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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • marathonman

    As some of you know i have been hit with not only some extreme financial difficulties but also a spree of robberies have left me with unbelievable burdens. in lite of this and my complete devotion and very valuable contribution to this thread and the Figuera device as a whole. i have started a fund me campaign to ease the burden and to come up with a complete package of the Figuera device that can easily replicated through out the entire world.

    the contributions will mostly go towards building the Figuera device and some things that i need on daily basis like my phone, battery, spare tire, jumper cables ( i jump every one that needs help) all taken. even my tool box all stolen in the last two weeks.

    i an extremely dedicated to the building and spreading the word of Figuera and any contribution will be HIGHLY APPRECIATED and i will thank you in advance.
    Even 1 dollar would be great.


    the link is


    Last edited by marathonman; 11-03-2016, 02:22 AM.

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  • marathonman
    Read the post.

    If you would have read the posts the answers to your questions have already been posted. huge wire is not needed unless your building to replace Hoover Dam Power Plant.

    No, my PCB manufacturer will not hand over my design to anyone that ask. it is as stated, my design so you would have to go through me or design your own. if and only if i populate the board and every thing checks out fine i will make available the board for sale of $10.00 plus shipping. which will be small and yes BOM is included.

    in the future read PAGE ONE of this thread. this is not open to every one that wants to post because of on going problems from other members and i refuse to deal with them. so please in the future read the rules of this thread and respect the owner and it's occupants.

    the first few post have a lot of info as does my photo album. read and study all information available then when you have a generaly clear idea of the Figuera device then get a hold of me then we will go from there once an agreement of said rules is known and followed.

    no offence just protecting the interest, integrity and atmosphere of this thread.

    Welcom to Entergetic Forum and the World of Figuera.

    Ps to everyone, received timing boards yesrerday, oh sweet meat baby.


    Last edited by marathonman; 11-01-2016, 06:55 PM.

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  • marathonman
    Part G



    "Also, since Toroid core is already insulated by epoxy...and winding's turns are not to be that close to each others (turns not touching each others)...then copper don't need to be insulated?"

    Yes, i would agree since you are tapping the toroid from the top and not actual bush contact the winding's don't have to be that close together but the insulated wire would be a personal preferrence. if using direct brush contact the wire ie. commutator bars will have to be wider as not a whole lot of winding's are involved. you can cover it after it is balanced and functioning properly with spray or brush on varnish or coating to protect from electric shock leaving brush contact clear.

    on a personal note, my cable will be here either Friday or Saturday so i will post some pics after that.


    ps. when this device is assembled massive pressures will be present between the primaries and since they are separate core extreme caution will be needed to secure this thing properly. with a 15 kilowatt system 222 lbs of actual pressure 296 for 20 k, will be acting between the primaries and if care is not taken people or possible family members could be hurt. please plan smartly and with caution.


    Last edited by marathonman; 11-01-2016, 03:11 PM.

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  • marathonman

    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Thanks MM,

    Auch!!!...too much for my limited forget not trying to power up the Hoover Dam Power Plant like You are trying to...

    How about using like bifilar or trifilar of say 10 gauge?...meaning, connecting the two or three strands in parallel and winding them as tight as possible close to each others?

    Also, since Toroid core is already insulated by epoxy...and windings turns are not to be that close to each others (turns not touching each others)...then copper don't need to be insulated?...then we could use bare House Wire of thick gauge also going Multifilar...we could always clear high temp. resin the whole thing once it is finished and tested.

    Just some thoughts to drive magnetism-currents in a higher level...and cheaper...


    I would definitely NOT recommend bifilar wire as this is not needed. one thick wire like a inductor is all that is needed.

    like i suggested use magnet wire as heavy insulated is not really needed. when unit is finished and powering your house you can clear coat it and place it an electrical box with lock and key


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  • marathonman
    Electronic Brush Simulation


    For everyone that is pursuing electronic switching there is specific reasons why i went with the type of switching i am using.
    as the primaries go low and are basically shoved out of the core into part G feeding every half turn for self sustainment NOTHING AND I MEAN NOTHING can come between these two or this will not ever take place. and also trying to replace part G with electronics will end up with the same results.... NO SELF SUSTAINMENT.

    by using a logic level NPN (5 volt switching) this allows me to switch a high power PNP high side transistor at any power level i so choose. by being high side between part G and positive supply i can switch the PNP's in a make before break scenario meaning one turns on before other turns off (overlap) to exactly mimic the rotating brush with absolutely no interferences to part G's wonderful duties what so ever with contant currant flow.

    this non interference is absolutely needed in the Figuera device as ANY INTERUPTION of part G will result in either a nonworking device or non self sustainment.

    so by using or following these strict guideline you will safely switch part G in a completely static non moving set up and reap it's mountain of generosity.


    Last edited by marathonman; 10-31-2016, 03:21 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics

    Originally posted by marathonman View Post

    Even though Figuera used rectangle wire and had a few reasons for doing so, it is not mandatory. my rectangle wire interacts with the iron core much, much better than regular wire does as the magnetic field interaction is much higher requiring much less loops but regular magnet wire will work fine just a little extra is needed. the rectangle wire i have cost 150.00 ouch ! and is a complete pain in the arse to work with requiring a vise and mallet to shape it....... not fun.
    like i have said, i originally was building for Figuera's design but changed my mind after i bought wire and went with electronic brush simulation.

    my suggestion would be use 10 awg magnet wire and tap it like myself, Cadman did. doing preliminary test to get proper currant settings and balance then later do a permanent wind. 10 awg has plenty of headroom with regards to currant and is easier to work with than rectangle wire is and much cheaper.

    if your still dead set on rectangle wire you have the link just email them for wire size needed.

    below pic is just for visualization to get a general idea of how to wind G. the build and winding techniques will ultimately be up to you.

    Thanks MM,

    Auch!!!...too much for my limited forget not trying to power up the Hoover Dam Power Plant like You are trying to...

    How about using like bifilar or trifilar of say 10 gauge?...meaning, connecting the two or three strands in parallel and winding them as tight as possible close to each others?

    Also, since Toroid core is already insulated by epoxy...and windings turns are not to be that close to each others (turns not touching each others)...then copper don't need to be insulated?...then we could use bare House Wire of thick gauge (8 awg) also going Multifilar...we could always clear high temp. resin the whole thing once it is finished and tested.

    Just some thoughts to drive magnetism-currents in a higher level...and cheaper... seems I also want to Power up that Hoover Dam...


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-31-2016, 03:14 PM.

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  • marathonman
    Part G

    My wire would be great for Netica's Hoover Dam Power Plant build. ha, ha, ha ! ...... just kidding mr. netica, quite excellent build, very impressive.

    Even though Figuera used rectangle wire and had a few reasons for doing so, it is not mandatory. my rectangle wire interacts with the iron core much, much better than regular wire does as the magnetic field interaction is much higher requiring much less loops but regular magnet wire will work fine just a little extra is needed. the rectangle wire i have cost 150.00 ouch ! and is a complete pain in the arse to work with requiring a vise and mallet to shape it....... not fun.
    like i have said, i originally was building for Figuera's design but changed my mind after i bought wire and went with electronic brush simulation.

    my suggestion would be use 8 awg magnet wire and tap it like myself, Cadman did. doing preliminary test to get proper currant settings and balance then later do a permanent wind. 8 awg has plenty of headroom with regards to currant and is easier to work with than rectangle wire is and much cheaper.

    if your still dead set on rectangle wire you have the link just email them for wire size needed.

    below pic is just for visualization to get a general idea of how to wind G. the build and winding techniques will ultimately be up to you.

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-12-2016, 08:01 AM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    below is pic of part G's wire used for part G. wide i know but not many winds are needed with my thick iron laminated core on post # 2. emmmm part G.

    Hello MM,

    Could you please provide the rectangular wire spec's shown above that you are using on Part G Toroid?

    I already searched their site:


    Then went into their Rectangular Wire stock and Item/Description/Spool#....where they have several...I tried (before writing this) to search according to # shown on your pic label (44842) no luck...

    Could you point out which one you have chosen?

    I don't think EIS would have that kind of wire ...or would they?...As I also could drive to their place...not that close but is ok.

    Appreciate all your help to help Us put this Device together

    Thanks and Regards

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-31-2016, 12:18 PM.

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  • marathonman
    Part G overhead view

    i wound my Part G from Set S to Set N starting on the left going up CW. i think in the past i might have mentioned ccw for some reason or brain fart and for this i am sorry.

    the pic below is Figuera part G from above. notice the winding"s starting With Set S going up on the left side to set N is CW to get the proper N><N repulsion fields at the positive clockwise rotating brush.
    this would allow two separate feeds to be independently varied but in complete unison.
    also notice the core is wound with one continuous winding. i hope this clarifies some confusion on which way and how to wind part G.

    Last edited by marathonman; 10-30-2016, 08:55 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Netica View Post
    Hi marathonman and all,

    Glad to be aboard and to able to contribute when possible, and glad you liked some of my previous videos I have done.
    Thank you UFop for the kind words.

    I just like to post a pic of my set up. It is very much an overkill but it has been put together with things I have had on hand and achieves the task needed for now.

    Hello Netica,

    You are welcome, and it is all my pleasure!...I know very well you are an excellent builder here!!

    It is a very nice and robust built Switching System...and simply it is a Proof of Concept that Part G works beautifully, without the need of any resistors at all...As it can Modulate Currents based on Inductance and Magnetic Reactance...Wonderful!!

    So far you are doing exactly what are the BASIC REQUIREMENTS...which is NOT Allowing Fields to EVER Collapse nor go below zero (reversing fields)...As is to Rise and Fall Fields in a smooth fashion and not in a steep, not radical, vertical drop offs...excellent!!.

    Your Tests constitute the Solid Grounds to establish that Part G functions according to MM Spec's.

    And so...from here it is just a matter of making the proper adjustments and enhancements to Time Machine according to the Virtual Magnetic Fields variations to effect the perfect and stronger Induction at Secondaries...

    In my opinion, to drive your signals to perfection...the Lows would need to rise positively a bit more, like around 50% of Max values. So, if you have here a max of 11 V...they should drop to around 5 to 6 V...

    This type of driving system have the tendency (like any other increasing "signal over time" system) to "shrink" signal over time at higher speeds, this reduces the contact times as tend to make more radical rise and drop it is good to start checking the Spread to be pretty wide at low order that driving it at required 3000 to 3600 RPM's...would still reflect the smoothness of rise and fall.

    Excellent work and many thanks for posting them here!!


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-30-2016, 02:00 PM.

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  • marathonman


    Now we know whose building to replace Hoover Dam power plant. ha, ha, ha .......... all in good faith Mr. netica.

    looks great presence well received and appreciated.

    "This may not be an ideal wave form. I have only started playing around with it. It is only ment to show that the G core works in the way predicted by marathonman."

    NO WAY ! according to certain people i am crazy and don't know what i am talking about so that can't take, not in their minds but in REALITY......BOO YA ! right over left field wall..... home run.

    this my friends, is a home run for all forum members around the world that are following Figuera.

    i may be broke and can't afford much but i shure in hell can spread the word.....thats free.

    FANTASTIC NETICA, very nice oscilloscope...... i have a cheap Owan but it works.

    now all you need to do is extend on time for the lows to round it off, reduce high time slightly then bring reduction to no less than half way and you will have a winner my friend.

    Last edited by marathonman; 10-30-2016, 07:58 PM.

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  • Netica
    This is a picture of the output from my G core just to show and back up what I have previously stated, and that is that it works with respect to splitting the current into opposite outputs regarding High Low. One side being high the other low at the same time.

    At the time I was powering 12volt lights.

    This may not be an ideal wave form. I have only started playing around with it. It is only ment to show that the G core works in the way predicted by marathonman.

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  • Netica
    Hi marathonman and all,

    Glad to be aboard and to able to contribute when possible, and glad you liked some of my previous videos I have done.
    Thank you UFop for the kind words.

    I just like to post a pic of my set up. It is very much an overkill but it has been put together with things I have had on hand and achieves the task needed for now.

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  • marathonman

    My most humble thank you sir ever.
    well put, well said.

    To all;
    like i have been saying for a long time PCBWAY is unbelievably fast. i ordered my timing board on Tuesday the 25th, in production on Wednesday the 26th, today Sunday the 30th at 3:30 am it sits in Cincinnati DHL hub waiting to come to Texas....... thats very fast.from China to.

    on post #6 i outlined how to wind the primary cores and this is for a reason. as the pressure wall of the primaries are swung over to the receding electromagnet, the wall being high pressure will suppress all incoming currant while the pressure in the core will be high also. at that very time the pressure in part G will be low for that input allowing the high pressure in the receding electromagnet to be transfered to the core of part G in the form of a magnetic field feeding part G every half turn. this very action allows the electrical energy to be recycled back and forth between the primaries and part G. in the patent it says ONLY A FRACTION OF THE OUTPUT IS USED to run the motor and replace losses occurred which are from core, heat and wire loss, which are very little.

    so ask your self this simple logical question; " if the second secondary is only a fraction of it's output being used to run motor (very small) and to replace losses (small) then where is the power comming from to maintain it self"???

    simple logical and sane answer; the power in the system is recycled between the primaries and part G and what little losses there are (very efficient system) is replaced from the (fraction ) of the second secondary. meaning of fraction...... very small portion.

    any other answer is utter hogwash and insanity to the 5th degree. so now do you think part G is important??
    you darn right it is.

    do you think a person that doesn't believe this or doesn't follow simple logical guidelines will ever get the device running???

    not a chance in hell.

    so ask yourself; would you follow a person that can't think logically, out side the box or even understand a patent???

    not a chance in hell.

    think people, that is what your brain is for.........well most of us anyways !

    imagine that.

    Last edited by marathonman; 10-30-2016, 09:51 AM.

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  • admin
    Rules for this thread

    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    THIS THREAD IS FOR SERIOUS FIGUERA BUILDERS ONLY. all posters will be required to post a pic of work or devices in progress with in reason according to the patents that include moving or non moving control systems. at no time shall bad mouthers and known arguers be allowed.

    Anytime someone starts a thread and they have requests about the thread that are made very clear, please honor their wishes.

    If you have something you want to post but it out of alignment with the ground rules laid out by the person starting the thread, send a private message to them to ask permission or start another thread.

    For this thread, it is very clear in the first post that you are requested to post pictures of your work on this project and if you cannot honor this request, please read the sentence above.

    Anyone that does not want to respect the rules of a thread may have their account penalized, restricted, banned or otherwise.
    Last edited by Aaron; 10-30-2016, 09:25 PM.

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