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Be careful what you wish for....

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  • #31
    Originally posted by thx1138 View Post
    It's called The Big Bang Theory and there's a reason it's still a theory. Some are working on the idea that there was no big bang. That the universe is infinite is my personal belief that I've held since I was a teenager.
    No Big Bang?
    Slow, cold start to universe

    If the universe is infinite it is also possible to have infinite dimensions. That is one aspect which fractal geometry addresses.

    My personal belief is that the universe is infinite, has always existed and will always continue to exist. As such, there is no time. Time is just an artifice created by man similar to mathematics. That doesn't mean it's not a useful artifice in our work. It does mean, however, that there is no time travel, it is not a fourth dimension (or any dimension at all), and it cannot be manipulated. In this view every instant is a particular configuration of the entire universe.

    So to travel back in time one would have to be able reconfigure the entire universe to a previous state. To travel forward in time would require configuring the entire universe to a state that has not yet occurred. Both of which are absurd if one considers the universe to be infinite to begin with.
    There Is No Such Thing As Time

    Where this inevitably leads is to mathematical results which are infinite are, in fact, valid results. Whether we can deal with infinities or not is irrelevant.

    This is another good example of Mandelbrot's "Nature exhibits not simply a higher degree but an altogether different level of complexity.”

    everything around you is infinite ! take number one as example, you can divide it as much as you want ... 0.1 0.01 0.001 etc
    the problem with quantum equation is the third part .. in reality this is the problem of mathematics in general because we try to solve an isolated situation but in fact it's not isolated .. !

    if i say Y = ( x-1 ) this equation describe itself but not me .. i am the writer of it but i am not included there! without me this equation can't exist ... you see !

    the universe is still in expansion and this is not a theory, red shift prove this ... everything is expansion must have a start point ... whatever the shape you imagine it's there.

    understanding the notion of time will give us a better understanding of the universe ... but finally i agree with Einstein in this quote :


    • #32
      Yes, if all of us here in the overunity community are correct, then currently accepted scientific theory is due (overdue, really) for some major revisions. If the Don Smith theory (which he arrived at by reproducing Tesla's experiments) of how capacitors capture a snapshot of their energy environment is correct, then by implication it must mean that not all electrons are identically equal as currently taught. In Maxwell's original theory, each "tube" of electric force had a termination point, which was later called an "electron" and through experiment, found to be a particle with a known mass and "charge". But now it seems as though the "charge" component is not a fixed number but is a variable with one fixed component and at least one degree of freedom in a variable component.

      Some possibilities are present in the current scientific literature: first, in the concept of quantum entaglement multiple particles can become related to each other, and thus different from all others of the same kind. Second, there is the less well-known "Bohmian Interpretation" which makes quantum mechanics deterministic instead of merely statistical. This is discussed but not widely accepted. However, to Einstein's point in the above quote, quantum theory is certainly not the whole story. There is also a good quote by Feynman, which I will paraphrase from memory. He said essentially that since nobody has ever seen an electron, all we have are our theories and models. We can never really know if we have the whole truth or not, all we can do is see whether our theories fit the experiments.

      I feel that we are collectively on the cusp of another one of those sea change, paradigm shift type events in science. If all of us are correct, who have been labeled crackpots or at best pseudoscientists, and there are reproducible phenomena that current scientific theories cannot adequately explain, then it is the theorists who must revise their models to fit the experiment and not the other way around. How many times has this happened in the history of science? Many, for sure. Think about Galileo, Newton, and Einstein, just for starters. Even though the establishment is never happy to have their apple cart upset, eventually the truth wins out. Thus it will be again, and we are fortunate to be living in the day to see it. Who would have thought that here in the 21st century, with so much "advanced" technology, that we have literally been barking up the wrong tree for about 100 years, going through life with blinders on oblivious to the whole world of Tesla's radiant energy? It will be absolutely stunning to the scientific community when the truth becomes obvious.


      • #33
        IMO Don Smith system is based on electrons spin, ccw spin give voltage, cw spin give the electric current , because the voltage and current depend on spin only we could say in this status the voltage equal the current ...

        the two sides change the spin direction instantly and this is called spooky action, at this moment the time become a physical reality because this action work instantly ... physical reality don't mean we could touch the time but it's a kind of transformation... and this is how we gather the power from the environment..

        we can't achieve this level without understanding and manipulating the magnetic field with the electric field together ... in this stage the real player is the electrons spin .


        • #34
          Romanesco Fractal Big Bang

          Originally posted by thx1138 View Post
          It's called The Big Bang Theory and there's a reason it's still a theory. Some are working on the idea that there was no big bang. That the universe is infinite is my personal belief that I've held since I was a teenager.
          No Big Bang?
          Slow, cold start to universe

          If the universe is infinite it is also possible to have infinite dimensions. That is one aspect which fractal geometry addresses.

          My personal belief is that the universe is infinite, has always existed and will always continue to exist. As such, there is no time. Time is just an artifice created by man similar to mathematics. That doesn't mean it's not a useful artifice in our work. It does mean, however, that there is no time travel, it is not a fourth dimension (or any dimension at all), and it cannot be manipulated. In this view every instant is a particular configuration of the entire universe.

          So to travel back in time one would have to be able reconfigure the entire universe to a previous state. To travel forward in time would require configuring the entire universe to a state that has not yet occurred. Both of which are absurd if one considers the universe to be infinite to begin with.
          There Is No Such Thing As Time

          Where this inevitably leads is to mathematical results which are infinite are, in fact, valid results. Whether we can deal with infinities or not is irrelevant.

          This is another good example of Mandelbrot's "Nature exhibits not simply a higher degree but an altogether different level of complexity.”

          I find with most of your posts I agree or can relate to most of what you say.

          Dan Winter often says “Get fractal or die”.

          Check out:

          James Sorensen – Halton Arp & The Big Bang
          Dr Jonathan Wolfe – Fractals (Wolfe happens to be my doppelganger haha) .

          Just for fun, picures of my recently grown and harvested lovely Romanesco Broccoli from my garden.

          "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


          • #35
            Originally posted by tswift View Post
            Yes, if all of us here in the overunity community are correct, then currently accepted scientific theory is due (overdue, really) for some major revisions. ........... It will be absolutely stunning to the scientific community when the truth becomes obvious.




            • #36
              Well, I reviewed the videos and they were interesting. Although we don't have to invoke unconventional physics to explain 9/11, it's clear that the official account and report is completely wrong. There is a report on the internet from a group of professional engineers and architects that refutes most of the points made in the official report. But, Occam's razor suggests that it doesn't take a scalar interferometer to bring down buildings like that. There is even some evidence to support the theory that small nuclear demolition charges in the basements could have been responsible, but in the absence of more evidence we are just speculating. Responsible science isn't about speculation, it's about evidence. If you read Bearden's "Fer de Lance", for instance, he tries to explain every major accident and calamity of the last several decades with a scalar interferometer. I don't know that there isn't possibly some truth in there somewhere, but taken as a whole it seems very unlikely.

              One of the big challenges I have faced in my research is wading through untold pages of theories by many, many people over the years ranging from completely laughable and uneducated up to highly plausible. The challenge is to decide which is which. Ultimately, as a scientist the only responsible path to take is to keep an open mind and design experiments which will ultimately prove or disprove the theory being tested, which is what I am doing. Now specifically, I find Hutchison's experiments very compelling although I'm not sure if he has presented any theoretical basis for them. I think that the phenomena of overunity and antigravity and intricately linked and are necessarily just two manifestations of the same phenomenon. It has been reported by more than one overunity experimenter that their machines would generate thrust or even levitate, and I think I understand on a theoretical basis why this is. I intend to post separately on this topic at some point.

              The thing I began to understand as I read through all this material that most would dismiss as pseudoscience or even metaphysics, is that there are some common threads that begin to emerge. Many, many researchers talk about a "different form" of energy that is even possibly electricity-like but isn't normal electricity. The understanding I have reached personally is that normal electromagnetism can act as a carrier wave of sorts, for additional higher-order information modulated at a quantum level. Bearden would call this "engineered vacuum states" and "infolded information", Tesla would call this "Radiant Energy", Hieronymous called this "Eloptic radiation", and likewise for many other researchers. But the point is that normal electrons or photons can carry an additional layer of information that isn't obvious and isn't readily measurable to normal instruments. This scalar layer is where all the really interesting phenomena show up such as overunity and antigravity. Of all the recent researchers, Don Smith seemed to have the clearest understanding of how to actually produce it and use it, so I have tried to carefully replicate his experiments, just as Don did with Tesla's experiments. The case is still open since I have not yet produced a clearly positive and reproducible result but I am still optimistic of doing so.

              I also have plans for experiments to test other theories, such as Bearden's scalar inferometer design. If I understand correctly, I should be able to do at least small-scale weather control. With an experiment conducted in the open air near the dewpoint, it should be immediately obvious if the endothermic effect is being produced because a cloud will form exactly in the interference zone between the two beams. If Bearden is correct, all that is necessary is two microwave magnetrons each connected to a feed horn (a la HPM microwave gun), with a strong negative DC bias on their grounds instead of running at ground potential. This will be a little tricky to engineer in practice because a regular microwave oven transformer can probably only insulate to several KV between primary and secondary windings, and for testing I would really like to be able to apply 50-100KV of DC bias, but you still have to feed power to the magnetrons while isolating from that large a potential. Just set up two tripods spaced a hundred feet apart or so, point the feed horns up into the sky, and see if a cloud forms when the magnetrons are energized and the bias applied. If so, you have a scalar interferometer. It's also quite possible that this arrangement could be overunity, in other words it would actually generate DC current on the bias line because of the endothermic effect in the interference zone. If this is the case then this power would have to be dissipated somehow. Lots of testing will be necessary, but I intend to work on this idea once I am done with the Don Smith device. It should even be possible to hook up a high-voltage audio transformer to the magnetron grounds and drive them with an audio signal, not entirely unlike an audio-modulated Tesla coil. If this worked you would have a "sky speaker" that would reproduce the audio signal as the scalar interference alternated between heating and cooling with every cycle of the input wave form. I would need a high-power tube amp (which I don't have) to make this work and it would involve winding a custom output transformer, but these are just practical challenges that can be overcome if the physics really works.

              I hope anyone reading this has the good sense to understand all the potential hazards inherent in actually running an experiment like this. There is the risk of high voltage shock, RF exposure, danger to surrounding electronics, planes overhead, wildlife, and even possible spectacular meltdown of the whole rig due to excess overunity power of unknown magnitudes. It probably shouldn't be attempted by anyone anywhere, but you can rest assured that if I actually get as far as testing this it will be in an extremely remote area with suitable safety precautions.
              Attached Files


              • #37
                Working, with high voltage is really dangerous especially conserving the DC power... 😀 so anything concerne weather manupilation is extremely dangerous... The butterfly effect...


                • #38
                  Yes, I agree it's extremely dangerous. If I ever actually do get as far as building an apparatus and testing it, it will be starting with very low voltages and power levels first. I already work with high voltage and I have experience with other high-energy, potentially dangerous things. One does not expect to live a long and healthy life by not being extremely careful and respecting the danger inherent in large amounts of stored energy of any kind.

                  And unfortunately, this also brings me back to my original point on this thread: is humanity ready for this level of technology? What happens if we aren't? So far, as a species we have shown a very low level of maturity and seem most interested in fighting and dominating each other. What will happen when you give a bunch of children very powerful tools? At a minimum, we are talking about free energy, antigravity, and weather control. There's no telling what other science fiction technology may actually come out of this. I fear for the results on our civilization. Oh, there are no doubt some mature individuals who are capable of working for good and for the betterment of all mankind, and it is those to whom these most powerful of tools need to go. But you can't pick and choose, once the information is out there everyone will have it. Does anyone recall that Tesla talked about having a death ray?

                  However, we are now in the catch-22 situation where it looks like our species has a limited future unless we have these breakthrough technologies, so ready or not, here it comes. However it plays out, it's going to be very interesting....


                  • #39
                    Most scientists work for the benefit of manking but when money and selfishness enter the equation everything will be reversed... There is nothing more hurmful than unawarness energy is a human right like anything around us given for free' like the, air, sun, water... The actual technology seem to hide these life dependence parameters..


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by tswift View Post
                      Responsible science isn't about speculation, it's about evidence. ...... I don't know that there isn't possibly some truth in there somewhere, but taken as a whole it seems very unlikely.
                      FakeMoonRocks3 months ago
                      Right on. People are watching dust-filled, blurry videos and assuming that everything - including steel beams - is turning to dust. When in actual fact, it's a simple matter of these steels beams becoming obscured by dust - not turning into dust.

                      Clear video of the north tower "spire" collapse shows that it simply falls. As it does so, it leaves behind a trail of dust, which people are interpreting as "turning to dust."

                      Jesse Ventura DEATH RAY

                      Last edited by aljhoa; 09-04-2016, 04:41 AM. Reason: 1,110


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by med.3012 View Post
                        everything around you is infinite ! take number one as example, you can divide it as much as you want ... 0.1 0.01 0.001 etc
                        One itself is not infinite... BUT one, like everything else, as you point out is infinitely divisible. We once thought the earth was flat, the atom was the indivisible minima of matter, and all the shining things in the sky were stars. As our tools became better or understanding progressed. I submit that fractal geometry is a new, better tool for our models.

                        the problem with quantum equation is the third part .. in reality this is the problem of mathematics in general because we try to solve an isolated situation but in fact it's not isolated .. !
                        When looking at science we need to consider all things, no matter how small, which affect the theories and observations to get closer to the truth. Gravity is a good example. We know that gravity between two objects diminishes as the square of the distance. That means it never goes to zero. It can become infinitesimal. On the other hand, it's still there and there is lot of matter in the universe that is acting on everything else in the universe.

                        In engineering, however, it's not helpful to calculate something to an accuracy that we cannot achieve in building a device based on that science.

                        if i say Y = ( x-1 ) this equation describe itself but not me .. i am the writer of it but i am not included there! without me this equation can't exist ... you see !
                        While there is no equation the describes you there is an equation that describes how you and everything else in the universe is constructed.
                        f(Z) <=> Z^2 + C

                        The "<=>" symbol represents a feedback loop. The result of the operation on the right side is fed back and becomes the Z input in the f(Z) on the left side of the equation. This is explained in the link in the above post.

                        the universe is still in expansion and this is not a theory, red shift prove this ... everything is expansion must have a start point ... whatever the shape you imagine it's there.
                        Actually, Hubble's red shift theory is still just a theory. "Putting this velocity into the Hubble equation, they determine the distance. Note that this method of determining distances is based on observation (the shift in the spectrum) and on a theory (Hubble's Law). If the theory is not correct, the distances determined in this way are all nonsense. Most astronomers believe that Hubble's Law does, however, hold true for a large range of distances in the universe."
                        Redshift and Hubble's Law

                        "Most astronomers believe that Hubble's Law does, however, hold true..." as mentioned above, we once thought the earth was flat. It doesn't matter how many people believe a theory is correct. Believing it to be correct does not make it proven.

                        If, in fact, expansion of the universe is true there should be an area in the universe that contains nothing since everything has expanded from that point. I've never seen anything that says where that area is or even that it exists. That kind of brings us to the speed of light since it is also involved in Hubble's theory.

                        "The speed of light" is considered a constant but the correct terminology is "the speed of light in a vacuum". Yet there is nowhere in the universe that a perfect vacuum actually exists. So "the speed of light in a vacuum" cannot exist in our universe.
                        "As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." - Albert Einstein

                        Even if there are areas in space where the matter density is extremely rare, does it make sense that light could travel 4 billion light years without encountering the effects of any matter? That, of course, brings into question the very term "light year".
                        Speed of light may not be fixed

                        understanding the notion of time will give us a better understanding of the universe ... but finally i agree with Einstein in this quote :
                        I totally agree with the sentiment that God does not throw dice. That, for me, boils down to the idea that there is a pattern to everything in the universe - given the proper perspective.

                        I studied "chaos theory", as a hobbyist, for a couple of years in the '90's. My take away from that is that there is no such thing as chaos - everything has a pattern if viewed from the proper perspective. An example of perspective: from twenty thousand feet a basket ball sitting in the middle of a flat road appears to be a point, nearer it appears to be a circle, nearer again it appears to be a sphere, and upon it's surface it appears to be a flat plane.

                        Fractal geometry is inherently an "open system" as opposed to the closed systems that have been used to establish the "laws" of science. As far as I can tell the "laws" of science are the laws of men, not the laws of nature. At this point I think that fractal geometry can give us the proper perspective on anything in the universe we care to examine if we can figure out how to use it.

                        It's possible that many people today are working on this:
                        Physicists discover 'apparent departure from the laws of thermodynamics'

                        I have hundreds of links to recent articles about breaking the "laws" of science. The above or just a few.


                        • #42

                          Quote;"The overunity era is coming"
                          you darn right, especially if i have anything to do with it.

                          Good thread.


                          • #43
                            Yes, I agree it is coming and I believe it will be soon. People like you and I, and the other dedicated, serious researchers here and on other forums will be the ones responsible. Which particular horse is the first to cross the finish line with a reproducible (and hopefully, relatively inexpensive) machine is almost irrelevant. All of us on here have our own pet projects, and have spent the most time on the things we individually find fascinating, but it is clear to me at this point that there is more than one overunity mechanism. To the average person needing power, what kind of machine is providing it is irrelevant. I will be overjoyed if you can build the fully self-sustaining Figuera device and will probably build one too, but I don't intend to stop my radiant energy research primarily because I want antigravity as well as overunity (see my other thread about that).

                            I personally think we are just about at "critical mass" where this idea is now unstoppable. We have come so far already and there is so much information available now that it really is only a matter of time before someone puts all the pieces together and the information on how to replicate becomes available. After that it will snowball on its own and we can only guess as to where it will lead.

                            To everyone on here, can you feel the excitement? Do you realize how close we are? Do you understand that in a very short amount of time we will be moving from theory to practice, and that anyone with prior experience or familiarity with overunity concepts will be in the highest demand worldwide? Right now there are really only perhaps a few hundred real researchers worldwide, who have taken the time, read all the material they could get their hands on, and experimented within their limited time and budgets. That's a very, very elite group.

                            The thing that has held the revolution back this long is, of course, the profit motive. It's easy to get dollar signs in your eyes and hard to pass up the opportunity to maybe make insanely large amounts of money. But by now we all know what happens if you try and patent or market a genuine device and why there are none on the market. The only path forward is by sharing.

                            This will be, at its core, the most important and fundamental change to the human condition since perhaps the discovery of fire. I believe it is most certainly appropriate to call the new age the "overunity era" since it will be so distinctly different from the fossil fuel era. It is going to seem like we stepped into Star Trek. At a minimum, I think the following technologies are highly possible and likely to be achieved within a reasonable time frame: overunity, antigravity, weather control, and FTL communication. Actual FTL transportation I am much less sure about, I suspect it will be possible but only after much more basic research. But even with what's on the drawing board now it will possible to put the solar system and even the near stars within reach on a human lifetime time scale. I intend to do my best to help it happen.

                            "Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo

                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead


                            • #44
                              @ thx1138

                              One itself is not infinite... BUT one, like everything else, as you point out is infinitely divisible. We once thought the earth was flat, the atom was the indivisible minima of matter, and all the shining things in the sky were stars. As our tools became better or understanding progressed. I submit that fractal geometry is a new, better tool for our models.

                              you didn't asked what kind of ONE i am talking about, as example let's imagine we could speed the things very much so 1 second in a man life could equal a lots of years ... imagine when the speed achieve the infinite, one second will equal thousands of years or maybe more .. mathematically this second will be infinite !!!

                              While there is no equation the describes you there is an equation that describes how you and everything else in the universe is constructed.
                              f(Z) <=> Z^2 + C

                              The "<=>" symbol represents a feedback loop. The result of the operation on the right side is fed back and becomes the Z input in the f(Z) on the left side of the equation. This is explained in the link in the above post.

                              there's no equation can describe my mind or what i am thinking about right now, so it can't describe me !

                              Actually, Hubble's red shift theory is still just a theory. "Putting this velocity into the Hubble equation, they determine the distance. Note that this method of determining distances is based on observation (the shift in the spectrum) and on a theory (Hubble's Law). If the theory is not correct, the distances determined in this way are all nonsense. Most astronomers believe that Hubble's Law does, however, hold true for a large range of distances in the universe."
                              Redshift and Hubble's Law

                              "Most astronomers believe that Hubble's Law does, however, hold true..." as mentioned above, we once thought the earth was flat. It doesn't matter how many people believe a theory is correct. Believing it to be correct does not make it proven.

                              If, in fact, expansion of the universe is true there should be an area in the universe that contains nothing since everything has expanded from that point. I've never seen anything that says where that area is or even that it exists. That kind of brings us to the speed of light since it is also involved in Hubble's theory.

                              "The speed of light" is considered a constant but the correct terminology is "the speed of light in a vacuum". Yet there is nowhere in the universe that a perfect vacuum actually exists. So "the speed of light in a vacuum" cannot exist in our universe.
                              "As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." - Albert Einstein

                              Even if there are areas in space where the matter density is extremely rare, does it make sense that light could travel 4 billion light years without encountering the effects of any matter? That, of course, brings into question the very term "light year".
                              Speed of light may not be fixed

                              the expansion of universe is known since a long time, about 1400 years , the first book talk about this is the Holy Quran, in ADH-DHARIYAT (THE WINNOWING WINDS) chapter, here you are the original Text in Arabic translated to English :

                              verse number 47

                              the link is here :
                              Attached Files


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by med.3012 View Post
                                the expansion of universe is known since a long time, about 1400 years ,
                                Pickthall: We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast extent (thereof).

                                Yusuf Ali: With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of pace.

                                Shakir: And the heaven, We raised it high with power, and most surely We are the makers of things ample.

                                Muhammad Sarwar: We have made the heavens with Our own hands and We expanded it.

                                Mohsin Khan: With power did We construct the heaven. Verily, We are Able to extend the vastness of space thereof.

                                Arberry: And heaven -- We built it with might, and We extend it wide.

                                The Quranic Arabic Corpus - Translation


