THIS THREAD IS FOR SERIOUS FIGUERA BUILDERS ONLY. all posters ( IF EXCEPTED) will be required to post a pic of work or devices in progress with in reason according to the patents that include moving or non moving control systems. at no time shall bad mouthers and known arguers be allowed. you will be asked to leave and will be reported to the forum administrator immediately.
again this thread is about serious Figuera builders only, that want to share their real build ideas and the device as a whole, (Part G) and related technology on a professional but casual level.
if it is not related to Figuera don't post it, if the words out of your mouth are not Figuera don't post it, if you come to run your mouth to disagree don't post it. abide by these rules or you will be asked to leave.
study all patents, my research, view my profile pics, your research and related materials and start building or don't bother posting.
This Thread was open in order to Distribute correct information and fully develop Part G as a Wound Toroidal Iron Core Inductor becoming the "HEART BEAT" which makes the Figuera device to fully work as a Self Sustained System. Since many Building and Developing Members were extremely opposing to the Part G development on the Part 1 Figuera Thread.
Therefore, I, Marathonman, the Owner of this Thread Reserve the right to accept or not, a new incoming Member, even if he or she shows proof of their building.
Pm me if you want to join like minded builders and we will go from that point forward.
Our mission: quite sipmply, to change the world.
i want to see your Figuera build. SHOW ME YOUR FIGUERA.

if not for the patient sharing and collaboration of Doug to me none of this would have been possible.
Thank you Doug.

again this thread is about serious Figuera builders only, that want to share their real build ideas and the device as a whole, (Part G) and related technology on a professional but casual level.
if it is not related to Figuera don't post it, if the words out of your mouth are not Figuera don't post it, if you come to run your mouth to disagree don't post it. abide by these rules or you will be asked to leave.
study all patents, my research, view my profile pics, your research and related materials and start building or don't bother posting.
This Thread was open in order to Distribute correct information and fully develop Part G as a Wound Toroidal Iron Core Inductor becoming the "HEART BEAT" which makes the Figuera device to fully work as a Self Sustained System. Since many Building and Developing Members were extremely opposing to the Part G development on the Part 1 Figuera Thread.
Therefore, I, Marathonman, the Owner of this Thread Reserve the right to accept or not, a new incoming Member, even if he or she shows proof of their building.
Pm me if you want to join like minded builders and we will go from that point forward.
Our mission: quite sipmply, to change the world.

if not for the patient sharing and collaboration of Doug to me none of this would have been possible.
Thank you Doug.