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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • Cornboy 555
    Thanks MM, a lot of careful work to build it.

    33 gave me the closest fit to use directly as a commutator, probably internal at this stage.

    Because the Bars, [ not spokes ], are all individually connected i can use whatever configuration is necessary, Or i can simply remove 1 Bar, and evenly space the rest before epoxying and machining.

    Hopefully with feedback from Primaries included i can control the current enough, and won't have to commutate at 1700 Hz .

    If not, no big deal, will just rewind with different wire with more turns, maybe even wind it on edge, like Doug, remembering i am after a DC final output, so don't need specific frequency, just the rpm that gives the best induction and works best.

    If all else fails, mounted on a pole in the garden, would have an aesthetic attraction.

    Regards Cornboy.

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  • marathonman

    I am very glad my monitor is a 42 inch HD TV so i have no problems seeing the entire page but i am sure little screens are a pain to view.
    Looks very good Cornboy.
    How do you plan to split that last odd winding.?

    I agree, i to love working on stuff like this, it is actually very relaxing.
    Wow, the dictators actually let me have some of my illegal income tax back this year.

    Last edited by marathonman; 02-12-2017, 10:54 PM.

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  • Cornboy 555
    I am experiencing Heat Wave conditions here at the moment, to hot to work outside in the sun, so worked on my build for a while.

    Yeh i know, any excuse to have fun---.

    Regards Cornboy.

    OPPPS, forgot to reduce the images.
    Last edited by Cornboy 555; 02-12-2017, 06:56 AM.

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  • Cornboy 555
    Hi MM, i have the opposite to stagnate at the moment, working 7 days a week to get things done, hence the slow progress with my build.

    There seems to be no dought that the general population has had the Mushroom treatment for lots of generations now,{ you know, kept in the dark and fed BS.]

    Talk Soon, Cornboy.

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  • marathonman
    Part G


    Yes you sure are right about the thick wire being a B**ck to wind. even Doug stated it was a royal pain in the back side. i was thinking that 8 or 10 awg square would have been a lot easier to work with and still contemplate using it pending the outcome of my part G test. i have money coming in the next few days so parts will be had to finish the commutator test thus giving me a better perspective on my part G. with my deeper core i should get a higher inductance per winding, well at least that is what my tests have shown but in reality it could be different, only time and test will prove reality.
    since i have no clue of the depth of Figuera's cylinder i was driven by the fact that more core exposure means higher self inductance factor but then again i must rely on the actual test when the com comes in.

    I hate being stagnant and am going crazy not having the parts to conduct further tests.

    This link i posted is kinda off subject but the information is really amazing and makes you really wonder what else do we NOT KNOW about our universe.
    the second is of better quality.

    Last edited by marathonman; 02-12-2017, 03:17 PM.

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  • Cornboy 555
    Thats right ufo, this wire is a mongrel to hand wind and the blocks makes it easier to bend around the square edges, and lay flat across the most important laminations.

    It's good old Aussie hardwood, can withstand lots of heat , but of course we won't have any heat, so all good.

    Regards Cornboy.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    That wire sure looks good, i have to coat mine as all they had at the time was bare. i'm curious as what the wooden blocks are for mounted to your cores ?

    coming along nicely.



    I believe Cornboy is using those wooden blocks to be able to wind there as in a spool, as they retain wire nicely at each ends...use tape tightly between layers, then remove them...and have a molded and very compact winding...

    Take care


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  • marathonman
    Part G

    That wire sure looks good, i have to coat mine as all they had at the time was bare. i'm curious as what the wooden blocks are for mounted to your cores ?

    coming along nicely.


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  • Cornboy 555
    Hello All, just a few shots of my progress on G.

    Cheers Cornboy.

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  • marathonman

    Cadman, Cornboy;

    Doug even mentions adjusting the width of the opposing field in part G so the possibility of up to three bar contact is quite viable on a direct brush to wind contact but not on a commutator set up unless the commutator slot count was a lot higher for smooth transition. why it worked for me before with resistive wire that got hot as hell i have not a clue.
    Doug never said how many winds he had on his part G but by the size of the wire it must of been a lot more then we are experimenting with. the amount of wire involved in the variac test i told hanon to conduct showed that not a lot of wire was involved but it must be deceiving me because i know what i saw and 1/4 turn was all it took. weird
    Any clue people?


    I completely agree with post.

    Last edited by marathonman; 02-07-2017, 11:06 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    What's good for the Goose...

    Originally posted by Cadman View Post
    I think we're making progress here.

    The voltage changes on my setup are about 0.3 volt per tap, so it looks like the best setup is going to end up being a lot of turns on the resistance, and a lot of taps or commutator bars or a lot of turns with direct brush contact to keep the voltage changes small, with a good number of turns left at the ends of the winding. I believe the patents say "always in contact with more than one", they don't say "with two", so it's possible the brush could be spread over 3 or more bars too.

    Indeed my dear Cadman...indeed...

    When we are sweeping a high number of contacts directly to toroid winds it really don't matter if two, three or four contacts by brush.

    The point here is that not only the voltage would remain about the same...but, the current fluctuations, therefore, the Field transitions would be very, but very smooth up and down...not a fast and short stepping ladder signal anymore, which at higher speeds becomes almost a spike...

    Lot of work ahead though...



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  • Cornboy 555
    Originally posted by Cadman View Post
    I think we're making progress here.

    The voltage changes on my setup are about 0.3 volt per tap, so it looks like the best setup is going to end up being a lot of turns on the resistance, and a lot of taps or commutator bars or a lot of turns with direct brush contact to keep the voltage changes small, with a good number of turns left at the ends of the winding. I believe the patents say "always in contact with more than one", they don't say "with two", so it's possible the brush could be spread over 3 or more bars too.

    I think You may be on the right track, Cadman, maybe that is why Doug wound his device with 5x3mm wire on it's edge, to maximize the number of turns, and induction, on his toroid G.

    Time will tell, Regards Cornboy.

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  • Cadman
    I think we're making progress here.

    The voltage changes on my setup are about 0.3 volt per tap, so it looks like the best setup is going to end up being a lot of turns on the resistance, and a lot of taps or commutator bars or a lot of turns with direct brush contact to keep the voltage changes small, with a good number of turns left at the ends of the winding. I believe the patents say "always in contact with more than one", they don't say "with two", so it's possible the brush could be spread over 3 or more bars too.


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  • marathonman
    Part G

    It so states in the patent that Figuera used a cylinder and if there was thick wire wound on it then the connection to set N and set S at the ends would still have contact with the cylinder and some self inductance or currant reduction and not the full blown currant path otherwise the device will self destruct in front of your eyes.

    I really think your primaries are being kicked back into part G the wrong way causing the massive sparking either that or the primaries are so saturated that it is causing the sparking when currant is lowered.


    I agree, there has to be a currant window to operate in and NOT full blown currant. part G is used to control ALL currant through the device so it should be wound accordingly, that is why the primaries are wound not like current science says so to have little resistance and the fact that part G controls the currant allowing you to wind them this way.

    My two cents.

    Last edited by marathonman; 02-07-2017, 07:45 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Cadman View Post

    That is still the same wiring as Buforn. As you correctly point out, there is direct connection at the contact points of the red wires, therefore part G is completely bypassed at these points and cannot possibly control either volts or amps there. At other points of resistance G is varying the volts and amps.

    You stated that your coil changes from this point of direct connection to FULL resistance of part G. It should not. It should go from full contact to MINIMUM resistance from part G for that coil. The field coil that is not directly connected at this end point is already at full resistance and changes to slightly less resistance at this same time. There should never be a change from zero to full reistance on any field coil.

    That is what I was trying to point out, and what all the patent drawings show. I'll still get a drawing up. Maybe it will help.



    I know what you are referring to, but I am going a step further...

    Say you have a Resistor Bank of 3 ohms and seven resistors, where all are about same, total = @ 21 ohms.

    Then after Max Primary reach full contact... it literally jumps to 3, then 6, then 9 Ohms resistance gain......and so on...right?

    Maybe I expressed myself too "crude" by saying full resistive bank...but eventually at high speeds of 3600 RPM's...such small "stepping ladder" would not be even noticeable for Primaries and Field Responses...but it would "feel" a very drastic jump, from zero resistance to a resistive path.

    So, which way is better?...first having more contacts than just seven...and making the stepping smoother on both ends as a smooth decrease of resistance (see Gramme Ring Graph) having the Higher Resistors Values concentrated at Center of Path....Capisci?

    If we apply this to Part G...then the higher concentration (more compact) of winds (Turns) should be at center between terminal points, so there be higher inductance at center...while as it reaches the ends...there are lesser turns, lesser inductance to land in a full contact.

    It is just to "smooth out" the Current path at transition of the loop.

    Hope you understand better what am talking about.

    But besides this whole explanation above...when Primary Coil transfers this stage, it shuts back a reversed spike...


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 02-07-2017, 07:17 PM.

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