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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • marathonman

    "@Cornboy...start roasting garlic friend...get the Bottle of wine cool..."

    I already had the glasses in the freezer chilling and pit is clean and ready.

    i will still pursue my style of winding just for my own sake. congrats netica on your part G. i guess pulling my cores out of the closet and cutting then rewinding them is not allowed by some people. exposing silly things like that is psychotic disorder in an attempt to discredit me i think. i really don't care what so ever.

    I would like to thank all of you guys for joining me on this thread to reach a common goal. i feel rather fortunate to pass on what i have learned to a group of intelligent like minded builders that have ability and open mindedness to make it happen.

    i could of said i could of made this happen by myself with what i know but in order for the human race to evolve we need to settle our differences, drop the greed and work together towards the advancement of the human race. this i have accomplished and then some.....we, the builders of this thread will change the world as we know it and i for one am glade i was a part of it.

    Happy Thanks Giving fellow Builders, may God himself shed light on your face.


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  • Cornboy 555
    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    My pleasure Cornboy,

    Yes with pic you have a better view of the real thing...

    Am working on 15 minutes long...and there would be in even better...there would be absolutely no excuse for not building this beautiful thing now...


    Agree UFO, no excuse whatsoever.

    Thanks Cornboy.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
    Thanks for this UFO, maybe i can pickle some garlic, and send it through the post .

    So i take it that the ends of the toroid winding are close together, same as the other turns, when they exit?.

    Thanks Cornboy.

    Oh Sorry your photo came through while i was posting.
    My pleasure Cornboy,

    Yes with pic you have a better view of the real thing...

    Am working on 15 minutes long...and there would be in even better...there would be absolutely no excuse for not building this beautiful thing now...



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  • admin

    Originally posted by hanon1492
    In the 21st of november of 2016 Marathonman posted this:

    In the 24th of March of 2016 Marathonman posted this:

    Re-Inventing The Wheel-Part1-Clemente_Figuera-THE INFINITE ENERGY MACHINE

    Two posts. Eight months between them. Judge for yourselves.

    Facts are facts.

    I wont come here again except if MM keep on insulting me in the different forums where he promote his views.

    You have been asked by Marathonman who started this thread to not post here anymore. Please respect that. We will not delete any of these posts but we ask you to respectfully bow out of this thread. If you want to start your own on this topic and post anything there, feel free to do so. This will be our one and only request.

    Thank you,

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  • Cornboy 555
    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Hello to All,

    @Cornboy...start roasting garlic friend...get the Bottle of wine cool...


    Above is the CAD Diagram of connections...I based it on my set up, which is 20 elements I will get a total of 10 double connections from comm to Toroid Part G .

    Note I have set a green reference line between both output terminals N-S...and in my set it is a horizontal line.

    So each output terminal comprehends Two (2) comm elements which I bridged them above with red brackets " ] " connectors.

    So we have two output terminals plus eight connectors which you will set them spaced apart at toroid winding.

    I am still working on video formatting etc,etc

    Regards to All...and get ready for the flight!!

    EDIT: I just replaced IMG cause it had a wrong wire at S Terminal...since I zoomed is fine...

    @ Cornboy and others using 16 elements comm...same thing...only difference is you will get a total of 8 wires out, two of them are double connected (bridged out) elements output you must have six (6) to spread around toroid windings.

    Thanks for this UFO, maybe i can pickle some garlic, and send it through the post .

    So i take it that the ends of the toroid winding are close together, same as the other turns, when they exit?.

    Thanks Cornboy.

    Oh Sorry your photo came through while i was posting.
    Last edited by Cornboy 555; 11-23-2016, 09:11 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Cad diagram

    Hello to All,

    @Cornboy...start roasting garlic friend...get the Bottle of wine cool...


    Above is the CAD Diagram of connections...I based it on my set up, which is 20 elements I will get a total of 10 double connections from comm to Toroid Part G .

    Note I have set a green reference line between both output terminals N-S...and in my set it is a horizontal line.

    So each output terminal comprehends Two (2) comm elements which I bridged them above with red brackets " ] " connectors.

    So we have two output terminals plus eight connectors which you will set them spaced apart at toroid winding.

    I am still working on video formatting etc,etc

    Below is a frontal picture of my set up wired up:


    Regards to All...and get ready for the flight!!

    EDIT: I just replaced IMG cause it had a wrong wire at S Terminal...since I zoomed is fine...

    @ Cornboy and others using 16 elements comm...same thing...only difference is you will get a total of 8 wires out, two of them are double connected (bridged out) elements output you must have six (6) to spread around toroid windings.

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-23-2016, 09:07 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by iflewmyown View Post
    Thank you UFO for all your hard work and your obvious passion, and for sharing. I worked on this long and hard without success and it looks like you have it now.

    Thanks Garry, appreciate your kind words friend

    But I must say it is not "just me" is a heck of a Team's Work...each one contributing to pieces...which eventually come together in harmony...

    Without Marathonman...I would have never, ever thought of controlling currents at "cold fusion"...super low temperatures for every component there...(I already tested some primaries at very low ohms...and believe it or 10 amps...temp is cold on all of the Exciter Circuit Coils...

    Without Netica, who gave the "Shot of Grace" with his deep observation of Patent Right Circuit...then render here his way to wire up this set up...

    I would have never get here by now...

    Thanks again and kind regards


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  • iflewmyown
    Thank you UFO for all your hard work and your obvious passion, and for sharing. I worked on this long and hard without success and it looks like you have it now.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Pure Enlightenment...!!

    Hello to All,

    Today... is a very beautiful day!!

    For Us, for Free Energy...and the works.

    First thanks so much Marathonman!!...Your Part G...even though the small connections works beautifully controlling currents through pure Inductance!!

    @Netica...THANKS SO MUCH for bringing the needed Enlightenment to this Building Thread!!...You are a very smart guy and period!!

    I wanted to make some tests before I posted Diagrams and Video about connections...and guess what?

    It just works beautiful, very, incredibly beautiful.

    I ran a test with the same automotive incandescent 12 V bulbs...did not do that much changes on Toroid, except split the joint end lines and make them be the two output terminals...then just a matter of joining each vertically mating commutator elements at the end cables...remove 10 of the split connectors and space the eight left at toroid windings pretty even...

    Toroid winding still is one continuous winding through whole, NO CW and CCW wind.

    Still using same 20 turns of 8 awg wire on Toroid...which gives me approx 0.5 ohms resistance at each end and now open terminals..

    System runs heat at all...not even warm...absolutely not just one single spark...I mean, can NOT be any better!!...but then again I just went 12 V and 1.0 amp with bulbs

    Scope signal could not be any neater...and perfectly up down at unison for both terminals...both very positive at all times.

    And I wanted to say something very important for Builders here...

    Make your Toroid winds not too order that you could move them around core...that way you will be actually "painting", designing the way you want that sine wave signal...this has to do with varying MMF within core (Hopkinson's Law).

    There are many ways to change design as well related to commutator size, brush width etc...just because you must realize that you would be using commutator Double joint Elements at your end terminals...which is great, because it gives us a bit of longer time at Max-Low of Magnetic Fields.

    I will be uploading very soon a video...which explains better than a Graphic would ...but don't worry, I will do the CAD as well...

    Very happy day today!!

    And so tomorrow is gonna be a real Thanksgiving Day!!

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-23-2016, 02:36 PM.

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  • Cornboy 555
    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Yeah, sure Cornboy....I will take care of nice graphs...just want some roasted garlic plus Australian Cabernet...

    Will do tomorrow...understood Netica perfectly well!

    Thanks UFO, i am sure everyone will be grateful.

    I will sort out something for you my friend.

    Warmest regards, Cornboy.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
    Thanks Netica, i am about to start G construction, i will take on board what you have said and try to digest, and understand it, with me a diagram is worth a million words.

    Maybe if we ask nicely UFO could bless us with one of his colorful drawings.

    Best Regards, Cornboy.
    Yeah, sure Cornboy....I will take care of nice graphs...just want some roasted garlic plus Australian Cabernet...

    Will do tomorrow...understood Netica perfectly well!


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  • Cornboy 555
    Originally posted by Netica View Post
    Hi UFO, marathonman, and all,

    I was waiting for someone else to be at this stage before explaining.
    When I first wound my toroid I did it in a different way than marathonman has specified.
    I did this because looking at the patent there seemed only one way it should be done.
    You will notice that the patents all show the commutator connections being connected together first and then going to the resistance coils. So if you have say 16 commutator segments there will only be 8 connections to the resistance coil which means that the current is going forwards then backwards throughout the wires, each wire connection is being used twice by two opposing commutator sections.

    Remember when I first confirmed that the g core works I also said "although my windings are a little bit different in design"

    I have also tested your method marathonman but so far found that it does not work.

    Now to make it work this is what you do -

    Firstly the commutator connections has to be made up as explained so you only have half the leads to the g core.
    I had wires connected to each segment then connected the wires of each opposing pair of commutators segments together.

    You may of already wound a continious coil around the toroid with the load connections at opposing sides.
    Disconnect these two load connections.
    Make a splite in the continious winding wherever you like, you will now have a beginning and end to the torroid winding.
    Connect the load connections to each side of the this split.

    Connect the wires from you commutator around the G core at intervals.
    It will now work.

    So is what happens through one revelution of the commutator is that current goes to one side of the g core then moves all the way around then back again in reverse. So its a forward then backward motion continiously.

    I have around 40 winds in the torroid that I showed the wave form of, and using normal multi strand pvc coated wire with cross sectional area around 1.7mm.
    My first wind I used very thick wire with 20 turns but didn't work very well.
    And I am still trying different things.


    Thanks Netica, i am about to start G construction, i will take on board what you have said and try to digest, and understand it, with me a diagram is worth a million words.

    Maybe if we ask nicely UFO could bless us with one of his colorful drawings.

    Best Regards, Cornboy.

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  • Netica
    G-Core Winding

    Hi UFO, marathonman, and all,

    I was waiting for someone else to be at this stage before explaining.
    When I first wound my toroid I did it in a different way than marathonman has specified.
    I did this because looking at the patent there seemed only one way it should be done.
    You will notice that the patents all show the commutator connections being connected together first and then going to the resistance coils. So if you have say 16 commutator segments there will only be 8 connections to the resistance coil which means that the current is going forwards then backwards throughout the wires, each wire connection is being used twice by two opposing commutator sections.

    Remember when I first confirmed that the g core works I also said "although my windings are a little bit different in design"

    I have also tested your method marathonman but so far found that it does not work.

    Now to make it work this is what you do -

    Firstly the commutator connections has to be made up as explained so you only have half the leads to the g core.
    I had wires connected to each segment then connected the wires of each opposing pair of commutators segments together.

    You may of already wound a continious coil around the toroid with the load connections at opposing sides.
    Disconnect these two load connections.
    Make a splite in the continious winding wherever you like, you will now have a beginning and end to the torroid winding.
    Connect the load connections to each side of the this split.

    Connect the wires from you commutator around the G core at intervals.
    It will now work.

    So is what happens through one revelution of the commutator is that current goes to one side of the g core then moves all the way around then back again in reverse. So its a forward then backward motion continiously.

    I have around 40 winds in the torroid that I showed the wave form of, and using normal multi strand pvc coated wire with cross sectional area around 1.7mm.
    My first wind I used very thick wire with 20 turns but didn't work very well.
    And I am still trying different things.


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  • Ufopolitics
    Post 1 Ohms to Hopkins conversion...

    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    This will get you thinking about both feeds acting in opposing mode and their relationship.



    Yes that is correct, however, if we look at Part G relation with Primaries as a whole-connected circuit to Power Source, The Total Current of that Circuit measured at Negative and Positive Source nodes (points) is exactly the same.

    So, for a Constant Input of 4 Amps through Taps-Rotary Positive Brush:

    (Stage A) In Part G We have a Max of 4 Amps delivered to Primary N (for instance Brush is right at N Terminal)...and a Low of 2.0 Amps (50% ratio as recommended) at Primary S terminal, and the way I understand this, is that the Equalizing or current difference (which is 2.0 A) is just coming in from Primary S into Part G, as S is retracting...correct?

    So, the Fluctuations of Currents take place only within Exciter Components (Part G and N+S Primaries), but, Total Current at Source Points is the same...or 4 Amps.

    Now, in order to conduct a proper calculation I have been looking at this Constant Conversion between Part G and Primaries...and came to the conclusion that it resumes to a constant exchange between Ohm's and Hopkinson's Laws...(Hopkinson's Law is just Ohm's applied to Magnetic Circuits)...identically.

    Where below I have set: Ohm's = Hopkinson's

    EMF (V) = MMF (F) (given in Amp-Turns (AT))

    Current (I)= Flux (W) given in Weber

    Resistance (R)=Reluctance (R) (given in AT/W)

    To be continued...

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
    All ok this end UFO.
    OhThanks Cornboy

    Oh well, I will post it tomorrow...

    Later guys

    Ufopolitics (cell post)

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