Originally posted by tswift
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Thanks for the compliments, as I also consider you one of the top researchers in this field...
All you are describing is correct...however, it "bolts down" to even more simplicity...
Like You have said, there are some type of devices that utilizes the pulses, or even the spark gaps , which either drops to zero then back, or shorts the flow in order to generate what I call an electron avalanche, a rush which carries certain properties above a normal electron flow...but it gets beyond that point.
Let me try to put it in the simplest words possible, like you have written above, so everyone could understand it easier...even though you and me as many others know the specifics.
In simple words, we must create either from an E-Field (electric) or from a B-Field (magnetic) ...or even from both at the same time, some kind of "stirring" effect...which, when it reaches certain "spec's" we open those gates...and those spec's could be given -like you wrote- from a variation in time.
I have decided to follow my research and development on the magnetism side, because I have found too many flaws in our current knowledge...then I have found some more...and am in the process to push that red button.
I am not too familiar with the D Smith device...but I know there are several coils involved which produce a magnetic field as soon as they get energized...so, my honest opinion to you, is to try looking into the invisible field(s) that are being generated there and in the transformers...then give it a try by not allowing those fields to fully collapse by lack of electric supply reaching zero or simply by shorting out...leave at least even Milli-volts which maintain that magnetic cycle in advance (progression) and not restarting again and again... And then again, I could be wrong in what am writing here...but in experimenting we never know where we will "hit it", so it is always worth the try.
Kind Regards
Much work to do my Friend...