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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • marathonman

    14 awg primary wire came in about 30 minutes ago. looks like i will have a good primary winding weekend. Woo who !


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  • Cornboy 555
    Thanks UFO, will see how it goes, it certainly is completely variable.

    I am using 3mm varnish coated copper wire with around 7 - 8 turns per node,which leaves a nice gap between wires, remembering that i have 8 nodes not 10. hope this pans out as it is a single continueos wind with nickle coated copper balustrade crimp terminals threaded on to the wire. I could alter it later if need be, just more work.

    Regards Cornboy.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
    Yep, understand UFO,

    also about to start winding my toroid and am wondering about the size of split gap in winding's, does the circumference degrees width of the opening have much bearing on the wave form at the primaries, and is there a best amount of degrees you have found so far?.

    Best Regards Cornboy.
    Cornboy, like I said on video...and as I wrote before...try to do your windings kind of loose so you could move them around toroid...

    It is not much about angle specifics but as you get turns closer to each others it will "compact" all parameters at play here...And so you will be compressing (reducing) the current path as well...therefore, your raise to peak + as your fall to peak - would be closer. Opposite when you expand turns.

    I am deducting some data from my experiment plus Netica's...the only ones so far presented here...

    Netica used around 1.67 mm2 of cross section (equivalent to 15 gauge awg) at 40 turns and gave the signal you saw he posted...which in my opinion is too narrow (skinny) as it falls on lows a bit too much...and Netica was only going like 30 Hz, which is around half from the going frequency either for 50 Hz Europe or 60 Hz USA...which means when he reaches 50 Hz (I believe Netica is in Europe)...signal would be even narrower.

    As mine shown at video is way too spread...even though it falls almost perfect 50% on the down fall...and I used 8 awg which is 8 mm2 cross section and only like 18 turns (after I split wind) definitively I need at least to double the count or use a bit thinner 10 awg.

    I am basing all these gauge info on this Chart

    Resuming from above...that Netica needs a bit less turns I need more turns order to approach a better signal.

    Other way to play with signal is to vary the Brush sweeping area at Comm...that is why I made mine adjustable and in an, the bigger the brush area the shorter and more "skinny" the wave (which is like compacting turns)...and viceversa...the shorter the area the flatter and wider the signal would be.

    Also for this stage of experimenting until finding the right spec's...I recommend to use easy fasteners at the wind Taps to remove and replace at other turns...without removing all windings which is really painful...

    This way you could play by positioning tapped points at different distances between them as well as the output terminals...

    Hope this helps you friend...


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-25-2016, 09:29 PM.

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  • marathonman
    Own Thing

    Trust me, i have been doing my own thing since i got here. that is why we are here and they are not. our devices will be working and their's will not.


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  • Cornboy 555
    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Yes I could...but I want to run tests being able to dial up or down the Voltages as Amperage Independently...You see I am using "non-conventional" methods to read the close (Max) and the far(Min) fields on my B&W CRT horizontal line...that way I get to know the exact VA power required to work with Exciters covering up all the Secondaries spatial area...

    I have used batteries...but they just literally "dump" all power at once my friend...basically working with so low resistance like on here.

    But thanks anyways for your suggestion.


    Yep, understand UFO,

    also about to start winding my toroid and am wondering about the size of split gap in winding's, does the circumference degrees width of the opening have much bearing on the wave form at the primaries, and is there a best amount of degrees you have found so far?.

    @Mm, just try to ignore them and do your thing.

    Best Regards Cornboy.

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  • marathonman
    Currant Dump

    It seams to me that if you start commutator rotation before applying power that you might be able to work with the batteries. but then again it will take a moment of time for part G to build up it's field to working conditions.

    some things just need to be tried.

    Parts come in Monday like electronics, 14 awg wire, ect. will be very busy next week.


    "Cold handling of Currents Fluctuations within always Positive Values...awesome Method!!!

    Nothing else but a Beautiful Conceived Design Friend!!"

    a testimate to Figuera's pure genious. the complete opposite end of einstein's BS.

    a sort of "IN YOUR FACE" design, don't you think.

    i hear the slumber party is at it again, totally hilarious.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-26-2016, 01:37 AM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
    Hi Mm, UFO, an all,

    UFO, your question on the other thread about your PSU, can,t you simply use some batteries in series until you get your secondaries sorted to run the device?.

    Regards Cornboy.
    Yes I could...but I want to run tests being able to dial up or down the Voltages as Amperage Independently...You see I am using "non-conventional" methods to read the close (Max) and the far(Min) fields on my B&W CRT horizontal line...that way I get to know the exact VA power required to work with Exciters covering up all the Secondaries spatial area...

    I have used batteries...but they just literally "dump" all power at once my friend...basically working with so low resistance like on here.

    But thanks anyways for your suggestion.


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-25-2016, 08:04 PM.

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  • Cornboy 555
    Hi Mm, UFO, an all,

    UFO, your question on the other thread about your PSU, can,t you simply use some batteries in series until you get your secondaries sorted to run the device?.

    Regards Cornboy.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    It is quite amazing at the possibilities of part G. also the primaries not getting hot is another unbelievable aspect. with all this information we have gathered it is easy to see now that we have been lied to for over a hundred years.

    Yes MM...

    Your Part G Regulates Currents based on pure Inductance/Reluctance and so Delivers to Primaries this same exact "Method" by constantly Sucking and Pressurizing this Magnetic Parameters to Primaries Cores...and even though Reluctance is compared to Resistance in Ohm's Law...there is a huge difference:

    Which means that Part G...Stores Energy (and so Reluctance and Inductance as forms of +/- Energy) within its Toroidal Core...which -because of its Closed Core Geometry- have almost zero magnetic Losses...

    The way I see this Energy that ONLY at the Conductors Connecting Part G with where Ohm's Law is predominant over Hopkinson's...However, as soon as it enters the Primaries Cores, it comes back again to manipulating Currents the same exact way as Part G Inductance/Reluctance.

    Cold handling of Currents Fluctuations within always Positive Values...awesome Method!!!

    Nothing else but a Beautiful Conceived Design Friend!!


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-25-2016, 05:40 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    The way I see Part G Controlling Parameters...

    Hello to All,

    I have been trying to put all Functions of Part G together...along with Primaries.

    And, like I wrote before...being studying pretty deep all Magnetic Circuits Calculations related to Hopkinson's Law and Ohm's Law...

    Some diagrams below I believe will assist Us in understanding how to build our Wave Signal even better:

    Below Diagram shows Primary N at Max Output:


    And so I have set a few Parameters to have in mind...:

    Total Amp-Turns, which is equivalent to Total MMF disbursed at Max on both ends. This Number of Turns on our Toroid will dictate the Raise and Fall distances in our Scopes it will Increase the Primaries Magnetic Field Strength, therefore their Spatial expansions and Contractions.

    Notice on this IMG I have set the Positive Brush Arrow delivering Max at N Primary.

    Please note Brush Rotation Direction on Top of Toroid

    I have reflected on IMG Left side all Parameters following their respective Directions...

    Electric Circuit: is showing Current and EMF direction following Red Circular Arrow Increasing Values within Toroid Core.

    Magnetic Circuit: MMF is also following Red Arrow direction Increase as is Flux Density.

    Based on either Hopkinson's or Ohm's Law we all know that MMF/EMF and Current/Flux are Directly Proportional...meaning as one the other one.

    But not so with Resistance/Reluctance...which are Inversely Proportional according to the Law's Equations...

    So we have the Opposite Increase reflected by Black Arrow within Toroid, moving away from Red Arrow (Opposite Directions)

    Which concludes that as MMF/EMF/Flux/Current are moving with red arrow direction, the Resistance/Reluctance Increases Opposite based on Black Arrow Direction.

    The Result is that we get Higher Potentials Values (MMF/EMF/Flux/Current) delivered at Terminal going to Primary N.

    As We get the Highest Resistance/Reluctance at Terminal going to Primary S. Which means Minimal the other Parameters Increasing at N.

    Now the Opposite Image is shown below:


    Brush is delivering Max at S Primary...which means that ALL Output Parameters on previous Image REVERSE.

    Note Red-Black Arrows within Toroid are now opposed than IMG 1...

    While Brush Rotation is the same...

    All Equations from both Laws are in agreement with my writings above...

    Reluctance = L/uA

    Where L is the Total Length of the Magnetic Circuit (Our Toroid Windings) and uA is the Magnetic Permeability (Conductivity) of Iron Core Sectional Area...which tells Us all that by Increasing L which round up to be also Number of Turns...will increase our Reluctance...but CAREFUL here!!...since they are Inversely Proportional to MMF/Flux...too much Resistance will lower our MMF/Flux Rendered Potentials.

    And here is where I see the reason why to work with heavier gauge wire...which means that we could increase L (Length=A-T) without increasing Ohmic allowing better path for higher currents flow.

    Therefore, We keep a Balance of both Opposed Magnetic Parameters here (MMF/Reluctance) which we need to create Higher Raise as lower falls at Signals Peaks.

    Anyways, this is my take on this...My two pennies worth...

    Regards to All

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-25-2016, 05:42 PM.

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  • marathonman
    Part G

    It is quite amazing at the possibilities of part G. also the primaries not getting hot is another unbelievable aspect. with all this information we have gathered it is easy to see now that we have been lied to for over a hundred years.

    as for Doug, well, i can't complain because we are here at this point now because of his sharing with me. why he chooses to be the way he is i'll never know. all i know is the info i received from him allowed me to direct you brilliant builders to build this device for a brighter future.

    sure i took a whole lot of crap, belittling and constant attacks on my character and research but in the long run i will win because the very people that attacked me will be lighting their houses with the very device they were so violently opposed to.
    God said to me, "Do not quit Donald" so i stood tall and i will reap his rewards.

    as for the thanking, well, i can't lie, it is nice to be told "thank you" but in the long run i am just Gods messenger.

    Thank you my Friend, UFOP, you are a good person..:

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-25-2016, 02:40 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Unfortunately it is this way...

    Originally posted by marathonman View Post

    have a wonderful Thanks Giving.
    I hope everyone did...I roasted a nice Turkey yesterday while I was processing videos...and came out perfectly well done...not using Resistors by the way...

    Originally posted by marathonman View Post

    "I see it as a kind of "protection" for all of Us working on this beautiful project."

    I find that very disturbing that we have to resort to this type of behavior in an attempt to bring the world free energy.

    Unfortunately it is the only method to be getting out "clean"...untouchable...

    The good thing is that You are still matter what...and did not hide away like your Mentor Doug did...just because He knew what he had on hand...once he built it and powered his house...some people get the "terrorized syndrome" right at the climax when their discoveries reach pure success...others develop the "greedy syndrome" ...and run to the USPTO...their "final destination"...

    The final result is exactly the same...we never hear from them, no matter what syndrome they've acquired.

    And so...I been thinking that Doug may have even given you the wrong info on some point..."to joint the end windings looping the system in a "perfect short circuit" ...In order that you do not see success ..maybe he even thought he was making you a big time favor, scared like heck, like he was...saving your life too...but then again, who knows?

    The main point here is that we will keep moving forward like waters in a fast river...and make this System even more powerful.

    Part G...the way I have tested with very low ohms (1.0) Primaries...makes some very beautiful and very Strong Vibrations ...but the amazing thing here is...that coils do not even get warm...

    Part G can drive absolutely any kind of Huge Electromagnets in a very cool, never seen before environment.

    It is awesome...and I perceive all this since the very beginnings of your disclosure on other Thread.

    We will win at the end friend!...The Farting Machines lifetime is over...finished!

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-25-2016, 01:28 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Public Video...

    Hello to All,

    Well below is the same video basic content as wiring explanations plus testing...except I added some Background Music, the Basic Diagram shown here...and a brief explanatory text about Part G functions for all my some credits at the end to All great builders participating here...and so maybe, just like Shadow119g joint Us from YT...we will hopefully have many more builders here soon...

    There are a LOT of very smart and capable people out there around the World !!



    @MM...please, watch the end credits at time I have promised before that I would help you on my Chanel...and so...I hope my subscribers be generous and help you out to finish populating your board...

    Regards to All

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-25-2016, 12:46 PM.

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  • marathonman

    What i find the most hilarious is every person that is personally attacking me here and on other sites does not only have no clue of the Figuera device nor ANY research remotely close to getting a working devise related to the real Figuera part G or a resistor set up. yet they continue their barrage of belittling attacks in a useless attempt to discredit me. then get bent out of shape when i lash out at them screaming like a bunch of 10 year old pantie wearing girls at a pajama party.

    we are suppose to be adults pursuing free energy in the hopes to get away from global control yet you fools attack the very hand that is trying to pull you out of the ditch.
    EVERY THING i have been harping about standing tall in my conviction has come to pass as true. so what one little detail needed tweeking in the process, I STILL GOT US HERE DIDN'T I. so i would suggest you people get off your stupid trail of hatred that will lead you to a dead end street and listen and study the research provided and just maybe you will end up with a working device. or you could remain on your present course and watch people powering their house and thinking maybe you should of listened.

    whether i make mistakes or not, I STILL GOT US HERE. now can you BOLDLY say that....... i think not.

    have a wonderful Thanks Giving.


    "I see it as a kind of "protection" for all of Us working on this beautiful project."

    I find that very disturbing that we have to resort to this type of behavior in an attempt to bring the world free energy.

    Last edited by marathonman; 12-27-2016, 06:44 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    First Test of Part G...Based on Netica wiring connections.

    Hello to All,

    Below is the Video explanation about connecting Toroid Part G to my Commutator, plus a very fast test I conducted in order to show all of you that it works just fine.

    I must have said on video that my Scope Probes were set at 10X Attenuation Mode...reason why all voltages shown (VMax-VMin) are reduced 10 times.



    Please fast forward ALL Titles since I roughly edited this video properly...and they take way too long!!

    My conclusions is that I would need to add more Amp-Turns order to make signal higher on High as a bit lower on low. However, I still would have to make Primaries plus take it for a ride as it is now...and see how it behaves.

    As You all would've noticed...I am not good at all about expressing myself on my videos (reason why I rather use text...or music on background...), please be patient and forgive my terrible English.

    Anyways, I am very happy with this results -even small- but proved concept of Part G with the two light bulbs...

    Oh!...and by the way...I felt like making this video public -which is now unlisted- open to all my detailed explanations and Diagram, so they are not lost in space other info and things...I wanted to also state there...

    I see it as a kind of "protection" for all of Us working on this beautiful project.

    Regards to All

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-24-2016, 04:17 PM.

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