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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • Ufopolitics
    Some issue maybe overlooked at...

    Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post

    A shot of machining G distributor, because bars are clamped so tight with bolts on the outside, i could lathe it without epoxy first, BONUS.

    Regards Cornboy.
    Looking beautiful there Cornboy!!

    It is looking really nice, coming along great!

    Now I have been thinking on this method to sweep directly on Part G windings...and it seems we have overlooked at a new issue by doing it this way...

    The Brush-Commutator runs always in one direction, however, due to the jumpers configuration, brush never sweeps the two output terminals to N-S Primaries one after the other in a sequential and adjacent way...but goes back through the resistive path (no matter resistance or inductance) until it gets to the other output opposed at 180º...

    In the case of the toroid windings brushed directly...we do not have that advantage but the brush will jump -at certain point- from output N to Output S without any resistive path between....or from High to High. Therefore, it will not take place like brush sweeping the commutator, back and forth...

    And honestly, right now, I have really no idea how this problem could be solved...but it must be, otherwise Brush loosing contact with an output -without return through current resistive path- will definitively collapse that Primary Field to restart the following one.


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 02-21-2017, 01:26 AM.

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  • Cornboy 555

    A shot of machining G distributor, because bars are clamped so tight with bolts on the outside, i could lathe it without epoxy first, BONUS.

    Regards Cornboy.

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  • marathonman
    Not said

    I never mentioned part G with his build now did i, all i stated was about the geometry of his cores which failed many people that pursued it also i never said anything about different configs not working now did i except that one so please stop adding additional crap into the conversation like the other thread members did quite frequently.
    i think your a little above that UFOP.

    "I can build a Figuera Device without Part G anytime, by just tapping directly the Primaries N and S"

    Yah ! can't wait to see that happen.

    Have fun and happy building.


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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    By all means knock your self out.

    I don't have to "knock myself out" of anywhere...just because "I AM EVERYWHERE"...

    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    the tech he is working on was a failure then so what do you think has changed, the geometry is still the same but by some miracle it does then more power to ya.
    Why a failure?...just because it don't have a "Part G Toroid"?

    MM that is called DOGMA...To believe it is the ONLY WAY Figuera will work.

    We can't drive in one way direction at all times, basically when we are just discovering and inventing here.

    Part G is fine, but so far all I have seeing it does, is to "amplify" the Commutator and Brush work. and still out of sync.

    I can build a Figuera Device without Part G anytime, by just tapping directly the Primaries N and S

    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    we are in the ballpark just need to tweek a few things in my book but then i am looking at it in a different view i guess.
    as for the "not just a brain "inflated" with airy pressurized ideas" well that is really funny since a device has been built and runs with the pressurized ideas you so boldly are scoffing at. your failure to build part G will not deter me in my pursuit what so ever and it will not include that old idea or geometry. i mean this in a good way and hope you find what ever you are looking for.
    you have most of the info i have so by you reverting back to old geometry that doesn't work, well, that is entirely on you.
    again, good luck.


    Good luck to you too MM...and regards


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  • marathonman

    By all means knock your self out. the tech he is working on was a failure then so what do you think has changed, the geometry is still the same but by some miracle it does then more power to ya.

    we are in the ballpark just need to tweek a few things in my book but then i am looking at it in a different view i guess.
    as for the "not just a brain "inflated" with airy pressurized ideas" well that is really funny since a device has been built and runs with the pressurized ideas you so boldly are scoffing at. your failure to build part G will not deter me in my pursuit what so ever and it will not include that old idea or geometry. i mean this in a good way and hope you find what ever you are looking for.
    you have most of the info i have so by you reverting back to old geometry that doesn't work, well, that is entirely on you.
    again, good luck.


    Last edited by marathonman; 02-20-2017, 04:59 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Grey Wolf View Post

    Another area of my uncertainty is how the 'Y' coils are wound.

    Grey Wolf

    Hello Grey Wolf,

    The Y Coils are wound EXACTLY same direction as your two primaries.

    So, if you are starting each primary CW at front where it would be facing Y, to feed positive there, at start to get a North Front Pole...then running windings back and be the part Y same exact way.

    Once you wind could reverse Y coil then see it will still have output, but not as much as when all in CW or same direction.


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 02-20-2017, 03:41 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Grey Wolf View Post
    Hello to all,

    Although I am new to the forum I have been building and testing for more than 4 years. I have a completed device that I will share as well as some completely different interpritations of the patent drawing.
    First of all, I believe the patent is a complete illustration of the device. The resistor'R' in the drawing IS NOT a separate resistor but represents the total resistance of either the 'N' or'S' set of seven coils. If the N couls are numbered from left to right, the N1 coil would get full voltage if the commutator is on the #1 position.
    All seven of the coils are connected in series and the #2 wire connects between N1 and N2. The #3 wire connects between N2 and N3. This continues in this manner until you connect #7 between N6 and N7. There is a jumper wire ( which in the drawing shows to be just a half of a resistor leg) connecting to #8. #8 and #9 are connected together and are joined to S1 above the N7 coil. Coils S1 to S7 are numbered from right to left or reverse of N coils.
    There are NO BRIDGE CONNECTOR BETWEEN THE 'N' COILS AND THE 'S' COILS. Only #1 and #16 and #8 and #9. There IS A JUMPER between #7 and #8 and a jumper between #15 and #16.
    All the 'S' coils are also connected in series and are connected in similar fashion as was the N coil series.
    This should be enough to get your thinking caps on a start a good discussion. As in told UFOPolitics in a privite dialog to him, "Sometimes we get so close to the forest that we can't see the trees"

    Thanks ,

    Grey Wolf
    Hello Grey Wolf,

    I believe you have posted on the wrong Thread friend...this thread is kind of a "Religious Cult" to Part G development disclosed by Marathon Man...Just kidding about "Cult" MM...

    Grey Wolf approached on my You Tube Chanel with his ideas which I considered pretty I am working on something very similar as well.

    We exchanged a lot of conversation on also his work on pictures of the real deal:




    Which proved to me he is a real builder (not just a brain "inflated" with airy pressurized ideas, which never get to become real (sometimes air globe blows out......we do not need anymore of those "specimens"...we have enough by now guys!!!)..and so I welcomed him on this whole Forum Platform.

    Figuera Device , still, have NOT been proven out in the OPEN to FUNCTION as predicted by Clemente Figuera back in 1908 Patent...or to be a Self Sustained Machine and produce Industrial Currents, with a REAL BUILD which shows it works in SUCH SAID WAY BY ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!!!...and that includes Part G...where all we have so far are words of possible builds which have never materialized by either photos nor videos for any possible reason that has been said...the point is radical, we ain't got nothing yet that for sure it will definitively work fine and dandy AS the proposed ways, Ladies and Gentlemen.

    Therefore, I strongly believe and then SUGGEST we should be VERY OPEN to new and fresh ideas which may not be perfect, but they could be improved, and so become a solid proof of a working device

    I myself for many personal reasons do not like "Cults" nor Dictatorships OF ABSOLUTELY ANY KIND at all which force to go ONLY ONE WAY, WHICHEVER BE...much less in SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT!!

    However, if it can not be explained here...for me to OPEN A NEW THREAD is a matter of MILLISECONDS...(Yeap, that fast!!)

    Regards to All

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 02-20-2017, 03:38 PM.

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  • Cornboy 555
    Hi Grey wolf, i use, it's free, and very quick to upload your photos to. Then you just right click on your uploaded photo, click on copy image location, and paste it in your forum post by clicking on the yellow box with the mountains in it.

    Hope this helps. Cornboy.

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  • marathonman
    Profile page

    if you click on your name in your post then click view profile. you can add photo albums. click photo albums then add photo. after photo is uploaded click to view photo then copy top url and paste in the box insert image, the yellow mountain above on the action bar then post. do this while logged in. or you can copy url from pic hosting site and paste in the box then post.


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  • Grey Wolf
    Need help on how to upload photos to forum

    I am not able to upload photo. I need some help.Grey Wolf

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  • marathonman

    So it sounds like your core are built like the original start of the other thread in which basically failed and is completely different from what we are working on.
    as for the photos, you can start photo albums in your profile page then link them to your post. it allows for quite a lot of photos.
    as for the secondary, it is wound according to present day winding tech.
    Good luck.

    Last edited by marathonman; 02-20-2017, 04:04 AM.

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  • Grey Wolf
    I do have many photos and diagrams of my work. I am having difficulty in posting photos that are on my cell phone. I am still testing and have just recently gotten my device reconfigured to what I feel is the correct build out. I am NOT SKILLED in diagnosing the out put of my device and this is where I need some help from those on the forum.
    My latest test shows 13.8 volts out put as AC current. My N and S coils each have 325 turns on 16 ga. Copper wire in three layere over a laminated 6 layer iron core of cold rolled steel. Each electromagnet coil can lift 5 pound when charged with 12 volts. Each of these 14 coils are shaped like an E without the center bar. 7 wound clockwise and 7 counterclockwise.
    Another area of my uncertainty is how the 'Y' coils are wound. What I have are like a capital I with the same 325 turns of 16 ga. Wire.
    I will try to send photos again but I will send them separately because the last time I tried, I lost the typed text and all. Hope this adds some insight. Grey Wolf

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  • Cornboy 555
    Welcome Grey Wolf, great to see you here, and thank you for sharing.

    It would be greatly appreciated if you could share the details of your build with us, some photo's or drawings will help understanding your device.

    Many Thanks, Cornboy.

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  • marathonman
    Page 1

    So you have a completed device, well does it, your completed device run as in a good output? you never said and what is your output of your so called completed device and where are the pictures of the completed device. i am sure after 4 years you have pics of such device which are stated as one of the rules of page 1 of this thread and at my discretion as it is my thread.
    "First of all, I believe the patent is a complete illustration of the device"
    then you are living in a fantasy as the patent clearly states it is illustrated in it's most elementary form for comprehension thus you would be completely incorrect.
    but if you do have something worth while then by all means please proceed.
    Thank you and have a nice day.


    Please remember Figuera NEVER said resistors, he says resistor or resistance and that one end of the resistance is connected to set N and the other to set S so that basically blows the guy above statement out of the water so to speak.

    Last edited by marathonman; 02-20-2017, 03:44 AM.

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  • Grey Wolf
    Builder new to forum

    Hello to all,
    Although I am new to the forum I have been building and testing for more than 4 years. I have a completed device that I will share as well as some completely different interpritations of the patent drawing.
    First of all, I believe the patent is a complete illustration of the device. The resistor'R' in the drawing IS NOT a separate resistor but represents the total resistance of either the 'N' or'S' set of seven coils. If the N couls are numbered from left to right, the N1 coil would get full voltage if the commutator is on the #1 position.
    All seven of the coils are connected in series and the #2 wire connects between N1 and N2. The #3 wire connects between N2 and N3. This continues in this manner until you connect #7 between N6 and N7. There is a jumper wire ( which in the drawing shows to be just a half of a resistor leg) connecting to #8. #8 and #9 are connected together and are joined to S1 above the N7 coil. Coils S1 to S7 are numbered from right to left or reverse of N coils.
    There are NO BRIDGE CONNECTOR BETWEEN THE 'N' COILS AND THE 'S' COILS. Only #1 and #16 and #8 and #9. There IS A JUMPER between #7 and #8 and a jumper between #15 and #16.
    All the 'S' coils are also connected in series and are connected in similar fashion as was the N coil series.
    This should be enough to get your thinking caps on a start a good discussion. As in told UFOPolitics in a privite dialog to him, "Sometimes we get so close to the forest that we can't see the trees" Thanks ,Grey Wolf

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