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Kromrey Disclosure! Bedini SG - Beyond the Advanced Handbook by Peter Lindemann

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  • #16
    That is what I wanted to know. I will purchase your presentation.
    Thank you.
    William Reed


    • #17
      Great analogy Peter! I am truly amazed that the seas are not filled with fishing boats...

      ...because they should be!

      John K.


      • #18
        A thumbs up for this video and the entire series.


        • #19
          Hi Peter,

          I've sent you a PM about the Kromrey presentation.



          • #20
            Kromrey Presentation

            Hey Everybody,

            Here is what Mario PM'd me. I'm putting it here so everyone can see the answers.
            Hi Peter,

            I liked your presentation, thanks. I appreciate your effort in trying to bring some clarity into the confusion that's been spread over the years.
            Although I've built a few Kromrey generator versions, what you said about the coil winding and that they're supposed to buck each other brought some confusion, to me at least.

            Let's say I have two identical coils 1 and 2 (on two spools) and mount them on the left rotor bar (following the Kromrey patent drawing in your document). They have the same winding direction but their outputs are connected so that they cancel each other, or buck each other as per drawing. The output of these two coils in series, if connected to a scope, should show a flat line, zero voltage.
            On the second bar I mount two coils 3 and 4 that have been wound in the opposite direction on their spools (compared to the first two coils), they too cancel each other and result in zero voltage.
            The output of coils 1/2 in series with the output of coils 3/4, as per drawing, should result in a zero in series with a zero. Is this what we should see? Zero output voltage?

            I'm a bit puzzled because if we then check how the windings of the electro-magnets are connected in that drawing, we do not get the magnetic polarity shown on the permanent magnets in the patent drawing we are used to, meaning NS top, NS bottom, going clockwise, instead we would get NS top, SN bottom. So one rotor bar would be between two N poles and the other between two S poles. This makes me go "mhhhh??" to the whole drawing…

            I must confess I did my previous models with continuous coils (one long coil per bar), but I'm almost ready with a new version, only that it's the magnets that are moving instead of the coils.
            I guess my question is this: I have 4 identical coils wound on 4 spools. Can I use them as long as I connect them to be bucking as per drawing? Or do I have to rewind two of them that would sit on the second bar?

            thank you,

            If any of you decide to build a "KROMREY GENERATOR" then do it according to the winding pattern shown in the drawings, as I explained in the presentation. John didn't get his models to work because he "made up" some new method. I am NOT HERE to "un-confuse you." That is your job.

            Mario, what you say you are just about finished building is NOT a Kromrey Generator. It will do what it will do, but don't be surprised if it does NOT do what John's Kromrey Generator did in my presentation.

            Build what you want. Run the experiment. See what it does. Beyond that, I will not advise you. Every experiment is a success! Every experiment is like asking Nature a question. The results of the experiment show you exactly how Nature behaves when in that set of conditions. If you don't like how your models behave, then change the design, and ask Nature a different question!

            It is not my problem if you are confused by some of the questions other experimenters have asked Nature. Your confusion is a purely intellectual exercise, whereas building the machine is genuine immersion in reality.

            Enjoy the process,
            Last edited by Peter Lindemann; 08-24-2016, 03:24 PM.
            Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

            Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
            Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
            Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


            • #21
              Hi Peter,

              thanks for addressing my questions. When you say I'm not building a Kromrey generator do mean because I'm rotating the magnets and not the coils? Excuse me asking, but isn't this what John's research has evolved into in his later G-field versions?

              I mean the result we are looking for is a low drag profile generator and you tell the whole story very well in the SG advanced handbook.
              The effects work even with just one coil, and this I have seen. But if you connect the coils to cancel each other like in the Kromrey drawing you simply do not get any output.
              If I connect the coils (not cancelling) so that I do get an output I see the conventional MW G-field wave and the machine starts to exhibit the low drag conditions and almost constant output over a wide range of rpms, things already mentioned in the Kromrey patent.
              I haven't been able to measure more out than in yet and have to go to very high rpm's to see a low impedance load or a short not slow down the motor, but that's the variables of core material, number of windings. etc…. but never have I gotten any output from coils that cancel/buck each other like in the drawing nr.6 shown in the kromrey patent? Are you saying that in the original Kromrey converter the cancelling coils design works because it's the coils that spin and not the magnets? By the way, in the patent in pic.4 and 5 he drew the two windings of a core bar non cancelling.

              I apologise if I'm missing something, but I must admit that the cancelling coil "must" really confused me.



              • #22
                Hello Everyone

                As I recall in the energy from the vacuum series John B. showed
                one of these converters under load at different speeds, in a shorted
                condition as shown by the diagram.

                This video is great because of the heavy construction and at this
                point words have little meaning as we must experiment. No English
                perfect because they don't mean much now.

                This man shows (Not Talk) what John Bedini showed. This is only the

                No one is going to power their near by grain elevator with it but as a
                classroom verification this next generation should be able to show that
                the school text books are a fraud.

                It could not be any clearer than this nicely done O.U. project with a
                12v cordless motor run at 1amp lighting 25watt bulbs. Well that is what
                it looks like and I don't speak German like Grandma did when she was alive.

                Last edited by BroMikey; 08-24-2016, 08:28 PM.


                • #23
                  What is a Kromrey Generator?

                  Originally posted by Mario View Post
                  Hi Peter,

                  thanks for addressing my questions. When you say I'm not building a Kromrey generator do mean because I'm rotating the magnets and not the coils? Excuse me asking, but isn't this what John's research has evolved into in his later G-field versions?

                  I mean the result we are looking for is a low drag profile generator and you tell the whole story very well in the SG advanced handbook.
                  The effects work even with just one coil, and this I have seen. But if you connect the coils to cancel each other like in the Kromrey drawing you simply do not get any output.
                  If I connect the coils (not cancelling) so that I do get an output I see the conventional MW G-field wave and the machine starts to exhibit the low drag conditions and almost constant output over a wide range of rpms, things already mentioned in the Kromrey patent.
                  I haven't been able to measure more out than in yet and have to go to very high rpm's to see a low impedance load or a short not slow down the motor, but that's the variables of core material, number of windings. etc…. but never have I gotten any output from coils that cancel/buck each other like in the drawing nr.6 shown in the kromrey patent? Are you saying that in the original Kromrey converter the cancelling coils design works because it's the coils that spin and not the magnets? By the way, in the patent in pic.4 and 5 he drew the two windings of a core bar non cancelling.

                  I apologise if I'm missing something, but I must admit that the cancelling coil "must" really confused me.


                  To me, this does not sound complicated or confusing. If you build a machine with the features shown in Kromrey's patent, you can call that a "Kromrey Generator." If you build a machine that has features that Kromrey did not specify, don't call that a "Kromrey Generator."

                  John has specifically said that his coils are wound like the diagram, and as you can see in the demonstration, the voltages do not cancel in the classical sense. Believe what you want.

                  As has been shown, there are multiple designs of generators that can exhibit "low-drag" characteristics under certain circumstances. The most detailed treatment of this topic is on page 54 of Bedini SG: The Complete Advanced Handbook where I give data on the generator's behavior under Open Circuit, Short Circuit, 40 LED load, 100 ohm resistor load, 300 ohm resistor load, and 1,000 ohm resistor load. Not all of these loads produce "low-drag" behavior in the generator, but some do.

                  Good luck with your experiments,
                  Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                  Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                  Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                  Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                  • #24
                    The Punchline...

                    Originally posted by Mario View Post
                    Hi Peter,

                    I apologize if I'm missing something, but I must admit that the cancelling coil "must" really confused me.

                    OK Mario,

                    What you are missing is that the "rotating coils" in a Kromrey Generator place the electricity producing members under "centrifugal force" as well as being magnetized periodically. A stationary coil is usually not subjected to the centrifugal forces. In Bedini SG: The Complete Intermediate Handbook, I discuss the inertial properties of electricity in Chapter Two, but in the Kromrey Generator, we see a unique demonstration of these effects.

                    You are confused because you believe something that is not true, and prefer to cling to that belief even in the face of contradictory evidence. In this case, that error is the false teaching that two identical coils wound on the same core will always cancel 100% of their effects. They may cancel nearly 100% of their "induced voltages" produced by ordinary induction, but that is nowhere near 100% of their effects. If this were true, no one would ever build "Caduceus Coils" or other similar structures. The fact that John's Kromrey Generator does not output ZERO VOLTS while using the "bucking coil" configuration should demonstrate to you (and anyone else who is watching) that a different species of electrical induction is at play here. The winding pattern of the coils would "buck" ordinary induction if that was all that was happening there, but it facilitates inductions based on a radial distribution of force in the rotating arms of the generator.

                    I could go on and on, but really, you just need to build more experiments and carefully study what each structure does. As I said before...

                    Enjoy the process,
                    Last edited by Peter Lindemann; 08-25-2016, 08:27 PM.
                    Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                    Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                    Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                    Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                    • #25
                      Hi Peter,

                      ok, this explanation I liked much better, thanks. Even if not with rotating coils I have done a few experiments with bucking series coils, or better, with the resulting minimal voltage ripple that I could see on the scope. I tried adding caps in parallel with the two cancelling series coils of a g-field type setup to see if and what kind of resonance I would find, and if I could get an output by inserting a series low impedance load without affecting rpms. I did get some output which didn't affect speed. This needs to be explored more in depth and I'm just adding it as a curiosity here if anyone wants to experiment with this.

                      But back to the Kromrey. A question, if like you said this particular centrifugal kind of induction is at play with its effects, why did John move to rotating magnets and fixed coils in his later version?



                      • #26
                        The Simple Answer...

                        Originally posted by Mario View Post
                        Hi Peter,

                        ok, this explanation I liked much better, thanks. Even if not with rotating coils I have done a few experiments with bucking series coils, or better, with the resulting minimal voltage ripple that I could see on the scope. I tried adding caps in parallel with the two cancelling series coils of a g-field type setup to see if and what kind of resonance I would find, and if I could get an output by inserting a series low impedance load without affecting rpms. I did get some output which didn't affect speed. This needs to be explored more in depth and I'm just adding it as a curiosity here if anyone wants to experiment with this.

                        But back to the Kromrey. A question, if like you said this particular centrifugal kind of induction is at play with its effects, why did John move to rotating magnets and fixed coils in his later version?


                        John and Ron Cole looked at a lot of stuff. In the end, they were just looking for a design that was simple to make and provided the low-drag behavior. Rotating magnets and fixed coils allowed them to get away from the complication of brushes and slip-rings. Kromrey's generator is unique, but it is not the only design that produces low-drag benefits and COP>1 operations. John wanted the machine demonstrated because so many people had had difficulty reproducing the proper behaviors. Primarily, the demonstration was just to show that John has never misrepresented anything when discussing this machine.

                        Last edited by Peter Lindemann; 08-25-2016, 11:53 PM.
                        Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                        Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                        Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                        Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                        • #27
                          It "looks like" the introductory price for this presentation has been extended...Is this correct? It does not REALLY matter to me..however, I do want to give my employer correct information when I have her order it for me tonight!!


                          • #28
                            I would like to say something about "The people standing on the shore waiting for fish" ..... I was one of those people..kinda sorta... in that...I was not able/did not have the dabble in this stuff myself..UNTIL...I turned 40..had my midlife crisis..quit my job..and started working for myself....
                            So.. there I was about 7 years ago..with my newfound freedom...I started playing with joule thiefs/Stubblefield coils. It has been a very nice journey getting to the understanding I have now!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
                              I could go on and on, but really, you just need to build more experiments and carefully study what each structure does. As I said before...
                              Peter, please DO go on! These are the most interesting revelations and details I ever heard or read about these machines. I am sure others are very interested too. I may build a Kromrey replica as time permits, so ANY detailed information is very welcome.
                              Would you discourage using neo magnets with more space between magnets and coils? I know ferrite ones were used, but thought since according to Kromrey it should work even with electromagnets the origin of the permanent magnetism wouldn't be crucial.



                              • #30
                                Sorry, not likely....

                                Originally posted by Mario View Post
                                Peter, please DO go on! These are the most interesting revelations and details I ever heard or read about these machines. I am sure others are very interested too. I may build a Kromrey replica as time permits, so ANY detailed information is very welcome.
                                Would you discourage using neo magnets with more space between magnets and coils? I know ferrite ones were used, but thought since according to Kromrey it should work even with electromagnets the origin of the permanent magnetism wouldn't be crucial.

                                Dear Mario,

                                Sorry, but I am not likely to "go on and on" about this. Thanks for the invitation, but I actually still work for a living and don't have time to post here that much. Anyway, the machines are the teachers, NOT ME! When I tell you something, you question whether to believe me or not. When the machine shows you something, you are forced to question your own beliefs, since there is no one else around to project your doubt onto. It is your beliefs that are in the way of your education. Only the machines can beat that out of you in a way that you will accept. I know. It took 40 years of experiments to learn what I know now, and still, the machines teach me new things whenever I ask the right question.

                                Enjoy the process,
                                Last edited by Peter Lindemann; 08-26-2016, 08:59 PM.
                                Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                                Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                                Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                                Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets

