraud: Laws of Thermodynamics

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  • #16
    The Known Generators...BS

    Hello SidL,

    My pleasure friend to welcome you here and also encourage to proceed in your work, you are definitively going in the right direction and right reasoning!

    I have a perfectly working and pretty new electric motorcycle...and the Controller is programmable through my Laptop, I have redesigned its BMS (Battery Management System and the Motor Controller) so I can switch the Regenerative braking up to 20% as Max (Mine does not activate when braking, but whenever I stop accelerating...Normally Open/Normally Closed SPDT (Single Pole Double Trow Micro Switch) at accelerator) ...and when I do so (20%), this "enhanced option" will work like putting the bike on first gear...when going 65 MPH on fourth. Meaning, it just brakes/stops the movement to almost a full stop. The best working percentage is around 12%...but then again, when I have an 80Amps, 5000 Watts consuming Hub is just a big joke to think that the batteries would ever be "regenerated".

    The point above is just to explain that the actual (Only Known) type of Electrical EMF Induction Generators (in General, talking about ALL Generators in the market as of today) that we all know is also a Big Fraud.

    And no matter how much we all try to get them installed or connected (wired)...We will still be fighting the Reversed Forces (Lenz Law) in a "face to face" no matter how much we try to generate electricity...Lenz will literally "take it all away" from leave us in negative values...why?...just because it is a perfectly conceived Mirror Geometry...a Symmetrical Induction, The biggest Scam ever done to Mankind...

    So why we have not developed a better way to generate electricity from magnetic fields for over 200 years?

    Is the Human Race so stupid?

    Nope, we are not stupid...we are all just trained by the Academia (I love that name you call them, thanks!) in the wrong way, the wrong model... about How Magnetic Fields really are and how they really work, plus the way they are structured...that is absolutely the whole "secret" behind all this fraud that have lasted over 200 years.

    The only known Induction, since Faraday discovery in August a Mirror Symmetrical one, Linear, at 180º...and the best demo is the typical cylindrical magnet going into an empty Coil (air core) as the perfect example...we go In, meter marks positive generation...we "try" to take it out and Lenz opposes linearly from us to pull it away...meter marks negative induction in exactly same magnitude!...And so we try to push it in again, then, like "magic" Lenz prevents from Us going inwards...Repeat.

    That is plain BS...We can go 90º and still Induce...while Lenz miss our movement by 90º...but in specific ways...not like above.

    The only known "Suitable Magnetic Field" to generate EMF Induction comes from the stupid, "Imaginary Lines of Force" Only conceived from what is known as a "Uniform Field"...meaning, from North to South...another plain BS.

    We can generate an EMF from Repulsion Fields (North to North or South to South) where the "Imaginary Lines of force" from pole to pole, according to the "Iron Filings BS Method" (another complimentary "proof" Scam, Fraud that comes in the same package) does not "reveal" such lines...more BS...Repeat.

    And the most, the top knowledge we are all missing here...:

    Magnetic Fields can go through the Mass of any material in this Universe...just the Magnetic Field, not the "material field carrier" meaning whether a Magnet or an Electromagnet...and an EMF Induction WILL BE Generated.

    So...a "Dancing Spiritual Field" going through a previously wired steel core sequence, just like water runs in a river...or clouds move in the sky by the wind forces...effortlessly...we can also obtain electricity...and the effort to do so?...almost no force required to move such a massless, weightless field through any material mass.

    But absolutely no one would believe me when I write this things...all over this Forum...why?

    Just because it does not "fit" with the "Academia Model" we all were trained to know about Magnetic Fields...

    And yes...I am building this Machines...

    And I will "Welcome You All to the Machine" very soon...


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-31-2016, 02:32 PM.
    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • #17
      Resuming on History Proof...

      About the "Dancing Spiritual Fields"...We have demonstrations on record that dates back from the Nineteen Thirties...

      Dr Thomas Henry Moray(1930's)


      Don L. Smith 1996 Presentation:


      Steve Marks TPU (1997)


      Tariel Kapanadze


      There are many, many more like this kind of demonstrations all over in You Tube...

      Now, were all this guys Scammers, a Fraud that have been conceived for Decades?....absolutely NOT!

      It is "the other way around" friend, We (the rest of the whole World) are the only ones who have been scammed for over 200 years!

      And there is a Very Plain and Simple explanation for ALL their discoveries...together.

      They All use Spatial Magnetic Field Mutations Method to obtain Energy...A very different Conceptual Method as the Only One we all know from the Old Faraday Discovery back in 1831...But We will need to Re-Write Magnetism in Full, in order to understand how all these Machines work...

      All Solid State demonstrations use electronics to achieve this Method.

      Tariel Kapanadze (in above video) uses a 9V operated Small Motor to run the Com-Mutation Sequence,(Mechanical Trans-Mutation) and once the 3KW Generator develops the proper RPM's.., it is very simple to understand the 9V Battery could be removed and replaced by a self feeding, small voltage circuit (Buck Converter) from the big generator.

      At this time Kapanadze is also working in Solid State Devices (Electronics) that do the same work, except that the only moving parts..are the Virtual, massless, weightless Magnetic Fields..

      What we all know as "Motion Less Generators"...and is still a "Mystery"...

      Unfortunately, all this guys decided to "Patent" each of their Specific Inventions, and giving some explanations that made nonsense like gathering energy from the vacuum...or from Radiant Energy...or from the Quantum...or from the Aether, etc,etc...which all were true...but they all failed to pay attention to the wonderful Common Physic Phenomena being discovered here (The Big Picture in Common behind all this)...So, fall in the Academia already set Traps for whoever try to Patent whatever has been hiding in front of our noses for so know the end of the stories behind...and they are not exactly "Happy Endings"

      It is only in our either believe in this phenomena is real...or simply deny it has been done for over two Centuries.

      And I tell You, it is not an easy piece of cake to make one of these machines...there are Natural "Rules" for Magnetism (we could call them "Natural Laws") that must of us ignore their existence (thanks to Academic Dogma)...but they must be obeyed and followed very precisely otherwise devices will not work...And there are absolutely no "consulting" text books that can tell us about this either...only our own experimentation would give us the answers.

      I, myself, have decided to pursue this line of work, and so far it is very successful as it is very exciting...Although it takes tons of hours and tons of money...

      Same way I know, many here would write about all this posts is just plain BS...oh well, they have their right to do so...only time will the mean time I take "brakes" to rest my brain and post here...


      Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-31-2016, 05:21 PM.
      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • #18
        "It takes real mechanical energy to turn a generator. If you put an electrical load on a generator it takes mechanical power to turn the generator."

        NO. it takes mechanical power to overcome drag in generator under load while it takes only a tiny amount to overcome mechanical resistance rotating mass and friction of bearings when generator is not loaded.
        However the drag is not mechanical, it's purely due to failed construction of generator. UFOPolitics is right.


        • #19
          Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
          "It takes real mechanical energy to turn a generator. If you put an electrical load on a generator it takes mechanical power to turn the generator."

          NO. it takes mechanical power to overcome drag in generator under load while it takes only a tiny amount to overcome mechanical resistance rotating mass and friction of bearings when generator is not loaded.
          However the drag is not mechanical, it's purely due to failed construction of generator. UFOPolitics is right.
          Thanks Boguslaw,

          You turn an unloaded generator...and is almost free spinning...wait til you add a load...the fraud comes in...

          Exactly that...let's for an instance figure out that we are just spinning the Virtual Magnetic Fields Spatially within that Generator...No Material Mass Rotor being spun...then how hard could it be to turn just that field within generating coils?

          Absolutely nada...nothing at all...I could turn it with my smaller finger...or just by turning an electronic switching board only one time.

          Lenz Law can act "mechanically" only on Mass-Weight Magnetic Volumes...a Virtual Field (massless, weightless) spinning... will literally "squeeze" away from its reversed forces...simple

          Simple guys...very simple!


          Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-31-2016, 03:21 PM.
          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • #20
            Hi to all again,

            I have written much more than enough above...just because I like SidL, because He is from Nigeria...and not from any Northern or Western Developed Civilization...and am sure He needs this knowledge to be known and spread more than any of you living in comfortable Higher Class Worlds...simple.

            But the rest would be on my YouTube on my Threads...and no, no "advertisement" here...I have just written the ESSENCE of the whole thing above, and I feel now very relieved by releasing part of my load..

            Your mind is the only obstacle to prevent you from digesting and developing the rest.

            The rest of the specifics plus the posts above will be addressed (redirected) where they are supposed to go so all material is at one place.

            Regards to all

            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-31-2016, 05:39 PM.
            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • #21
              Fraud not

              Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

              You turn an unloaded generator...and is almost free spinning...wait til you add a load...the fraud comes in...
              Hi Ufo,

              Exactly what fraud?

              All the generators I see have specifications detailing exactly how much torque or mechanical power needs to be supplied to the generator for the load which is applied to the electrical output. There is no misrepresentation. You get what you pay for. No fraud there.

              You sure like to rag-on about the wonderful electric machinery available to mankind. Since you don't like it, I suggest you stop using it. And you sure haven't been able to come with any substitute. That asymmetrical motor generator you promised to be so great was a failure as was MadMac's PM motor of which you were certain would work. I'm waiting on this next magic machine. Truthfully, I hope it does work, for the world's sake. But I ain't holding my breath.

              Good luck,



              • #22
                Originally posted by bistander View Post
                Hi Ufo,

                Exactly what fraud?

                All the generators I see have specifications detailing exactly how much torque or mechanical power needs to be supplied to the generator for the load which is applied to the electrical output. There is no misrepresentation. You get what you pay for. No fraud there.
                No fraud?!

                The "fraud" don't come in any specific model or color of generator manufactured in whatever is about the Main Global Concept of Energy Generation Design that All of them are ruled by...understand?

                All the generators I see have specifications detailing exactly how much torque or mechanical power needs to be supplied to the generator for the load which is applied to the electrical output.
                Really, wow!, amazing!...and that sounds so, so much convincing, I mean so much sense, almost looking like "everything is just fine" kind of answer...but is not complete, not fully explained...until you answer this simple question below:

                Does that power "required" by all those generators you have seen their spec's...could it be satisfied by any, I mean, at least one single Electric Motor in the whole Planet Earth?

                And no matter the cost...or the size...or the output mechanical power...

                Just answer that "Nope" to yourself, then answer which one would be the "One and Only Engine" who could "fulfill" that "job" based on such spec's...then you will realize where exactly the fraud is.

                You sure like to rag-on about the wonderful electric machinery available to mankind. Since you don't like it, I suggest you stop using it. And you sure haven't been able to come with any substitute. That asymmetrical motor generator you promised to be so great was a failure as was MadMac's PM motor of which you were certain would work. I'm waiting on this next magic machine. Truthfully, I hope it does work, for the world's sake. But I ain't holding my breath.

                Good luck,

                I have created very beautiful Machines in those Asymmetrical Motors many more people there have built them.

                I have taught many there about their specific design and construction...

                I have been able to combine Torque and Speed together without sacrificing any of them both for one to Symmetrical ones do...and I have proven it and still can prove it anytime and at any scale.

                Unfortunately, no matter how powerful they are, based on the reconditioned existing models/structures we have built them from...they can not fulfill the Spec's of your mentioned Generators any other electric motor in the world can't do it either...

                Only a Gas or Diesel Engine could do that job...and you perfectly know that.


                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-31-2016, 06:49 PM.
                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • #23
                  No fraud generator

                  Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                  No fraud?!

                  The "fraud" don't come in any specific model or color of generator manufactured in whatever is about the Main Global Concept of Energy Generation Design that All of them are ruled by...understand?

                  Really, wow!, amazing!...and that sounds so, so much sense...but not complete...Now answer this simple question:

                  Does that power "required" by all those generators you have seen their spec's...could it be satisfied by any, I mean, at least one single Electric Motor?

                  Just answer that "Nope" to yourself, then answer which one would be the "One and Only Engine" who could "fulfill" that "job" based on such spec's...then you will realize where the fraud is.

                  I have created very beautiful Machines in those Asymmetrical Motors many more people there.

                  I have been able to combine Torque and Speed together without sacrificing any of them both for one to Symmetrical ones do...and I have proven it and still can prove it anytime and at any scale.

                  Unfortunately, no matter how powerful they are, based on the reconditioned existing models we have built them from...they can not fulfill the Spec's of your mentioned Generators above...

                  Only a Gas Engine could do that job...


                  Well Ufo, I have no idea what you're talking about. Of course you can get an electric motor with specifications to power a generator. Like in my example for SidL, an 11kW generator needs 12kW mechanical power input to generate that 11kW of electric power, you can easily find an electric motor rated at 12kW output. No problem there. No fraud. Or you could power that generator with a turbine, powered by water, wind or steam.

                  If you choose to get the mechanical power from a machine burning fuel, it is not the fault of the electric machine (generator). So stop blaming it. There is no fraud in the generator. It is a misrepresentation from you.




                  • #24
                    Originally posted by bistander View Post
                    Well Ufo, I have no idea what you're talking about. Of course you can get an electric motor with specifications to power a generator. Like in my example for SidL, an 11kW generator needs 12kW mechanical power input to generate that 11kW of electric power, you can easily find an electric motor rated at 12kW output. No problem there. No fraud.
                    Really?...simple Uh?...You just wrote it need 12kW Motor to run a 11kW Generator...

                    Now, could we "invert" the numbers above...say run a 12kW Generator with an 11kW Motor?

                    Will it work then?

                    Absolutely not, can't do that!! is a blasphemy to the Academia!!...only a heretic mind could ever think of such things...

                    Or you could power that generator with a turbine, powered by water, wind or steam.
                    Water?...Oh absolutely...wait, I will run across the street and use that beautiful 120 feet waterfall...and just run a cable to my house..

                    Wind?...I could just walk to the place where winds develop 150 MPH...wait, maybe using the wind force from a category five tropical hurricane...

                    Steam?...OK, here I will have to go back in one of those very powerful railroad train steam engines developed two centuries ago in the western USA?...Oh, but wait...I will need my gun in case I have to face the Cowboys when am stealing it...

                    If you choose to get the mechanical power from a machine burning fuel, it is not the fault of the electric machine (generator). So stop blaming it. There is no fraud in the generator. It is a misrepresentation from you.


                    A Machine burning fuel is the ONLY CHOICE we all got to run generators that is not about Unicorns and Fairy tales...or nickels and dimes energy...

                    Is NOT the fault of the electric machine??!!...

                    of course it is not...machines don't have a choice but to work according to their designs...

                    it is the fault of the Oil Cartels...that want to keep selling their engines so we never stop buying the stinking liquids.

                    Stop blaming it?

                    Over my dead body friend.

                    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-31-2016, 07:16 PM.
                    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                    • #25

                      You can run 11kW generator propelled with a lower power motor.
                      Why not ? You just need a way to amplify torque while preserving input power. You can do it many ways....

                      It is not the optimal solution though...


                      • #26

                        Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                        Is NOT the fault of the electric machine??!!...

                        of course it is not...machines don't have a choice but to work according to their designs...
                        About time Ufo. Finally. No fraud with the electric machines. They work as designed and to the specifications to which they were sold.

                        If you have a better way to get power to those generator shafts, bring it on.



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by boguslaw View Post

                          You can run 11kW generator propelled with a lower power motor.
                          Why not ? You just need a way to amplify torque while preserving input power. You can do it many ways....

                          It is not the optimal solution though...
                          Hi boguslaw,

                          If true, why don't you do it? Then loop it? That'd be great.

                          Go for it.



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by bistander View Post
                            About time Ufo. Finally. No fraud with the electric machines. They work as designed and to the specifications to which they were sold.
                            Are you trying to play "the retarded" again with me , Bistander?

                            Or are you trying to distract this Thread from the main points I have posted?

                            Let me speak to you as I talk to my grandchildren...:

                            Of course it is not "Dandy the Generator's fault"...and it is not Dandy's Dad fault either... The fault, the fraud, falls on whoever taught his Dad's on how to build Dandy the Generator the wrong ways ...

                            Understand me now?

                            If you have a better way to get power to those generator shafts, bring it on.

                            It is NOT about bringing power to generator's is whatever is built inside its Housings guts what is the completely wrong concept...the whole thing...

                            Am done with you Bistander...bye bye...adiós

                            Hasta la vista Baby...

                            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-31-2016, 09:42 PM.
                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • #29
                              Wrong again, or still wrong

                              Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                              It is NOT about bringing power to generator's is whatever is built inside its Housings guts what is the completely wrong concept...the whole thing...
                              Nope, you're wrong.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                                It is NOT about bringing power to generator's is whatever is built inside its Housings guts what is the completely wrong concept...the whole thing...

                                Originally posted by bistander View Post
                                Nope, you're wrong.
                                Well, Bistander,

                                At least, I can say We have reached an agreement on our disagreement...

                                I say that, every Electric Generator out there is based on a Linear (180º= face to face) magnetic interactions in order to achieve an EMF Induction. Then Lenz Law works directly, linearly against our attempts to get any energy output. Obeying the Newton's Magnitude Third Law in a full 100%...meaning, action-reaction are of the same, exact magnitude on both ends opposing each one wins here.

                                So, in order to be able to get some positive energy out...we need to exceed the "Action Power" on our end...just like you have stated before: We need 12kW Motor to Spin a loaded 11kW Generator. If your calculation is right, we need an excess of 1000 Watts (1kW) spent from our end.

                                Talking in Money Investments...We need to "invest" $12,000 in order to "make" $11,000...what a "deal" Uh?

                                I am pretty sure any successful investor out there would definitively go for this "great deal"...yeah, right!...

                                So, you think am wrong here?

                                Anyways...what matters is that we have established our points of view on both ends.


                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

