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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • marathonman
    Sick and tired

    I hear what you say shadow. i'm just sick and tired of peoples mouth, running around putting others down, talking trash behind their backs to say and the constant false accusations.

    really disgusting especially since that person knows absolutely NOTHING about the Figuera device but is so unintelligent to even understand a patent.

    the funny thing is through a program i have, i have found out where the prick lives down to the street address. maybe a person to person visit is in order in the future
    i would thoroughly enjoy the expression on his face as i showed my gratitude for all the aggravation.

    i had my roommate's grand kids over this weekend so i did not get to my coil winding. their father is in prison and their mother is a pothead/pillhead so i am the closes thing to a father they have so they always come first.
    i am known as their special uncle so i like to keep the status quo. at 53 i still climb trees with them, tag, foot ball ect, to kids love goes a long ways and they express the gratitude through straight A's on their report cards.

    Last edited by marathonman; 12-14-2016, 04:38 PM.

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  • Shadow119g
    It don't matter!

    Please continue on with your device.............If it hadn't been for you and Doug1 we wouldn't be this far.
    Thank you,

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  • marathonman
    I'm sick of this forum


    i almost laid this device to you fools on a silver platter and what the hell do i get in return. nothing but crap thrown back in my face. how pathetic can you be when you let a flamming ranting queen run you people that is completely unintelligent beyond belief. dumbest man i have ever met.

    i laugh in your face and spit on the very ground you walk on.

    i don't need you people at all, it's the other way around.

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  • marathonman
    Finished bobbins

    Bobbins are finally finished. i spray painted them black to match the previous bobbins. will start winding later and hopefully be finished by tonight.


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  • marathonman

    Put final resin coat on bobbins then spray paint black and will finish all winding tomorrow. that will give me two complete sets of cores.

    with no data on cores to go by i will wind one secondary and observe output then adjust for second secondary for loop back.

    the whole reason to use known materials is that calculations can be made down to the inch or even the pound of material for a certain output of primaries and secondaries thus the recommendation to use laminated silicon iron.

    There are a few simple scientific facts about the Figuera device.

    1. man doesn't need to rotate a hug mass to achieve high output. he only needs to move the massless, weightless field to achieve the same thing as a wasteful present day gen.

    2. using two independent opposing same field electromagnets to achieve the same field reversal as a standard gen.

    3. using two opposing same field electromagnets, one increasing, one decreasing in unison occupying the same relative space in space causing a duel or rather one very strong E field since both induced are in the same direction. this fact has been proven by Maxwell, verified by William Hooper and others.
    this is a fact, as when unison is broken induction falls to the peak of the rising electromagnet, flat out proving the above statement to be completely true.

    4. the secondaries will never put out more then the primary induction thus the loop back feature Figuera designed into his device allows the power to be reused or recycled throughout the system. without part G's core/ inductor features and the second secondary loop back this device will never be self sustaining no matter how hard you try.

    Pics will be posted tomorrow of finished cores.


    Last edited by marathonman; 12-09-2016, 06:13 PM.

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  • marathonman

    The cold weather sure is effecting my bobbin curing. i had to bring them in and put them in front of the fire place to cure.
    i should be completely done and wound by this weekend, lets hope.
    Wall Mart was out of grey bobbin cloth so i had to get a mixed color 12 pack. i now have psychedelic Christmas bobbins.

    emmmm.... toasty warm bobbins.. built by my hands not my mouth..

    Last edited by marathonman; 12-09-2016, 04:38 AM.

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  • marathonman


    Other than looking like an east German Weight lifter it is pretty cool. our friends of the family carved a bear out of a redwood tree with a chain saw..... very cool.
    i think your girl has a yeast infection......


    thanks, i do try my best at what ever i do. new bobbins almost done.

    as for the comment on cast, this is entirely true.

    comment deleted personal.

    any person that doesn't think the cores have to be together and insulated from each to stop eddy currants is quite nutz. if the primaries and secondaries are separated the flux leakage would be out of this world and would be cutting their own throats but some seam to be very good at that. a simple experiment at home would immediately squash this. while a couple of subtle details are true in the drawing, this fact is not one of them. the core drawn to show separation only as is the resistance in it's elementary form. POINT BLANK !
    it's quite easy to run the mouth without trying first the experiment. it seams to run ramped on this website. try the full core verses the separate then come talk to MM.
    what amazes me is the biggest ney sayers are the ones that never built crap and have NO RESEARCH TO BACK IT UP. nothing but mouth.
    imagine that.

    Last edited by marathonman; 12-09-2016, 04:35 AM.

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  • GlenWV
    iron rod

    Greetings all;

    McMaster Carr has iron rod:

    I went ahead and sprayed the toroid with motor insulating paint. Looked good until winding it damaged the fiberglass tape. Oh well, it protected the plastic wrapping on the toroid.

    Was cold here and the 6 gauge wire didn't wrap well. Next time, I'll warm the wire and wrap it around some 4 inch PVC to get a better spiral before winding onto the toroid.

    Will pick up a few more split bolt connectors tomorrow, and have a commutator and brushes coming from the place Cornboy posted. (Thanks CB!!)

    My machinist is also looking for a good source for iron rod. One will show.

    Good looking coils, MM. Reckon that winding machine is handy.


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  • Cornboy 555

    That's funny Guys.

    Yeah we do things a bit different down here, when i want to wind a coil, i simply go out to my copper Goddess, rub her belly 10 times, clockwise of course, and viola its done.

    NO, she is not available for Hire.

    Seriously, my partner is a visual artist, and the hand carved statue, from a camphor log, was a gift from a friend.

    All the Best Cornboy.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post

    I understand the making a living thing and even the organic farm thing. i definitely understand the Figuera thing but i have to ask you WTF is this in the pic???
    what are you doing on that farm?? ha, ha, ha, ha.

    i am just picking but i an curious.


    I noticed that too...

    It may be an Australian Female "Copper Fairy" statue...which Cornboy uses to invoke everything will come out alright with his copper windings and whole set up...:

    Sorry Cornboy if she is your girlfriend...


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 12-06-2016, 02:17 PM.

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  • marathonman


    I understand the making a living thing and even the organic farm thing. i definitely understand the Figuera thing but i have to ask you WTF is this in the pic???
    what are you doing on that farm?? ha, ha, ha, ha.

    i am just picking but i an curious.


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  • marathonman

    Good find and Merry Christmas.
    but as you see you have a lot of work on this one, many welds to grind (11) but at 9 x 7 you will have good core material to work with.

    sit down and think about what action will give you the most core material then do it.
    using both will get you what you want.

    Good find Cornboy

    To all;

    from what i have found through my research is that 3 inch in diam is the sweet spot whether it be square or round and will produce an adequate output not having to build 20 plus cores. and yes even though i have 2 inch cores these are just temp until i can find 3 inch diam replacement cores.

    primaries are coming along just fine.

    Last edited by marathonman; 12-06-2016, 12:35 PM.

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  • Cornboy 555
    Look what i found!!!.

    Had to go to town for some stuff, and called in at the tool shop, and asked if they had any welder warranties they were going to bin, it took a bit of finding.

    It's from a high end Mig, the only warranty claim they ever had, and couldn't bring themselves to throw it out.

    PRICE WAS RIGHT, $0000, merry Christmas they said.

    Hope i can do it justice cutting it up.

    SIZE 240 x200 90mm.

    Regards Cornboy,

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  • marathonman

    The E and I are staggered .. IE then EI every layer.
    my pics from my 30 buck pawn shop camera is resized from 100 % to 20 %.

    trafo i thought would be larger. see with three phase all three legs are the same..... but free is good.
    you can stagger two outer legs then one inner leg after cut to make a good wide core. your decision.
    if you had more even better.
    save variac switch could come in handy.

    Last edited by marathonman; 12-05-2016, 02:00 AM.

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  • Cornboy 555


    Hi Mm and all, some shots of mig tranny.

    Yes Mm, is bolted together, looks like standard E & I.

    How is the I attached, is it just varnished together?.

    Regards Cornboy.

    PS. Jeeze, the pics are still too big even after resizing them 50%.

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