Originally posted by Cornboy 555
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Thanks for making test video!..

Now related to Both signals I am seeing a clear difference between both.
Channel 1 (Yellow) looks great!!...Its short peak is almost flat...like is supposed to, since you have two comm elements connected together for both outputs terminal (So it is 2X Time on Top)...Plus it is above zero, always positive.
However, Channel 2 (Blue) is not right...it is almost a "saw tooth" signal (no flat top), plus it is almost all below zero (like 80% negative) And the rise is steeper than fall (not symmetrically up-down, but more inclined to left side, rise)
I see the timing alignment right though...related to one low while other high and so on, within same vertical line (time) alignment.
I noticed your Channel 2 is at 500 mV while Channel 1 is at 5.0 V...that is NOT good, both Channels need to be set at same, exact Voltage levels, plus same timing value for both.
Make sure both Probes are equally set in Attenuation Mode (1X, 5X, 10X etc..On Equipment Settings as also on Probe itself small switch), it seems like you have Ch1 at 1X and Ch 2 at 10X.
Also make sure Both Bulbs are exactly the same kind, same spec's.
Please redo that test video making sure Both Channels are equally set...Probes have same Attenuation Scale...and bulbs are identical.
Also, when accelerating...do it more slow...not increasing that fast please....when it is too fast...it is very hard to see any differences.
You are getting there!!

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