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Fraud: Laws of Thermodynamics

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  • #46
    Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence.

    Originally posted by dR-Green View Post

    You're trying to divert attention again. If someone can't demonstrate that they have a basic grasp of the fundamentals of a subject, then what value does a complete book that they've written on the subject have?

    What part of this are you not understanding?
    I would ask you exactly the same thing...

    What part are you not understanding?

    SidL have a MAIN OPINION about a Law that was conceived 219 years ago (Circa 1797) then it has been "refreshed" based on Steam Engines...still 192 years ago (Carnot 1824).

    The fact that SidL had examples which do not fully justify his Opinion written in a Book, that does not mean -at all- that his main idea is wrong.


    The MAIN ESSENCE from SidL's Book is perfectly fine...I will supply the Evidence......How's that?

    You could have a Theory, just like Einstein put together a S.R Theory...without Physical Proof, or Evidence that could be real. Now, does that means it is wrong?

    Absolutely not!

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-13-2016, 11:36 AM.
    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • #47
      Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
      Hey SidL,

      Why don't you please ask dR-Green a very simple question...

      Why such huge Multi - Million USD Corporations, like GM, FORD, MOPAR...were not able to produce such an exotic, such a nice and refined piece of art...A Full Electric Vehicle like TESLA MOTORS have come up with...But, like about Half a Century ago?



      It is not about a "Protected Technology Case"...So, Why?

      Can not come up and tell Us all that it is about a "new technology" which is patented and therefore restricted...since We all know that the basic Motor that powers Tesla cars is the ancient AC Induction Motor technology... Invented, Developed and Patented by DR Nikola Tesla back in the 1800's...and that by twenty years after he wrote it, that Patent has been legally free to reproduce and market it wherever?

      Then again...Why?

      Can not say they did not have the money to build it?...when a very new, starting from scratch company has done it from zero in the very front of their noses?.

      I knew there has been an "attempt" when Saturn released the EV1...but then what happened?

      Why did such huge Corporation like GM decided to press as junk all the existing and running vehicles?

      Ask him if He saw "Who killed the Electric Car"??


      What happen, they don't have the "Brains" to make it real...or is it just another DECEPTION CASE UNCOVERED?

      I guess by "pressure" GM Chevy Volt which is just another "Hybrid" has been released, however, it don't even compare to the first Full EV Tesla built based on a Lotus Elise body over ten years ago..."The Roadster"


      Nice car that Tesla X Model indeed!!

      Regards SidL


      Well, SidL is not here to ask you my suggested question above...So, I will ask it to you directly.

      Can You answer it?

      Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-13-2016, 01:04 PM.
      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • #48
        Tesla automobile timing


        You ask why not 50 years ago. There are a number of enabling technologies which needed to mature including power semiconductors and energy storage (batteries). Information processing certainly was a serious benefit but not critical. It finally came to fruition primarily due to one man with the brains and balls to use venture capital mentality whereas the huge corporations needed to answer to boards and shareholders making such a risk unacceptable.

        What does that have to do with anything here? Just another example of redirection or change of subject.




        • #49
          Originally posted by bistander View Post

          You ask why not 50 years ago. There are a number of enabling technologies which needed to mature including power semiconductors and energy storage (batteries). Information processing certainly was a serious benefit but not critical. It finally came to fruition primarily due to one man with the brains and balls to use venture capital mentality whereas the huge corporations needed to answer to boards and shareholders making such a risk unacceptable.
          All of the above does NOT justify AT ALL the Fact that any of those Multi Billion Dollar Car makers, have not come up with a very simple Electric Vehicle.

          The GM, Saturn, EV1 had specific batteries designed just for it, that did the job, just like any Lithium-Ion do...Watch the Movie, it is based on real facts and real history about it.

          The MAIN part of an Electric Vehicle lies on the Power Train. Basically the Motor. And this Motor was invented in the 1800's.

          The Speed Controllers could be done very efficiently by using combinations of relays (solenoids), Potentiometers, Speed Switching connected to sequenced Stator Windings of different configurations, etc, etc...

          There are Infinite possibilities that could have been used without the need of Semiconductors at all.

          The Only thing that was Not there at all, was the WISH AND DESIRE TO BUILD IT.

          About Bureaucracy on this Corporations (like you are trying to explain above)...that is Nonsense, IF the CEO wants it done, IT WILL GET DONE, PERIOD. All other lower Hierarchies MUST OBEY AND MAKE IT HAPPEN. SIMPLE.

          Oh but you just hit the nail in the head by using the magical "Shareholders" word.

          No shareholder coming from any Oil Corporation will ever approve such Full Electric Vehicle development.

          Find out who's major shareholders all this Car maker Corporations support them...EXXON MOBIL, TEXACO, SHELL, etc,etc, and many more "hidden" under Fictitious Names...easy to Uncover.

          By the way, did You know this Country (USA) was the first one to start the in line production manufacturing of Electric Vehicles back in the 1800's?

          What happen to them?...Ask the Rockefeller's, the Ford's and to American Standard Oil (owned by the first family)...they will have the final answer.

          What does that have to do with anything here? Just another example of redirection or change of subject.


          Not "redirection" at all, that was your ASS umption.

          SidL Book shows in the Main Cover a Car, particularly an ELECTRIC VEHICLE.

          And this is what this Thread is about, SidL's Book... isn't it?

          Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-13-2016, 03:00 PM.
          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • #50

            Fraudulent thermodynamics has nothing to do with the Tesla Automobile Company.


            • #51
              Originally posted by bistander View Post
              Fraudulent thermodynamics has nothing to do with the Tesla Automobile Company.
              I already posted all my related to Thermodynamics Fraud ...

              The fact that no one was capable to respond to my posts is just a sign of either incapability to do so, or simply because they are Undeniable Facts.

              The Electric Vehicle was the first proposal that SidL wrote about as an example HERE, and so I am EXPANDING into that SUBJECT HERE, so it is COMPLETELY RELEVANT.

              I really can't be wasting one more second with your jumping -without even calling your name- stupid responses, everywhere I post.

              So, keep posting to YOURSELF.

              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • #52
                Originally posted by SidL
                Hello UFO, my apologies for a non-response. Checking for a few days after my last post, I was quite convinced that this thread had come to an end, I didn't bother checking in afterwards.

                I have also been working on my other books in the meantime, as well as my site. I have grown so out of date with modern trends in web design, the site gives a slight headache at the moment.

                I have also taken points here as valuable feedback, and made some changes, including to the cover of the book. There is a very mischevious individual here who was hell bent on making the book look like it is about electric motors, due to the cover. The new cover is below. Please visit this link to read extended excerpts of what the book is really about.

                Thank you for your work UFO, you are a real human and it'd be nice to meet you in person some day. I will reply to each post in sequence, but suffice it to say, that I marvel when some make comments about paradigms such as electric motors, convinced that there aren't other ways to do the same job. It's really silly, and initially, it was out of politeness that I did not wish to engage in arguments. I liken debate with the fellow/fellowette who was quoting KW figures for me like debating the supposed infallibility of holy books with the religious especially Christianity's, into which I was born by the way. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever for someone to the defend the infallibility of the bible using passages from the bible itself. It is not only utterly stupid, it is a waste of time, and I have better ways to waste my time.

                You also noticed that the electric motor has essentially not changed in a hundred years, and many hold it as a bible to non-combustive methods of turning a shaft--I thought it was just me. Why is that? Because of copy-catting or lack of imagination? I'd say both. The ones who are attempting to lecture me on on insipid sticks and stones paradigms, please, don't! Not interested! This book is meant for open minds who are need of it, not religious fanatics that call themselves scientists or educated. Thank you.

                Edit: sorry, I cannot resize the image here.

                Hello SidL,

                That is a beautiful site SidL!

                And I love the new cover as well, much better than previous...

                Don't worry or waste too much time about the "why I did not do this?"...kind of things...they will not get you will steal your energy and end up exhausting you.

                Worry about your Future Steps...that would become every time more solid and stronger based on your past errors...that is the name of Evolution We all should follow.

                You just came "in time" because I was doing exactly the same things...that I am recommending above for you not to do...

                But then , after hitting so many times a solid wall...I realized all of the above was the smartest way to go by...unfortunately we, humans work better after we hit our heads against a wall...very primitive method...but it definitively works...

                So, at this precise moment in time...I wrote my most important Post than any other from my latest Thread...where I revealed the whole called "secret" I was holding while battling against the Giant Cyclopes...

                I realized it is not worthy, I will not change their minds no matter how much I try...while I am consuming and wasting my time and energy...not good at all.

                I do have -like you wrote- many, but many more productive things to do and make.

                It is great to see You again SidL, and I want to get in contact with you someone who, I believe is also in Africa...and have built my Motors conversions you two could get together in helping each others.

                Kind regards and best wishes

                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-17-2016, 04:53 PM.
                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • #53
                  Originally posted by SidL
                  Excuse me, unless you have read the book, I am afraid you do not know what you are talking about. Thank you for your opinion and being the voice of "upset people." When someone comes along with something new and different, intelligence dictates that you take a look for merit, not sit in your armchair and attempt to make such weak attempt to lecture me on your paradigms which apparently, are resistant to improvements.

                  Read it, then we can talk.

                  Thank you.
                  Originally posted by SidL
                  No, that's not what I meant and I'm aware of regenerative breaking.

                  Take a look at the attached photo. A second pair of wheels has been added to which a generator is mounted, using the relationship between the rotating wheel and stationary hub--the red and blue portions. While the electric car does its thing, those 2 generators generate electricity.

                  What do you think?
                  Originally posted by SidL
                  I don't follow. With a rotating wheel acting as a rotor around a stationary stator hub, what more energy is required? The system is passive and merely leeches established motion. Let me give an analogy, its like mounting a small electric windmill on the top of the car to generate electricity every time the car is in motion. That is what the picture in the diagram describes. The only difference is that the "wind" is the rotating tyres. There are even simpler ways.
                  Originally posted by SidL
                  The mechanical power will come from the generator attached to the tyres.

                  I am not sure you understand me, so let me put it another way.

                  *Battery energises motor.
                  *Motor turns the wheels (moves the car)
                  *Generators attached to other wheel systems in the already moving car generates electricity as the car moves. It is analogous to the windmill generators, where the wind is the moving car or rotating tyres.
                  *Electricity used to recharge the battery.
                  *Battery energises motor--the cycle repeats, i.e. "perpetual motion."

                  It really is that simple.
                  What you proposed is not "new and different". You have overlooked the point I was making. I'm not going to read your book because you still don't comprehend why what you proposed is not new and different.

                  "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                  "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                    Why such huge Multi - Million USD Corporations, like GM, FORD, MOPAR...were not able to produce such an exotic, such a nice and refined piece of art...A Full Electric Vehicle like TESLA MOTORS have come up with...But, like about Half a Century ago?
                    Because it wasn't as profitable. Welcome to the world of business. If you wanted it half a century ago then you should have done it yourself. Constantly complaining and blaming others doesn't change reality.

                    "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                    "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by SidL
                      Excuse me, I was upset? Where or however ever did you come by that outrageous assumption? What do you mean customers? Is Walmart out of business?

                      You know, sometimes, I just wonder whose interests individuals like you truly serve. When a person comes out with an idea that is new and unheard of, intended for the good of all, even with a healthy degree of skepticism, your responses are completely irrational and betray intelligence, I'm afraid. It makes no sense to me whatsoever.

                      Rather than take a moment to consider what is being said, the knee-jerk response to reject and reject is what obtains. Why is that? Mischief? Paid shill-ery? or just... bad habit? Which is which? For I cannot make sense of you lot.

                      Over the years reading this forum as a guest, I was quite convinced that right sort of people are here. I finally join and I am being faced with nay sayers who are nay saying about something of which they have not the foggiest idea. Please take your electric motors and toss them in bin, I was only indulging in your paradigms, that's all. I am actually an inventor and have many things under my belt, as far as the use of grossly inadequate FDM 3D printers have allowed me to produce. I KNOW of what I speak, understood?

                      If you can do me a small favour, the lot of you nay sayers, and stay away from thread, I'd be eternally grateful. You have no real input that is useful to my thrust. I am seeking like minds. Please go to another thread where you who think alike can do your thing.

                      Eventually, the right people will come along, and a real discourse may begin. For now I am weary of these fruitless back and forths, it is a monumental waste of my time.

                      Thank you.
                      I haven't said anything to deliberately try to upset you or discourage you. The "customer" remark is a figure of speech referring to anyone who you wish to read your book. Someone here is trying to wind up the situation and to turn a discussion into a confrontation. The simple point I was making was that no one is going to listen based on the claims on the first page. Most people here see the error therefore conclude that you don't know what you're talking about therefore won't read your book therefore objective failed. I'm not saying it to discourage you, as I don't believe anyone else who has given you constructive criticism has intended to discourage you. A 3rd party has made it seem like an attack, and it's the one with the brown nose.

                      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by SidL
                        There are A LOT Walter Russell fans on this forum... You probably have never heard of him
                        Read the first line of text below each one of my posts. You assumed wrong. I will leave it in your hands on that note

                        "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                        "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                        • #57
                          A Huge Waste of Time...and time is precious!

                          Originally posted by SidL
                          Ufo, sir. Kind request, please. Can you disengage further debates with these individuals. It is derailing the intent of this thread. Saying No to every conceivable idea is not a form of discourse, it is an attempt at derailment. Rather than abandon this thread to them, let them do the leaving, and indeed they will if no one further responds to them.

                          There is no point in wasting better used time and effort on people who actually have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING at all to offer.

                          Thank you sir.
                          Hello SidL,

                          Absolutely, I already did on the previous Thread I was having another is over and done deal!

                          As I am glad that you also did it here, it is definitively a waste of time.

                          The only way some of these people understand is when you bring a Working Unit and set it on Top of the Table...and then they may say there is some trickery...a hidden AC Plug, or a Battery with some very high power converter, etc, other words it is a great waste of time to do that kind of arguments.

                          Kind Regards SidL

                          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                          • #58
                            Discovering the truth on your behalf

                            Originally posted by SidL
                            What did I assume wrong? Your meaning is lost to me.
                            I'm inclined to be a smart-ass given the circumstance. If you paid more attention to detail and less on being groomed then you would have noticed the truth that was right under your nose before you even made the remark. You assumed wrong, despite the evidence that was in plain sight.


                            "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                            "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                            • #59
                              delete thread?

                              Hi SidL, why do you want to delete the thread?
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • #60

                                Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                                Hi SidL, why do you want to delete the thread?
                                I object to the deletion of this thread. I think there is still useful or at least interesting content even though the OP has attempted to erase all his posts. Thankfully members have used quoted replies protecting enough of his context to get the idea of what he presented. The request and actions of SidL just demonstrate his true convictions and character IMO.



