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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • Cornboy 555
    Originally posted by pmazz850 View Post
    Thanks Cornboy.
    Yes, That is on my list next. I don't have a power supply, so I need to get one or I could use a battery for the test. Will do shortly.

    Hey pmazz, yeah all you need is a variable supply to run your motor and a 12v battery to feed the positive brush, i just used a 12v 7ah.

    It is ideal to be able to run the drive motor down to slow rpm's if possible, to see the distinct alternating of the bulbs, i understand that may be hard for you with your controller.

    Look forward to it.


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  • pmazz850
    Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
    Nice work pmazz850, very neat, would love to see a video of it working 2 12v light bulbs with scope shots.

    Thanks and Regards, Cornboy.
    Thanks Cornboy.
    Yes, That is on my list next. I don't have a power supply, so I need to get one or I could use a battery for the test. Will do shortly.


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  • Cornboy 555
    Originally posted by pmazz850 View Post
    Greetings to all builders here.
    I decided it's time to post my part G. It's driven by an rc brushless dc motor, controlled with a servo tester. Not the cheapest route, but I had this motor laying around for a while. Only bad thing about this motor is that it's not a sensored motor and really slow rpms can be unstable. But once you get to a certain point in rpm, it runs steady. A sensored motor would be ideal. My 6.5" toroid is wound with 6 gauge wire from a welder transformer.
    My next goal is to cut up an E core from a 3 phase transformer I have, three identical legs 1" x 2", 6" lenth. I would like to cut it with a bandsaw but I don't have one. I don't want to use an abrasive wheel, I want a nice clean cut. So trying to find someone to cut it. Then decide on wire size to order for primary and secondary.
    Anyway, just wanted to post up a pic for the builders here.

    Thanks for starting this thread for serious builders!


    Nice work pmazz850, very neat, would love to see a video of it working 2 12v light bulbs with scope shots.

    Thanks and Regards, Cornboy.

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  • pmazz850
    My Part G

    Greetings to all builders here.
    I decided it's time to post my part G. It's driven by an rc brushless dc motor, controlled with a servo tester. Not the cheapest route, but I had this motor laying around for a while. Only bad thing about this motor is that it's not a sensored motor and really slow rpms can be unstable. But once you get to a certain point in rpm, it runs steady. A sensored motor would be ideal. My 6.5" toroid is wound with 6 gauge wire from a welder transformer.
    My next goal is to cut up an E core from a 3 phase transformer I have, three identical legs 1" x 2", 6" lenth. I would like to cut it with a bandsaw but I don't have one. I don't want to use an abrasive wheel, I want a nice clean cut. So trying to find someone to cut it. Then decide on wire size to order for primary and secondary.
    Anyway, just wanted to post up a pic for the builders here.

    Thanks for starting this thread for serious builders!

    Attached Files

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  • marathonman

    OMG, i sure am glad you guys can listen and can at least understand what is happening in this device otherwise i think i would cram a screw driver in my brain.


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  • marathonman
    Primary/Secondary Relationship

    The primary secondary relationship is quite simple as i have said before. when you have two primary magnetic fields occupying the same relative space in space out side of the core of the primary the interaction between the primaries and secondary is only one way since the interaction is outside the core itself therefore the secondary will have no influence on the primaries whether it be currant draw, eddies or Hysteresis as each has a separate core.

    when you are dealing with magnetic fields whether it be magnets or electromagnets you will have two magnetic field occupying the same space and if they were just opposing as in both coming in at the same time they would essentially cancel each other out as two same intensity fields will produce nothing. but this is not what we have, what we have is one magnetic field increasing and one decreasing which will cause the decreasing induce direction to support the increasing induced direction.
    just because the increasing electromagnet is occupying the secondary core for a split second longer does not mean the E field just disappears from the declining electromagnet. this has been verified by myself and others supporting this and all research from William Hooper's table top experiment supports this statement also.

    the field in the secondary is a spatial mix of the two primary fields outside of the primary cores thus we have a one way influence from the primaries to the secondary but not the other way around. the only interaction to the primary is in fact the opposite primary in which they are dependent on each other to maintain the spatial pressure between them through the Lenz law. these two system are intertwined but are completely two separate systems.
    in the end what we have is two completely separate closed systems. the primaries, part G is one system, the secondary and the load are the second system that do have some interactions between them but are in fact two separate closed systems that recycle the energy in their system.

    Last edited by marathonman; 01-23-2017, 09:12 PM.

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  • marathonman


    Yes, it is the price you pay for going cheap as free does not mean easy it just means free. pre cut cores are nice but the price of anything in this world is really warped to no end. to many companies are trying to make a killing squeezing people to no end.

    besides it builds character at least i was told for so many years. also by building it from scratch allows one to be able to repair it on a moments notice and when crap hits the fan in this world you the builder will be able to scrounge up the parts to build another one. you the builder will be the town hero and possibly save mankind.

    Your cores are coming along real nice and i see you will be winding very soon.......YAHOO !

    I see others not on this thread are so worried about what we do that there is NO ADVANCEMENT WHAT SO EVER on their part. even trying to tell us how to do basic stuff that ANY DIP would know how to do.
    SIMPLY AMAZING. always worried what OTHER PEOPLE are doing instead of concentrating on their OWN WORK.

    even if by some remote chance there were some eddies, how much would you expect from a primary that is NEVER taken below half way all while retaining 80 to 90 % of it's magnetic field. i would guess NOT MUCH TO WORRY ABOUT.

    WE WILL DO AS WE PLEASE, just that simple.

    Keep up the good work guys, it won't be long now.

    I am recoating my core of part G then coating rectangle wire as not to cause shorts.

    PS. UFOP; wish i could of understood the video, he does good work and i see advice from this thread is spreading. the powers that be will be able to stop some of us from presenting this device but NOT ALL OF US AROUND THE WORLD.


    PS. Seams people are forgetting the reason for the long air path the flux will travel to get back to the end of the primary when high. the long air path has high reluctance, resistance to currant change which slows the currant change down to fluid movement. without this high reluctance path the primary magnetic field would react to fast causing the secondary to be choppy output. Figuera built the device with reluctance in mind and also it seams to be a slight delay in the movement in E fields but this i can not prove only speculate.
    also the reluctance seams to aide in the retention of magnetic fields from the primaries allowing currant to zip on by when not needed acting as if it was a straight wire when the magnetic fields are high or rather at operating conditions.

    That's just my two cents worth.

    Last edited by marathonman; 01-21-2017, 01:22 PM.

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  • Cornboy 555
    Hi Guys, finally got some time to chop up laminated tranny.

    Man what a mission, for anyone out there, like Me, who hasn't done this before, Just Don't, .

    If You do, make sure to clamp and stitch weld either side of your cuts, these thin sheets have a mind of their own.

    Totaled my old cut of saw, and still have 2 cuts left to do to finish, then clamping and machining the ends flat.

    Primaries are 120mm long and secondaries are 90mm long.

    Regards Cornboy.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    Eddies will be nonexistent in the primaries as the only time there will be eddies is at initial power up. other then that primaries do not have eddy current. that is why they are so efficient, no flux reversal.
    the secondary is another story.

    as for reluctance or self inductance, it will be small as his primaries don't have a large winding count.

    I do believe these two are negligible in his case and most of his problems were his brush application causing peak reversals.
    but i have been wrong before.

    Quote; "Like I wrote before...slight change in peak gain, not a spike, just a short peak gain, and so Secondary follows it to the exact form and shape, whatever primary does it will just be "mirrored" by Secondary."

    this peak you are referring to will be the Amplification factor of the two inputs Doug spoke of. they are after start up will be the primaries being shoved into Part G and the second secondary causing this said Amplification.
    and some how in the midst of all this the adjustment of the shunt zone between the two inductors allows this amplification to take place.
    possibly an easier path for injection.


    Exactly and agree to ALL...



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  • marathonman
    Eddies and Reactance

    Eddies will be nonexistent in the primaries as the only time there will be eddies is at initial power up. other then that primaries do not have eddy current. that is why they are so efficient, no flux reversal.
    the secondary is another story.

    as for reluctance or self inductance, it will be small as his primaries don't have a large winding count.

    I do believe these two are negligible in his case and most of his problems were his brush application causing peak reversals.
    but i have been wrong before.

    Quote; "Like I wrote before...slight change in peak gain, not a spike, just a short peak gain, and so Secondary follows it to the exact form and shape, whatever primary does it will just be "mirrored" by Secondary."

    this peak you are referring to will be the Amplification factor of the two inputs Doug spoke of. they are after start up will be the primaries being shoved into Part G and the second secondary causing this said Amplification.
    and some how in the midst of all this the adjustment of the shunt zone between the two inductors allows this amplification to take place.
    possibly an easier path for injection and dispersal into the magnetic field plus higher voltage to the primaries.

    Last edited by marathonman; 01-19-2017, 10:28 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Cadman View Post
    There you go. The primary signal will change.

    The Primary Signal would change as a response from just joining two bare wires at Part G...a slight change, almost not would increase -just a bit- in peak.

    So the Secondary is a response to Primary Field change...and do the exact same form and shape.

    Originally posted by Cadman View Post
    How does it change? Does the voltage and / or current change? Higher or lower amplitude? Phase?

    I hope you don't mind my asking but this scope I have is still a mystery to me.

    Like I wrote before...slight change in peak gain, not a spike, just a short peak gain, and so Secondary follows it to the exact form and shape, whatever primary does it will just be "mirrored" by Secondary.

    And so you could play "scrambling" the primary signal in many ways...use a resistor and jump two or three points at Part G...then see it being reproduced by secondary "Echo"...

    Bottom that the main principle of induction is so much simpler than the way we have complicated it so far, trying to understand it...the that once this is acknowledged properly...there would be no room on this Forum to present the so many different possibilities that Induction could be achieved...and much easier than the way has been done so far.

    Hope you understand what I am trying to explain here...


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 01-20-2017, 02:13 PM.

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  • Cadman
    There you go. The primary signal will change.

    How does it change? Does the voltage and / or current change? Higher or lower amplitude? Phase?

    I hope you don't mind my asking but this scope I have is still a mystery to me.


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  • Ufopolitics
    "Induced Field"...

    Originally posted by Cadman View Post

    That's another thing, when you are visualizing the Magnetic Field Fluctuations, are you including the field of the induced?

    My friend Cadman,

    If you know about my research and my belief about magnetic fields...then you may know what my answer would be...but I really don't mind to answer here again.

    There is no such thing as "Induced Field" my friend...the Induced Iron Core and coils only serves as a "Screen" where the Primaries Fields are projected.

    And so, yes, of course I do visualize that projection as is the same exact field as the one seen on primaries, except it displaces spatially through the iron core of the induced.

    When you are running the Figuera device, and scoping the output signal from a secondary as also just one Primary Signal...just do some "short circuit" of your toroid part G wires...just join two of them...then you would notice the Primary Signal would change and ISO FACTO, the Output signal will, very Loyally, Copycat that disturbance at identical timing and shape.

    Let me try to use an analogy so you understand better my concept:

    Say our primaries are a very compact but very strong digital projector...and we project that strong light beam on a Giant Screen...what do we get?...a very huge picture.

    Now, let's say we get Two Projectors instead of just one...of exactly same type...then we set them apart by 180º to screen at center...we align images to match perfect at screen point of intersection...what happens now?

    We get the same image but much stronger than just one projector did...well, the screen plays here the Secondary role.

    Electromagnetic Induction is just that...The collection of the exciter's Magnetic Fields Spatial Screening Projection over our Secondaries or Induced Cores-Coils...and just adding a fluctuation through Space-Time...or simply a "Magnetic Field Change" like stated in Faraday's First Law.

    Regards Friend

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 01-19-2017, 08:56 PM.

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  • Cadman

    That's another thing, when you are visualizing the Magnetic Field Fluctuations, are you including the field of the induced?


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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Cadman View Post
    Hi Ufo,

    Nice rotary switch, I'm envious.
    Thanks Cadman

    Originally posted by Cadman View Post
    I can see two things that are influencing this in your set up. Judging by your photos you are using a solid core and one continuous winding for the inducer. Eddy currents and reactance.

    If you intend to keep your inducing coil & core set up as they are, then the best operating frequency for it is already established.

    I am sorry to disagree with your above conclusion(s) I believe eddy currents are completely negligible to cause the field decay.
    As coil reactance...I am not really sure off how that could act against fluctuations deflection angles...

    I am basing my conclusions by visualizing the Magnetic Field Fluctuations, the Field deflections differences between low-high speed angles.

    If we increase the field strength, the decay would be much less at higher operating is simple...we increase the Max Angle when we increase field strength, then the decay travel would be much less.

    That's all I believe we need...but then again...testing will tell, nothing else.

    Regards friend

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 01-19-2017, 05:49 PM.

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