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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post


    Hi Marathonman, good on you for starting your own thread.

    I have been following the Figurea thread from the start and what you have revealed does make a lot of sense to me.

    I am a big fan of mechanical switching so i will be using a Flat face 16 bar commutator to switch 16 equal taps on the toroid.

    My main skills are mechanical and i will try to do Clemente justice with my build.

    Have been hunting and gathering parts for a few weeks now, and hope to start work on my build in a few weeks time, as i am in the middle of Garlic harvest right now.

    Will be watching to pick up pointers as you progress.

    Best Regards Cornboy.

    Hello Old Friend!!

    It is great to see You here!!

    Like always, beautiful color pictures of very high resolution...

    I see You are going for the mechanical rotary switching, the same way I am working on...You and I love high speed spinning parts!...

    In the meantime here is my Power Rotary Switch (you may have seen it before)


    The reason why I build like this is to use the smallest motor available, in order to spend just "pennies" in VA energy do the switching job.

    Have a happy and successful build!!


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-26-2016, 02:58 PM.
    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • #17

      I really don't think he will have a retraction problem with his vertical faced commutator. very good approach.

      In an inductor wound on a straight rod-shaped core, the magnetic field lines emerging from one end of the core must pass through the air to re-enter the core at the other end. This reduces the field, because much of the magnetic field path is in air rather than the higher permeability core material. A higher magnetic field and inductance can be achieved by forming the core in a closed magnetic circuit. The magnetic field lines form closed loops within the core without leaving the core material. The shape often used is a toroidal or doughnut-shaped iron core. Because of their symmetry, toroidal cores allow a minimum of the magnetic flux to escape outside the core (called leakage flux), so they radiate less electromagnetic interference than other shapes.

      and you have to wonder about all those bad mouthers hounding me about why i thought Figuera was using a toroid ie, iron cylinder insulated from wire.

      thing that make you go hummmm !

      Last edited by marathonman; 11-15-2016, 07:29 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by marathonman View Post
        I really don't think he will have a retraction problem with his vertical faced commutator. very good approach.MM
        Yes, agree there MM, I did not realized it was a vertical faced commutator!!

        Centrifugal forces will not act directly against springs like in side ways contact.

        Yes great approach.

        Thanks for rectifying that. And I deleted all my confusing recommendations...done


        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-26-2016, 02:59 PM.
        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • #19
          Part G

          Fairly self explanatory about proper va of part G's core.




          • #20
            Basic Operation

            i had stated in the past that the windings were ccw but wound part G cw. the correct winding in the pic CW to get the proper N><N fields. sorry why i did this i dont know.

            Last edited by marathonman; 10-30-2016, 08:37 PM.


            • #21
              Thanks for the welcome guys,

              MM, the toroid is 1500va and will chop up the old oven transformers for primary and secondary cores, and will pick all your brains as to wire size and lengths for winding.

              UFO, thanks, the flat face commutator will allow a very compact one piece build.

              Still haven't worked out how to send you guys Garlic from AU without someone interfering with it on the way.

              Regards Cornboy,


              • #22

                DROOL, DROOL, don't tease like that, love garlic. nice looking crop.
                pick all you want.



                • #23
                  Count me in.

                  I haven't been able to access my photobucket account since this thread was opened so couldn't furnish pics.

                  I'll take some more shots tonight and try

                  You have the exact same commutator that I have. Small world huh.



                  • #24
                    Many Thanks


                    Many thanks for presence, glad to see you aboard. UFOP has hi regards toward you as i do myself
                    postimage has a desktop app that allows you to post image without going to there website. just get account API key and all pics go to your account with automatic image address for that pic. just a thought.

                    so what is your thought on my take of part G, just curious.

                    you mechanical guys are ganging up on electronic me. ha, ha ha.


                    seen some of your work on youtube, nice work bro.

                    Word to every one;

                    PCBWAY has almost finished my timing board and it's only been less than 24 hrs. they never cease to amaze me on speed, quality and price.

                    UPDATE; PCBWAY has finished two layer 16 channel timing board in less than 24 hrs, WOW ! thats fast. awaiting packaging and shipping.
                    it says two to three days but they are way, way faster then most.

                    Last edited by marathonman; 10-27-2016, 05:34 PM.


                    • #25
                      Thanks to energetic forum I am finely on.
                      Glad to find this site! Thanks to UFO.
                      Starting on part G

                      I will figure out picture next!!
                      Last edited by Shadow119g; 10-27-2016, 05:43 PM. Reason: cant get picture!


                      • #26
                        Posting image


                        Good to have you aboard and finally on entergetic, took a while.

                        postimage has a desktop app that allows you to post image without going to their website. just get account API key and all pics go to your account with automatic image address for that pic. one you have image address copy, click yellow mountain insert image button in top bar, the paste pic address, post.



                        • #27
                          Very Welcome New Builders here!!

                          Hello to All,

                          Welcome to All new builders joining this beautiful Thread!!

                          @Cadman, you were expected anytime...but now an "official" !!

                          Btw, Photo bucket has been with issues for a while since they started that "Maintenance" in the middle of the week in working hours!!!...can get to Albums, takes for ever...etc,etc...I been thinking on going Add-less, since am pretty sure that is main issue...lower server capacity for selling so much Adds space becoming very annoying!!

                          @At Shadow119g and I am glad you found Energetic Forum through me...on You Tube maybe?

                          @MM, the problem here is that we all are like students of first year on Part G...while you already did this with mechanical means, we still have to go through this learning process...besides that, I must admit I do love electrodynamics...

                          But I love Electronics too, friend, and I will for sure get on that part in time, I love your circuit as PCB...You know I always wanted to build a sequential and programmable or adjustable timing board which could take higher is definitively required for this set up.

                          Hey Guys, I was reading great books...and basically Thompson Books...thanks to you Cadman!!

                          While back I read Thompson's work about Faraday...but that was it...

                          I highly recommend this Book below:


                          It will teach Us how to really wind those Primaries Coils, in order that they be MUCH MORE RESPONSIVE to High Changing Current how to "structure" (actually wind them in different fashion than we normally know...) in order to obtain much less magnetic AIR leakage...imagine that?

                          Methods of Windings (P 201)

                          Plus, there is a lot, but a lot of dedicated explanations related to resistance/gauge/ types of better methods and formulas, etc,etc


                          I believe these Books (all) are a real, real treasure...and FREE of charge!!

                          Enjoy it!!


                          Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-27-2016, 06:48 PM.
                          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by marathonman View Post

                            Many thanks for presence, glad to see you aboard. UFOP has hi regards toward you as i do myself
                            postimage has a desktop app that allows you to post image without going to there website. just get account API key and all pics go to your account with automatic image address for that pic. just a thought.

                            so what is your thought on my take of part G, just curious.



                            Thanks, I'm happy to contribute what I can.

                            I find your take on part G very intriguing and what you say makes a lot of sense to me. Using impedance to control the signal has to be the most efficient way to go.

                            The inductive discharge from the inducers should be absorbed by part G, at least in part, before it ever reaches the switching mechanism. Part G acting somewhat like a choke, reacting with counter emf, and increasing it's own magnetic field in the process.

                            Also check out pg 230. Time-constants of Electromagnets.


                            Hey shadow, glad you got through to join in!



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Cadman View Post
                              Also check out pg 230. Time-constants of Electromagnets.


                              Hello Cadman,

                              YES I did!!...very interesting!

                              As I was reading this mind was developing new visions and new kind of windings type...

                              For example...that Fig 93, bottom right image...fastest parallel dual Interacting coils...according to their "C" Cores facing each does have some use for Dual usage of poles at primaries Uh?...


                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                              • #30

                                Google messes up account again, can't get above links.

                                third party cookie block was checked. good.

                                my only problem i have is the links talk about currant time delay in Electromagnets. Figuera new this and ellieviated this problem out of his design by not taking his Electromagnets below half way and never zero. also very low ohmage and self inductance, this approach makes his Electromagnets very, very responsive to currant changes. just something to concider.

                                "The inductive discharge from the inducers should be absorbed by part G, at least in part, before it ever reaches the switching mechanism. Part G acting somewhat like a choke, reacting with counter emf, and increasing it's own magnetic field in the process."

                                Very well put .

                                it is quite comforting to know i am amoung intelligent, reasoning, mind using individuals.

                                Last edited by marathonman; 11-30-2016, 06:45 AM.

