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Be careful what you wish for....

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  • Be careful what you wish for....

    ....because you might get it!

    As some of you on here know from reading my posts, I am in the hunt to replicate the famous Don Smith device. I do not yet have a fully working device, but have seen enough anomalies now along the way that I am confident I'm on the right track. When finished, it is my intention to release complete documentation and build instructions to the world as a reference design that can be easily copied. Hopefully it will even require a minimum of expensive or hard to find parts and a minimum of test equipment to build, but obviously I'm not done yet.

    However, have any of you REALLY spent significant time thinking about what this is going to do to the world at large when the information is released? First, it will take time for successful replications to be built and reported. Remember what happened with cold fusion? But once it is successfully replicated by multiple independent people, IT IS GOING TO CHANGE THE WORLD. Some of the change will be very long-term, but some of it is going to be very sudden.

    Personally, I wish I had a think tank of high-priced experts to run socioeconomic models and come up with actual likely scenarios, but since that isn't the case my own brainstorming will have to do, aided by input from like-minded individuals here. First, and most obviously, the price of oil will crater. I mean REALLY crater, perhaps $10 a barrel, who knows? The world will still need oil for petrochemicals even if not for fossil fuels, but it will need drastically less of it. How much less? I'm guessing 10%-20% of current production, but I don't have good numbers at hand for how much of oil production is for fuel versus other applications. Oil and gas producing companies recently have been hanging on for dear life, hoping for a sustained price recovery to keep them in business. If it's obvious to everyone that the price is never coming back up to any significant degree, most of them will be out of business in short order. All the people they employ will be unemployed.

    The situation isn't much better for nations dependent on oil and gas production money to fund their economies. I'm thinking of places like Venezuela, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and Russia. Some of them will be hopelessly broke and some have at least a partially diversified economy.

    Now think about the banks that lent money to the oil and gas companies. Think about the bonds of the producing nations, and who owns them. In many cases, YOU own them. With most investments paying virtually nothing these days, many pension funds and investment managers have been buying bonds of energy producing companies and countries because at least they pay a better yield than most everything else. Again, we're talking not about a temporary crisis that good management might be able to weather, but a PERMANENT shift in which it's never going back to the way it was, EVER AGAIN.

    The point is, if you didn't enjoy the last financial crisis (from which we've supposedly "recovered") then you ain't seen nothing yet. I am afraid the effects are going to be devastating to most ordinary folks. Most of the benefits from real overunity will only accrue in the longer term, but it will take time to build enough actual devices to power any fraction of society. It will take time to replace the entire automotive fleet with electric vehicles.

    Is there any way to mitigate this dire scenario, to somehow soften the blow and ease the transition? I don't see one. Don Smith himself tried, tried to gather sufficient investment capital to overcome the institutional resistance to a change of this magnitude. He wanted to slowly introduce overunity technology behind the scenes one sector at a time. We know how that ended: Don is dead now, and those who knew about the device have buried it with him. It is simply too profitable for too many powerful people to maintain the status quo. As John F. Kennedy said, "those who make peaceful change impossible, would make violent change inevitable." I don't see any other way to get this technology out from the darkness into the light than to unleash it on the largest possible scale, and to completely blindside an unsuspecting world, with probable devastating consequences. This weighs heavily on my conscience. It is very likely that people will die, possibly very many people. But people are already dying every day for lack of energy, water, food, and shelter, the basic necessities of life. For the untold billions who are suffering now, and for the future generations of humanity, it must be.

    If you yourself had a big red button, that if you pushed it would ensure the long-term future of humanity and yet would cause untold suffering in the short term, would you push it? What about if it also held drastic consequences for you personally? Even if I'm not the one who does this, someone will eventually. We live in the information age now, and forums like this make it possible to share information in ways that weren't possible before. If the laws of physics permit it, then it is an inevitability that the world will eventually know. It's only a matter of time, although it's been a surprisingly long time already. Here we are 100 years after Tesla's day and overunity is still not yet part of the generally accepted scientific knowledge. People are fond of saying that Tesla was 100 years ahead of his time, so we should be just about ready to catch up as a society.

    I say all this both as fodder for discussion, and as a word of warning. For my fellow long suffering and hard working inventors and researchers on this forum, you are the people I most want to help and least want to hurt. However, none of us will be unaffected by the magnitude of the disruptions that are coming. Do you own investments, or have family that does? What will you do if gasoline or heating oil becomes hard to get because companies are going out of business? I don't wish to be alarmist, but practical. If your home is all-electric then it will be possible to convert to overunity, but what about your neighbors, family, friends?

    I do not have an exact timeline (obviously) but if I had to take a guess then I would give it a year, perhaps less. The day is coming soon when the button will be ready, and I am going to push the button. The overunity era is coming. Prepare accordingly.

  • #2

    John 8:32


    • #3
      Thank you, I can see that your thoughts agree very much with my own. In reply I would quote:

      Matthew 10:27
      Matthew 19:10 / Mark 10:31
      1 Corinthians 2:9


      • #4
        Free energy will not change the world unless we change the way of thinking. .. In this stage it's nothing more than a small candle in a darken night.... Hopefully it will show the path!
        The technology available to the public is a game toy compared what they... Already achieved.


        • #5
          Wishes and Prophecy.....

          Prophecy says North America will be destroyed from the inside out meaning revolution,civil war etc It also says it will be a racial war.I am not relying on what just the bible says.There are many writings with just as good or better accuracy than the bible.Some agree and some dont.I believe WW3 has been diverted and more and more as time goes on probably wont happen.The cities depend more on oil then those in the country.What ever it takes to destroy or replace the oil dependancey will even out or put the emphasis on people moving back out into the country.Villages and towns are healthier than the to many cities that are the cancer of the earth. Spread things out more or less which is better all around.Lets face it, its to high a concentration of stuff that cause pollution and does the damage.So when ever people wake up and see the big picture then a movement will continue to accelerate until equlibrium has been reached.This is the natural order of things.Balance of the ying and yang.It always has been that way and always will be.A friend of mine has a saying--the amount of time you are in school is the amount of time you need to be out of school to undue the brainwashing.Schooling is a programing perfected by those in power to continue to have economic slavery.Mark Twain--dont let your schooling interfere with your education.So having said that if you study any thing about the Egyptians check out what was the real ruling class and how it worked before completely different than all those heavily advertised rulers we get crammed down our throats in school as if they were the only ones that mattered.The same goes with this Energy research.For the longest time we've had Einstein and Edison idolized by those in power censoring what we can learn and as if some experiment gone wrong realization has kicked in that that route is not going to work so now comes the dust of the books on Tesla,Hendershot,Schauberger Leedskalnin,etc to see what can be done with that style of knowledge.There are those who always knew but had to keep their mouths shut because theyd be ridiculed,put out of work,beaten or even killed.They were the few.Once we become the many the only real problem can come from who is steering this freight train?and thats were you have to follow the money to make sure that route doesnt get repeated.Look at it this way-starting with low level thuggery.The thugs and mobs knew fear and false hopes is a great way to control the public and make money.Gobs of money.and it keeps coming in from what rackets are producing.Where does it go?Gold doesnt disappear.It accumulates...generation after generation.wealth basically the same.and money coming in at incredible amounts and acceleration the same.So these gangsters buy land, buildings,businesses that are legit, houses etc.How much is enough for one guy or one company to own?Only a parasite doesnt know when to stop and they will commit suicide doing it taking the host with them.So guess who is the host?Once you have that figured out then you will realize that the best thing to happen is this free energy to be distributed around the world to bring back the natural order so that people can be and do who as they are and not as they think they are or pretend to be.When ever group or culture has the security to govern their own kind according to their own laws then you will have real peace.I can tell you all kinds of stories of what people say when they come here as a tourist where I live.Everyone of them think they will be able to get out of the city to come here to continue the way they have before and thats a major problem.I just laugh.Its been said if you do what you've always done then you get what you have always gotten.Well the same goes for the way you think.Remember thats just a different form of energy for doing.So If you think the way you have always thought then you will also always get what you have always gotten.Change one variable in the equation and you change the results I have a theory-given the same situation,knowledge,circumstances,etc you will do the same thing every time.Again change one thing and you change the results.
          We need different and better results so bring it on.


          • #6

            Luke 16:10-13


            • #7
              My wish

              My wish is that people learn the TRUTH and pass it along. Without TRUTH nothing positive can result. Two wrongs do not make a right. The fact that people lie and repeat lies does not improve anything. If you are willing to accept it, you might believe John 14:6. Whether you believe it or not, THE TRUTH is THE TRUTH. All successful societies have understood truth and place a high value on truth. No true progress can result from a deficiency in this regard.
              There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


              • #8
                Well, I wanted an interesting discussion, and I got one. Thanks to everyone. Yes Wayne, I completely agree with you. Some already know and have come to the conclusion that the TRUTH is not merely a concept, but a person, the person we are referring to. I am one of them.

                I really hadn't intended to make this a spiritual discussion, but things seemed to have turned that way, so here goes. It should come as little surprise to those with any discernment or spiritual maturity, that the struggle to bring this technology to mankind is ultimately a spiritual battle. Evil wants to keep mankind enslaved, God wants to bring freedom. But pure negative entropy is essentially equivalent to eating from the tree of life. We have eaten from the tree of knowledge and reaped its rewards, but the tree of life is only God's to grant.

                So it should also come as little surprise that God's fingerprints have been all over this effort, both mine and everyone else's; perhaps some of you have experienced this. I have been told personally and directly several things: first, that in due time I will find the answer. Second, it will be "no small thing" and have world-changing impact. Third, I have to be very careful. And fourth, that many will want to read the story. Actually I was told that one first and I really couldn't imagine why anyone would want to read my story, of the things I have gone through to get to this point in my life. It wasn't until later that I understood how I think things are going to play out, but there is no guarantee that my understanding is correct. Only time will tell.


                • #9
                  First, and most obviously, the price of oil will crater.
                  That's most likely not going to happen. Every military organization in the world runs mostly on oil, from staff cars to fighter jets to most of their navies. There are a few nuclear navy vessels like submarines and aircraft carriers that don't require oil products other than for lubricants but a large majority of them use oil based fuels.

                  The things that all of these organizations absolutely require are mobility and 100% dependability. If the military organization isn't mobile it might as well not exist. If the power source isn't proven reliable they won't risk their men's lives using it.

                  I know for a fact that the U.S. military is the largest consumer of petroleum products in the country. I suspect it is the same for every country that has a modern military.

                  How soon do you think we'll have an electrical equivalent of an F-18 or a main battle tank?

                  If, somehow, electricity replaces oil as the base of military energy it will only shift the dependency on oil to a dependency on rare earth metals for electrical storage. China has most of the rare earth metals in the world and, without a doubt, the most recoverable deposits. Be careful what you wish for? Indeed. How do you like your communism? Socialism, progresivism, or just plain old communism?

                  That is also one of the reasons that the rest of the world's military organizations won't abandon oil. It's the same problem Tesla ran into when he said he could power the world wit 8 to 10 transmitters. No other country would allow themselves to be dependent on his transmitters that they couldn't control.

                  That doesn't mean that your device won't work on a smaller scale like powering individual homes.

                  But to change the world you would first have to change human nature. Good luck with that.


                  • #10
                    Perhaps one more wish ...

                    rare earth ?
                    maybe just Sand/glass



                    Chet K
                    If you want to Change the world
                    BE that change !!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                      rare earth ?
                      maybe just Sand/glass



                      Chet K
                      I saw that. It's very speculative as a storage device. I'd say on a level with dark matter at this point.

                      For the foreseeable future we're stuck with rare earth batteries for storage as the best power density option for mobile applications and that's not typically acceptable to the military because they take too long to recharge vs how long it takes to fill a fuel tank.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by thx1138 View Post
                        For the foreseeable future we're stuck with rare earth batteries for storage as the best power density option for mobile applications...
                        Hi thx,

                        I don't think Lithium based batteries use rare earths. Lithium itself is not a RE. The NIMH batteries used in hybrids like Prius had a good size content of RE, but Ni based batteries are on way out. One RE use in EVs is magnets for motors but even there induction motors are a good non-RE option. I read that Tesla model S uses no RE.




                        • #13

                          You bring up a number of very good points about fossil fuels. No, even if there was an overunity announcement tomorrow they are clearly not going away any time soon. And you are correct that current energy storage methods cannot compete with petroleum on an energy density, or power density basis. The way I see things taking shape is that in the longer term future energy storage will mostly not be necessary. If you have high power overunity like the Don Smith device, you don't have to store energy when you can just generate it anywhere on demand. Don mentioned electric airplanes as a possibility, and even though the "classic" Don Smith device requires an earth ground to operate, Zelina also said she had made a bipolar device that did not require an earth ground and it worked.

                          In the nearer term, it will be much easier to just use stationary overunity units of household size, to recharge existing battery electric devices with no modification. I have been slowly trying to migrate my lifestyle to all-electric in advance of this. I now have a cordless electric lawn trimmer, for instance. Perhaps a cordless lawnmower will be next, although I need a large riding mower and those don't come cheap in electric versions (but they do exist). Also, I am evaluating options for an electric car. Sure, a Tesla would be nice but there's that price tag to contend with. Used electric vehicles are available sometimes for pretty cheap (but generally when the battery pack is shot). If I had a portable bipolar overunity device capable of powering a vehicle this would be an attractive option. Just design the device to match the DC voltage of the vehicle's battery back and take out the batteries altogether. On some vehicles the battery pack weight is a significant part of the vehicle's weight, balance, and inertia, so it might not always be advisable to remove it, or perhaps to leave part of it.

                          If my understanding of the Don Smith device is correct, most of the overunity power gain is actually happening in the output transformer. Connecting a motor to it instead of a transformer should result in an arrangement much like the Ed Gray system, where a small amount of power input produces large power in the motor and the motor itself runs cold. For an electric vehicle this could actually mean that the overunity device feeding the motor is quite small even for a large mechanical power output. All this is just speculation of course, but hopefully we'll find out soon enough whether I'm right.


                          • #14
                            You are right on...

                            Originally posted by tswift View Post

                            You bring up a number of very good points about fossil fuels. No, even if there was an overunity announcement tomorrow they are clearly not going away any time soon. And you are correct that current energy storage methods cannot compete with petroleum on an energy density, or power density basis. The way I see things taking shape is that in the longer term future energy storage will mostly not be necessary. If you have high power overunity like the Don Smith device, you don't have to store energy when you can just generate it anywhere on demand. Don mentioned electric airplanes as a possibility, and even though the "classic" Don Smith device requires an earth ground to operate, Zelina also said she had made a bipolar device that did not require an earth ground and it worked.

                            In the nearer term, it will be much easier to just use stationary overunity units of household size, to recharge existing battery electric devices with no modification. I have been slowly trying to migrate my lifestyle to all-electric in advance of this. I now have a cordless electric lawn trimmer, for instance. Perhaps a cordless lawnmower will be next, although I need a large riding mower and those don't come cheap in electric versions (but they do exist). Also, I am evaluating options for an electric car. Sure, a Tesla would be nice but there's that price tag to contend with. Used electric vehicles are available sometimes for pretty cheap (but generally when the battery pack is shot). If I had a portable bipolar overunity device capable of powering a vehicle this would be an attractive option. Just design the device to match the DC voltage of the vehicle's battery back and take out the batteries altogether. On some vehicles the battery pack weight is a significant part of the vehicle's weight, balance, and inertia, so it might not always be advisable to remove it, or perhaps to leave part of it.

                            If my understanding of the Don Smith device is correct, most of the overunity power gain is actually happening in the output transformer. Connecting a motor to it instead of a transformer should result in an arrangement much like the Ed Gray system, where a small amount of power input produces large power in the motor and the motor itself runs cold. For an electric vehicle this could actually mean that the overunity device feeding the motor is quite small even for a large mechanical power output. All this is just speculation of course, but hopefully we'll find out soon enough whether I'm right.

                            Hello Tswift, great thread!

                            You are right on about OU devices...whenever we get there...

                            The only thing I see, based on our that we have always being focusing on "A Device"...made by X Inventor...we have gone deeply into it as we could, based on experimenting, developing of models, plus all data we could gather on line, etc...but forgetting about the "why" it is "doing it"...of course, when we start getting positive results.

                            The point I see to understand the "common factor" the "common entity" that must be there in order for that "device" to work...

                            You have cited Ed Gray, and You are working on D Smith...let's get Steve Marks TPU, Figuera, Kapanadze, etc,etc...we could put here many, many more "devices" as their inventors...

                            And except for the ones that use Chemicals...what do they all have in common?

                            Simple, they all have Coils...Magnets...resulting in what?...>>>Magnetic Fields...

                            According to my development, this is the weakest point of real knowledge we all have been missing for too long (not to say the completely wrong knowledge...).

                            But then we all believe what we know about Magnetic Fields is correct and "perfect"...then we will never reach Free Energy devices like they did.

                            All these people were doing "something" to magnetic fields in their devices, which is exactly that "something" our present knowledge would never even consider possible...not even in our wildest dreams.

                            Some of them knew some of them did not have the basic idea...and steeped into it by accident.

                            I just tell you last...I will love to press that red button...since it will open a completely clear skies for mankind of all the darkness we all had for too long...

                            Think an F18 is super fast?...think about an Antigravity, based on electromagnetic fields could make circles around that F18 at its max speed possible.

                            I know Oil will eventually become all this farting engines as well..."a thing of the past"

                            I know for sure Wars will be over...since most war$ are to conquer oil...

                            So, there would not be required to move any War equipment anywhere...

                            Then this addiction to Oil...that this Planet had for too long will be radically cut off.

                            It would be another Era of Positive advance for Humanity..

                            Let it be...and Be Very Welcome.


                            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-27-2016, 03:52 PM.
                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • #15

                              Thanks for your comment. I have read your work extensively and consider you one of the top researchers in this field, someone who has put in a great deal of time and effort and real bench work trying to understand this great mystery.

                              Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                              The point I see to understand the "common factor" the "common entity" that must be there in order for that "device" to work...

                              You have cited Ed Gray, and You are working on D Smith...let's get Steve Marks TPU, Figuera, Kapanadze, etc,etc...we could put here many, many more "devices" as their inventors...
                              Let me see if I can address this. I have put in serious time (as in thousands of hours) trying to understand the real physics at work. It seems to me as if the reported devices can be grouped into a number of common types. I strongly suspect that at least these devices all are using the same physics:

                              Ed Gray
                              Don Smith
                              Joule Thief circuits and other similar pulse chargers
                              Bedini SG type battery pulse charging machines

                              There seem to be another distinct class of overunity effects at work in devices that use bucking coils or magnets that produces a similar result but in a different way. As Zelina once said, there is actually only one overunity mechanism, and that is to convert hot electricity to cold electricity, and then from cold back to hot (which is where the non-classical-conservation happens).

                              Again, according to the best of my current understanding and research, the actual mechanism is the one Don Smith explicitly described and called the "Don Smith Effect". It should probably be called the Tesla effect instead, because the more I understand myself, the more I realize that Tesla must have known and understood what was happening, and made use of it in things like the magnifying transmitter. It all ties into the realization that "regular electricity", as taught in everything from grade school all the way up to advanced engineering texts, is only a special case where the radiant/scalar component is precisely zero, or at least close enough to zero in normal applications so it isn't normally noticed. The real situation is as if the "electrons" just act as a carrier wave of sorts for an additional layer of information that can be modulated (in a sense) onto them. In the simplest case, the modulation is just a DC voltage and then we have radiant/scalar/cold electricity. This has useful effects like making motors and transformers run cold because the scalar component is not subject to Lenz's law the way the normal component is.

                              What Don was trying to demonstrate in the experiment where he zapped a capacitor with a small handheld Tesla coil is how this is actually achieved in practice. The capacitor (or battery, any energy storage device seems to do it) acts as a sort of modulator/combiner, taking a sort of snapshot of the voltage around the capacitor and combining it with the electrons as they are being stored in the capacitor during the current pulse. But at this point it's like a latent image on film; the electrons stored in the capacitor just look like regular electrons. Test instruments won't register anything unusual. The magic only happens when these same electrons are then pulsed through a transformer or motor. Because they carry the radiant/scalar component, overunity happens due to reduced Lenz's law. As you say, there is some magic that happens in the magnetic field as the magnetic field of the transformer primary (or motor stator winding) carries an extra scalar component, that when it interferes with the magnetic field of the transformer secondary (or motor rotor winding, depending of course on the type of motor) then some extra magic happens and the magnetic device becomes a scalar interferometer in the Bearden sense, with the two scalar components interfering and causing the endothermic effect and the overunity power.

                              The reason this is not easy to achieve experimentally is that several things are necessary:

                              1. A capacitor or battery to act as an electron storage device.
                              2. An E-Field in the immediate vicinity of the cap or battery. Not a static field, this seems to require a dv/dt component to work. A convenient way to do this is put the cap/battery next to an oscillating Tesla coil as in the Don Smith device, but other ways are possible and work as well (for instance Joule Thief/pulse charger).
                              3. Charge pulses arriving at the cap or battery in the correct phase relationship with the E-field oscillations. What this phase relationship needs to be, I'm still trying to determine.
                              4. Charge (now carrying the scalar component) leaving the cap/battery going to a transformer or motor to do work. If everything has been done correctly up to this point, then the magnetic device will operate with reduced Lenz's law and run overunity as well as exhibit the endothermic effect.

                              The charge has to enter and then leave the cap/battery, like the tide going in and out. The electrons come in and get modulated (for lack of a better term) and then they go out into the magnetic device where the magic happens.

                              Using this as a basis for understanding, then examining the various overunity devices described in Patrick Kelly's book, for instance, one can see that quite a few of them seem to fall into this general scenario. Current pulses accompanied by significant E-fields in the space around the circuit. The back-emf inductive kickback pulses from coils and motors fall into the same category, the pulses are fast enough to change the E-field in space around the wires and circuit components at the same time the current happens, so the charge entering the battery or capacitor when this happens will take on a radiant/scalar component.

                              I made a diagram, hopefully to make all of this clearer. When the right thing happens in the RED component (the cap or battery), then the overunity magic happens in the BLUE component (the transformer or motor). Ufo, please forgive if this is all quite familiar to you already. I know a lot of people are reading these forums and I want to help everyone understand what I have spent so much time to painstakingly learn little by little.

                              Also, there is obviously still some gap or error in my understanding, because I don't yet have a working Don Smith style device. But I feel like I keep getting closer and closer with my bench experiments, and I hope that I now have a grasp on the physics. It's all radiant energy, just the understanding that electricity can carry an additional radiant/scalar component, much as a complex number has both a real and an imaginary part.
                              Attached Files

