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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • Cornboy 555
    Hello All, just an update on my slow progress.

    Finally finished cutting and milling my Primaries and secondaries, gave them a cote of electrical insulating varnish, to help bind them. The primary cores weigh 3KG each, 12kg in total of laminated transformer steel. The secondaries a bit less.

    Wire finally arrived, it was very hard to come by in a small quantity, ended up with 22kg on a reel. Size is 7mm x 2.5mm flat.

    Must catch up on some work and then will strip G and wind again for maximum inductance to control the through current. Primaries will be of the same wire, for lowest possible DC resistance.

    See You soon, Regards Cornboy.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Eurton Flat Commutator

    Hello to All,

    About the Eurton Flat Commutator Part#16-48913

    I have run that Eurton Commutator in my rotary switch at 12-15 Amps and up to 20 Volts...and it has hold it fine...sparks were like the Blue flames from a Gas Stove......but it did hold it fine, no damage to the flat contacts...except some minor edge marks.

    Only make sure your contacts at each element to the wires (hooks) are solid attached and if you could use a heavy copper conduct which could also serve as a heat sink it would be even better for elements to dissipate heat faster.

    Also, your brushes must be tight.

    According to my experience with commutators of this size and configuration...they can hold very heavy amps when mounted on a Motor Shaft guys...

    Even though there is absolutely no need to run with such high amps...once you have your primaries sets connected (ALL) then all sparks and higher amps will not be required to run the exciter system.

    Regards and have great builds!!

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 02-03-2017, 04:49 PM.

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  • Cadman

    Re apologies. No worries. Let's forget about it.

    I have been running 6 amps through the vertical commutator without heat issues but it would be good to know the limit.


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  • marathonman


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  • pmazz850

    That's a good question. I had the same question and couldn't find the info. I guess we could email them and ask. Be good to know.


    Edit: I sent them an email to find out. I'll keep you posted.
    Last edited by pmazz850; 02-03-2017, 01:24 AM. Reason: update

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  • marathonman


    My humblest apologies, i posted with the flu, a 102 temperature and like a dumb ass i drank four or five beers to cool down.
    Please forgive my complete misinterpretation.
    I sill feel horrible and came home early today at noon. i have taken my part G apart to apply a few coats of resin and was in the process of putting it back together when i was hit with the flu.

    Again my apologies and short sightedness on my part.

    One question i do have is to the builders using the Eurton vertical commutator, how may amps is this rated for.?

    Last edited by marathonman; 02-02-2017, 10:53 PM.

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  • Cadman

    Originally posted by marathonman View Post

    I was just giving some advice but if you want to make it something else i would rather not go there. my lack of funds are the main culprit if you really need to know so lets keep it there thank you.

    Make what something else? What are you implying? You getting all defensive just because I asked about results from you?

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  • marathonman


    I was just giving some advice but if you want to make it something else i would rather not go there. my lack of funds are the main culprit if you really need to know so lets keep it there thank you.


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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Cadman View Post
    Hello Ufo, thanks for replying.

    My primaries are wound with 4 layers parallel. I was trying to determine what level and ratio of current fluctuation is best for this setup and then duplicate that with G. I guess I should have listened to Doug and performed a static test first.

    Digi-Key has some 10 ohm 50 watt adjustable power resistors in stock.

    Oh well, what's another week of waiting.

    My pleasure Cadman,

    Hey, have you tested these type of windings (Parallel Layers) but making them -outside- a series connect?

    Meaning joining the negative (end) of 1st layer to positive (start) of 2nd, and so on...

    I am gonna do it and then check the Field Strength plus deflection angle at high speed....if it works (meaning same thing as parallel connect) it would be a great resolve for the resistance need...and also "playable" with, whenever we get all six or seven sets wired up.

    By doing this...I know it may sound a simple deal...but remember we do not have here a full return coil layer like in a continuous winding in layers.

    On the could use two in parallel and reduce to 5 ohms at the ends only...this way the switching from 10 ohms to Full contact is not that radical...with the 5 ohms cushioning in between...comprende?

    Check on EBAY also...this resistors I have are 300 W and got them for like a dollar something each...EBG...Used but all are good.


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 01-31-2017, 08:21 PM.

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  • Cadman
    Hello Ufo, thanks for replying.

    My primaries are wound with 4 layers parallel. I was trying to determine what level and ratio of current fluctuation is best for this setup and then duplicate that with G. I guess I should have listened to Doug and performed a static test first.

    Digi-Key has some 10 ohm 50 watt adjustable power resistors in stock.

    Oh well, what's another week of waiting.

    Yeah, this was at the low end of the input curve. Lots of tweaking and changes to make yet.

    BTW, when are we going to see some test results from you?


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  • marathonman


    What it sounds like is the lack of self induction in part G to very the currant but using so low of voltage it seems you are not getting much induction from your primaries to your secondaries either.

    I would try at least 12 or 24 volts then go from there. as a test bed a computer power supply can handle quite a lot of currant at 12 volts so maybe you can use that as a test system.
    i have a 750 watt 12 volt power supply that comes in handy at times so it is just something to think about.

    I don't know of your power supply or even if you can dial up more voltage but it seams your voltage is a little low. raise the voltage then test again, if you are still not getting any currant variation then your winding count on part G needs to be increased as self induction is to low.


    Thanks, i am getting awesome fields from this type of winding and as you say NO heat..
    one thing people need to remember is what ever power requirements your secondary is set at your primaries split the each is responsible for half the induction required from the secondary output.

    I just love how those Classic trained nutz twist things and add what ever they want to redirect from the real cause of lack of understanding on their part. that is the end of my attempt to inform and will concentrate on this thread ONLY. what ever possessed me to want to try in the first place i have no idea.

    Last edited by marathonman; 01-31-2017, 05:43 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Cadman View Post
    Hello everyone,

    Progress. So far my results are not good, but my setup needs a lot more work. The commutator and toroid resistance are wired the same as Netica stated in post 146 except it's 48 turns of #12 solid wire. It's the toroid pictured in my first posts on this thread. The 16 pole commutator is running at 3600 RPM, and coils are in N-N orientation.

    A DMM shows 2.5 VDC average being supplied to excite the fields, and the output coil is showing 4.0 VAC. NO, I am not claiming OU. The AC amperage is almost nonexistent.

    The problem I am experiencing seems to be a lack of actual movement of the inducing field intersection. The paper clip test when held close at the middle between the inducers vibrates but does not move off center. Power is not being taken from the induced coil at this time, so that magnetic field is not interfering.

    Netica, Ufo, or anyone actually building, have you had similar experience with the field movement, or rather the lack of it?

    I need some advice please.


    Hello Cadman,

    I was just posting on the other Thread about this situation...yes I "was" getting the same thing.

    Like everyone knows I built a Power resistor bank of 300W each...and if anyone could make this, I highly recommend it.

    I use this resistor bank to check my Primaries Fields Fluctuations which I observe on a flat line B&W small TV-CRT (I also recommend this as a guide to see fields)...It is very accurate and fast responsive.

    I also repaired a bad resistor on my linear PSU Control board which supply Exciting System ...and now it dials supreme...very smooth.

    My best Testing so far was with MM Method to wind Primaries...Three Layers in Parallel, starting at front CW, and being your positive it will project a very, very strong North field.

    Honestly we are working here with many "open components"...meaning we are not sure how to put them we need kind of a solid and nicely working component to go by...and so I chose my Resistor Bank to do this job...This is my method...does not means you must do it...but it works for me so far.

    Otherwise guys , I see we will be winding and rewinding components here like there is no tomorrow...

    Part G is a "Dynamic Operative" Component...Resistors are a Static Operative Component, and so to check High or Low Fields on Part G, switch must be running, not so with resistors bank...and so I lower resistance on the bank, until I got the right Min-Max Field tested at Primaries.

    With Resistors I could switch statically (not running switch) from Max Field to Low Field and check deflections and strength at primaries, and so, at what power requirement from supply.

    On another thought...If we look at the exciting system as a whole, including the switch...we realize there is only one Current Value entering and leaving the system. Part G or Resistor Bank only divides (split) and fluctuates INTERNALLY (between inner components) the SAME Current we supply EXTERNALLY to the System.

    And so, analyzing the above...this exciting system works better with all primaries connected...

    MM method is awesome to wind the primaries, they do not get hot at the field is superbly strong and very fast responsive. And simply, once we get all primaries, we could either add or take off (disconnect) a layer if we need to go higher or lower.

    My two cents here...hope it helps.


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 01-31-2017, 04:51 PM.

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  • marathonman
    Part G

    Speaking of part G,

    Part G's actions basically are similar in operations as the primaries. when the brush rotates the fields in part G are opposite as are the primaries, as one is increasing the other is decreasing in intensity but because of the lenz law and the fact that currant is always flowing, the opposing field pressure is maintained between them. this zone between the two north facing field is a null zone that is used to inject the power into part G from the reducing primary being shoved out of the secondary and the power from the secondary to replace losses from heat, wire and core losses which are very low from the use of the cylinder or toroid.
    at the time of power insertion there will be a slight spike in voltage available to the high primary that will get transferred to the secondary. it is at this time that power is absorbed into part G to be stored in the form of a magnetic field for further use, ie... recycling of power. the small amount of power taken from the secondary is just to replace losses occurred in it's operation as nothing built by man is 100 %, well at least until this device was introduced.
    Last edited by marathonman; 02-02-2017, 09:48 PM.

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  • Cadman
    Hello everyone,

    Progress. So far my results are not good, but my setup needs a lot more work. The commutator and toroid resistance are wired the same as Netica stated in post 146 except it's 48 turns of #12 solid wire. It's the toroid pictured in my first posts on this thread. The 16 pole commutator is running at 3600 RPM, and coils are in N-N orientation.

    A DMM shows 2.5 VDC average being supplied to excite the fields, and the output coil is showing 4.0 VAC. NO, I am not claiming OU. The AC amperage is almost nonexistent.

    The problem I am experiencing seems to be a lack of actual movement of the inducing field intersection. The paper clip test when held close at the middle between the inducers vibrates but does not move off center. Power is not being taken from the induced coil at this time, so that magnetic field is not interfering.

    Netica, Ufo, or anyone actually building, have you had similar experience with the field movement, or rather the lack of it?

    I need some advice please.


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  • marathonman

    Then that very statement rules out resonance completely as i have originally stated.

    TO All;

    As you see i am not a hit and run character taking peoples money and running. i am in this for the long run and really care about the direction of the human race. this device can mean so much towards tipping the tides on corporate domination. there should have never been an electric grid as every person should be in charge of their own power supply to their homes, cars, growing your own food and what ever your need are.
    the advancement of this device will change the face of humanity if i have anything to do with it. i believe in this device right down to the last cell in my body and will be here when we prove to the world this device is real and works as per the patent. yes every donation will get me closer to the finished working device so even if it is a small donation it is highly appreciated.
    this device is real, the earlier version (1902) was bought by a banker for a lot of money so obviously it worked and worked well as Figuera powered his house lights and a 20 HP motor. he then moved on to a non moving device (1908) that had only the controller (Part G) that moved. this device was built by a real physicist, a physicist be for the BS of Einstein and the suppression of J.P.Morgan.

    this device works and I will be here to see it happen right to the end giving the world free energy the way GOD intended not controlled by MAN.
    It is an extreme privilege being here building with like minded people from around the world all with the same common goals, to give the world free energy in the process of seeking the TRUTH.
    in seeking the truth you will have to be open minded as this device is not built according to present day dogma taught BS so thinking out side the box will be a must.

    Last edited by marathonman; 01-31-2017, 03:11 AM.

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