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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • Cadman
    Count me in.

    I haven't been able to access my photobucket account since this thread was opened so couldn't furnish pics.

    I'll take some more shots tonight and try

    You have the exact same commutator that I have. Small world huh.


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  • marathonman

    DROOL, DROOL, don't tease like that, love garlic. nice looking crop.
    pick all you want.


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  • Cornboy 555
    Thanks for the welcome guys,

    MM, the toroid is 1500va and will chop up the old oven transformers for primary and secondary cores, and will pick all your brains as to wire size and lengths for winding.

    UFO, thanks, the flat face commutator will allow a very compact one piece build.

    Still haven't worked out how to send you guys Garlic from AU without someone interfering with it on the way.

    Regards Cornboy,

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  • marathonman
    Basic Operation

    i had stated in the past that the windings were ccw but wound part G cw. the correct winding in the pic CW to get the proper N><N fields. sorry why i did this i dont know.

    Last edited by marathonman; 10-30-2016, 08:37 PM.

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  • marathonman
    Part G

    Fairly self explanatory about proper va of part G's core.



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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    I really don't think he will have a retraction problem with his vertical faced commutator. very good approach.MM
    Yes, agree there MM, I did not realized it was a vertical faced commutator!!

    Centrifugal forces will not act directly against springs like in side ways contact.

    Yes great approach.

    Thanks for rectifying that. And I deleted all my confusing recommendations...done


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-26-2016, 02:59 PM.

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  • marathonman

    I really don't think he will have a retraction problem with his vertical faced commutator. very good approach.

    In an inductor wound on a straight rod-shaped core, the magnetic field lines emerging from one end of the core must pass through the air to re-enter the core at the other end. This reduces the field, because much of the magnetic field path is in air rather than the higher permeability core material. A higher magnetic field and inductance can be achieved by forming the core in a closed magnetic circuit. The magnetic field lines form closed loops within the core without leaving the core material. The shape often used is a toroidal or doughnut-shaped iron core. Because of their symmetry, toroidal cores allow a minimum of the magnetic flux to escape outside the core (called leakage flux), so they radiate less electromagnetic interference than other shapes.

    and you have to wonder about all those bad mouthers hounding me about why i thought Figuera was using a toroid ie, iron cylinder insulated from wire.

    thing that make you go hummmm !

    Last edited by marathonman; 11-15-2016, 07:29 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post


    Hi Marathonman, good on you for starting your own thread.

    I have been following the Figurea thread from the start and what you have revealed does make a lot of sense to me.

    I am a big fan of mechanical switching so i will be using a Flat face 16 bar commutator to switch 16 equal taps on the toroid.

    My main skills are mechanical and i will try to do Clemente justice with my build.

    Have been hunting and gathering parts for a few weeks now, and hope to start work on my build in a few weeks time, as i am in the middle of Garlic harvest right now.

    Will be watching to pick up pointers as you progress.

    Best Regards Cornboy.

    Hello Old Friend!!

    It is great to see You here!!

    Like always, beautiful color pictures of very high resolution...

    I see You are going for the mechanical rotary switching, the same way I am working on...You and I love high speed spinning parts!...

    In the meantime here is my Power Rotary Switch (you may have seen it before)


    The reason why I build like this is to use the smallest motor available, in order to spend just "pennies" in VA energy do the switching job.

    Have a happy and successful build!!


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-26-2016, 02:58 PM.

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  • marathonman

    I thank you UFOP for your kind words and excellent analogy.
    i was to darn busy trying to explain myself in that horrible thread i neglected my build. since that crap is over i can concentrate on my build once again.

    regarding part G, i have posted all over the place and NOT ONE electronic tech could explain it's function let alone calculate it. if that is what a college degree got them then i say it was a waste of money.

    simple and elegant Self induction. over complicated and overlooked by most until you test it then the "wow" factor hit's you, "WOW", that was simple, easy and most of all, it works. welcome to world of part G fellas.

    it's good to breath.

    Last edited by marathonman; 01-19-2017, 05:37 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Netica View Post
    Hello marathonman and all builders.

    I have built and tested the G core in the way marathonman describes, although my windings are a little bit different in design.
    I have found that the G core works exactly as was predicted by marathonman with respect to splitting the current into opposite outputs regarding High Low. One side being high the other low at the same time.
    Hello Netica,

    That above written are very positive results, and thanks for sharing your results here!!

    It just proves that this Part G works perfectly well as explained by MM, As is the regulation of currents flow through its two ports alternatively.

    Wonderful and many thanks!

    Originally posted by Netica View Post
    At the moment I have rounded tops (high) and nice sharp lows that come to just above zero (couple of volts).

    One thing I wasn't expecting, is that at least with my set up I needed to connect both outputs to a load for it to work.

    Definitively -like MM wrote above- Part G needs to be connected to its "pistons" Primaries in order to work. Or simply -for testing purposes- to a couple of Incandescent Bulbs of the proper VA Ratings.

    Primaries (or the Bulbs) supply "the load" plus also, they close the Power Source Negative Voltage circuit to Part G.

    Would love to see the pictures of your set up.

    Regards and Great work Netica!!

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-26-2016, 01:16 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Good building Thread!!

    Excellent Thread MM!!,

    Is good to see you having your own place here, where you can take your time to disclose all data related to your excellent self maintained and controlling device which is Part G "re-defined" for Max Operation.

    Without all the noise from the rest...resulting in a lot of interference which does not allow Us to share in a clean communication directly related comments to our builds, our data, spec's and results.

    Welcome Cornboy, Welcome Netica!!

    It is excellent to have here such BUILDERS of Your size and reputation, working on this beautiful device!!

    As I am sure Cadman, and many other great builders will also be joining Us soon.

    The point here is the development of Part G according to Marathonman specifications...which is directly attached to our Primaries or Inducers.

    Explaining my point of view about the way I see this System, I find a simple way by comparing it to known Mechanical Concepts...

    Part G (relating it basically to the Toroid Core plus windings), is not only just a plain "Pump" as it is also the Distributing Timing Device effected on its Two Outlet-Inlet Ports which connects to the Primaries (executing Pistons).

    Like any Mechanical Pump, it has Two Functions...Outflow (High Pressures) and Inflow (returning, Low Pressures), which alternately switch from one port to the other as the rotating Positive Input changes positioning during Cycles.

    Part G has Two Cycles, which ends and restarts apart by exactly 180º at each port.

    During each cycle it does two simultaneous functions; to build the proper pressure for output, from the rotating positive output towards the incoming port (according to Rotation), which fills up the expanding primaries. While at the other side (downside) of positive input, it creates the suction, based on lower pressures, which collects the flow coming from the retracting primaries.

    Therefore, when the rotating Positive Output (Brush or Tap from electronic signal) reaches the Output Port, we could say "Pump Piston is at TDC", exhausting Max Pressure to the Expanding Primaries...While at the other 180º apart Port, is reaching Max Vacuum, Sucking Pressures, which allows the entrance flow from the fully retracting Primaries. And after this two functions reach full contact, Part G restarts the next Cycle.

    Resuming, it builds positive pressures as it rotates towards the incoming (approaching) port, as it builds vacuum or negative pressures on the opposed (left behind) port.

    Reaches TDC, Cycle Resumes.

    Restart a new Cycle, building pressures as ports reverses functions.

    Primaries are the Pump executing Pistons.

    System works on Magnetic Pressures, and the Liquid flowing are the Currents.

    After the System is running, loss of currents leakage is minimal in order to maintain proper magnetic pressures, therefore, very small amounts are required to make it self sustained. This very small amounts could be extracted from the secondaries main output, through any downgrade device, like a "Buck Converter" or from a lower output "second secondary" just dedicated to stabilize the minimal losses.

    A closed Toroid is the only Geometry that will have minimal magnetic field losses generated within its core.

    Regards to All

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-26-2016, 12:54 PM.

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  • marathonman

    Like i said, i am pursuing electronic switching and mechanical but right now i will be concentrating on electronic.
    what i have found that NOTHING can come between part G and the primaries as the half turn feeding from the low primaries cannot be interrupted or else self sustainment will not be achieved. below is a pic of my circuit used and as above reason i chose high side switching. i am using 16 channels to drive 16 high power mosfets, chose 16 for lowest on time for the least heat possible.
    i am using a NPN transistor to switch a high power PNP mosfet in a make before break scenario to exactly mimic the rotating brush only. this allows my part G to perform all it's wonderful functions without any hindering of said functions. people are to overly concerned in controlling the currant or with high ohm primaries and this approach would be entirely incorrect. part G controls the currant so your primaries need to be the lowest ohms possible to get the highest possible magnetic field interaction with the secondary. primaries are doing their job of electromagnets and part G does it's job of controlling currant. lovely relationship.


    ps. if you live in the USA here is a link to the cheapest wire distributor around. they have a a store a few miles from my house so no shipping....woo who !

    pic of part G's rotation in relation to the secondary.

    Last edited by marathonman; 01-05-2017, 01:15 PM.

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  • marathonman
    Building is good


    I love that end commutator pic, found one last week on the net. glad to have a haven for builders without all the ridicule from naysayers.
    glad to have you aboard as i am pursuing electronic switching so having mechanical switching is a welcomed balance.
    UFOP will be joining in with the mechanical also.
    nice part G core,how many va is it.???

    love garlic like know tomorrow, happy harvesting and good to have you aboard
    we will be expecting samples.....ha, ha, ha !


    I am so glad for your accomplishment on part G. it is amazing how many people darn near pounded me into the ground saying it won't work when all they needed to do is just try the experiment. part G is a simple but amazing device, actually to simple for most complicated minds to comprehend and is highly overlooked.

    that would be entirely correct, part G can not work or be measured unless it is working with a load. very good to bring that up as static testing will reveille nothing.

    the sharp lows has me a little concerned though as it should be fluid like the highs are. also you probably need slightly less winding's to bring your lows no less than half way on reduction.

    please post pic of work when you can (requirement) and glad to have you aboard.

    Last edited by marathonman; 10-26-2016, 11:15 AM.

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  • Netica
    Hello marathonman and all builders.

    I have built and tested the G core in the way marathonman describes, although my windings are a little bit different in design.
    I have found that the G core works exactly as was predicted by marathonman with respect to splitting the current into opposite outputs regarding High Low. One side being high the other low at the same time.

    At the moment I have rounded tops (high) and nice sharp lows that come to just above zero (couple of volts).

    One thing I wasn't expecting, is that at least with my set up I needed to connect both outputs to a load for it to work.


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  • Cornboy 555


    Hi Marathonman, good on you for starting your own thread.

    I have been following the Figurea thread from the start and what you have revealed does make a lot of sense to me.

    I am a big fan of mechanical switching so i will be using a Flat face 16 bar commutator to switch 16 equal taps on the toroid.

    My main skills are mechanical and i will try to do Clemente justice with my build.

    Have been hunting and gathering parts for a few weeks now, and hope to start work on my build in a few weeks time, as i am in the middle of Garlic harvest right now.

    Will be watching to pick up pointers as you progress.

    Best Regards Cornboy.

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