I hear what you say shadow. i'm just sick and tired of peoples mouth, running around putting others down, talking trash behind their backs to say and the constant false accusations.
really disgusting especially since that person knows absolutely NOTHING about the Figuera device but is so unintelligent to even understand a patent.
the funny thing is through a program i have, i have found out where the prick lives down to the street address. maybe a person to person visit is in order in the future

i would thoroughly enjoy the expression on his face as i showed my gratitude for all the aggravation.
i had my roommate's grand kids over this weekend so i did not get to my coil winding. their father is in prison and their mother is a pothead/pillhead so i am the closes thing to a father they have so they always come first.
i am known as their special uncle so i like to keep the status quo. at 53 i still climb trees with them, tag, foot ball ect, to kids love goes a long ways and they express the gratitude through straight A's on their report cards.
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