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  • #16
    Originally posted by tswift View Post

    Thanks for your comment. I have read your work extensively and consider you one of the top researchers in this field, someone who has put in a great deal of time and effort and real bench work trying to understand this great mystery.

    Let me see if I can address this. I have put in serious time (as in thousands of hours) trying to understand the real physics at work. It seems to me as if the reported devices can be grouped into a number of common types. I strongly suspect that at least these devices all are using the same physics:

    Ed Gray
    Don Smith
    Joule Thief circuits and other similar pulse chargers
    Bedini SG type battery pulse charging machines

    There seem to be another distinct class of overunity effects at work in devices that use bucking coils or magnets that produces a similar result but in a different way. As Zelina once said, there is actually only one overunity mechanism, and that is to convert hot electricity to cold electricity, and then from cold back to hot (which is where the non-classical-conservation happens).

    Again, according to the best of my current understanding and research, the actual mechanism is the one Don Smith explicitly described and called the "Don Smith Effect". It should probably be called the Tesla effect instead, because the more I understand myself, the more I realize that Tesla must have known and understood what was happening, and made use of it in things like the magnifying transmitter. It all ties into the realization that "regular electricity", as taught in everything from grade school all the way up to advanced engineering texts, is only a special case where the radiant/scalar component is precisely zero, or at least close enough to zero in normal applications so it isn't normally noticed. The real situation is as if the "electrons" just act as a carrier wave of sorts for an additional layer of information that can be modulated (in a sense) onto them. In the simplest case, the modulation is just a DC voltage and then we have radiant/scalar/cold electricity. This has useful effects like making motors and transformers run cold because the scalar component is not subject to Lenz's law the way the normal component is.

    What Don was trying to demonstrate in the experiment where he zapped a capacitor with a small handheld Tesla coil is how this is actually achieved in practice. The capacitor (or battery, any energy storage device seems to do it) acts as a sort of modulator/combiner, taking a sort of snapshot of the voltage around the capacitor and combining it with the electrons as they are being stored in the capacitor during the current pulse. But at this point it's like a latent image on film; the electrons stored in the capacitor just look like regular electrons. Test instruments won't register anything unusual. The magic only happens when these same electrons are then pulsed through a transformer or motor. Because they carry the radiant/scalar component, overunity happens due to reduced Lenz's law. As you say, there is some magic that happens in the magnetic field as the magnetic field of the transformer primary (or motor stator winding) carries an extra scalar component, that when it interferes with the magnetic field of the transformer secondary (or motor rotor winding, depending of course on the type of motor) then some extra magic happens and the magnetic device becomes a scalar interferometer in the Bearden sense, with the two scalar components interfering and causing the endothermic effect and the overunity power.

    The reason this is not easy to achieve experimentally is that several things are necessary:

    1. A capacitor or battery to act as an electron storage device.
    2. An E-Field in the immediate vicinity of the cap or battery. Not a static field, this seems to require a dv/dt component to work. A convenient way to do this is put the cap/battery next to an oscillating Tesla coil as in the Don Smith device, but other ways are possible and work as well (for instance Joule Thief/pulse charger).
    3. Charge pulses arriving at the cap or battery in the correct phase relationship with the E-field oscillations. What this phase relationship needs to be, I'm still trying to determine.
    4. Charge (now carrying the scalar component) leaving the cap/battery going to a transformer or motor to do work. If everything has been done correctly up to this point, then the magnetic device will operate with reduced Lenz's law and run overunity as well as exhibit the endothermic effect.

    The charge has to enter and then leave the cap/battery, like the tide going in and out. The electrons come in and get modulated (for lack of a better term) and then they go out into the magnetic device where the magic happens.

    Using this as a basis for understanding, then examining the various overunity devices described in Patrick Kelly's book, for instance, one can see that quite a few of them seem to fall into this general scenario. Current pulses accompanied by significant E-fields in the space around the circuit. The back-emf inductive kickback pulses from coils and motors fall into the same category, the pulses are fast enough to change the E-field in space around the wires and circuit components at the same time the current happens, so the charge entering the battery or capacitor when this happens will take on a radiant/scalar component.

    I made a diagram, hopefully to make all of this clearer. When the right thing happens in the RED component (the cap or battery), then the overunity magic happens in the BLUE component (the transformer or motor). Ufo, please forgive if this is all quite familiar to you already. I know a lot of people are reading these forums and I want to help everyone understand what I have spent so much time to painstakingly learn little by little.

    Also, there is obviously still some gap or error in my understanding, because I don't yet have a working Don Smith style device. But I feel like I keep getting closer and closer with my bench experiments, and I hope that I now have a grasp on the physics. It's all radiant energy, just the understanding that electricity can carry an additional radiant/scalar component, much as a complex number has both a real and an imaginary part.
    Hello tswift

    Thanks for the compliments, as I also consider you one of the top researchers in this field...

    All you are describing is correct...however, it "bolts down" to even more simplicity...

    Like You have said, there are some type of devices that utilizes the pulses, or even the spark gaps , which either drops to zero then back, or shorts the flow in order to generate what I call an electron avalanche, a rush which carries certain properties above a normal electron flow...but it gets beyond that point.

    Let me try to put it in the simplest words possible, like you have written above, so everyone could understand it easier...even though you and me as many others know the specifics.

    In simple words, we must create either from an E-Field (electric) or from a B-Field (magnetic) ...or even from both at the same time, some kind of "stirring" effect...which, when it reaches certain "spec's" we open those gates...and those spec's could be given -like you wrote- from a variation in time.

    I have decided to follow my research and development on the magnetism side, because I have found too many flaws in our current knowledge...then I have found some more...and am in the process to push that red button.

    I am not too familiar with the D Smith device...but I know there are several coils involved which produce a magnetic field as soon as they get, my honest opinion to you, is to try looking into the invisible field(s) that are being generated there and in the transformers...then give it a try by not allowing those fields to fully collapse by lack of electric supply reaching zero or simply by shorting out...leave at least even Milli-volts which maintain that magnetic cycle in advance (progression) and not restarting again and again... And then again, I could be wrong in what am writing here...but in experimenting we never know where we will "hit it", so it is always worth the try.

    Kind Regards

    Much work to do my Friend...

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-27-2016, 09:32 PM.
    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • #17
      Hello everyone

      I agree with ufopolitics, that we need to observe the invisible fields and find a way to make it work for us positively....

      My work is based on another geometry called the ETBC which take advantage of the induced rotating electric field to bypass the charging time needed to charge the capacitor.. So you have a stationary electron that spin but don't move...

      This special geometry can work in serial to produce a very huge power amplification.. A partial test prove this..

      At the Moment I am developing another technique based on the hidden electric field but in L2... Its all how to protect the electric dipole in the secondary reactant coil...


      • #18
        Originally posted by bistander View Post
        Hi thx,

        I don't think Lithium based batteries use rare earths. Lithium itself is not a RE. The NIMH batteries used in hybrids like Prius had a good size content of RE, but Ni based batteries are on way out. One RE use in EVs is magnets for motors but even there induction motors are a good non-RE option. I read that Tesla model S uses no RE.


        Absolutely correct. I muddled that a bit. It was based on some research I did some time ago. The rare earths were used in the magnets of DC motors driven from the batteries.

        I see now that several companies are now using AC motors to diminish the need for rare earths. That's encouraging.

        That doesn't change the military aspect much however because military vehicles will need to be charged somehow and all the renewable methods developed so far are just too slow so we're back to generating power.

        As to the idea that wars are all about oil or, more generally, energy - there were wars long before electricity and/or oil were harnessed. It's more about human nature than any specific technology. Consider: there has never been a technology developed that hasn't been weaponized.

        The thing I like most about alternative energy research is the ability to decentralize energy production. Anytime anything is centralized it adds layers of corporate and governmental bureaucracy and middle men taking their cut.

        We have to realize, however, that there will always be a large majority of people who could care less about how the energy is produced as long as the light comes on when they flip the switch.

        I agree with those saying that the answer lies in the unseen. I agree with Nikola Tesla's statement that all energy is derived from the environment. I've come to think that a large part of what we are missing is that link to the environment. Go outside and look around. How do you distinguish natural things from man made things? Man made things have straight lines, near perfect circles, and regular angles while natural things do not. It's instructive to consider how we camouflage things: we cover them in irregular patterns.

        Using Euclidean geometry in power systems may be a problem. Not that it is incorrect, but it's somewhat like trying to build a china cabinet with a chain saw when dealing with natural systems. Pi even holds a clue that Euclidean geometry is insufficient to deal with natural systems. It's been calculated to trillions of decimal places and it still holds no pattern, natural or otherwise, in those digits.

        I think it was Eric Dollard who said mother nature doesn't do math. That could be expanded to mother nature doesn't so Euclidean geometry either.

        “Why is geometry often described as 'cold' and 'dry?' One reason lies in its inability to describe the shape of a cloud, a mountain, a coastline, or a tree. Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line... Nature exhibits not simply a higher degree but an altogether different level of complexity.” – Benoit Mandelbrot
        Fractal Geometry

        The image at the following link was generated with fractal geometry, more specifically one of the fundamentals of fractal geometry - bifurcation. I look at it, from left to right, as Bearden's negentropy - entropy transitioning to stability, transitioning to instability, and transitioning to entropy where the cycle starts over again.

        One interesting aspect is that the word "fractal" means fractional dimensions, i.e. 2.168 dimensions. Fractions, being infinite, lead to the idea of an infinite universe but in fractional dimensions, not necessarily in terms of 3D space. I've yet to get my head around that idea although it seems to related to the idea of "counterspace". Still working on it. Looking at a single bifurcation either halved or doubled reminds me somewhat of the idea of a Euclidean triangle turned inside out. I'm thinking of this not as the structure of natural energy but rather the way natural energy flows - the flow into which we wish to insert our water wheel, as in Tesla's wheelwork of nature.

        Another of the interesting things about fractal geometry is that it could not have existed before the development of the computer to perform the iterative calculations required. It's not that Euclidean geometry is wrong but, more to the point, we have a better tool now - if we can learn how to use it.

        I'm wondering if UFO can use this to explain the asymmetric aspects of his work, fractals being "self similar" rather than strictly symmetrical.

        Excellent thread.


        • #19
          Social Sciences...and Wars


          Wars exist for one single reason..."To Gain Power over the Other"

          Now the "Power" part has taken different vests throughout our history...

          Church...or Religion meant the "Powers that be" at those dark Inquisition times...the Holy Wars...

          In our times it is simply Oil the more enviable Power to have possession over...and what makes oil so powerful is not necessarily for making plastics...or asphalting streets...or covering roofs, but mainly because of its properties to generate Energy.

          Politics are dictated by Oil, those who have more oil, keep their own position in "Power" they dictate their own politics...

          We create our own Energy, simply out of thin air, distributing its knowledge without any limitations but Open Sourced...then each one of Us will dictate our own Politics...simple.

          And so, the more dictating their own politics...the less the "limitations" to a 1% distribution of oil and politics as well...defined as "power"...

          The repression and exploitation from one man to another, just because "a position in power" over the poor man will considerably decrease...over time.

          Many "Venus Projects" could be then possible and easily developed throughout our planet...

          This is not Communism, nor Socialism because there would not be any "Doctrines" to implant in a free man's brain.

          This could not develop into Anarchism, simply because everyone would be happy to provide their own needs...and hopefully all will point directly to Peace and Happiness...

          This is strictly "Humanism" for a new Mankind Civilization.

          "Imagine"...just like John Lennon wrote...


          Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-28-2016, 06:05 PM.
          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • #20
            Yes, you cut right to the heart of why this is so critical. It matters little what form a usable overunity device takes, but the first real, reproducible device that produces more than toy levels of power is going to change things very fundamentally. As humans we seem to have this problem that we can't stop ourselves from oppressing each other. If someone has more power, knowledge, wealth, strength, or resources than those around them they tend to set up a little fiefdom and assert their control to the maximum degree possible. Since we can't fix human nature (back to the spiritual discussion again) the best thing that can be done, practically speaking, is to give sufficient resources to everyone that they no longer have to depend on others who will then oppress them.

            First and most obviously is energy itself, grid-power equivalent high quality power directly suitable for running a household and appliances. Then if you have unlimited electricity it's simple enough to solve the water and food problems as well. Water purification through either distillation or reverse osmosis can clean up unlimited amounts of unsafe water given enough energy to run these energy-intensive processes. Then with water you can grow food. If there isn't enough even low-quality water to begin with, it can be condensed directly out of the the atmosphere by refrigeration (google "atmospheric water generator").

            There is a great quote from Henry Kissinger that demonstrates the mindset of those who seek to assert global control over everyone. The quote is (paraphrasing) "To control people, you control food. To control nations, you control energy." If both of these are no longer in short supply then there is no lever to use them to oppress and control people. There is still the money system, but the answer to that problem is already here in the form of cryptocurrency. Eventually, in the longer-term future, we will have freedom. This does not mean that all problems will go away, of course; however, I would submit that the vast majority of people everywhere really would prefer living a life of peace and prosperity to fighting when there is little left to fight over.


            • #21

              Yes, thank you,

              And the majority of money transfer and spending takes place where?

              In the Developed countries of course...The Northern Hemisphere basically.

              And what is the percentage of developed countries versus the so called "Third World Countries" in our planet?

              Is there a huge difference in number of people and land?


              To the point We could go easier here counting by Continents instead of Countries...

              So, give this higher percentage of people in the need of resources throughout our Planet the possibility to "make" their own Energy Supply...and watch them Thrive like no one have never, ever seen in our entire history.

              The problem with our "job" to seek for free our also limited resources, but eventually we all will get there...However, we all must have a very clear direct, aimed purpose and vision towards what happen whenever we get there...this will reinforce our will to proceed no matter what...

              I have "seen" all this real possibilities if we keep driving this way...and they are great and of very high expectations.


              Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-28-2016, 06:48 PM.
              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • #22
                Answering a part of original Thread Post...

                Originally posted by tswift View Post

                The situation isn't much better for nations dependent on oil and gas production money to fund their economies. I'm thinking of places like Venezuela...
                Venezuela is a very close example of this scenario...Before there were Governments who exploit to the Max its Oil Resources, allowed for Foreign Corporations to take over some areas because of sold out presidents...all this taking place while the Poor man was still poorer...the "Fabelas" around Caracas were growing by the minute...then all this generated another type of governments (Chavez-Maduro) who were portraying the "Socialism" emblems...and up to now, the situation has gotten worst than the poor man does not even have the basics to feed their families...or take care of medical needs...

                The same way as Venezuela, we could add Ecuador, Bolivia, etc,etc as Nigeria, Congo ...and many others in different Continents...while I leave Russia out, since it is a more developed country, northern hemisphere... with a bit different history.

                Originally posted by tswift View Post
                Now think about the banks that lent money to the oil and gas companies.
                Banks lending money to the Oil Industry?!

                Would You lend Money to Yourself?

                ...I am really sorry but have to laugh here...

                What Banks, the Rothschild's, the Rockefeller's, the Bilderberg's or the Morgan's Families?...Who own the International Banking Group?...didn't you know the very first thing they all did was to get possession of Oil before even starting banking?

                Or the Federal Reserve Private US Corporation...

                American Standard Oil was owned by the Rockefeller's before the WW's...and so on, no time, too many "fractals" here, absolutely very hard to trace...but it could be done.

                Originally posted by tswift View Post
                If you yourself had a big red button, that if you pushed it would ensure the long-term future of humanity and yet would cause untold suffering in the short term, would you push it?
                I would press it so hard...that its red plastic would shatter in pieces...but not to the point of "not making contact"...

                I would worry about the consequences later...


                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-28-2016, 08:14 PM.
                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • #23
                  Originally posted by thx1138 View Post
                  Absolutely correct. I muddled that a bit. It was based on some research I did some time ago. The rare earths were used in the magnets of DC motors driven from the batteries.

                  I see now that several companies are now using AC motors to diminish the need for rare earths. That's encouraging.

                  That doesn't change the military aspect much however because military vehicles will need to be charged somehow and all the renewable methods developed so far are just too slow so we're back to generating power.

                  As to the idea that wars are all about oil or, more generally, energy - there were wars long before electricity and/or oil were harnessed. It's more about human nature than any specific technology. Consider: there has never been a technology developed that hasn't been weaponized.

                  The thing I like most about alternative energy research is the ability to decentralize energy production. Anytime anything is centralized it adds layers of corporate and governmental bureaucracy and middle men taking their cut.

                  We have to realize, however, that there will always be a large majority of people who could care less about how the energy is produced as long as the light comes on when they flip the switch.

                  I agree with those saying that the answer lies in the unseen. I agree with Nikola Tesla's statement that all energy is derived from the environment. I've come to think that a large part of what we are missing is that link to the environment. Go outside and look around. How do you distinguish natural things from man made things? Man made things have straight lines, near perfect circles, and regular angles while natural things do not. It's instructive to consider how we camouflage things: we cover them in irregular patterns.

                  Using Euclidean geometry in power systems may be a problem. Not that it is incorrect, but it's somewhat like trying to build a china cabinet with a chain saw when dealing with natural systems. Pi even holds a clue that Euclidean geometry is insufficient to deal with natural systems. It's been calculated to trillions of decimal places and it still holds no pattern, natural or otherwise, in those digits.

                  I think it was Eric Dollard who said mother nature doesn't do math. That could be expanded to mother nature doesn't so Euclidean geometry either.

                  “Why is geometry often described as 'cold' and 'dry?' One reason lies in its inability to describe the shape of a cloud, a mountain, a coastline, or a tree. Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line... Nature exhibits not simply a higher degree but an altogether different level of complexity.” – Benoit Mandelbrot
                  Fractal Geometry

                  The image at the following link was generated with fractal geometry, more specifically one of the fundamentals of fractal geometry - bifurcation. I look at it, from left to right, as Bearden's negentropy - entropy transitioning to stability, transitioning to instability, and transitioning to entropy where the cycle starts over again.

                  One interesting aspect is that the word "fractal" means fractional dimensions, i.e. 2.168 dimensions. Fractions, being infinite, lead to the idea of an infinite universe but in fractional dimensions, not necessarily in terms of 3D space. I've yet to get my head around that idea although it seems to related to the idea of "counterspace". Still working on it. Looking at a single bifurcation either halved or doubled reminds me somewhat of the idea of a Euclidean triangle turned inside out. I'm thinking of this not as the structure of natural energy but rather the way natural energy flows - the flow into which we wish to insert our water wheel, as in Tesla's wheelwork of nature.

                  Another of the interesting things about fractal geometry is that it could not have existed before the development of the computer to perform the iterative calculations required. It's not that Euclidean geometry is wrong but, more to the point, we have a better tool now - if we can learn how to use it.

                  I'm wondering if UFO can use this to explain the asymmetric aspects of his work, fractals being "self similar" rather than strictly symmetrical.

                  Excellent thread.

                  The complicated phenomena in nature can be simplified to take a shape of atom... For example the similarity between solar system and the atom as examle ... It's not easy for fractal geometry to find the fractal mathematical equation that can move us from atom to solar system or even to bigger similar galactal shape...

                  The pattern seem to be infinity .. To solve this problem it's better to look for the unification property that gather the natural thing s together... Rather than thinking about the equation it's more easy to find the solution without equation!!!!!

                  Our minds has this hidden ability.... Like our DNA ability to communicate in a speed more than light to the original body if it's separated....


                  • #24
                    Toys are not always "just" toys.

                    Small, impractical "toy" cars preceded today's cars, etc. I, personally, would be extremely pleased to be able to buy a toy cold-fusion device for a hundred bucks. It seems to me that most of the cases where useful phenomena have been demonstrated and therefore are able to gather a following and investment money, they have a repeating problem. I observe it too often. They get some money, they start to attempt higher levels of success and then blow out in various ways. For example, it seems Andrei Rossi sold out to the U.S. Navy. If we could actually conquer the social and political hurdles there might be better odds of success in the long haul. I think toys have their place in this strategic area. I have built, for example, various joule thief variants. I think the JT circuit could be a great trigger circuit for something much greater. I, myself, have not seen any strong evidence that a JT by itself has OU production, but there may be some possibilities there. One thing is sure. JT has the ability to output voltages greater than what is available from the supply battery.
                    There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                    • #25

                      This is a good point too and something I have also thought about. With today's efficient LED lights, even power of sub-watt levels could be useful to the billions of people living with no reliable energy. Using the understanding of radiant energy that I have gained analyzing the Don Smith device, the Joule Thief and variants thereof seem to work on the same principle. The short sharp voltage spikes cause the voltage around the battery or cap being charged to become appreciably nonzero for the very small fraction of a second while the current pulse is entering, so the charge should take on a radiant characteristic.

                      In order to maximize this effect, it would be best to use the highest practical voltage for the output side, to get the largest voltage spikes. This is limited by the coil capacitance and the maximum permissible Vce and Vbe of the transistor. Then in order to actually get the overunity gain, it would be necessary to put the energy from the battery or cap through a transformer arrangement of some kind. For the circuit to be self-running it would need to have a high step-up ratio followed by a correspondingly large step-down ratio to recharge the original battery. I have tried to build this on the bench using a standard joule thief circuit with a 2N3904 transistor, followed by an SCR-gated step-down section to keep the circuit simple. Unfortunately, SCR's have a habit of self-triggering under high dv/dt conditions and I found this hard to control in the limited time I experimented with it. For the next iteration, I think I will use a driven inverter configuration with something like a 556 dual timer chip, where one pulse from the timer triggers the flyback section (step-up coil), which charges a small storage cap to as high a voltage as the transistor can take, then the subsequent pulse triggers a MOSFET or bipolar transistor to dump the cap charge through the step-down coil. If my understanding is correct, this arrangement should run overunity and be capable of self-running and also powering at least a small load. Not quite as simple as a plain joule thief, but still pretty simple.

                      As an example of more or less this arrangement in action, refer to page 5-54 of Patrick Kelly's e-book where he describes the "gadgetmall" joule thief variant, using a single ni-cad cell to charge a big supercap, which then (manually) recharges the battery and also powers an external load. The first time through, the supercap gets charged radiant, which then recharges the ni-cad cell with radiant energy when it's recharged before the second iteration, which then runs overunity through the joule thief transformer, then continue to rinse and repeat for additional cycles ad infinitum because of the energy gain. Once you understand the mechanism it's easy to analyze various devices. This device probably works as advertised but requires the experimenter to manually unhook the supercap and use it to recharge the battery for every cycle. I'm envisioning a circuit that requires no manual intervention to run continuously. Even if the excess power is only a watt or less, it would still be a kind of "eternalight". Even better, perhaps the thing could be packaged into a battery sized and shaped container, like a D cell or even a C cell, so you would have an "eternabatt" that would be a drop-in overunity upgrade for existing devices, at least within the limits of its output power.

                      If nothing else, at least such a "toy power" device would still demonstrate conclusively for everyone that overunity is a real phenomenon and that theories need to be revised.


                      • #26
                        Be careful and "hurry up"...

                        According to this new banned site Sign:


                        There is apparently a New Department participating in "Patent Prosecution", obviously "specific patents" which could harm the National, together with the Homeland Security...the "Intellectual Property Rights" (IPR), or "National Intellectual Property Rights" see the one at lower right...

                        So, Guys, better hurry up and press that Red Button...

                        I thought it was JUST the FBI who was in charge to prosecute Copyrights Infringements...But I don't see it in above departments... so obviously something beyond Copyrights is being Prosecuted-Enforced here...This was one of Ken's Book downloads sites...


                        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-29-2016, 10:35 PM.
                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by tswift View Post
                          With today's efficient LED lights, even power of sub-watt levels could be useful to the billions of people living with no reliable energy.
                          Light from gravity:


                          Light from Gravity Power. Simple Energy for the Developing Countries >



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by med.3012 View Post
                            The complicated phenomena in nature can be simplified to take a shape of atom... For example the similarity between solar system and the atom as examle ... It's not easy for fractal geometry to find the fractal mathematical equation that can move us from atom to solar system or even to bigger similar galactal shape...
                            That's a good example of Mandelbrot's "Nature exhibits not simply a higher degree but an altogether different level of complexity.”

                            Consider the following animations. Then realize that every electron of every atom is also traveling in a helix because nothing in the universe is stationary.
                            The Helical Model – vortex solar system animation |
                            Solar System 2.0 – the helical model |

                            And it's not just our sun and planets but ALL atoms and planets and stars and galaxies and every one of all of them have plasmas and gravity and electromagnetism that all interact. That's the "...altogether different level of complexity."

                            The pattern seem to be infinity ..
                            That's the point. That's what fractals are all about.

                            We can simplify a solar system to a "pie plate" heliocentric solar system and isolate the electrons around a nucleus in a two dimensional drawing to make it easier to understand but that's not how the real universe exists.

                            “A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes in Nature.” – Nikola Tesla, The Electrical review (9 June 1893)

                            “Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.” – Nikola Tesla, "Radio Power Will Revolutionize the World" in Modern Mechanics and Inventions (July 1934)

                            Most of what is being studied to day, by necessity, must be studied with mathematics because it's either too small or too large to observe directly. That makes using the correct mathematics all the more important if we want it to relate to reality.

                            Every time we simplify something we throw part of the reality away like Heaviside lopping off half of Maxwell's equations because quaterions were too hard to understand. And what we end up with is what we have today. If we want to get back to the reality of how things exist we need new tools to get there and IMO fractal geometry is one of them.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by thx1138 View Post
                              That's a good example of Mandelbrot's "Nature exhibits not simply a higher degree but an altogether different level of complexity.”

                              Consider the following animations. Then realize that every electron of every atom is also traveling in a helix because nothing in the universe is stationary.
                              The Helical Model – vortex solar system animation |
                              Solar System 2.0 – the helical model |

                              And it's not just our sun and planets but ALL atoms and planets and stars and galaxies and every one of all of them have plasmas and gravity and electromagnetism that all interact. That's the "...altogether different level of complexity."

                              That's the point. That's what fractals are all about.

                              We can simplify a solar system to a "pie plate" heliocentric solar system and isolate the electrons around a nucleus in a two dimensional drawing to make it easier to understand but that's not how the real universe exists.

                              “A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes in Nature.” – Nikola Tesla, The Electrical review (9 June 1893)

                              “Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.” – Nikola Tesla, "Radio Power Will Revolutionize the World" in Modern Mechanics and Inventions (July 1934)

                              Most of what is being studied to day, by necessity, must be studied with mathematics because it's either too small or too large to observe directly. That makes using the correct mathematics all the more important if we want it to relate to reality.

                              Every time we simplify something we throw part of the reality away like Heaviside lopping off half of Maxwell's equations because quaterions were too hard to understand. And what we end up with is what we have today. If we want to get back to the reality of how things exist we need new tools to get there and IMO fractal geometry is one of them.

                              i agree with you in most of what you stated but we eventually need a fast solution.. ambient energy researcher have to be a skilled mathematician, it's good to know a lots about Quantum mechanics... he need a very strong background in electromagnetic high frequency waves, in other hand it's better to know euclidean geometry why not fractal geometry which is not an easy science ..

                              as you see it's a work of a team not just one person ... IMO it's a good idea to think about the common behaviors so we could simplify things without throwing away any part of the reality.. for example before the Big Bang all the natural forces and all the matters was unified in just one mysterious point .. all the humanity including the earth, the moon , the stars we see and those we can't see ... everything was compressed in this mysterious powerful ball

                              the simplicity i am talking about is to go back to the original state of things so we could unify the phenomena under study... doing this no part of the reality will be thrown , this is exactly what Don Smith was talking about , one Volt = one ampere = 1 second !!!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by med.3012 View Post
                                for example before the Big Bang all the natural forces and all the matters was unified in just one mysterious point .. all the humanity including the earth, the moon , the stars we see and those we can't see ... everything was compressed in this mysterious powerful ball

                                the simplicity i am talking about is to go back to the original state of things so we could unify the phenomena under study... doing this no part of the reality will be thrown , this is exactly what Don Smith was talking about , one Volt = one ampere = 1 second !!!
                                It's called The Big Bang Theory and there's a reason it's still a theory. Some are working on the idea that there was no big bang. That the universe is infinite is my personal belief that I've held since I was a teenager.
                                No Big Bang?
                                Slow, cold start to universe

                                If the universe is infinite it is also possible to have infinite dimensions. That is one aspect which fractal geometry addresses.

                                My personal belief is that the universe is infinite, has always existed and will always continue to exist. As such, there is no time. Time is just an artifice created by man similar to mathematics. That doesn't mean it's not a useful artifice in our work. It does mean, however, that there is no time travel, it is not a fourth dimension (or any dimension at all), and it cannot be manipulated. In this view every instant is a particular configuration of the entire universe.

                                So to travel back in time one would have to be able reconfigure the entire universe to a previous state. To travel forward in time would require configuring the entire universe to a state that has not yet occurred. Both of which are absurd if one considers the universe to be infinite to begin with.
                                There Is No Such Thing As Time

                                Where this inevitably leads is to mathematical results which are infinite are, in fact, valid results. Whether we can deal with infinities or not is irrelevant.

                                This is another good example of Mandelbrot's "Nature exhibits not simply a higher degree but an altogether different level of complexity.”

