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Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.( Serious Builders Only)

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  • marathonman

    Show pics of trafo please..... good find cornboy...congrats.

    look for any weld spots, carefully grind down only as needed. it would be nice if it was only bolted together. after that you should be able to separate with razor knife. after that cut to size then reassemble to desired thickness.

    when i receive a few pay outs i will be getting a few large trafo's then building final unit to power house. my cores i have now are only temporary.
    it is very hard to find scrap here in Texas.

    Last edited by marathonman; 12-04-2016, 09:50 PM.

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  • Cornboy 555
    Originally posted by Netica View Post
    Hi Cornboy,

    Have not had much of a chance to do much as so busy with day to day life things. Have mainly been playing around with g core set ups and wave forms.

    Have done some tests with coils and been able to get some good sine wave outputs.

    I have found also that when the secondary induced is put under load that there is no more power draw on the primaries, in fact the load falls of a little, which is a good sign. However this may be missleading at this point as primaries use alot more power that can be output from the secondaries.

    I am thinking that if the g core is actually as mm has shown and as I am testing and I think highly likely given technology at the time, then the patent is truly made up purposly to mislead while at the same time showing how its done. As they could of easily shown a more precise representation. So the rest of it may still not be as easy as the patents looks.
    It has obviously been drawn to such a simplistic form as to hide and misslead to be able to bring it to its ultimate functionality.

    Also UFO I am not in Europe, but in Melbourne Australia.


    Thanks for chiming in Netica, hope to catch up in person one day. i am on the mid north coast NSW, Totally Understand about being time poor.

    Curious about your primaries and secondary, what wire size did you use, and what ohms did you end up with?.

    @ All, next step for me is to finish G by making rotating brush set up, and then on to primaries.

    Found an old mig in a dumpster and stripped wire off the core of the large transformer, should have enough for a couple of sets of primaries and secondaries if i am carefull. Never cut laminated tranny's before, any tips welcome guys.

    All The Best, Cornboy

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  • marathonman
    Figuera device

    Once the system is completed it will consist of a closed loop system recycling it's power.
    the primaries, second secondaries and part G will be the closed loop system. part G stores it and uses it the next half turn of the brush all while the reducing primaries feed part G's reducing field, well, adding to it acting like an amplifier. the second secondary replaces losses.

    it's all about recycling in a closed loop system. a system of high and low pressures not plus and minus.

    "It has obviously been drawn to such a simplistic form as to hide and misslead to be able to bring it to its ultimate functionality."

    that is exactly why i took so much crap from people because they could not see past the F-in drawing. it even says it was in it's elementary form and even then it was over most people head and still is. resistors..... ha, ha, ha !

    for those who make their own bobbins the measuring shot glass below sure comes in handy. it has oz, ml, tbs and tsp.

    had to stop building my bobbins as the smell was killing my roommate. actually it was the thinner that did them in......wussies, rainy weather is killing me.

    Last edited by marathonman; 12-08-2016, 02:59 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Netica View Post
    Hi Cornboy,

    Have not had much of a chance to do much as so busy with day to day life things. Have mainly been playing around with g core set ups and wave forms.

    Have done some tests with coils and been able to get some good sine wave outputs.

    I have found also that when the secondary induced is put under load that there is no more power draw on the primaries, in fact the load falls of a little, which is a good sign. However this may be misleading at this point as primaries use a lot more power that can be output from the secondaries.

    I am thinking that if the g core is actually as mm has shown and as I am testing and I think highly likely given technology at the time, then the patent is truly made up purposely to mislead while at the same time showing how its done. As they could of easily shown a more precise representation. So the rest of it may still not be as easy as the patents looks.
    It has obviously been drawn to such a simplistic form as to hide and mislead to be able to bring it to its ultimate functionality.

    Also UFO I am not in Europe, but in Melbourne Australia.

    Hello Netica,

    Oh! you are Cornboy's Neighbor!!

    Glad you have found better sinewaves as about your results when loading secondaries.

    IMHO, I highly recommend to test first one set of Primaries with just one secondary, and... as we are observing our sine generated by Part G...We also need to concentrate on observing -as well- the Field Displacement through secondary coil-core, since this will dictate the Induced Output.

    As I see this device, our Secondary Output is a result given from two main parameters here.

    1-The Two Fields (N-N) Displacement through Secondary Core-Coil axis.

    2-Field Density or Flux concentration, basically at Max/Full feed.

    Plus, of course, the number of turns and layers of our Secondaries should be as high as we could fit within our spools.

    And so I believe that in just one set of two primaries and one secondary, we could be able to achieve bigger Output than Input. Then the rest of the building process would be just to reproduce sets.

    Referring to Figuera simple circuit...I agree, as also he have all primaries connected in series...while if we do it in Parallel I see the advantage of having the same strength delivered at all primaries and distributed more evenly. Since Voltage will remain the same as Current would be stronger.

    Anyways, this was just my opinion about the method I would be using...and I could also be very wrong about it...and so, only testing different methods and connections will get us to success.

    We will see.


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 12-04-2016, 02:24 PM.

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  • Netica
    Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
    Good News Mm, gotta love that steady income.

    I struggle sometimes, boom or bust income with an organic farm, but love it.

    It would be great to hear from Netica.

    Regards Cornboy.

    Hi Cornboy,

    Have not had much of a chance to do much as so busy with day to day life things. Have mainly been playing around with g core set ups and wave forms.

    Have done some tests with coils and been able to get some good sine wave outputs.

    I have found also that when the secondary induced is put under load that there is no more power draw on the primaries, in fact the load falls of a little, which is a good sign. However this may be missleading at this point as primaries use alot more power that can be output from the secondaries.

    I am thinking that if the g core is actually as mm has shown and as I am testing and I think highly likely given technology at the time, then the patent is truly made up purposly to mislead while at the same time showing how its done. As they could of easily shown a more precise representation. So the rest of it may still not be as easy as the patents looks.
    It has obviously been drawn to such a simplistic form as to hide and misslead to be able to bring it to its ultimate functionality.

    Also UFO I am not in Europe, but in Melbourne Australia.


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  • marathonman

    Making new Bobbins, secondaries were slightly to small.
    ugly rainy day but having fun with bobbins.
    first step cut length/width then superglue. cut out ends.
    second, coat all with resin let dry overnight.
    third, sand all smooth, attach ends recoat let dry
    fourth, complete recoat let dry, sand interior edges.
    cut slots for wire then wind.

    pic is two primaries, two secondaries.

    sooooo easy.

    Last edited by marathonman; 12-03-2016, 05:20 PM.

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  • Cornboy 555
    Good News Mm, gotta love that steady income.

    I struggle sometimes, boom or bust income with an organic farm, but love it.

    It would be great to hear from Netica.

    Regards Cornboy.

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  • marathonman
    Fuguera Monster

    Yes, Yes, a Figuera monster.

    i have this whole weekend to my build so i am hoping to get all cores and electronic board done.
    i have been busy working on two contracts, one in San Antonio and the other here. well the one out of town went null but i got the one here in Houston and i start Tuesday of next week....Woo who ! the property management company has a massive amount of work remodeling homes interior and exterior and i will be an independent contractor. i also do fence and deck restoration so the combo will land a rather large sum of money in my pocket. plus permanent steady income.

    all i can think about is finishing this build. very exciting times.

    does anyone have a clue as to what happened to Netica. haven't heard from him in a while.

    i love this device, to much i think.
    Last edited by marathonman; 12-03-2016, 03:33 AM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    Paralleling layers but even if i was to do tesla type winding i am only looking at 2 ohms for 8 core set.

    I am doing just six sets total...however will be running first individual set testings before I go to all the rest.

    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    "if so...that would be some "one of a kind" Magnetic Field there!!." ???? explain.

    ...just that it would be a super strong and a super fast response Field...other words...a Monster...

    You still would be driving it with 50V and 4-5 Amps at Max?...and I believe it would still be strong at even half that amperage.

    I already got the rest of iron cores...working on them.


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 12-02-2016, 10:21 PM.

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  • marathonman
    Power supply

    A custom built 100 volt 10 amp power supply.

    bobbins are awesome and working very well.

    Last edited by marathonman; 12-02-2016, 07:18 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    Paralleling layers.


    What are U trying to Power Up?...the TPL...Texas Power and Light Plant?

    Thanks, that's Awesome!

    One question though...What are U using to power up your Exciting System?

    If it is a PSU...I hope it is linear...otherwise I see you buying some power resistors and heat sinks...

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 12-02-2016, 07:05 PM.

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  • marathonman

    Paralleling layers but even if i was to do tesla type winding i am only looking at 2 ohms for 8 core set.

    "if so...that would be some "one of a kind" Magnetic Field there!!." ???? explain.

    Last edited by marathonman; 12-02-2016, 07:03 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post

    Finished primary three layers.

    happy building,

    Hey MM,

    Are you making Threefilar Windings there?

    That is what it looks like...or are you paralleling all three layers?

    Which bolts down to almost same thing...except for the layout of layers-wire positioning...if so...that would be some "one of a kind" Magnetic Field there!!...

    Take care

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 12-02-2016, 06:50 PM.

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  • marathonman
    By the way, love that little machine you have to wind plus count...does it count ft or turns?

    Where did you get it?

    The machine i purchased off of ebay a while back for 80 bucks shipping included and yes l like it to. it counts turns.
    winds are nice and tight thanks to my water pipe. LOL
    i plan on in the future removing the hand crank and installing a mounted drill motor in slow mode with a variable foot pedal switch.


    part G coming along nice i see, am curious as to the six fittings on one side though.?? EDIT. duh ! i see why now with closer inspection.
    paint program has pic resizer as your pics are a little large for average size screens people tend to use. i on the other hand have a 42 inch 1920 x 1080 screen on articulate arm hanging on wall so ok for me.
    when i am working on circuit board i pull up circuit on screen and push screen to wall to give me room. i really is a nice set up for me as at night when i am relaxing on bed i turn screen to me and surf web with wireless mouse .

    i see all of us are advancing along very well. i am very glad UFOP talked me into my own thread as we all shot out like a cannon with our devices. not to mention we are averaging around 625 to 630 views a day, yes we have the worlds attention. i especially like one from the looser thread gave this thread 1 star. What a joke.

    thanks all for being here and i am glad i was able to share my bag of Figuera goodies with all of you..

    part G is coming along real nice as are primaries.

    Finished primary three layers.

    happy building,

    Last edited by marathonman; 12-02-2016, 05:24 PM.

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  • Cornboy 555

    Hi All, at last i had some time to start part G.

    We planted 300 Bee food trees just before garlic harvest, and have not had rain since, so hand watering to get started, plus other urgent farm work.

    This was my second attempt, not pleased at all with my first.

    It's a bit rough but for proof of concept, it should do.

    Best regards Cornboy.

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